wbia.templates package


wbia.templates.generate_notebook module


# Generate and start an IPython notebook python -m wbia –tf autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db <dbname> [-a <acfg>] [-t <pcfg>]

python -m wbia –tf autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db seaturtles -a default2:qhas_any=(left,right),sample_occur=True,occur_offset=[0,1,2],num_names=1


# to connect to a notebook on a remote machine that does not have the # appropriate port exposed you must start an SSH tunnel. # Typically a jupyter-notebook runs on port 8888. # Run this command on your local machine. ssh -N -f -L localhost:<local_port>:localhost:<remote_port> <remote_user>@<remote_host>

E.G. ssh -N -f -L localhost:8889:localhost:8888 joncrall@hyrule.cs.rpi.edu # Now you can connect locally firefox localhost:8889

# Running a server: jupyter-notebook password jupyter-notebook –no-browser –NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=100000000 –NotebookApp.token=

# To allow remote jupyter-noteobok connections jupyter notebook –generate-config

# Really need to do jupyter hub

need to set c.NotebookApp.port = 8888 c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False c.NotebookApp.ip = ‘*’

wbia.templates.generate_notebook.autogen_ipynb(ibs, launch=None, run=None)[source]

Autogenerates standard IBEIS Image Analysis IPython notebooks.


python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –run –db lynx python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –run –db lynx

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST -p :proot=smk,num_words=64000 default python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST –asreport python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST –noexample –withtags python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db STS_SandTigers

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db PZ_MTEST # TODO: Add support for dbdir to be specified python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db ~/work/PZ_MTEST

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=(query,),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,dminqual=good python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normalizer=[None,normlnbnn-test]

python -m wbia.templates.generate_notebook –exec-autogen_ipynb –db wd_peter_blinston –ipynb

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db PZ_Master1 –ipynb python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:qindex=0:100 -t best best:normsum=True –ipynb –noexample python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl –run jupyter-notebook Experiments-lynx.ipynb killall python

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db humpbacks –ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW -a default:has_any=hasnotch python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db humpbacks –ipynb -t default:proot=BC_DTW default:proot=vsmany -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2,qindex=0:50 –noexample

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db testdb_curvrank –ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankDorsal python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db testdb_curvrank –ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankFluke python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db PW_Master –ipynb -t default:proot=CurvRankDorsal

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db testdb_identification –ipynb -t default:proot=Deepsense

python -m wbia autogen_ipynb –db WS_ALL


>>> # SCRIPT
>>> from wbia.templates.generate_notebook import *  # NOQA
>>> import wbia
>>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
>>> result = autogen_ipynb(ibs)
>>> print(result)

Defines the order of ipython notebook cells

Parameters:ibs (wbia.IBEISController) – wbia controller object
python -m wbia.templates.generate_notebook –exec-make_wbia_notebook –db wd_peter_blinston –asreport python -m wbia –tf –exec-make_wbia_notebook python -m wbia –tf make_wbia_notebook –db lynx jupyter-notebook tmp.ipynb runipy tmp.ipynb –html report.html runipy –pylab tmp.ipynb tmp2.ipynb sudo pip install runipy python -c “import runipy; print(runipy.__version__)”


>>> # SCRIPT
>>> from wbia.templates.generate_notebook import *  # NOQA
>>> import wbia
>>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
>>> notebook_str = make_wbia_notebook(ibs)
>>> print(notebook_str)

wbia.templates.notebook_cells module

python -m wbia –tf autogen_ipynb –ipynb –db PZ_MTEST –ipynb

import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(‘WWF_Lynx_Copy’) # import wbia # ibs = wbia.opendb(‘WWF_Lynx’) a = [

‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=left,dcrossval_enc=1,joinme=1’, ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=left,dcrossval_enc=2,joinme=2’, ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=left,dcrossval_enc=3,joinme=3’, ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=left,dcrossval_enc=4,joinme=4’,

# ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=right,dcrossval_enc=1,joinme=1’, # ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=right,dcrossval_enc=2,joinme=2’, # ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=right,dcrossval_enc=3,joinme=3’, # ‘default:max_timestamp=now,minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=right,dcrossval_enc=4,joinme=4’,

] acfg_list, expanded_aids_list = wbia.expt.experiment_helpers.get_annotcfg_list(

ibs, acfg_name_list=a, verbose=0)

expt_aids = sorted(set(ut.total_flatten(expanded_aids_list))) print(ut.repr2(ibs.get_annot_stats_dict(expt_aids, strkeys=True, nl=2, use_hist=True)))

# expt_qaids = sorted(set(ut.total_flatten(ut.take_column(expanded_aids_list, 0)))) # print(ut.repr2(ibs.get_annot_stats_dict(expt_qaids, strkeys=True, nl=2, use_hist=True)))

wbia.templates.notebook_helpers module


Module contents

wbia.templates.IMPORT_TUPLES = [('generate_notebook', None), ('notebook_cells', None)]

cd /home/joncrall/code/wbia/wbia/templates makeinit.py –modname=wbia.templates

Type:Regen Command

why reloading all the modules doesnt do this I don’t know


Reloads wbia.templates and submodules


Reloads wbia.templates and submodules