Source code for wbia.algo.graph.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np  # NOQA
import utool as ut

# import logging
import itertools as it
import copy
import collections
from wbia import constants as const
from wbia.algo.graph import nx_dynamic_graph

# from wbia.algo.graph import _dep_mixins
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_viz
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_helpers
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_dynamic
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_priority
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_loops
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_matching
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_groundtruth
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_simulation
from wbia.algo.graph import mixin_wbia
from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu
import pandas as pd
from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN
from wbia.algo.graph.state import UNINFERABLE
from wbia.algo.graph.state import SAME, DIFF, NULL
import networkx as nx
import logging
import threading

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

DEBUG_CC = False
# DEBUG_CC = True

def _rectify_decision(evidence_decision, meta_decision):
    If evidence decision is not explicitly set, then meta decision is used to
    make a guess. Raises a ValueError if decisions are in incompatible states.
    # Default to the decision based on the media evidence
    decision = evidence_decision
    # Overwrite the graph decision with the meta decision if necessary
    if meta_decision == SAME:
        if decision in UNINFERABLE:
            decision = POSTV
        elif decision == NEGTV:
            raise ValueError('evidence=negative and meta=same')
    elif meta_decision == DIFF:
        if decision in UNINFERABLE:
            decision = NEGTV
        elif decision == POSTV:
            raise ValueError('evidence=positive and meta=diff')
    return decision

[docs]class Feedback(object): def _check_edge(infr, edge): aid1, aid2 = edge if aid1 not in infr.aids_set: raise ValueError('aid1=%r is not part of the graph' % (aid1,)) if aid2 not in infr.aids_set: raise ValueError('aid2=%r is not part of the graph' % (aid2,))
[docs] def add_feedback_from(infr, items, verbose=None, **kwargs): if verbose is None: verbose = infr.verbose > 5 if isinstance(items, pd.DataFrame): if list(items.index.names) == ['aid1', 'aid2']: for edge, data in items.iterrows(): infr.add_feedback(edge=edge, verbose=verbose, **data) else: raise ValueError('Cannot interpret pd.DataFrame without edge index') else: # Dangerous if item length > 3 for item in items: args = [] if len(item) == 1: # Case where items=[edge1, edge2] if isinstance(item[0], int) or len(item[0]) != 2: raise ValueError('invalid edge') if len(item) == 2: # Case where items=[(edge1, state), (edge2, state)] if ut.isiterable(item[0]): edge = item[0] args = item[1:] else: edge = item else: raise ValueError('invalid edge') # Case where items=[(u, v, state), (u, v, state)] if len(item) > 3: raise ValueError('pass in data as a dataframe or ' 'use kwargs') infr.add_feedback(edge, *args, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
[docs] def edge_decision(infr, edge): r""" Gets a decision on an edge, either explicitly or implicitly CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.core edge_decision Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=1, p_incon=1) >>> decision = infr.edge_decision((1, 2)) >>> print('decision = %r' % (decision,)) >>> assert decision == POSTV >>> decision = infr.edge_decision((199, 299)) >>> print('decision = %r' % (decision,)) >>> assert decision == UNREV """ evidence_decision = infr.get_edge_attr( edge, 'evidence_decision', on_missing='default', default=UNREV ) meta_decision = infr.get_edge_attr( edge, 'meta_decision', on_missing='default', default=NULL ) decision = _rectify_decision(evidence_decision, meta_decision) return decision
[docs] def edge_decision_from(infr, edges): r""" Gets a decision for multiple edges """ edges = list(edges) evidence_decisions = infr.gen_edge_values( 'evidence_decision', edges, on_missing='default', default=UNREV ) meta_decisions = infr.gen_edge_values( 'meta_decision', edges, on_missing='default', default=NULL ) for ed, md in zip(evidence_decisions, meta_decisions): yield _rectify_decision(ed, md)
[docs] def add_node_feedback(infr, aid, **attrs): infr.print('Writing annot aid=%r %s' % (aid, ut.repr2(attrs))) ibs = infr.ibs ibs.set_annot_quality_texts([aid], [attrs['quality_texts']]) ibs.set_annot_viewpoint_code([aid], [attrs['viewpoint_code']]) ibs.overwrite_annot_case_tags([aid], [attrs['case_tags']]) ibs.set_annot_multiple([aid], [attrs['multiple']])
