Source code for wbia.viz.viz_qres

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import wbia.plottool as pt
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from wbia.other import ibsfuncs
from wbia.viz import viz_helpers as vh
from wbia.viz import viz_chip
from wbia.viz import viz_matches  # NOQA

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')


[docs]def show_qres_top(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around show_qres. """ N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP) # name_scoring = kwargs.get('name_scoring', False) # if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch): top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N) # else: # top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(num=N, ibs=ibs, name_scoring=name_scoring) aidstr = ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid) figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', '') if len(figtitle) > 0: figtitle = ' ' + figtitle kwargs['figtitle'] = ('q%s -- TOP %r' % (aidstr, N)) + figtitle return show_qres( ibs, cm, top_aids=top_aids, qreq_=qreq_, # dont use these. use annot mode instead # draw_kpts=False, # draw_ell=False, # all_kpts=False, **kwargs, )
[docs]def show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around show_qres. KWARGS: aid_list - show matches against aid_list (default top 3) Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object cm (ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None) Kwargs: N, show_gt, show_query, aid_list, figtitle, viz_name_score, viz_name_score CommandLine: python -m wbia.viz.viz_qres --exec-show_qres_analysis --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_qres import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> cm, qreq_ = wbia.testdata_cm( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', default_qaids=[1], >>> default_daids=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True, >>> show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True) >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_qres import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> cm, qreq_ = wbia.testdata_cm( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', default_qaids=[1], >>> default_daids=[2]) >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True, >>> show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True) >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if ut.NOT_QUIET:'[show_qres] cm.show_analysis()') # Parse arguments N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP) show_gt = kwargs.pop('show_gt', True) show_gf = kwargs.pop('show_gf', False) show_query = kwargs.pop('show_query', True) aid_list = kwargs.pop('aid_list', None) figtitle = kwargs.pop('figtitle', None) viz_name_score = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True) failed_to_match = False if aid_list is None: # Compare to aid_list instead of using top ranks top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N) if len(top_aids) == 0: failed_to_match = True'WARNING! No matches found for this query') if figtitle is None: if len(top_aids) == 0: figtitle = 'WARNING: no matches found!' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid) else: topscore = cm.get_annot_scores(top_aids)[0] figtitle = 'q%s -- topscore=%r' % (ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid), topscore) else:'[analysis] showing a given list of aids') top_aids = aid_list if figtitle is None: figtitle = 'comparing to ' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(top_aids) + figtitle # Get any groundtruth if you are showing it showgt_aids = [] if show_gt: # Get the missed groundtruth annotations assert qreq_ is not None matchable_aids = qreq_.daids _gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=matchable_aids) if viz_name_score: # Only look at the groundtruth if a name isnt in the top list _gtnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(_gtaids) top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids) _valids = ~np.in1d(_gtnids, top_nids) _gtaids = ut.compress(_gtaids, _valids) # No need to display highly ranked groundtruth. It will already show up _gtaids = np.setdiff1d(_gtaids, top_aids) # Sort missed grountruth by score _gtscores = cm.get_annot_scores(_gtaids) _gtaids = ut.sortedby(_gtaids, _gtscores, reverse=True) if viz_name_score: if len(_gtaids) > 1: _gtaids = _gtaids[0:1] else: if len(_gtaids) > 3: # Hack to not show too many unmatched groundtruths # _isexmp = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(_gtaids) _gtaids = _gtaids[0:3] showgt_aids = _gtaids if show_gf: # Show only one top-scoring groundfalse example top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids) is_groundfalse = top_nids != ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid) gf_idxs = np.nonzero(is_groundfalse)[0] if len(gf_idxs) > 0: best_gf_idx = gf_idxs[0] isvalid = ~is_groundfalse isvalid[best_gf_idx] = True # Filter so there is only one groundfalse top_aids = top_aids.compress(isvalid) # else: # if len(top_aids) == 1: # top_aids = top_aids.tolist() # top_aids.append(None) # else: # # seems like there were no results. Must be bad feature detections # # maybe too much spatial verification # top_aids = [] # if len(showgt_aids) != 0: # # Hack to just include gtaids in normal list # top_aids = np.append(top_aids, showgt_aids) # showgt_aids = [] if viz_name_score: # Make sure that there is only one of each name in the list top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids) top_aids = ut.compress(top_aids, ut.flag_unique_items(top_nids)) return show_qres( ibs, cm, gt_aids=showgt_aids, top_aids=top_aids, figtitle=figtitle, show_query=show_query, qreq_=qreq_, failed_to_match=failed_to_match, **kwargs, )
