Source code for wbia.algo.graph.demo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TODO: separate out the tests and make this file just generate the demo data
import logging
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV
from wbia.algo.graph.state import SAME, DIFF, NULL  # NOQA

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def make_dummy_infr(annots_per_name): import wbia nids = [val for val, num in enumerate(annots_per_name, start=1) for _ in range(num)] aids = range(len(nids)) infr = wbia.AnnotInference(None, aids, nids=nids, autoinit=True, verbose=1) return infr
[docs]def demodata_mtest_infr(state='empty'): import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(db='PZ_MTEST') annots = ibs.annots() names = list(annots.group_items(annots.nids).values()) ut.shuffle(names, rng=321) test_aids = ut.flatten(names[1::2]) infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs, test_aids, autoinit=True) infr.reset(state=state) return infr
[docs]def demodata_infr2(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST'): defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) annots = ibs.annots() names = list(annots.group_items(annots.nids).values())[0:20] def dummy_phi(c, n): x = np.arange(n) phi = c * x / (c * x + 1) phi = phi / phi.sum() phi = np.diff(phi) return phi phis = {c: dummy_phi(c, 30) for c in range(1, 4)} aids = ut.flatten(names) infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs, aids, autoinit=True) infr.init_termination_criteria(phis) infr.init_refresh_criteria() # Partially review n1, n2, n3, n4 = names[0:4] for name in names[4:]: for a, b in ut.itertwo(name.aids): infr.add_feedback((a, b), POSTV) for name1, name2 in it.combinations(names[4:], 2): infr.add_feedback((name1.aids[0], name2.aids[0]), NEGTV) return infr
[docs]def demo2(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demo2 --viz python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demo2 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> result = demo2() >>> print(result) """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) # ---- Synthetic data params params = { 'redun.pos': 2, 'redun.neg': 2, } # oracle_accuracy = .98 # oracle_accuracy = .90 # oracle_accuracy = (.8, 1.0) oracle_accuracy = (0.85, 1.0) # oracle_accuracy = 1.0 # --- draw params VISUALIZE = ut.get_argflag('--viz') # QUIT_OR_EMEBED = 'embed' QUIT_OR_EMEBED = 'quit' TARGET_REVIEW = ut.get_argval('--target', type_=int, default=None) START = ut.get_argval('--start', type_=int, default=None) END = ut.get_argval('--end', type_=int, default=None) # ------------------ # rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=4, size=3, size_std=1, p_incon=0) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=6, size=7, size_std=1, p_incon=0) # infr = demodata_infr(num_pccs=3, size=5, size_std=.2, p_incon=0) infr = demodata_infr(pcc_sizes=[5, 2, 4]) infr.verbose = 100 # apply_dummy_viewpoints(infr) # infr.ensure_cliques() infr.ensure_cliques() infr.ensure_full() # infr.apply_edge_truth() # Dummy scoring infr.init_simulation(oracle_accuracy=oracle_accuracy, name='demo2') # infr_gt = infr.copy() dpath = ut.ensuredir(ut.truepath('~/Desktop/demo')) ut.remove_files_in_dir(dpath) fig_counter = it.count(0) def show_graph(infr, title, final=False, selected_edges=None): if not VISUALIZE: return # TODO: rich colored text? latest = '\n'.join(infr.latest_logs()) showkw = dict( # fontsize=infr.graph.graph['fontsize'], # fontname=infr.graph.graph['fontname'], show_unreviewed_edges=True, show_inferred_same=False, show_inferred_diff=False, outof=(len(infr.aids)), # show_inferred_same=True, # show_inferred_diff=True, selected_edges=selected_edges, show_labels=True, simple_labels=True, # show_recent_review=not final, show_recent_review=False, # splines=infr.graph.graph['splines'], reposition=False, # with_colorbar=True ) verbose = infr.verbose infr.verbose = 0 infr_ = infr.copy() infr_ = infr infr_.verbose = verbose, verbose=0, **showkw) infr.verbose = verbose #'status ' + ut.repr4(infr_.status())) #**showkw) ax = pt.gca() pt.set_title(title, fontsize=20) fig = pt.gcf() fontsize = 22 if True: # postprocess xlabel lines = [] for line in latest.split('\n'): if False and line.startswith('ORACLE ERROR'): lines += ['ORACLE ERROR'] else: lines += [line] latest = '\n'.join(lines) if len(lines) > 10: fontsize = 16 if len(lines) > 12: fontsize = 14 if len(lines) > 14: fontsize = 12 if len(lines) > 18: fontsize = 10 if len(lines) > 23: fontsize = 8 if True: pt.adjust_subplots(top=0.95, left=0, right=1, bottom=0.45, fig=fig) ax.set_xlabel('\n' + latest) xlabel = ax.get_xaxis().get_label() xlabel.set_horizontalalignment('left') # xlabel.set_x(.025) xlabel.set_x(-0.6) # xlabel.set_fontname('CMU Typewriter Text') xlabel.set_fontname('Inconsolata') xlabel.