[docs] @profile def add_feedback( infr, edge, evidence_decision=None, tags=None, user_id=None, meta_decision=None, confidence=None, timestamp_c1=None, timestamp_c2=None, timestamp_s1=None, timestamp=None, verbose=None, priority=None, ): r""" Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> infr = testdata_infr('testdb1') >>> infr.add_feedback((5, 6), POSTV) >>> infr.add_feedback((5, 6), NEGTV, tags=['photobomb']) >>> infr.add_feedback((1, 2), INCMP) >>> print(ut.repr2(infr.internal_feedback, nl=2)) >>> assert len(infr.external_feedback) == 0 >>> assert len(infr.internal_feedback) == 2 >>> assert len(infr.internal_feedback[(5, 6)]) == 2 >>> assert len(infr.internal_feedback[(1, 2)]) == 1 """ prev_verbose = infr.verbose if verbose is not None: infr.verbose = verbose edge = aid1, aid2 = nxu.e_(*edge) if aid1 is None or aid2 is None: logger.error('add_feedback(aid1=None, aid2=None) called, ignoring') return if not infr.has_edge(edge): if True: # Allow new aids if not infr.graph.has_node(aid1): infr.add_aids([aid1]) if not infr.graph.has_node(aid2): infr.add_aids([aid2]) infr._check_edge(edge) infr.graph.add_edge(aid1, aid2) if evidence_decision is None: evidence_decision = UNREV if meta_decision is None: meta_decision = const.META_DECISION.CODE.NULL if confidence is None: confidence = const.CONFIDENCE.CODE.UNKNOWN if timestamp is None: timestamp = ut.get_timestamp('int', isutc=True) msg = 'add_feedback ({}, {}), '.format(aid1, aid2) loc = locals() msg += ', '.join( [ str(val) # key + '=' + str(val) for key, val in ( (key, loc[key]) for key in [ 'evidence_decision', 'tags', 'user_id', 'confidence', 'meta_decision', ] ) if val is not None ] ) infr.print(msg, 2, color='white') if meta_decision == NULL: # TODO: check previous meta_decision and use that if its consistent # with the evidence decision. pass decision = _rectify_decision(evidence_decision, meta_decision) if decision == UNREV: # Unreviewing an edge deletes anything not yet committed if edge in infr.external_feedback: logger.warning('External edge reviews cannot be undone') if edge in infr.internal_feedback: del infr.internal_feedback[edge] # Remove the edge from the queue if it is in there. if infr.queue: if edge in infr.queue: del infr.queue[edge] # Keep track of sequential reviews and set properties on global graph num_reviews = infr.get_edge_attr(edge, 'num_reviews', default=0) review_id = next(infr.review_counter) feedback_item = { 'tags': tags, 'evidence_decision': evidence_decision, 'meta_decision': meta_decision, 'timestamp_c1': timestamp_c1, 'timestamp_c2': timestamp_c2, 'timestamp_s1': timestamp_s1, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'confidence': confidence, 'user_id': user_id, 'num_reviews': num_reviews + 1, 'review_id': review_id, } infr.internal_feedback[edge].append(feedback_item) infr.set_edge_attr(edge, feedback_item) if infr.test_mode: prev_decision = infr._get_current_decision(edge) infr._dynamic_test_callback(edge, decision, prev_decision, user_id) # must happen after dynamic test callback infr.set_edge_attr(edge, {'decision': decision}) if infr.params['inference.enabled']: assert ( infr.dirty is False ), 'need to recompute before dynamic inference continues' # Update priority queue based on the new edge action = infr.add_review_edge(edge, decision) if infr.test_mode: infr.test_state['action'] = action if False: infr._print_debug_ccs() else: action = None infr.dirty = True infr._add_review_edge(edge, decision) if infr.params['inference.enabled'] and infr.refresh: # only add to criteria if this wasn't requested as a fix edge if priority is not None and priority <= 1.0: meaningful = bool({'merge', 'split'} & set(action)) infr.refresh.add(meaningful, user_id, decision) if infr.test_mode: metrics = infr.measure_metrics() infr.metrics_list.append(metrics) try: from wbia_lca._plugin import get_ggr_stats, LOG_DECISION_FILE valid_aids = list(sorted(infr.aids)) components = list(infr.positive_components()) component_aids = ut.flatten(components) assert len(set(component_aids) ^ set(valid_aids)) == 0 aid_to_nids = {} for index, component in enumerate(components): for aid in component: assert aid not in aid_to_nids aid_to_nids[aid] = index valid_nids = ut.take(aid_to_nids, valid_aids) ggr_name_dates_stats = get_ggr_stats( infr.ibs, valid_aids, valid_nids, ) with open(LOG_DECISION_FILE, 'a') as logfile: data = ( len(infr.metrics_list), len(set(valid_nids)), ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 D1 OR D2'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 PL INDEX'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 PL CI'], ggr_name_dates_stats['2016/01/30'], ggr_name_dates_stats['2016/01/31'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 D1 AND D2'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 COVERAGE'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-18 D1 OR D2'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-18 PL INDEX'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-18 PL CI'], ggr_name_dates_stats['2018/01/27'], ggr_name_dates_stats['2018/01/28'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-18 D1 AND D2'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-18 COVERAGE'], ggr_name_dates_stats['GGR-16 AND GGR-18'], metrics['n_algo'], metrics['n_manual'], len(infr.queue), ) line = ','.join(map(str, data))'Progress: %s' % (line,)) logfile.write('%s\n' % (line,)) except Exception: pass infr.verbose = prev_verbose
def _print_debug_ccs(infr): assert all( [ut.allsame(infr.node_labels(*cc)) for cc in infr.positive_components()] ) sorted_ccs = sorted([set(cc) for cc in infr.pos_graph.connected_components()]) msg = ( '[' + ', '.join( [ repr(cc) if infr.is_consistent(cc) else ut.highlight_text(repr(cc), 'red') for cc in sorted_ccs ] ) + ']' ) @ut.classproperty def feedback_keys(Infr): """edge attribute keys used for feedback""" return Infr.feedback_data_keys + ['num_reviews', 'review_id'] @ut.classproperty def feedback_data_keys(Infr): """edge attribute keys used for feedback""" return [ 'evidence_decision', 'tags', 'user_id', 'meta_decision', 'timestamp_c1', 'timestamp_c2', 'timestamp_s1', 'timestamp', 'confidence', ]
