Source code for wbia.scripts.specialdraw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import utool as ut
import numpy as np

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def nx_makenode(graph, name, **attrkw): if 'size' in attrkw: attrkw['width'], attrkw['height'] = attrkw.pop('size') graph.add_node(name, **attrkw) return name
[docs]def multidb_montage(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw multidb_montage --save montage.jpg --dpath ~/slides --diskshow --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> multidb_montage() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt import numpy as np pt.ensureqt() dbnames = [ 'PZ_Master1', 'GZ_Master1', 'humpbacks_fb', 'GIRM_Master1', ] ibs_list = [wbia.opendb(dbname) for dbname in dbnames] target_num = 1000 sample_size = target_num // len(ibs_list) aids_list = [] for ibs in ibs_list: aids = ibs.sample_annots_general(minqual='good', sample_size=sample_size) aids_list.append(aids) chip_lists = [] for ibs, aids in zip(ibs_list, aids_list): annots = ibs.annots(aids) chip_lists.append(annots.chips) chips = ut.flatten(chip_lists) np.random.shuffle(chips) widescreen_ratio = 16 / 9 ratio = ut.PHI ratio = widescreen_ratio fpath = ut.get_argval('--save', type_=str, default='montage.jpg') # height = 6000 width = 6000 # width = int(height * ratio) height = int(width / ratio) dsize = (width, height) dst = vt.montage(chips, dsize) vt.imwrite(fpath, dst) if ut.get_argflag('--show'): pt.imshow(dst)
[docs]def featweight_fig(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw featweight_fig --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> featweight_fig() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # ENABLE_DOCTEST import wbia # import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) from wbia.core_annots import gen_featweight_worker # test_featweight_worker() # ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='GZ_Master1') # aid = ut.get_argval('--aid', type_=list, default=2810) ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') aid = ut.get_argval('--aid', type_=int, default=1) depc = ibs.depc aids = [aid] assert all(ibs.db.rows_exist('annotations', aids)) config = { 'dim_size': 450, 'resize_dim': 'area', 'smooth_thresh': 30, 'smooth_ksize': 30, } probchip = depc.get('probchip', aids, 'img', config=config, recompute=True)[0] chipsize = depc.get('chips', aids, ('width', 'height'), config=config)[0] kpts = depc.get('feat', aids, 'kpts', config=config)[0] tup = (kpts, probchip, chipsize) weights = gen_featweight_worker(tup) assert np.all(weights <= 1.0), 'weights cannot be greater than 1' chip = depc.get('chips', aids, 'img', config=config)[0] ut.quit_if_noshow() import wbia.plottool as pt fnum = 1 pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(1, 3) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(0), fnum=fnum) pt.imshow(probchip, pnum=pnum_(2), fnum=fnum) pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(1), fnum=fnum) color_list = pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, weights=weights, ell_alpha=0.3) color_list
# cb = pt.colorbar(weights, color_list) # cb.set_label('featweights')
[docs]def simple_vsone_matches(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw simple_vsone_matches --show \ --db GZ_Master1 --aids=2811,2810 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> simple_vsone_matches() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia # import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='GZ_Master1') aids = ut.get_argval('--aids', type_=list, default=[2811, 2810]) assert len(aids) == 2 assert all(ibs.db.rows_exist('annotations', aids)) aid1, aid2 = aids infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs=ibs, aids=aids) edges = [(aid1, aid2)] match = infr._exec_pairwise_match(edges)[0] ut.quit_if_noshow() import wbia.plottool as pt pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) heatmask=True, vert=False, modifysize=True, show_ell=False, show_lines=False, show_ori=False, )
