Source code for wbia.viz.viz_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import vtool.keypoint as ktool
import wbia.plottool.draw_func2 as df2
from wbia.plottool import plot_helpers as ph
from wbia.other import ibsfuncs
from wbia.control.accessor_decors import getter, getter_vector_output

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

NO_LBL_OVERRIDE = ut.get_argval('--no-lbl-override', type_=bool, default=None)

FNUMS = dict(image=1, chip=2, res=3, inspect=4, special=5, name=6)

IN_IMAGE_OVERRIDE = ut.get_argval('--in-image-override', type_=bool, default=None)
SHOW_QUERY_OVERRIDE = ut.get_argval('--show-query-override', type_=bool, default=None)
NO_LBL_OVERRIDE = ut.get_argval('--no-lbl-override', type_=bool, default=None)


[docs]def register_FNUMS(FNUMS_): # DEPREICATE global FNUMS FNUMS = FNUMS_
draw = ph.draw get_square_row_cols = ph.get_square_row_cols get_ibsdat = ph.get_plotdat set_ibsdat = ph.set_plotdat
[docs]@getter_vector_output def get_annot_kpts_in_imgspace(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, ensure=True): """Transforms keypoints so they are plotable in imagespace""" bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) try: chipsz_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_sizes(aid_list, ensure=ensure) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, '[!ibs.get_annot_kpts_in_imgspace]')'[!ibs.get_annot_kpts_in_imgspace] aid_list = %r' % (aid_list,)) raise kpts_list = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid_list, ensure=ensure, config2_=config2_) imgkpts_list = [ ktool.transform_kpts_to_imgspace(kpts, bbox, theta, chipsz) for kpts, bbox, theta, chipsz in zip( kpts_list, bbox_list, theta_list, chipsz_list ) ] return imgkpts_list
[docs]@getter_vector_output def get_chips(ibs, aid_list, in_image=False, config2_=None, as_fpath=False): #'config2_ = %r' % (config2_,)) if as_fpath: if in_image: return ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) else: return ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid_list, config2_=config2_) else: if in_image: return ibs.get_annot_images(aid_list) else: return ibs.get_annot_chips(aid_list, config2_=config2_)
[docs]@getter_vector_output def get_kpts( ibs, aid_list, in_image=False, config2_=None, ensure=True, kpts_subset=None, kpts=None, ): if kpts is not None: return [kpts] if in_image: kpts_list = get_annot_kpts_in_imgspace( ibs, aid_list, ensure=ensure, config2_=config2_ ) else: kpts_list = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid_list, ensure=ensure, config2_=config2_) if kpts_subset is not None: kpts_list = [ ut.spaced_items(kpts_, kpts_subset, trunc=True) for kpts_ in kpts_list ] return kpts_list
[docs]@getter_vector_output def get_bboxes(ibs, aid_list, offset_list=None): bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) if offset_list is not None: assert len(offset_list) == len(bbox_list) # convert (ofx, ofy) offsets to (ofx, ofy, 0, 0) numpy arrays np_offsts = [np.array(list(offst) + [0, 0]) for offst in offset_list] # add offsets to (x, y, w, h) bounding boxes bbox_list = [bbox + offst for bbox, offst in zip(bbox_list, np_offsts)] return bbox_list
[docs]def get_aidstrs(aid_list, **kwargs): if ut.isiterable(aid_list): return [ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid, **kwargs) for aid in aid_list] else: return ibsfuncs.aidstr(aid_list, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_nidstrs(nid_list, **kwargs): if ut.isiterable(nid_list): return ['nid%d' for nid in nid_list] else: return 'nid%d' % nid_list
[docs]def get_vsstr(qaid, aid): return 'qaid%d-vs-aid%d' % (qaid, aid)
[docs]def get_bbox_centers(bbox_list): center_pts = [((x + w / 2), (y + h / 2)) for (x, y, w, h) in bbox_list] center_pts = np.array(center_pts) return center_pts
[docs]def is_unknown(ibs, nid_list): # this func seems unused return [not isinstance(nid, ut.VALID_INT_TYPES) and len(nid) == 0 for nid in nid_list]
[docs]def get_truth_color(truth, base255=False, lighten_amount=None): import wbia.constants as const truth_colors = { const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.NEGATIVE: df2.FALSE_RED, const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.POSITIVE: df2.TRUE_BLUE, const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.INCOMPARABLE: df2.YELLOW, const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.UNKNOWN: df2.UNKNOWN_PURP, const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.UNREVIEWED: df2.UNKNOWN_PURP, } color = truth_colors[truth] if lighten_amount is not None: #'color = %r, lighten_amount=%r' % (color, lighten_amount)) color = df2.lighten_rgb(color, lighten_amount) #'color = %r' % (color)) if base255: color = df2.to_base255(color) return color