[docs] @profile def apply_feedback_edges(infr): r""" Transforms the feedback dictionaries into nx graph edge attributes CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.core apply_feedback_edges Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> infr = testdata_infr('testdb1') >>> infr.reset_feedback() >>> infr.params['inference.enabled'] = False >>> #infr.add_feedback((1, 2), 'unknown', tags=[]) >>> infr.add_feedback((1, 2), INCMP, tags=[]) >>> infr.apply_feedback_edges() >>> print('edges = ' + ut.repr4(dict(infr.graph.edges))) >>> result = str(infr) >>> print(result) <AnnotInference(nNodes=6, nEdges=3, nCCs=4)> """ infr.print('apply_feedback_edges', 1) # Transforms dictionary feedback into numpy array edges = [] attr_lists = {key: [] for key in infr.feedback_keys} for edge, vals in infr.all_feedback_items(): # hack for feedback rectification feedback_item = infr._rectify_feedback_item(vals) feedback_item['review_id'] = next(infr.review_counter) feedback_item['num_reviews'] = len(vals) # if feedback_item['decision'] == 'unknown': # continue set1 = set(feedback_item.keys()) set2 = set(attr_lists.keys()) if set1 != set2: raise AssertionError( 'Bad feedback keys: ' + ut.repr2(ut.set_overlap_items(set1, set2, 'got', 'want'), nl=1) # ut.repr2(sorted(feedback_item.keys()), sv=True) + ' ' + # ut.repr2(sorted(attr_lists.keys()), sv=True) ) for key, val in feedback_item.items(): attr_lists[key].append(val) edges.append(edge) assert ut.allsame(list(map(len, attr_lists.values()))) assert len(edges) == len(next(iter(attr_lists.values()))) # Put pair orders in context of the graph infr.print('_set_feedback_edges(nEdges=%d)' % (len(edges),), 3) # Ensure edges exist for edge in edges: if not infr.graph.has_edge(*edge): infr.graph.add_edge(*edge) # take evidence_decision and meta_decision into account decisions = [ _rectify_decision(ed, md) for ed, md in zip( attr_lists['evidence_decision'], attr_lists['meta_decision'] ) ] for state, es in ut.group_items(edges, decisions).items(): infr._add_review_edges_from(es, state) for key, val_list in attr_lists.items(): infr.set_edge_attrs(key, ut.dzip(edges, val_list)) if infr.params['inference.enabled']: infr.apply_nondynamic_update()
def _rectify_feedback(infr, feedback): return { edge: infr._rectify_feedback_item(vals) for edge, vals in feedback.items() } def _rectify_feedback_item(infr, vals): """uses most recently use strategy""" return vals[-1]
[docs] def all_feedback_items(infr): yield from infr.external_feedback.items() yield from infr.internal_feedback.items()
[docs] def all_feedback(infr): all_feedback = ut.ddict(list) all_feedback.update(infr.all_feedback_items()) return all_feedback
[docs] def clear_feedback(infr, edges=None): """Delete all edges properties related to feedback""" if edges is None: edges = infr.graph.edges() edges = list(edges) infr.print('clear_feedback len(edges) = %r' % (len(edges)), 2) infr.external_feedback = ut.ddict(list) infr.internal_feedback = ut.ddict(list) # Kill all feedback, remote edge labels, but leave graph edges alone keys = infr.feedback_keys + ['inferred_state'] ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(infr.graph, keys, edges) # Move reviewed edges back into the unreviewed graph for key in (POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP): subgraph = infr.review_graphs[key] prev_edges = ut.compress(edges, list(subgraph.has_edges(edges))) subgraph.remove_edges_from(prev_edges) infr.review_graphs[UNREV].add_edges_from(prev_edges) infr.pos_redun_nids.clear() infr.neg_redun_metagraph.clear() infr.nid_to_errors.clear() if __debug__: infr.assert_disjoint_invariant()
[docs] def clear_edges(infr): """ Removes all edges from the graph """ for graph in infr.review_graphs.values(): graph.remove_edges_from(list(graph.edges())) infr.graph.remove_edges_from(list(infr.graph.edges())) infr.pos_redun_nids.clear() infr.neg_redun_metagraph.clear() infr.nid_to_errors.clear()
[docs] def reset_feedback(infr, mode='annotmatch', apply=True): """Resets feedback edges to state of the SQL annotmatch table""" infr.print('reset_feedback mode=%r' % (mode,), 1) infr.clear_feedback() if mode == 'annotmatch': infr.external_feedback = infr.read_wbia_annotmatch_feedback() elif mode == 'staging': infr.external_feedback = infr.read_wbia_staging_feedback() else: raise ValueError('no mode=%r' % (mode,)) infr.internal_feedback = ut.ddict(list) if apply: infr.apply_feedback_edges()
[docs] def reset(infr, state='empty'): """ Removes all edges from graph and resets name labels. Ignore: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=5) >>> assert len(list(infr.edges())) > 0 >>> infr.reset(state='empty') >>> assert len(list(infr.edges())) == 0 """ infr.clear_edges() infr.clear_feedback() if state == 'empty': # Remove all edges, and component names infr.clear_name_labels() elif state == 'orig': raise NotImplementedError('unused') infr.reset_name_labels() else: raise ValueError('Unknown state=%r' % (state,))
[docs] def reset_name_labels(infr): """Resets all annotation node name labels to their initial values""" infr.print('reset_name_labels', 1) orig_names = infr.get_node_attrs('orig_name_label') infr.set_node_attrs('name_label', orig_names)
[docs] def clear_name_labels(infr): """Sets all annotation node name labels to be unknown""" infr.print('clear_name_labels()', 1) # make distinct names for all nodes distinct_names = {node: -aid for node, aid in infr.get_node_attrs('aid').items()} infr.set_node_attrs('name_label', distinct_names)
[docs]class NameRelabel(object):
[docs] def node_label(infr, aid): return infr.pos_graph.node_label(aid)
[docs] def node_labels(infr, *aids): return infr.pos_graph.node_labels(*aids)