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') # ax.xaxis.label.set_color('red') from os.path import join fpath = join(dpath, 'demo_{:04d}.png'.format(next(fig_counter))) fig.savefig( fpath, dpi=300, # transparent=True, edgecolor='none', ) # pt.save_figure(dpath=dpath, dpi=300) infr.latest_logs() if VISUALIZE: infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label') infr.set_node_attrs('pin', 'true') node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(infr.graph)[1])) if VISUALIZE: infr.latest_logs() # Pin Nodes into the target groundtruth position show_graph(infr, 'target-gt') infr.clear_feedback() infr.clear_name_labels() infr.clear_edges() infr.latest_logs() if VISUALIZE: infr.update_visual_attrs() infr.prioritize('prob_match') if VISUALIZE or TARGET_REVIEW is None or TARGET_REVIEW == 0: show_graph(infr, 'initial state') def on_new_candidate_edges(infr, edges): # hack updateing visual attrs as a callback infr.update_visual_attrs() infr.on_new_candidate_edges = on_new_candidate_edges infr.params.update(**params) infr.refresh_candidate_edges() VIZ_ALL = VISUALIZE and TARGET_REVIEW is None and START is None'VIZ_ALL = %r' % (VIZ_ALL,)) if VIZ_ALL or TARGET_REVIEW == 0: show_graph(infr, 'find-candidates') # _iter2 = enumerate(infr.generate_reviews(**params)) # _iter2 = list(_iter2) # assert len(_iter2) > 0 # prog = ut.ProgIter(_iter2, label='demo2', bs=False, adjust=False, # enabled=False) count = 1 first = 1 for edge, priority in infr._generate_reviews(data=True): msg = 'review #%d, priority=%.3f' % (count, priority)'\n----------') infr.print('pop edge {} with priority={:.3f}'.format(edge, priority)) #'remaining_reviews = %r' % (infr.remaining_reviews()),) # Make the next review if START is not None: VIZ_ALL = count >= START if END is not None and count >= END: break infr.print(msg) if ut.allsame(infr.pos_graph.node_labels(*edge)) and first: # Have oracle make a mistake early feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge, accuracy=0) first -= 1 else: feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge) AT_TARGET = TARGET_REVIEW is not None and count >= TARGET_REVIEW - 1 SHOW_CANDIATE_POP = True if SHOW_CANDIATE_POP and (VIZ_ALL or AT_TARGET): # import utool # utool.embed() infr.print( ut.repr2(infr.task_probs['match_state'][edge], precision=4, si=True) ) infr.print('len(queue) = %r' % (len(infr.queue))) # Show edge selection infr.print('Oracle will predict: ' + feedback['evidence_decision']) show_graph(infr, 'pre' + msg, selected_edges=[edge]) if count == TARGET_REVIEW: infr.EMBEDME = QUIT_OR_EMEBED == 'embed' infr.add_feedback(edge, **feedback) infr.print('len(queue) = %r' % (len(infr.queue))) # infr.apply_nondynamic_update() # Show the result if VIZ_ALL or AT_TARGET: show_graph(infr, msg) # import sys # sys.exit(1) if count == TARGET_REVIEW: break count += 1 infr.print('status = ' + ut.repr4(infr.status(extended=False))) show_graph(infr, 'post-review (#reviews={})'.format(count), final=True) # ROUND 2 FIGHT # if TARGET_REVIEW is None and round2_params is not None: # # HACK TO GET NEW THINGS IN QUEUE # infr.params = round2_params # _iter2 = enumerate(infr.generate_reviews(**params)) # prog = ut.ProgIter(_iter2, label='round2', bs=False, adjust=False, # enabled=False) # for count, (aid1, aid2) in prog: # msg = 'reviewII #%d' % (count) #'\n----------') # #'remaining_reviews = %r' % (infr.remaining_reviews()),) # # Make the next review evidence_decision # feedback = infr.request_oracle_review(edge) # if count == TARGET_REVIEW: # infr.EMBEDME = QUIT_OR_EMEBED == 'embed' # infr.add_feedback(edge, **feedback) # # Show the result # if PRESHOW or TARGET_REVIEW is None or count >= TARGET_REVIEW - 1: # show_graph(infr, msg) # if count == TARGET_REVIEW: # break # show_graph(infr, 'post-re-review', final=True) if not getattr(infr, 'EMBEDME', False): if ut.get_computer_name().lower() in ['hyrule', 'ooo']: pt.all_figures_tile(monitor_num=0, percent_w=0.5) else: pt.all_figures_tile() ut.show_if_requested()