[docs]def double_depcache_graph(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --show --testmode python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=.5 python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=5 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = double_depcache_graph() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import networkx as nx import wbia.plottool as pt pt.ensureqt() # pt.plt.xkcd() ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') reduced = True implicit = True annot_graph = ibs.depc_annot.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) image_graph = ibs.depc_image.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) to_rename = ut.isect(image_graph.nodes(), annot_graph.nodes()) nx.relabel_nodes(annot_graph, {x: 'annot_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) nx.relabel_nodes(image_graph, {x: 'image_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) graph = nx.compose_all([image_graph, annot_graph]) # graph = nx.union_all([image_graph, annot_graph], rename=('image', 'annot')) # userdecision = nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='rect', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW, style='diagonals') # userdecision = nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='circle', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW) userdecision = nx_makenode( graph, 'User decision', shape='rect', # width=100, height=100, color=pt.YELLOW, style='diagonals', ) # longcat = True longcat = False # edge = ('feat', 'neighbor_index') # data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge)[0] #'data = %r' % (data,)) # graph.remove_edge(*edge) # # hack # graph.add_edge('featweight', 'neighbor_index', **data) graph.add_edge('detections', userdecision, constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) # graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', implicit=True, color=[0, 0, 0]) if not longcat: pass # graph.add_edge('images', 'annotations', style='invis') # graph.add_edge('thumbnails', 'annotations', style='invis') # graph.add_edge('thumbnails', userdecision, style='invis') graph.remove_node('Has_Notch') graph.remove_node('annotmask') layoutkw = { 'ranksep': 5, 'nodesep': 5, 'dpi': 96, # 'nodesep': 1, } ns = 1000 ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontsize', 72) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontname', 'Ubuntu') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'filled') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'width', ns * ut.PHI) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'height', ns * (1 / ut.PHI)) # for u, v, d in graph.edge(data=True): for u, vkd in graph.edge.items(): for v, dk in vkd.items(): for k, d in dk.items(): localid = d.get('local_input_id') if localid: # d['headlabel'] = localid if localid not in ['1']: d['taillabel'] = localid # d['label'] = localid if d.get('taillabel') in {'1'}: del d['taillabel'] node_alias = { 'chips': 'Chip', 'images': 'Image', 'feat': 'Feat', 'featweight': 'Feat Weights', 'thumbnails': 'Thumbnail', 'detections': 'Detections', 'annotations': 'Annotation', 'Notch_Tips': 'Notch Tips', 'probchip': 'Prob Chip', 'Cropped_Chips': 'Croped Chip', 'Trailing_Edge': 'Trailing\nEdge', 'Block_Curvature': 'Block\nCurvature', # 'BC_DTW': 'block curvature /\n dynamic time warp', 'BC_DTW': 'DTW Distance', 'CurvRank': 'CurvRank Distance', 'CurvRankDorsal': 'CurvRank (Dorsal) Distance', 'CurvRankFinfindrHybridDorsal': 'CurvRank + FinFindR Hybrid (Dorsal) Distance', 'CurvRankFluke': 'CurvRank (Fluke) Distance', 'CurvRankTwo': 'CurvRank V2 Distance', 'CurvRankTwoDorsal': 'CurvRank V2 (Dorsal) Distance', 'CurvRankTwoFluke': 'CurvRank V2 (Fluke) Distance', 'Deepsense': 'Deepsense Distance', 'Pie': 'Pie Distance', 'PieTwo': 'Pie v2 Distance', 'Finfindr': 'Finfindr Distance', 'Kaggle7': 'Kaggle7 Distance', 'KaggleSeven': 'Kaggle7 Distance', 'vsone': 'Hots vsone', 'feat_neighbs': 'Nearest\nNeighbors', 'neighbor_index': 'Neighbor\nIndex', 'vsmany': 'Hots vsmany', 'annot_labeler': 'Annot Labeler', 'labeler': 'Labeler', 'localizations': 'Localizations', 'classifier': 'Classifier', 'sver': 'Spatial\nVerification', 'Classifier': 'Existence', 'image_labeler': 'Image Labeler', } node_alias = { 'Classifier': 'existence', 'feat_neighbs': 'neighbors', 'sver': 'spatial_verification', 'Cropped_Chips': 'cropped_chip', 'BC_DTW': 'dtw_distance', 'CurvRank': 'curvrank_distance', 'CurvRankDorsal': 'curvrank_distance_dorsal', 'CurvRankFinfindrHybridDorsal': 'curvrank_finfindr_hybrid_distance_dorsal', 'CurvRankFluke': 'curvrank_distance_fluke', 'CurvRankTwo': 'curvrank_two_distance', 