def _next_nid(infr): if getattr(infr, 'nid_counter', None) is None: nids = nx.get_node_attributes(infr.graph, 'name_label') infr.nid_counter = max(nids) infr.nid_counter += 1 new_nid = infr.nid_counter return new_nid def _rectify_names(infr, old_names, new_labels): """ Finds the best assignment of old names based on the new groups each is assigned to. old_names = [None, None, None, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, None] new_labels = [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 3, 7, 7] """ infr.print('rectifying name lists', 3) from wbia.scripts import name_recitifer newlabel_to_oldnames = ut.group_items(old_names, new_labels) unique_newlabels = list(newlabel_to_oldnames.keys()) grouped_oldnames_ = ut.take(newlabel_to_oldnames, unique_newlabels) # Mark annots that are unknown and still grouped by themselves still_unknown = [len(g) == 1 and g[0] is None for g in grouped_oldnames_] # Remove nones for name rectifier grouped_oldnames = [ [n for n in oldgroup if n is not None] for oldgroup in grouped_oldnames_ ] new_names = name_recitifer.find_consistent_labeling( grouped_oldnames, verbose=infr.verbose >= 3, extra_prefix=None ) unknown_labels = ut.compress(unique_newlabels, still_unknown) new_flags = [n is None for n in new_names] # isinstance(n, str) and n.startswith('_extra_name') # for n in new_names # ] label_to_name = ut.dzip(unique_newlabels, new_names) needs_assign = ut.compress(unique_newlabels, new_flags) return label_to_name, needs_assign, unknown_labels def _rectified_relabel(infr, cc_subgraphs): """ Reuses as many names as possible """ # Determine which names can be reused from wbia.scripts import name_recitifer infr.print('grouping names for rectification', 3) grouped_oldnames_ = [ list(nx.get_node_attributes(subgraph, 'name_label').values()) for count, subgraph in enumerate(cc_subgraphs) ] # Make sure negatives dont get priority grouped_oldnames = [ [n for n in group if len(group) == 1 or n > 0] for group in grouped_oldnames_ ] infr.print( 'begin rectification of %d grouped old names' % (len(grouped_oldnames)), 2 ) new_labels = name_recitifer.find_consistent_labeling( grouped_oldnames, verbose=infr.verbose >= 3 ) infr.print('done rectifying new names', 2) new_flags = [ not isinstance(n, int) and n.startswith('_extra_name') for n in new_labels ] for idx in ut.where(new_flags): new_labels[idx] = infr._next_nid() for idx, label in enumerate(new_labels): if label < 0 and len(grouped_oldnames[idx]) > 1: # Remove negative ids for grouped items new_labels[idx] = infr._next_nid() return new_labels
[docs] @profile def relabel_using_reviews(infr, graph=None, rectify=True): r""" Relabels nodes in graph based on positive connected components This will change all of the names on the nodes to be consistent while preserving any existing names as best as possible. If rectify=False, this will be faster, but the old names will not be preserved and each PCC will be assigned an arbitrary name. Note: if something messes up you can call infr.reset_labels_to_wbia() to reset node labels to their original values --- this will almost always put the graph in an inconsistent state --- but then you can this with rectify=True to fix everything up. Args: graph (nx.Graph, optional): only edges in `graph` are relabeled defaults to current graph. rectify (bool, optional): if True names attempt to remain consistent otherwise there are no restrictions on name labels other than that they are distinct. """ infr.print('relabel_using_reviews', 2) if graph is None: graph = infr.graph # Get subgraphs and check consistency cc_subgraphs = [] num_inconsistent = 0 for cc in infr.positive_components(graph=graph): cc_subgraphs.append(infr.graph.subgraph(cc)) if not infr.is_consistent(cc): num_inconsistent += 1 infr.print('num_inconsistent = %r' % (num_inconsistent,), 2) if infr.verbose >= 2: cc_sizes = list(map(len, cc_subgraphs)) pcc_size_hist = ut.dict_hist(cc_sizes) pcc_size_stats = ut.get_stats(cc_sizes) if len(pcc_size_hist) < 8: infr.print('PCC size hist = %s' % (ut.repr2(pcc_size_hist),)) infr.print('PCC size stats = %s' % (ut.repr2(pcc_size_stats),)) if rectify: # Rectified relabeling, preserves grouping and labeling if possible new_labels = infr._rectified_relabel(cc_subgraphs) else: # Arbitrary relabeling, only preserves grouping if graph is infr.graph: # Use union find labels new_labels = { count: infr.node_label(next(iter(subgraph.nodes()))) for count, subgraph in enumerate(cc_subgraphs) } else: new_labels = { count: infr._next_nid() for count, subgraph in enumerate(cc_subgraphs) } for count, subgraph in enumerate(cc_subgraphs): new_nid = new_labels[count] node_to_newlabel = ut.dzip(subgraph.nodes(), [new_nid]) infr.set_node_attrs('name_label', node_to_newlabel) num_names = len(cc_subgraphs) infr.print('done relabeling', 3) return num_names, num_inconsistent
[docs] def connected_component_status(infr): r""" Returns: dict: num_inconsistent, num_names_max CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.core connected_component_status Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> infr = testdata_infr('testdb1') >>> infr.add_feedback_from([(2, 3, NEGTV), (5, 6, NEGTV), (1, 2, POSTV)]) >>> status = infr.connected_component_status() >>> print(ut.repr3(status)) """ infr.print('checking status', 3) num_inconsistent = len(infr.recovery_ccs) num_names_max = infr.pos_graph.number_of_components() status = dict(num_names_max=num_names_max, num_inconsistent=num_inconsistent) infr.print('done checking status', 3) return status
[docs]class MiscHelpers(object): def _rectify_nids(infr, aids, nids): if nids is None: if infr.ibs is None: nids = [-aid for aid in aids] else: nids = infr.ibs.get_annot_nids(aids) elif ut.isscalar(nids): nids = [nids] * len(aids) return nids