valid_views = ['L', 'F', 'R', 'B'] adjacent_views = { v: [valid_views[(count + i) % len(valid_views)] for i in [-1, 0, 1]] for count, v in enumerate(valid_views) }
[docs]def get_edge_truth(infr, n1, n2): node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(infr.graph) nid1 = node_dict[n1]['orig_name_label'] nid2 = node_dict[n2]['orig_name_label'] try: view1 = node_dict[n1]['viewpoint'] view2 = node_dict[n2]['viewpoint'] comparable = view1 in adjacent_views[view2] except KeyError: comparable = True # raise same = nid1 == nid2 if not comparable: return 2 else: return int(same)
[docs]def apply_dummy_viewpoints(infr): transition_rate = 0.5 transition_rate = 0 valid_views = ['L', 'F', 'R', 'B'] rng = np.random.RandomState(42) class MarkovView(object): def __init__(self): self.dir_ = +1 self.state = 0 def __call__(self): return self.next_state() def next_state(self): if self.dir_ == -1 and self.state <= 0: self.dir_ = +1 if self.dir_ == +1 and self.state >= len(valid_views) - 1: self.dir_ = -1 if rng.rand() < transition_rate: self.state += self.dir_ return valid_views[self.state] mkv = MarkovView() nid_to_aids = ut.group_pairs( [(n, d['name_label']) for n, d in infr.graph.nodes(data=True)] ) grouped_nodes = list(nid_to_aids.values()) node_to_view = {node: mkv() for nodes in grouped_nodes for node in nodes} infr.set_node_attrs('viewpoint', node_to_view)
[docs]def make_demo_infr(ccs, edges=[], nodes=[], infer=True): """ Depricate in favor of demodata_infr """ import wbia import networkx as nx if nx.__version__.startswith('1'): nx.add_path = nx.Graph.add_path G = wbia.AnnotInference._graph_cls() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) for cc in ccs: if len(cc) == 1: G.add_nodes_from(cc) nx.add_path(G, cc, evidence_decision=POSTV, meta_decision=NULL) # for edge in edges: # u, v, d = edge if len(edge) == 3 else tuple(edge) + ({},) G.add_edges_from(edges) infr = wbia.AnnotInference.from_netx(G, infer=infer) infr.verbose = 3 infr.relabel_using_reviews(rectify=False) infr.graph.graph['dark_background'] = False infr.graph.graph['ignore_labels'] = True infr.set_node_attrs('width', 40) infr.set_node_attrs('height', 40) # infr.set_node_attrs('fontsize', fontsize) # infr.set_node_attrs('fontname', fontname) infr.set_node_attrs('fixed_size', True) return infr
[docs]@profile def demodata_infr(**kwargs): """ kwargs = {} CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --show python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --num_pccs=25 python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo demodata_infr --profile --num_pccs=100 Ignore: >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> import networkx as nx >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=6, p_incon=.5, size_std=2) >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(kwargs) >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) >>> pccs = list(infr.positive_components()) >>> assert len(pccs) == kwargs['num_pccs'] >>> nonfull_pccs = [cc for cc in pccs if len(cc) > 1 and nx.is_empty(nx.complement(infr.pos_graph.subgraph(cc)))] >>> expected_n_incon = len(nonfull_pccs) * kwargs['p_incon'] >>> n_incon = len(list(infr.inconsistent_components())) >>> # TODO can test that we our sample num incon agrees with pop mean >>> #sample_mean = n_incon / len(nonfull_pccs) >>> #pop_mean = kwargs['p_incon'] >>> print('status = ' + ut.repr4(infr.status(extended=True))) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>>, groupby='name_label') >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: kwargs = { 'ccs': [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] } """ import networkx as nx import vtool as vt from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils def kwalias(*args): params = args[0:-1] default = args[-1] for key in params: if key in kwargs: return kwargs[key] return default