[docs]def show_qres(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs): r""" Display Query Result Logic Defaults to: query chip, groundtruth matches, and top matches Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object cm (wbia.ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores qreq_ (wbia.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None) Kwargs: annot_mode, figtitle, make_figtitle, aug, top_aids, all_kpts, show_query, in_image, sidebyside, name_scoring, max_nCols, failed_to_match, fnum in_image (bool) show result in image view if True else chip view annot_mode (int): if annot_mode == 0, then draw lines and ellipse elif annot_mode == 1, then dont draw lines or ellipse elif annot_mode == 2, then draw only lines elif annot_mode == 3, draw heatmask only See: viz_matches.show_name_matches, viz_helpers.get_query_text Returns: mpl.Figure: fig CommandLine: ./ --query 1 -y --db PZ_MTEST --noshow-qres python -m wbia.viz.viz_qres show_qres --show python -m wbia.viz.viz_qres show_qres --show --top-aids=10 --db=PZ_MTEST \ --sidebyside --annot_mode=0 --notitle --no-viz_name_score \ --qaids=5 --max_nCols=2 --adjust=.01,.01,.01 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_qres import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> cm, qreq_ = wbia.testdata_cm() >>> kwargs = dict( >>> top_aids=ut.get_argval('--top-aids', type_=int, default=3), >>> sidebyside=not ut.get_argflag('--no-sidebyside'), >>> annot_mode=ut.get_argval('--annot_mode', type_=int, default=1), >>> viz_name_score=not ut.get_argflag('--no-viz_name_score'), >>> simplemode=ut.get_argflag('--simplemode'), >>> max_nCols=ut.get_argval('--max_nCols', type_=int, default=None) >>> ) >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> fig = show_qres(ibs, cm, show_query=False, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # ut.print_dict(kwargs) annot_mode = kwargs.get('annot_mode', 1) % 4 # this is toggled figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', '') aug = kwargs.get('aug', '') top_aids = kwargs.get('top_aids', DEFAULT_NTOP) gt_aids = kwargs.get('gt_aids', []) all_kpts = kwargs.get('all_kpts', False) show_query = kwargs.get('show_query', False) in_image = kwargs.get('in_image', False) sidebyside = kwargs.get('sidebyside', True) simplemode = kwargs.get('simplemode', False) colorbar_ = kwargs.get('colorbar_', False) # name_scoring = kwargs.get('name_scoring', False) viz_name_score = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None) max_nCols = kwargs.get('max_nCols', None) failed_to_match = kwargs.get('failed_to_match', False) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(kwargs.get('fnum', None)) if ut.VERBOSE and ut.NOT_QUIET: 'query_info = ' + ut.repr2( ibs.get_annot_info( cm.qaid, default=True, gname=False, name=False, notes=False, exemplar=False, ), nl=4, ) ) 'top_aids_info = ' + ut.repr2( ibs.get_annot_info( top_aids, default=True, gname=False, name=False, notes=False, exemplar=False, reference_aid=cm.qaid, ), nl=4, ) ) fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) if isinstance(top_aids, int): top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(top_aids) if failed_to_match: # HACK to visually indicate failure to match in analysis show_query = True top_aids = [None] + top_aids nTop = len(top_aids) if max_nCols is None: max_nCols = 5 if nTop in [6, 7]: max_nCols = 3 if nTop in [8]: max_nCols = 4 try: assert ( len(list(set(top_aids).intersection(set(gt_aids)))) == 0 ), 'gts should be missed. not in top' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['top_aids', 'gt_aids']) raise if ut.DEBUG2: # -------------------------------------------------- # Get grid / cell information to build subplot grid # -------------------------------------------------- # Show query or not nQuerySubplts = 1 if show_query else 0 # The top row is given slots for ground truths and querys # all aids in gt_aids should not be in top aids nGtSubplts = nQuerySubplts + (0 if gt_aids is None else len(gt_aids)) # The bottom rows are for the top results nTopNSubplts = nTop nTopNCols = min(max_nCols, nTopNSubplts) nGTCols = min(max_nCols, nGtSubplts) nGTCols = max(nGTCols, nTopNCols) nTopNCols = nGTCols # Get number of rows to show groundtruth nGtRows = 0 if nGTCols == 0 else int(np.ceil(nGtSubplts / nGTCols)) # Get number of rows to show results nTopNRows = 0 if nTopNCols == 0 else int(np.ceil(nTopNSubplts / nTopNCols)) nGtCells = nGtRows * nGTCols # Total number of rows nRows = nTopNRows + nGtRows DEBUG_SHOW_QRES = 0 if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES: allgt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid) nSelGt = len(gt_aids) nAllGt = len(allgt_aids)'[show_qres]========================')'[show_qres]----------------')'[show_qres] * annot_mode=%r' % (annot_mode,))'[show_qres] #nTop=%r #missed_gts=%r/%r' % (nTop, nSelGt, nAllGt))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * nRows=%r' % (nRows,))'[show_qres] * nGtSubplts=%r' % (nGtSubplts,))'[show_qres] * nTopNSubplts=%r' % (nTopNSubplts,))'[show_qres] * nQuerySubplts=%r' % (nQuerySubplts,))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * nGTCols=%r' % (nGTCols,))'[show_qres] * -----')'[show_qres] * fnum=%r' % (fnum,))'[show_qres] * figtitle=%r' % (figtitle,))'[show_qres] * max_nCols=%r' % (max_nCols,))'[show_qres] * show_query=%r' % (show_query,))'[show_qres] * kwargs=%s' % (ut.repr2(kwargs),)) # HACK: _color_list = pt.distinct_colors(nTop) aid2_color = {aid: _color_list[ox] for ox, aid in enumerate(top_aids)} ranked_aids = cm.get_top_aids() # Helpers def _show_query_fn(plotx_shift, rowcols): """helper for show_qres""" plotx = plotx_shift + 1 pnum = (rowcols[0], rowcols[1], plotx) #'[viz] Plotting Query: pnum=%r' % (pnum,)) _kwshow = dict(draw_kpts=annot_mode) _kwshow.update(kwargs) _kwshow['prefix'] = 'q' _kwshow['pnum'] = pnum _kwshow['aid2_color'] = aid2_color _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode >= 1 viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, cm.qaid, annote=False, qreq_=qreq_, **_kwshow) def _plot_matches_aids(aid_list, plotx_shift, rowcols): """helper for show_qres to draw many aids""" _kwshow = dict( draw_ell=annot_mode, draw_pts=False, draw_lines=annot_mode, ell_alpha=0.5, all_kpts=all_kpts, ) _kwshow.update(kwargs) _kwshow['fnum'] = fnum _kwshow['in_image'] = in_image _kwshow['colorbar_'] = colorbar_ if sidebyside: # Draw each match side by side the query _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode in {1} _kwshow['draw_lines'] = annot_mode in {1, 2} _kwshow['heatmask'] = annot_mode in {3} else: #'annot_mode = %r' % (annot_mode,)) _kwshow['draw_ell'] = annot_mode == 1 # _kwshow['draw_pts'] = annot_mode >= 1 # _kwshow['draw_lines'] = False _kwshow['show_query'] = False def _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum): """Helper function for drawing matches to one aid""" aug = 'rank=%r\n' % orank _kwshow['pnum'] = pnum _kwshow['title_aug'] = aug # draw_ell = annot_mode == 1 # draw_lines = annot_mode >= 1 # If we already are showing the query dont show it here if sidebyside: # Draw each match side by side the query if viz_name_score: cm.show_single_namematch(qreq_, ibs.get_annot_nids(aid), **_kwshow) else: if simplemode: _kwshow['draw_border'] = False _kwshow['draw_lbl'] = False _kwshow['notitle'] = True _kwshow['vert'] = False _kwshow['modifysize'] = True cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_, aid, **_kwshow) # viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, cm, aid, qreq_=qreq_, **_kwshow) else: # Draw each match by themselves data_config2_ = None if qreq_ is None else qreq_.extern_data_config2 # _kwshow['draw_border'] = kwargs.get('draw_border', True) # _kwshow['notitle'] = ut.get_argflag(('--no-title', '--notitle')) viz_chip.show_chip( ibs, aid, annote=False, notitle=True, data_config2_=data_config2_, **_kwshow, ) if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES:'[show_qres()] Plotting Chips %s:' % vh.get_aidstrs(aid_list)) if aid_list is None: return # Do lazy load before show # data_config2_ = None if qreq_ is None else qreq_.extern_data_config2 # tblhack = getattr(qreq_, 'tablename', None) # HACK FOR HUMPBACKS # (Also in viz_matches) # if tblhack == 'vsone' or (qreq_ is not None and not qreq_._isnewreq): # # precompute # pass # #ibs.get_annot_chips(aid_list, config2_=data_config2_, ensure=True) # #ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid_list, config2_=data_config2_, ensure=True) for ox, aid in enumerate(aid_list): plotx = ox + plotx_shift + 1 pnum = (rowcols[0], rowcols[1], plotx) oranks = np.where(ranked_aids == aid)[0] # This pair has no matches between them. if len(oranks) == 0: orank = -1 if aid is None: pt.imshow_null( 'Failed to find matches\nfor qaid=%r' % (cm.qaid), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, fontsize=18, ) else: _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum) # if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES: #'skipping pnum=%r' % (pnum,)) continue if DEBUG_SHOW_QRES:'pnum=%r' % (pnum,)) orank = oranks[0] + 1 _show_matches_fn(aid, orank, pnum) shift_topN = nGtCells if nGtSubplts == 1: nGTCols = 1 if nRows == 0: pt.imshow_null('[viz_qres] No matches. nRows=0', fnum=fnum) else: fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(nRows, nGTCols, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) pt.plt.subplot(nRows, nGTCols, 1) # Plot Query if show_query: _show_query_fn(0, (nRows, nGTCols)) # Plot Ground Truth (if given) _plot_matches_aids(gt_aids, nQuerySubplts, (nRows, nGTCols)) # Plot Results _plot_matches_aids(top_aids, shift_topN, (nRows, nTopNCols)) figtitle += aug if failed_to_match: figtitle += '\n No matches found' incanvas = kwargs.get('with_figtitle', not vh.NO_LBL_OVERRIDE) pt.set_figtitle(figtitle, incanvas=incanvas) # Result Interaction return fig