[docs] def remove_aids(infr, aids): """ Remove annotations from the graph. Returns: dict: split: indicates which PCCs were split by this action. Note: This may cause unintended splits! Ignore: >>> from graphid import demo, util >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(num_pccs=5, pos_redun=1) >>> infr.refresh_candidate_edges() >>> infr.pin_node_layout() >>> before = infr.copy() >>> aids = infr.aids[::5] >>> splits = infr.remove_aids(aids) >>> assert len(splits['old']) > 0 >>> infr.assert_invariants() >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> util.qtensure() >>> after = infr >>>, pnum=(1, 2, 1), pickable=True) >>>, pnum=(1, 2, 2), pickable=True) """ infr.print('remove_aids len(aids)={}'.format(len(aids)), level=3) # Determine which edges are going to be removed remove_edges = nxu.edges_outgoing(infr.graph, aids) old_groups = list(infr.positive_components()) # Remove from tertiary bookkeeping structures remove_idxs = list(ut.take(ut.make_index_lookup(infr.aids), aids)) ut.delete_items_by_index(infr.orig_name_labels, remove_idxs) ut.delete_items_by_index(infr.aids, remove_idxs) infr.aids_set = set(infr.aids) # Remove from secondary bookkeeping structures ut.delete_dict_keys(infr.external_feedback, remove_edges) ut.delete_dict_keys(infr.internal_feedback, remove_edges) # Remove from core bookkeeping structures infr.graph.remove_nodes_from(aids) for graph in infr.review_graphs.values(): graph.remove_nodes_from(aids) infr.queue.delete_items(remove_edges) # TODO: should refactor to preform a dyanmic step, but in this case is # less work to use a bazooka to shoot a fly. infr.apply_nondynamic_update() # I'm unsure if relabeling is necessary infr.relabel_using_reviews() new_groups = list(infr.positive_components()) #'old_groups = {!r}'.format(old_groups)) #'new_groups = {!r}'.format(new_groups)) delta = ut.grouping_delta(old_groups, new_groups) splits = delta['splits'] n_old = len(splits['old']) n_new = len(list(ut.flatten(splits['new']))) infr.print( 'removing {} aids split {} old PCCs into {} new PCCs'.format( len(aids), n_old, n_new ) ) return splits
#, nl=2))
[docs] def add_aids(infr, aids, nids=None): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.core add_aids --show Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> aids_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] >>> infr = AnnotInference(ibs=None, aids=aids_, autoinit=True) >>> aids = [2, 22, 7, 9, 8] >>> nids = None >>> infr.add_aids(aids, nids) >>> result = infr.aids >>> print(result) >>> assert len(infr.graph) == len(infr.aids) ... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 22, 8] """ nids = infr._rectify_nids(aids, nids) assert len(aids) == len(nids), 'must correspond' if infr.aids is None: nids = infr._rectify_nids(aids, nids) # Set object attributes infr.aids = aids infr.aids_set = set(infr.aids) infr.orig_name_labels = nids else: aid_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(infr.aids) orig_idxs = ut.dict_take(aid_to_idx, aids, None) new_flags = ut.flag_None_items(orig_idxs) new_aids = ut.compress(aids, new_flags) new_nids = ut.compress(nids, new_flags) # Extend object attributes infr.aids.extend(new_aids) infr.orig_name_labels.extend(new_nids) infr.aids_set.update(new_aids) infr.update_node_attributes(new_aids, new_nids) if infr.graph is not None: infr.graph.add_nodes_from(aids) for subgraph in infr.review_graphs.values(): subgraph.add_nodes_from(aids) nids = set(infr.pos_graph.node_labels(*aids)) infr.neg_metagraph.add_nodes_from(nids)
[docs] def update_node_attributes(infr, aids=None, nids=None): if aids is None: aids = infr.aids nids = infr.orig_name_labels assert aids is not None, 'must have aids' assert nids is not None, 'must have nids' node_to_aid = {aid: aid for aid in aids} node_to_nid = {aid: nid for aid, nid in zip(aids, nids)} ut.assert_eq_len(node_to_nid, node_to_aid) infr.graph.add_nodes_from(aids) for subgraph in infr.review_graphs.values(): subgraph.add_nodes_from(aids) infr.set_node_attrs('aid', node_to_aid) infr.set_node_attrs('name_label', node_to_nid) infr.set_node_attrs('orig_name_label', node_to_nid)
# TODO: depricate these, they will always be identity I think
[docs] def initialize_graph(infr, graph=None): infr.print('initialize_graph', 1) if graph is None: infr.graph = infr._graph_cls() else: infr.graph = graph infr.review_graphs[POSTV] = nx_dynamic_graph.DynConnGraph() infr.review_graphs[NEGTV] = infr._graph_cls() infr.review_graphs[INCMP] = infr._graph_cls() infr.review_graphs[UNKWN] = infr._graph_cls() infr.review_graphs[UNREV] = infr._graph_cls() if graph is not None: for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): evidence_decision = d.get('evidence_decision', UNREV) meta_decision = d.get('meta_decision', NULL) decision = _rectify_decision(evidence_decision, meta_decision) if decision in {POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN}: infr.review_graphs[decision].add_edge(u, v) else: raise ValueError('Unknown decision=%r' % (decision,)) infr.update_node_attributes()
[docs] @profile def log_message(infr, msg, level=1, color=None): if color is None: color = 'blue' if True: # Record the name of the calling function parent_name = ut.get_parent_frame().f_code.co_name msg = '[{}] '.format(parent_name) + msg if True: # Append the message to an internal log deque infr.logs.append((msg, color)) if len(infr.logs) == infr.logs.maxlen: infr.log_index = max(infr.log_index - 1, 0) if infr.verbose >= level: # Print the message to stdout loglevel = logging.INFO ut.cprint('[infr] ' + msg, color) else: loglevel = logging.DEBUG if infr.logger: # Send the message to a python logger infr.logger.log(loglevel, msg)