num_pccs = kwalias('num_pccs', 16) size_mean = kwalias('pcc_size_mean', 'pcc_size', 'size', 5) size_std = kwalias('pcc_size_std', 'size_std', 0) # p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', .1) p_pcc_incon = kwargs.get('p_incon', 0) p_pcc_incomp = kwargs.get('p_incomp', 0) pcc_sizes = kwalias('pcc_sizes', None) pos_redun = kwalias('pos_redun', [1, 2, 3]) pos_redun = ut.ensure_iterable(pos_redun) # number of maximum inconsistent edges per pcc max_n_incon = kwargs.get('n_incon', 3) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) counter = 1 if pcc_sizes is None: pcc_sizes = [ int(randn(size_mean, size_std, rng=rng, a_min=1)) for _ in range(num_pccs) ] else: num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes) if 'ccs' in kwargs: # Overwrites other options pcc_sizes = list(map(len, kwargs['ccs'])) num_pccs = len(pcc_sizes) size_mean = None size_std = 0 new_ccs = [] pcc_iter = list(enumerate(pcc_sizes)) pcc_iter = ut.ProgIter(pcc_iter, enabled=num_pccs > 20, label='make pos-demo') for i, size in pcc_iter: p = 0.1 want_connectivity = rng.choice(pos_redun) want_connectivity = min(size - 1, want_connectivity) # Create basic graph of positive edges with desired connectivity g = nx_utils.random_k_edge_connected_graph( size, k=want_connectivity, p=p, rng=rng ) nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='evidence_decision', values=POSTV) nx.set_edge_attributes(g, name='truth', values=POSTV) # nx.set_node_attributes(g, name='orig_name_label', values=i) assert nx.is_connected(g) # Relabel graph with non-conflicting names if 'ccs' in kwargs: g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, dict(enumerate(kwargs['ccs'][i]))) else: # Make sure nodes do not conflict with others g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, dict(enumerate(range(counter, len(g) + counter + 1)))) counter += len(g) # The probability any edge is inconsistent is `p_incon` # This is 1 - P(all edges consistent) # which means p(edge is consistent) = (1 - p_incon) / N complement_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_, nx_utils.complement_edges(g)) if len(complement_edges) > 0: # compute probability that any particular edge is inconsistent # to achieve probability the PCC is inconsistent p_edge_inconn = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incon) ** (1 / len(complement_edges)) p_edge_unrev = 0.1 p_edge_notcomp = 1 - (1 - p_pcc_incomp) ** (1 / len(complement_edges)) probs = np.array([p_edge_inconn, p_edge_unrev, p_edge_notcomp]) # if the total probability is greater than 1 the parameters # are invalid, so we renormalize to "fix" it. # if probs.sum() > 1: # warnings.warn('probabilities sum to more than 1') # probs = probs / probs.sum() pcumsum = probs.cumsum() # Determine which mutually exclusive state each complement edge is in #'pcumsum = %r' % (pcumsum,)) states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, rng.rand(len(complement_edges))) incon_idxs = np.where(states == 0)[0] if len(incon_idxs) > max_n_incon:'max_n_incon = %r' % (max_n_incon,)) chosen = rng.choice(incon_idxs, max_n_incon, replace=False) states[np.setdiff1d(incon_idxs, chosen)] = len(probs) grouped_edges = ut.group_items(complement_edges, states) for state, edges in grouped_edges.items(): truth = POSTV if state == 0: # Add in inconsistent edges evidence_decision = NEGTV # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': NEGTV})) elif state == 1: evidence_decision = UNREV # TODO: truth could be INCMP or POSTV # new_edges.append((u, v, {'evidence_decision': UNREV})) elif state == 2: evidence_decision = INCMP truth = INCMP else: continue # Add in candidate edges attrs = {'evidence_decision': evidence_decision, 'truth': truth} for (u, v) in edges: g.add_edge(u, v, **attrs) new_ccs.append(g) # (list(g.nodes()), new_edges)) pos_g = nx.union_all(new_ccs) assert len(new_ccs) == len(list(nx.connected_components(pos_g))) assert num_pccs == len(new_ccs) # Add edges between the PCCS neg_edges = [] if not kwalias('ignore_pair', False):'making pairs') pair_attrs_lookup = { 0: {'evidence_decision': NEGTV, 'truth': NEGTV}, 1: {'evidence_decision': INCMP, 'truth': INCMP}, 2: {'evidence_decision': UNREV, 'truth': NEGTV}, # could be incomp or