[docs]def get_timedelta_str(ibs, aid1, aid2): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object aid1 (int): annotation id aid2 (int): annotation id Returns: str: timedelta_str CommandLine: python -m wbia.viz.viz_helpers --test-get_timedelta_str Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid1, aid2 = 1, 8 >>> timedelta_str = get_timedelta_str(ibs, aid1, aid2) >>> result = str(timedelta_str) >>> print(result) td(2 hours 28 minutes 22 seconds) td(+2:28:22) td(02:28:22) """ gid1, gid2 = ibs.get_annot_gids([aid1, aid2]) unixtime1, unixtime2 = ibs.get_image_unixtime([gid1, gid2]) if -1 in [unixtime1, unixtime2]: timedelta_str_ = 'NA' else: unixtime_diff = unixtime2 - unixtime1 # timedelta_str_ = ut.get_posix_timedelta_str(unixtime_diff) timedelta_str_ = ut.get_unix_timedelta_str(unixtime_diff) # timedelta_str = 'timedelta(%s)' % (timedelta_str_) timedelta_str = 'td(%s)' % (timedelta_str_) return timedelta_str
[docs]def get_annot_texts(ibs, aid_list, **kwargs): """Add each type of text_list to the strings list Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object aid_list (int): list of annotation ids Returns: list: annotation_text_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.viz.viz_helpers --test-get_annot_texts Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> import collections >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> # Default all kwargs to true >>> class KwargsProxy(object): ... def get(self, a, b): ... return True >>> kwargs_proxy = KwargsProxy() >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[::3] >>> # execute function >>> annotation_text_list = get_annot_texts(ibs, aid_list, kwargs_proxy=kwargs_proxy) >>> # verify results >>> result = ut.repr2(annotation_text_list, nl=1) >>> print(result) [ 'aid1, gname=easy1.JPG, name=____, nid=-1, , nGt=0, quality=UNKNOWN, view=left', 'aid4, gname=hard1.JPG, name=____, nid=-4, , nGt=0, quality=UNKNOWN, view=left', 'aid7, gname=jeff.png, name=jeff, nid=3, EX, nGt=0, quality=UNKNOWN, view=unknown', 'aid10, gname=occl2.JPG, name=occl, nid=5, EX, nGt=0, quality=UNKNOWN, view=left', 'aid13, gname=zebra.jpg, name=zebra, nid=7, EX, nGt=0, quality=UNKNOWN, view=unknown', ] """ # HACK FOR TEST if 'kwargs_proxy' in kwargs: kwargs = kwargs['kwargs_proxy'] try: ibsfuncs.assert_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list) assert ut.isiterable(aid_list), 'input must be iterable' assert all( [isinstance(aid, ut.VALID_INT_TYPES) for aid in aid_list] ), 'invalid input' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'invalid input', 'viz', key_list=['aid_list']) raise texts_list = [] # list of lists of texts if kwargs.get('show_aidstr', True): aidstr_list = get_aidstrs(aid_list) texts_list.append(aidstr_list) if kwargs.get('show_gname', False): gname_list = ibs.get_annot_image_names(aid_list) texts_list.append(['gname=%s' % gname for gname in gname_list]) if kwargs.get('show_name', True): name_list = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list) texts_list.append(['name=%s' % name for name in name_list]) if kwargs.get('show_nid', False): nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list) texts_list.append(['nid=%d' % nid for nid in nid_list]) if kwargs.get('show_exemplar', True): flag_list = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(aid_list) texts_list.append(['EX' if flag else '' for flag in flag_list]) if kwargs.get('show_num_gt', True): # FIXME: This should be num_groundtruth with respect to the currently # allowed annotations nGt_list = ibs.get_annot_num_groundtruth(aid_list) texts_list.append(['nGt=%r' % nGt for nGt in nGt_list]) if kwargs.get('show_quality_text', False): qualtext_list = ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(aid_list) texts_list.append(list(map(lambda text: 'quality=%s' % text, qualtext_list))) if kwargs.get('show_viewcode', False): # FIXME: This should be num_groundtruth with respect to the currently # allowed annotations viewcode_list = ibs.get_annot_viewpoint_code(aid_list) texts_list.append(list(map(lambda text: 'view=%s' % text, viewcode_list))) # zip them up to get a tuple for each chip and join the fields if len(texts_list) > 0: annotation_text_list = [', '.join(tup) for tup in zip(*texts_list)] else: # no texts were specified return empty string for each input annotation_text_list = [''] * len(aid_list) return annotation_text_list