print = log_message
[docs] def latest_logs(infr, colored=False): index = infr.log_index infr.log_index = len(infr.logs) if colored: return [infr.logs[x] for x in range(index, len(infr.logs))] else: return [infr.logs[x][0] for x in range(index, len(infr.logs))]
[docs] def dump_logs(infr):'--- <LOG DUMP> ---') for msg, color in infr.logs: ut.cprint('[infr] ' + msg, color)'--- <\\LOG DUMP> ---')
[docs]class AltConstructors(object): _graph_cls = nx_dynamic_graph.NiceGraph # _graph_cls = nx.Graph # nx.Graph # _graph_cls = nx.DiGraph
[docs] @classmethod def from_pairs(cls, aid_pairs, attrs=None, ibs=None, verbose=False): import networkx as nx G = cls._graph_cls() assert not any([a1 == a2 for a1, a2 in aid_pairs]), 'cannot have self-edges' G.add_edges_from(aid_pairs) if attrs is not None: for key in attrs.keys(): nx.set_edge_attributes(G, name=key, values=ut.dzip(aid_pairs, attrs[key])) infr = cls.from_netx(G, ibs=ibs, verbose=verbose) return infr
[docs] @classmethod def from_netx(cls, G, ibs=None, verbose=False, infer=True): aids = list(G.nodes()) if ibs is not None: nids = None else: nids = [-a for a in aids] infr = cls(ibs, aids, nids, autoinit=False, verbose=verbose) infr.initialize_graph(graph=G) # hack orig_name_labels = [infr.pos_graph.node_label(a) for a in aids] infr.orig_name_labels = orig_name_labels infr.set_node_attrs('orig_name_label', ut.dzip(aids, orig_name_labels)) if infer: infr.apply_nondynamic_update() return infr
[docs] @classmethod def from_qreq_(cls, qreq_, cm_list, autoinit=False): """ Create a AnnotInference object using a precomputed query / results """ # raise NotImplementedError('do not use') aids = ut.unique(ut.flatten([qreq_.qaids, qreq_.daids])) nids = qreq_.get_qreq_annot_nids(aids) ibs = qreq_.ibs infr = cls(ibs, aids, nids, verbose=False, autoinit=autoinit) infr.cm_list = cm_list infr.qreq_ = qreq_ return infr
[docs] def status(infr, extended=False): status_dict = ut.odict( [ ('nNodes', len(infr.aids)), ('nEdges', infr.graph.number_of_edges()), ('nCCs', infr.pos_graph.number_of_components()), ('nPostvEdges', infr.pos_graph.number_of_edges()), ('nNegtvEdges', infr.neg_graph.number_of_edges()), ('nIncmpEdges', infr.incomp_graph.number_of_edges()), ('nUnrevEdges', infr.unreviewed_graph.number_of_edges()), ('nPosRedunCCs', len(infr.pos_redun_nids)), ('nNegRedunPairs', infr.neg_redun_metagraph.number_of_edges()), ('nInconsistentCCs', len(infr.nid_to_errors)), # ('nUnkwnEdges', infr.unknown_graph.number_of_edges()), ] ) if extended: def count_within_between(edges): n_within = 0 n_between = 0 for u, v in edges: nid1, nid2 = infr.pos_graph.node_labels(u, v) if nid1 == nid2: n_within += 1 else: n_between += 1 return n_within, n_between a, b = count_within_between(infr.neg_graph.edges()) status_dict['nNegEdgesWithin'] = a status_dict['nNegEdgesBetween'] = b a, b = count_within_between(infr.incomp_graph.edges()) status_dict['nIncompEdgesWithin'] = a status_dict['nIncompEdgesBetween'] = b a, b = count_within_between(infr.unreviewed_graph.edges()) status_dict['nUnrevEdgesWithin'] = a status_dict['nUrevEdgesBetween'] = b return status_dict
def __nice__(infr): if infr.graph is None: return 'nAids=%r, G=None' % (len(infr.aids)) else: fmt = 'nNodes={}, nEdges={}, nCCs={}' msg = fmt.format( len(infr.aids), infr.graph.number_of_edges(), infr.pos_graph.number_of_components(), # infr.incomp_graph.number_of_edges(), # infr.unreviewed_graph.number_of_edges(), ) return msg
# return 'nAids={}, nEdges={}, nCCs={}'.format( # len(infr.aids), # infr.graph.number_of_edges(), # infr.pos_graph.number_of_components() # )
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class AnnotInference( ut.NiceRepr, # Old internal stuffs AltConstructors, MiscHelpers, Feedback, NameRelabel, # New core algorithm stuffs mixin_dynamic.NonDynamicUpdate, mixin_dynamic.Recovery, mixin_dynamic.Consistency, mixin_dynamic.Redundancy, mixin_dynamic.DynamicUpdate, mixin_priority.Priority, mixin_matching.CandidateSearch, mixin_matching.InfrLearning, mixin_matching.AnnotInfrMatching, # General helpers mixin_helpers.AssertInvariants, mixin_helpers.DummyEdges, mixin_helpers.Convenience, mixin_helpers.AttrAccess, # Simulation and Loops mixin_simulation.SimulationHelpers, mixin_loops.InfrReviewers, mixin_loops.InfrLoops, # Visualization mixin_viz.GraphVisualization, # plugging into IBEIS mixin_groundtruth.Groundtruth, mixin_wbia.IBEISIO, mixin_wbia.IBEISGroundtruth, # _dep_mixins._AnnotInfrDepMixin, ): """ class for maintaining state of an identification Terminology and Concepts: CommandLine: wbia make_qt_graph_interface --show --aids=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 wbia AnnotInference:0 --show wbia AnnotInference:1 --show wbia AnnotInference:2 --show wbia AnnotInference:0 --loginfr Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> infr = AnnotInference(ibs, aids, autoinit=True, verbose=1000) >>> result = ('infr = %s' % (infr,)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> use_image = True >>> infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() >>> # Note that there are initially no edges >>> infr.show_graph(use_image=use_image) >>> ut.show_if_requested() infr = <AnnotInference(nNodes=6, nEdges=0, nCCs=6)> Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] >>> infr = AnnotInference(ibs, aids, autoinit=True) >>> result = ('infr = %s' % (infr,)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> use_image = False >>> infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() >>> # Note that there