neg } # These are the probabilities that one edge has this state p_pair_neg = kwalias('p_pair_neg', 0.4) p_pair_incmp = kwalias('p_pair_incmp', 0.2) p_pair_unrev = kwalias('p_pair_unrev', 0) # p_pair_neg = 1 cc_combos = ( (list(g1.nodes()), list(g2.nodes())) for (g1, g2) in it.combinations(new_ccs, 2) ) valid_cc_combos = [(cc1, cc2) for cc1, cc2 in cc_combos if len(cc1) and len(cc2)] for cc1, cc2 in ut.ProgIter(valid_cc_combos, label='make neg-demo'): possible_edges = ut.estarmap(nx_utils.e_, it.product(cc1, cc2)) # probability that any edge between these PCCs is negative n_edges = len(possible_edges) p_edge_neg = 1 - (1 - p_pair_neg) ** (1 / n_edges) p_edge_incmp = 1 - (1 - p_pair_incmp) ** (1 / n_edges) p_edge_unrev = 1 - (1 - p_pair_unrev) ** (1 / n_edges) # Create event space with sizes proportional to probabilities pcumsum = np.cumsum([p_edge_neg, p_edge_incmp, p_edge_unrev]) # Roll dice for each of the edge to see which state it lands on possible_pstate = rng.rand(len(possible_edges)) states = np.searchsorted(pcumsum, possible_pstate) flags = states < len(pcumsum) stateful_states = states.compress(flags) stateful_edges = ut.compress(possible_edges, flags) unique_states, groupxs_list = vt.group_indices(stateful_states) for state, groupxs in zip(unique_states, groupxs_list): #'state = %r' % (state,)) # Add in candidate edges edges = ut.take(stateful_edges, groupxs) attrs = pair_attrs_lookup[state] for (u, v) in edges: neg_edges.append((u, v, attrs))'Made {} neg_edges between PCCS'.format(len(neg_edges))) else:'ignoring pairs') import wbia G = wbia.AnnotInference._graph_cls() G.add_nodes_from(pos_g.nodes(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(pos_g.edges(data=True)) G.add_edges_from(neg_edges) infr = wbia.AnnotInference.from_netx(G, infer=kwargs.get('infer', True)) infr.verbose = 3 infr.relabel_using_reviews(rectify=False) # fontname = 'Ubuntu' fontsize = 12 fontname = 'sans' splines = 'spline' # splines = 'ortho' # splines = 'line' infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle') infr.graph.graph['ignore_labels'] = True infr.graph.graph['dark_background'] = False infr.graph.graph['fontname'] = fontname infr.graph.graph['fontsize'] = fontsize infr.graph.graph['splines'] = splines infr.set_node_attrs('width', 29) infr.set_node_attrs('height', 29) infr.set_node_attrs('fontsize', fontsize) infr.set_node_attrs('fontname', fontname) infr.set_node_attrs('fixed_size', True) # Set synthetic ground-truth attributes for testing # infr.apply_edge_truth() infr.edge_truth = infr.get_edge_attrs('truth') # Make synthetic verif infr.dummy_verif = DummyVerif(infr) infr.verifiers = {} infr.verifiers['match_state'] = infr.dummy_verif infr.demokw = kwargs return infr
[docs]def randn(mean=0, std=1, shape=[], a_max=None, a_min=None, rng=None): a = (rng.randn(*shape) * std) + mean if a_max is not None or a_min is not None: a = np.clip(a, a_min, a_max) return a
[docs]class DummyVerif(object): """ generates dummy scores between edges (not necesarilly in the graph) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo DummyVerif:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> import networkx as nx >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=6, p_incon=.5, size_std=2) >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) >>> infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges([(1, 2)]) >>> infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges([(1, 21)]) >>> assert len(infr.dummy_verif.infr.task_probs['match_state']) == 2 """ def __init__(verif, infr): verif.rng = np.random.RandomState(4033913) verif.dummy_params = { NEGTV: {'mean': 0.2, 'std': 0.25}, POSTV: {'mean': 0.85, 'std': 0.2}, INCMP: {'mean': 0.15, 'std': 0.1}, } verif.score_dist = randn verif.infr = infr verif.orig_nodes = set(infr.aids) verif.orig_labels = infr.get_node_attrs('orig_name_label') verif.orig_groups = ut.invert_dict(verif.orig_labels, False) verif.orig_groups = ut.map_vals(set, verif.orig_groups)