[docs]@getter def get_image_titles(ibs, gid_list): gname_list = ibs.get_image_gnames(gid_list) title_list = [ 'gname=%r, gid=%r ' % (str(gname), gid) for gid, gname in zip(gid_list, gname_list) ] return title_list
[docs]def get_annot_text(ibs, aid_list, draw_lbls): if draw_lbls: text_list = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list) else: text_list = ut.alloc_nones(len(aid_list)) return text_list
[docs]def get_query_text(ibs, cm, aid2, truth, **kwargs): """ returns title based on the query chip and result Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object cm (ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores aid2 (int): annotation id truth (int): 0, 1, 2 Kwargs: qaid, score, rawscore, aid2_raw_rank, show_truth, name_score, name_rank, show_name_score, show_name_rank, show_timedelta Returns: str: query_text CommandLine: python -m wbia.viz.viz_helpers --exec-get_query_text Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> cm, qreq_ = wbia.testdata_cm() >>> aid2 = cm.get_top_aids()[0] >>> truth = 1 >>> query_text = get_query_text(ibs, cm, aid2, truth) >>> result = ('query_text = %s' % (str(query_text),)) >>> print(result) """ text_list = [] if cm is not None: qaid = cm.qaid score = cm.get_annot_scores([aid2])[0] rawscore = cm.get_annot_scores([aid2])[0] aid2_raw_rank = cm.get_annot_ranks([aid2])[0] else: qaid = kwargs.get('qaid', None) score = kwargs.get('score', None) rawscore = kwargs.get('rawscore', None) aid2_raw_rank = kwargs.get('aid2_raw_rank', None) if kwargs.get('show_truth', False): truth_str = '*%s*' % ibs.const.EVIDENCE_DECISION.INT_TO_NICE.get(truth, None) text_list.append(truth_str) if kwargs.get('show_rank', aid2_raw_rank is not None or cm is not None): try: # aid2_raw_rank = cm.get_annot_ranks([aid2])[0] aid2_rank = aid2_raw_rank + 1 if aid2_raw_rank is not None else None rank_str = 'rank=%s' % str(aid2_rank) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex) # ut.embed() raise text_list.append(rank_str) if kwargs.get('show_rawscore', rawscore is not None or cm is not None): rawscore_str = 'rawscore=' + ut.num_fmt(rawscore) if len(text_list) > 0: rawscore_str = '\n' + rawscore_str text_list.append(rawscore_str) if kwargs.get('show_score', score is not None or cm is not None): score_str = 'score=' + ut.num_fmt(score) if len(text_list) > 0: score_str = '\n' + score_str text_list.append(score_str) name_score = kwargs.get('name_score', None) name_rank = kwargs.get('name_rank', None) if kwargs.get('show_name_score', True): if name_score is not None: text_list.append('name_score=' + ut.num_fmt(name_score)) if kwargs.get('show_name_rank', True): if name_rank is not None: # Make display one based text_list.append('name_rank=#%s' % (str(name_rank + 1),)) # with ut.embed_on_exception_context: if kwargs.get('show_timedelta', True): assert qaid is not None, 'qaid cannot be None' # TODO: fixme if isinstance(aid2, list): aid2_ = aid2[0] else: aid2_ = aid2 timedelta_str = '\n' + get_timedelta_str(ibs, qaid, aid2_) text_list.append(timedelta_str) query_text = ', '.join(text_list) return query_text
# ==========================# # --- TESTING FUNCS --- # # ==========================#
[docs]def show_keypoint_gradient_orientations( ibs, aid, fx, fnum=None, pnum=None, config2_=None ): # Draw the gradient vectors of a patch overlaying the keypoint if fnum is None: fnum = df2.next_fnum() rchip = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid, config2_=config2_) kp = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid, config2_=config2_)[fx] sift = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid, config2_=config2_)[fx] fig = df2.draw_keypoint_gradient_orientations( rchip, kp, sift=sift, mode='vec', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum ) fig.canvas.draw() df2.set_title('Gradient orientation\n %s, fx=%d' % (get_aidstrs(aid), fx))
[docs]def kp_info(kp): kpts = np.array([kp]) xy_str = ktool.get_xy_strs(kpts)[0] shape_str = ktool.get_shape_strs(kpts)[0] ori_ = ktool.get_oris(kpts)[0] ori_str = 'ori=%.2f' % ori_ scale = ktool.get_scales(kpts)[0] return xy_str, shape_str, scale, ori_str
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