are initially no edges >>> infr.show_graph(use_image=use_image) >>> # But we can add nodes between the same names >>> infr.ensure_mst() >>> infr.show_graph(use_image=use_image) >>> # Add some feedback >>> infr.add_feedback((1, 4), NEGTV) >>> infr.apply_feedback_edges() >>> infr.show_graph(use_image=use_image) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] >>> infr = AnnotInference(ibs, aids, autoinit=True) >>> result = ('infr = %s' % (infr,)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> use_image = False >>> infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() >>> infr.ensure_mst() >>> # Add some feedback >>> infr.add_feedback((1, 4), NEGTV) >>> try: >>> infr.add_feedback((1, 10), NEGTV) >>> except ValueError: >>> pass >>> try: >>> infr.add_feedback((11, 12), NEGTV) >>> except ValueError: >>> pass >>> infr.apply_feedback_edges() >>> infr.show_graph(use_image=use_image) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> import wbia >>> import utool as ut >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs, 'all') >>> class_ = infr >>> fpath = None >>> static_attrs = ut.check_static_member_vars(class_, fpath) >>> uninitialized = set(infr.__dict__.keys()) - set(static_attrs) """ def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # Dont pickle generators state['_gen'] = None state['logger'] = None return state def __init__(infr, ibs, aids=[], nids=None, autoinit=True, verbose=False): """ Ignore: pass """ # infr.verbose = verbose = None infr.verbose = verbose # wbia controller and initial nodes # TODO: aids can be abstracted as a property that simply looks at the # nodes in infr.graph. if isinstance(ibs, str): import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(ibs) # setup logging infr.logger = None do_logging = ut.get_argflag(('--loginfr', '--log-infr')) # do_logging = True if do_logging: if ibs is not None: from os.path import join # import ubelt as ub # logdir = ibs.get_logdir_local() logdir = '.' logname = 'AnnotInference' + ut.timestamp() logger = logging.getLogger(logname) if not logger.handlers: fh = logging.FileHandler(join(logdir, logname + '.log'))'logger.handlers = {!r}'.format(logger.handlers)) logger.addHandler(fh) # logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) infr.logger = logger infr.logs = collections.deque(maxlen=10000) infr.log_index = 0 infr.print('__init__ queue', level=1) # If not dirty, new feedback should dynamically maintain a consistent # state. If dirty it means we need to recompute connected compoments # before we can continue with dynamic review. infr.dirty = False infr.readonly = False infr.ibs = ibs infr.aids = None infr.aids_set = None infr.orig_name_labels = None # Underlying graph structure infr.graph = None infr.review_graphs = { POSTV: None, NEGTV: None, INCMP: None, UNKWN: None, UNREV: None, } infr.print('__init__ structures', level=1) # Criterion infr.queue = ut.PriorityQueue() infr.refresh = None infr.review_counter = it.count(0) infr.nid_counter = None # Dynamic Properties (requires bookkeeping) infr.nid_to_errors = {} infr.recovery_ccs = [] # Recover graph holds positive edges of inconsistent PCCs infr.recover_graph = nx_dynamic_graph.DynConnGraph() # Set of PCCs that are positive redundant infr.pos_redun_nids = set([]) # Represents the metagraph of negative edges between PCCs infr.neg_redun_metagraph = infr._graph_cls() # NEW VERSION: metagraph of PCCs with ANY number of negative edges # between them. The weight on the edge should represent the strength. infr.neg_metagraph = infr._graph_cls() infr.print('__init__ feedback', level=1) # This should represent The feedback read from a database. We do not # need to do any updates to an external database based on this data. infr.external_feedback = ut.ddict(list) # Feedback that has not been synced with the external database. # Once we sync, this is merged into external feedback. infr.internal_feedback = ut.ddict(list) # Bookkeeping infr.edge_truth = {} infr.task_probs = ut.ddict(dict) # A generator that maintains the state of the algorithm infr._gen = None infr._gen_lock = threading.Lock() # Computer vision algorithms infr.ranker = None infr.verifiers = None infr.print('__init__ configuration', level=1) # TODO: move to params infr.task_thresh_dict = { 'zebra_grevys': { # 'match_state': { # POSTV: 0.7732, # GGR2 - 0.7732, Kaia CA - 0.7312 # NEGTV: 0.8605, # GGR2 - 0.8605, Kaia CA - 0.8892 # INCMP: np.inf, # }, # 'match_state': { # POSTV: 0.8062, # NAMED ANNOTS # NEGTV: 0.8538, # NAMED ANNOTS # INCMP: np.inf, # }, 'match_state': { POSTV: 0.6291, # CA NEGTV: 0.8695, # CA INCMP: np.inf, }, 'photobomb_state': {'pb': np.inf, 'nopb': np.inf}, }, 'zebra_grevys+_canonical_': { 'match_state': { POSTV: 0.5305, # CA Region NEGTV: 0.8496, # CA Region INCMP: np.inf, }, 'photobomb_state': {'pb': np.inf, 'nopb': np.inf}, }, 'zebra_mountain': { 'match_state': { POSTV: 0.7767, NEGTV: 0.8640, INCMP: 0.8375, }, 'photobomb_state': {'pb': np.inf, 'nopb': np.inf}, }, 'zebra_plains': { 'match_state': {POSTV: np.inf, NEGTV: np.inf, INCMP: np.inf}, 'photobomb_state': {'pb': np.inf, 'nopb': np.inf}, }, 'giraffe_reticulated': { 'match_state': { POSTV: np.inf, # GGR2 - 0.7460 NEGTV: np.inf, # GGR2 - 0.8876 INCMP: np.inf, }, 'photobomb_state': {'pb': np.inf, 'nopb': np.inf}, }, } infr.task_thresh = None # Parameters / Configurations / Callbacks infr.callbacks = { 'request_review': None, 'review_ready': None, 'review_finished': None, } infr.params = { 'manual.n_peek': 1, 'manual.autosave': True, 'ranking.enabled': True, 'ranking.ntop': 5, 'algo.max_outer_loops': None, 'algo.quickstart': False, 'algo.hardcase': False, # Dynamic Inference 'inference.enabled': True, 'inference.update_attrs': True, # Termination / Refresh 'refresh.window': 20, 'refresh.patience': 72, 'refresh.thresh': 0.052, 'refresh.method': 'binomial', # Redundancy # if redun.enabled is True, then redundant edges will be ignored by # # the priority queue and extra edges needed to achieve minimum # redundancy will be searched for if the queue is empty. 