[docs] def show_score_probs(verif): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo DummyVerif.show_score_probs --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> infr = wbia.AnnotInference(None) >>> verif = DummyVerif(infr) >>> verif.show_score_probs() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt dist = verif.score_dist n = 100000 for key in verif.dummy_params.keys(): probs = dist( shape=[n], rng=verif.rng, a_max=1, a_min=0, **verif.dummy_params[key] ) color = verif.infr._get_truth_colors()[key] pt.plt.hist(probs, bins=100, label=key, alpha=0.8, color=color) pt.legend()
[docs] def dummy_ranker(verif, u, K=10): """ simulates the ranking algorithm. Order is defined using the dummy vsone scores, but tests are only applied to randomly selected gt and gf pairs. So, you usually will get a gt result, but you might not if all the scores are bad. """ infr = verif.infr nid = verif.orig_labels[u] others = verif.orig_groups[nid] others_gt = sorted(others - {u}) others_gf = sorted(verif.orig_nodes - others) # rng = np.random.RandomState(u + 4110499444 + len(others)) rng = verif.rng vs_list = [] k_gt = min(len(others_gt), max(1, K // 2)) k_gf = min(len(others_gf), max(1, K * 4)) if k_gt > 0: gt = rng.choice(others_gt, k_gt, replace=False) vs_list.append(gt) if k_gf > 0: gf = rng.choice(others_gf, k_gf, replace=False) vs_list.append(gf) u_edges = [infr.e_(u, v) for v in it.chain.from_iterable(vs_list)] u_probs = np.array(infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges(u_edges)) # infr.set_edge_attrs('prob_match', ut.dzip(u_edges, u_probs)) # Need to determenistically sort here # sortx = np.argsort(u_probs)[::-1][0:K] sortx = np.argsort(u_probs)[::-1][0:K] ranked_edges = ut.take(u_edges, sortx) # assert len(ranked_edges) == K return ranked_edges
[docs] def find_candidate_edges(verif, K=10): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> import networkx as nx >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=40, size=2) >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) >>> edges = list(infr.dummy_verif.find_candidate_edges(K=100)) >>> scores = np.array(infr.dummy_verif.predict_edges(edges)) """ new_edges = [] nodes = list(verif.infr.graph.nodes()) for u in nodes: new_edges.extend(verif.dummy_ranker(u, K=K)) #'new_edges = %r' % (ut.hash_data(new_edges),)) new_edges = set(new_edges) return new_edges
def _get_truth(verif, edge): infr = verif.infr if edge in infr.edge_truth: return infr.edge_truth[edge] node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(infr.graph) nid1 = node_dict[edge[0]]['orig_name_label'] nid2 = node_dict[edge[1]]['orig_name_label'] return POSTV if nid1 == nid2 else NEGTV
[docs] def predict_proba_df(verif, edges): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.graph.demo DummyVerif.predict_edges Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.graph import demo >>> import networkx as nx >>> kwargs = dict(num_pccs=40, size=2) >>> infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) >>> verif = infr.dummy_verif >>> edges = list(infr.graph.edges()) >>> probs = verif.predict_proba_df(edges) >>> #print('scores = %r' % (scores,)) >>> #hashid = ut.hash_data(scores) >>> #print('hashid = %r' % (hashid,)) >>> #assert hashid == 'cdlkytilfeqgmtsihvhqwffmhczqmpil' """ infr = verif.infr edges = list(it.starmap(verif.infr.e_, edges)) prob_cache = infr.task_probs['match_state'] is_miss = np.array([e not in prob_cache for e in edges]) # is_hit = ~is_miss if np.any(is_miss): miss_edges = ut.compress(edges, is_miss) miss_truths = [verif._get_truth(edge) for edge in miss_edges] grouped_edges = ut.group_items(miss_edges, miss_truths, sorted_=False) # Need to make this determenistic too states = [POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP] for key in sorted(grouped_edges.keys()): group = grouped_edges[key] probs0 = randn( shape=[len(group)], rng=verif.rng, a_max=1, a_min=0, **verif.dummy_params[key], ) # Just randomly assign other probs probs1 = verif.rng.rand(len(group)) * (1 - probs0) probs2 = 1 - (probs0 + probs1) for edge, probs in zip(group, zip(probs0, probs1, probs2)): prob_cache[edge] = ut.dzip(states, probs) from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu import pandas as pd probs = pd.DataFrame( ut.take(prob_cache, edges), index=nxu.ensure_multi_index(edges, ('aid1', 'aid2')), ) return probs
[docs] def predict_edges(verif, edges): pos_scores = verif.predict_proba_df(edges)[POSTV] return pos_scores