'redun.enabled': True, # positive/negative k 'redun.pos': 2, 'redun.neg': 2, # does positive/negative augmentation 'redun.enforce_pos': True, 'redun.enforce_neg': True, # prevents user interaction in final phase 'redun.neg.only_auto': True, # Only review CCs connected by confidence less than this value # a good values is 'pretty_sure' 'queue.conf.thresh': None, # Autoreviewer params 'autoreview.enabled': True, 'autoreview.prioritize_nonpos': True, } infr._viz_image_config = { 'in_image': False, 'thumbsize': 221, } infr.print('__init__ storage', level=1) infr.verifier_params = {} # TODO infr.ranker_params = { 'K': 5, } # Developer modes (consoldate this) infr.test_mode = False infr.simulation_mode = False # set to the current phase of the main loop # (mostly for testing) infr.phase = None infr.loop_phase = None # Testing state infr.metrics_list = None infr.test_state = None infr.test_gt_pos_graph = None infr.nid_to_gt_cc = None infr.node_truth = None infr.real_n_pcc_mst_edges = None # External: Can we remove these? infr.cm_list = None infr.vsone_matches = {} infr.qreq_ = None infr.manual_wgt = None infr.print('__init__ aids', level=1) if aids == 'all': aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() infr.add_aids(aids, nids) infr.print('__init__ autoinit', level=1) if autoinit: infr.initialize_graph() if isinstance(autoinit, str): infr.reset_feedback(autoinit) infr.print('__init__ done', level=1)
[docs] def subparams(infr, prefix): """ Returns dict of params prefixed with <prefix>. The returned dict does not contain the prefix Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.core import * >>> import wbia >>> infr = wbia.AnnotInference(None) >>> result = ut.repr2(infr.subparams('refresh')) >>> print(result) {'method': 'binomial', 'patience': 72, 'thresh': 0.052, 'window': 20} """ prefix_ = prefix + '.' subparams = { k[len(prefix_) :]: v for k, v in infr.params.items() if k.startswith(prefix_) } return subparams
[docs] def copy(infr): # shallow copy ibs infr2 = AnnotInference( infr.ibs, copy.deepcopy(infr.aids), copy.deepcopy(infr.orig_name_labels), autoinit=False, verbose=infr.verbose, ) # shallow algorithm classes infr2.verifiers = infr.verifiers infr2.ranker = infr.ranker infr2.graph = infr.graph.copy() infr2.external_feedback = copy.deepcopy(infr.external_feedback) infr2.internal_feedback = copy.deepcopy(infr.internal_feedback) infr2.cm_list = copy.deepcopy(infr.cm_list) infr2.qreq_ = copy.deepcopy(infr.qreq_) infr2.nid_counter = infr.nid_counter infr2.recover_graph = copy.deepcopy(infr.recover_graph) infr2.pos_redun_nids = copy.deepcopy(infr.pos_redun_nids) infr2.neg_redun_metagraph = copy.deepcopy(infr.neg_redun_metagraph) infr2.neg_metagraph = copy.deepcopy(infr.neg_metagraph) infr2.review_graphs = copy.deepcopy(infr.review_graphs) infr2.nid_to_errors = copy.deepcopy(infr.nid_to_errors) infr2.recovery_ccs = copy.deepcopy(infr.recovery_ccs) infr2.readonly = infr.readonly infr2.dirty = infr.dirty infr2.test_mode = infr.test_mode infr2.test_mode = infr.test_mode infr2.simulation_mode = infr.simulation_mode infr.queue = copy.deepcopy(infr.queue) infr.params = copy.deepcopy(infr.params) infr2._viz_image_config = infr._viz_image_config.copy() if infr.test_mode: infr2.test_state = copy.deepcopy(infr.test_state) infr2.metrics_list = copy.deepcopy(infr.metrics_list) return infr2
[docs] def subgraph(infr, aids): """ Makes a new inference object that is a subset of the original. Note, this is not robust, be careful. The subgraph should be treated as read only. Do not commit any reviews made from here. """ orig_name_labels = list(infr.gen_node_values('orig_name_label', aids)) infr2 = AnnotInference( infr.ibs, aids, orig_name_labels, autoinit=False, verbose=infr.verbose ) # deep copy the graph structure infr2.graph = infr.graph.subgraph(aids).copy() infr2.readonly = True infr2.verifiers = infr.verifiers infr2.ranker = infr.ranker infr.params = copy.deepcopy(infr.params) infr2._viz_image_config = infr._viz_image_config.copy() # infr2._viz_init_nodes = infr._viz_image_config # infr2._viz_image_config_dirty = infr._viz_image_config_dirty infr2.edge_truth = { e: infr.edge_truth[e] for e in infr2.graph.edges() if e in infr.edge_truth } # TODO: internal/external feedback infr2.nid_counter = infr.nid_counter infr2.dirty = True infr2.cm_list = None infr2.qreq_ = None # TODO: # infr2.nid_to_errors {} # = copy.deepcopy(infr.nid_to_errors) # infr2.recover_graph = copy.deepcopy(infr.recover_graph) # infr2.pos_redun_nids = copy.deepcopy(infr.pos_redun_nids) # infr2.neg_redun_metagraph = copy.deepcopy(infr.neg_redun_metagraph) infr2.review_graphs = {} for k, g in infr.review_graphs.items(): if g is None: infr2.review_graphs[k] = None elif k == POSTV: infr2.review_graphs[k] = g.subgraph(aids, dynamic=True) else: infr2.review_graphs[k] = g.subgraph(aids) return infr2
[docs] def set_config(infr, config, **kw): pass
[docs]def testdata_infr(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST'): import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) aids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] infr = AnnotInference(ibs, aids, autoinit=True) return infr