'CurvRankTwoDorsal': 'curvrank_two_distance_dorsal', 'CurvRankTwoFluke': 'curvrank_two_distance_fluke', 'Deepsense': 'deepsense_distance', 'Pie': 'pie_distance', 'PieTwo': 'pie_v2_distance', 'Finfindr': 'finfindr_distance', 'Kaggle7': 'kaggle7_distance', 'KaggleSeven': 'kaggle7_distance', 'Block_Curvature': 'curvature', 'Trailing_Edge': 'trailing_edge', 'Notch_Tips': 'notch_tips', 'thumbnails': 'thumbnail', 'images': 'image', 'annotations': 'annotation', 'chips': 'chip', # userdecision: 'User de' } node_alias = ut.delete_dict_keys( node_alias, ut.setdiff(node_alias.keys(), graph.nodes()) ) nx.relabel_nodes(graph, node_alias, copy=False) fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='normal', fontsize=12) # pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # pt.figure() pt.show_nx(graph, layoutkw=layoutkw, fontkw=fontkw) pt.zoom_factory()
[docs]def lighten_hex(hexcolor, amount): import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib.colors as colors return pt.color_funcs.lighten_rgb(colors.hex2color(hexcolor), amount)
[docs]def general_identify_flow(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw general_identify_flow --show --save pairsim.png --dpi=100 --diskshow --clipwhite python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw general_identify_flow --dpi=200 --diskshow --clipwhite --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --figsize=20,10 --save figures4/pairprob.png --arrow-width=2.0 Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> general_identify_flow() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import networkx as nx import wbia.plottool as pt pt.ensureqt() # pt.plt.xkcd() graph = nx.DiGraph() def makecluster(name, num, **attrkw): return [nx_makenode(name + str(n), **attrkw) for n in range(num)] def add_edge2(u, v, *args, **kwargs): v = ut.ensure_iterable(v) u = ut.ensure_iterable(u) for _u, _v in ut.product(u, v): graph.add_edge(_u, _v, *args, **kwargs) # *** Primary color: p_shade2 = '#41629A' # *** Secondary color s1_shade2 = '#E88B53' # *** Secondary color s2_shade2 = '#36977F' # *** Complement color c_shade2 = '#E8B353' ns = 512 ut.inject_func_as_method(graph, nx_makenode) annot1_color = p_shade2 annot2_color = s1_shade2 # annot1_color2 = pt.color_funcs.lighten_rgb(colors.hex2color(annot1_color), .01) annot1 = graph.nx_makenode( 'Annotation X', width=ns, height=ns, groupid='annot', color=annot1_color ) annot2 = graph.nx_makenode( 'Annotation Y', width=ns, height=ns, groupid='annot', color=annot2_color ) featX = graph.nx_makenode( 'Features X', size=(ns / 1.2, ns / 2), groupid='feats', color=lighten_hex(annot1_color, 0.1), ) featY = graph.nx_makenode( 'Features Y', size=(ns / 1.2, ns / 2), groupid='feats', color=lighten_hex(annot2_color, 0.1), ) # '#4771B3') global_pairvec = graph.nx_makenode( 'Global similarity\n(viewpoint, quality, ...)', width=ns * ut.PHI * 1.2, color=s2_shade2, ) findnn = graph.nx_makenode( 'Find correspondences\n(nearest neighbors)', shape='ellipse', color=c_shade2 ) local_pairvec = graph.nx_makenode( 'Local similarities\n(LNBNN, spatial error, ...)', size=(ns * 2.2, ns), color=lighten_hex(c_shade2, 0.1), ) agglocal = graph.nx_makenode( 'Aggregate', size=(ns / 1.1, ns / 2), shape='ellipse', color=lighten_hex(c_shade2, 0.2), ) catvecs = graph.nx_makenode( 'Concatenate', size=(ns / 1.1, ns / 2), shape='ellipse', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.1), ) pairvec = graph.nx_makenode( 'Vector of\npairwise similarities', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.2) ) classifier = graph.nx_makenode( 'Classifier\n(SVM/RF/DNN)', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.3) ) prob = graph.nx_makenode( 'Matching Probability\n(same individual given\nsimilar viewpoint)', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.4), ) graph.add_edge(annot1, global_pairvec) graph.add_edge(annot2, global_pairvec) add_edge2(annot1, featX) add_edge2(annot2, featY) add_edge2(featX, findnn) add_edge2(featY, findnn) add_edge2(findnn, local_pairvec) graph.add_edge(local_pairvec, agglocal, constraint=True) graph.add_edge(agglocal, catvecs, constraint=False) graph.add_edge(global_pairvec, catvecs) graph.add_edge(catvecs, pairvec) # graph.add_edge(annot1, classifier, style='invis') # graph.add_edge(pairvec, classifier , constraint=False) graph.add_edge(pairvec, classifier) graph.add_edge(classifier, prob) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'shape', 'rect') # ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fillcolor', nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'color')) # ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'rounded') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'filled,rounded') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fixedsize', 'true') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes( graph, 'xlabel', nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'label') ) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'width', ns * ut.PHI) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'height', ns) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'regular', False) # font = 'MonoDyslexic' # font = 'Mono_Dyslexic' font = 'Ubuntu' ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontsize', 72) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontname', font) # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'width') # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'height') # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'fixedsize') # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'style') # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'regular') # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph, 'shape') # node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(graph) # node_dict[annot1]['label'] = "<f0> left|<f1> mid&#92; dle|<f2> right" # node_dict[annot2]['label'] = ut.codeblock( # ''' # <<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> # <TR><TD>left</TD><TD PORT="f1">mid dle</TD><TD PORT="f2">right</TD></TR> # </TABLE>> # ''') # node_dict[annot1]['label'] = ut.codeblock( # ''' # <<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0"> # <TR><TD>left</TD><TD PORT="f1">mid dle</TD><TD PORT="f2">right</TD></TR> # </TABLE>> # ''') # node_dict[annot1]['shape'] = 'none' # node_dict[annot1]['margin'] = '0' layoutkw = { 'forcelabels': True, 'prog': 'dot', 'rankdir': 'LR', # 'splines': 'curved', 'splines': 'line', 'samplepoints': 20, 'showboxes': 1, # 'splines': 'polyline', # 'splines': 'spline', 'sep': 100 / 72, 'nodesep': 300 / 72, 'ranksep': 300 / 72, # 'inputscale': 72, # 'inputscale': 1, # 'dpi': 72, # 'concentrate': 'true', # merges edge lines # 'splines': 'ortho', # 'aspect': 1, # 'ratio': 'compress', # 'size': '5,4000', # 'rank': 'max', } # fontkw = dict(fontfamilty='sans-serif', fontweight='normal', fontsize=12) # fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='normal', fontsize=12) # fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='light', fontsize=20) fontkw = dict(fontname=font, fontweight='light', fontsize=12) # prop = fm.FontProperties(fname='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/groovygh.ttf') pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, **fontkw) pt.zoom_factory()
[docs]def graphcut_flow(): r""" Returns: ?: name CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graphcut_flow --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graphcut_flow --show --save cutflow.png --diskshow --clipwhite python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graphcut_flow --save figures4/cutiden.png --diskshow --clipwhite --dpath ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/ --figsize=24,10 --arrow-width=2.0 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> graphcut_flow() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt pt.ensureqt() import networkx as nx # pt.plt.xkcd() graph = nx.DiGraph() def makecluster(name, num, **attrkw): return [nx_makenode(graph, name + str(n), **attrkw) for n in range(num)] def add_edge2(u, v, *args, **kwargs): v = ut.ensure_iterable(v) u = ut.ensure_iterable(u) for _u, _v in ut.product(u, v): graph.add_edge(_u, _v, *args, **kwargs) ns = 512 # *** Primary color: p_shade2 = '#41629A' # *** Secondary color s1_shade2 = '#E88B53' # *** Secondary color s2_shade2 = '#36977F' # *** Complement color c_shade2 = '#E8B353' annot1 = nx_makenode( graph, 'Unlabeled\nannotations\n(query)', width=ns, height=ns, groupid='annot', color=p_shade2, ) annot2 = nx_makenode( graph, 'Labeled\nannotations\n(database)', width=ns, height=ns, groupid='annot', color=s1_shade2, ) occurprob = nx_makenode( graph, 'Dense \nprobabilities', color=lighten_hex(p_shade2, 0.1) ) cacheprob = nx_makenode( graph, 'Cached \nprobabilities', color=lighten_hex(s1_shade2, 0.1) ) sparseprob = nx_makenode( graph, 'Sparse\nprobabilities', color=lighten_hex(c_shade2, 0.1) ) graph.add_edge(annot1, occurprob) graph.add_edge(annot1, sparseprob) graph.add_edge(annot2, sparseprob) graph.add_edge(annot2, cacheprob) matchgraph = nx_makenode( graph, 'Graph of\npotential matches', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.1) ) cutalgo = nx_makenode( graph, 'Graph cut algorithm', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.2), shape='ellipse' ) cc_names = nx_makenode( graph, 'Identifications,\n splits, and merges are\nconnected components', color=lighten_hex(s2_shade2, 0.3), ) graph.add_edge(occurprob, matchgraph) graph.add_edge(sparseprob, matchgraph) graph.add_edge(cacheprob, matchgraph) graph.add_edge(matchgraph, cutalgo) graph.add_edge(cutalgo, cc_names) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'shape', 'rect') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'filled,rounded') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fixedsize', 'true') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'width', ns * ut.PHI) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'height', ns * (1 / ut.PHI)) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'regular', False) layoutkw = { 'prog': 'dot', 'rankdir': 'LR', 'splines': 'line', 'sep': 100 / 72, 'nodesep': 300 / 72, 'ranksep': 300 / 72, } fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='light', fontsize=14) pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, **fontkw) pt.zoom_factory()
[docs]def merge_viewpoint_graph(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw merge_viewpoint_graph --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = merge_viewpoint_graph() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt import wbia import networkx as nx defaultdb = 'PZ_Master1' ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) # nids = None aids = ibs.get_name_aids(4875) ibs.print_annot_stats(aids) left_aids = ibs.filter_annots_general(aids, view='left')[0:3] right_aids = ibs.filter_annots_general(aids, view='right') right_aids = list(set(right_aids) - {14517})[0:3] back = ibs.filter_annots_general(aids, view='back')[0:4] backleft = ibs.filter_annots_general(aids, view='backleft')[0:4] backright = ibs.filter_annots_general(aids, view='backright')[0:4] right_graph = nx.DiGraph(ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(right_aids)) left_graph = nx.DiGraph(ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(left_aids)) back_edges = [ tuple([back[0], backright[0]][::1]), tuple([back[0], backleft[0]][::1]), ] back_graph = nx.DiGraph(back_edges) # Let the graph be a bit smaller right_graph.edge[right_aids[1]][right_aids[2]]['constraint'] = ut.get_argflag( '--constraint' ) left_graph.edge[left_aids[1]][left_aids[2]]['constraint'] = ut.get_argflag( '--constraint' ) # right_graph = right_graph.to_undirected().to_directed() # left_graph = left_graph.to_undirected().to_directed() nx.set_node_attributes(right_graph, name='groupid', values='right') nx.set_node_attributes(left_graph, name='groupid', values='left') # nx.set_node_attributes(right_graph, name='scale', values=.2) # nx.set_node_attributes(left_graph, name='scale', values=.2) # node_dict[back[0]]['scale'] = 2.3 nx.set_node_attributes(back_graph, name='groupid', values='back') view_graph = nx.compose_all([left_graph, back_graph, right_graph]) view_graph.add_edges_from( [[backright[0], right_aids[0]][::-1], [backleft[0], left_aids[0]][::-1]] ) pt.ensureqt() graph = graph = view_graph # NOQA # graph = graph.to_undirected() nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='color', values=pt.DARK_ORANGE[0:3]) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='color', values=pt.BLACK) nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='color', values={edge: pt.LIGHT_BLUE[0:3] for edge in back_edges} ) # pt.close_all_figures(); from wbia.viz import viz_graph layoutkw = { 'nodesep': 1, } viz_graph.viz_netx_chipgraph( ibs, graph, with_images=1, prog='dot', augment_graph=False, layoutkw=layoutkw ) if False: """ #view_graph = left_graph pt.close_all_figures(); viz_netx_chipgraph(ibs, view_graph, with_images=0, prog='neato') #viz_netx_chipgraph(ibs, view_graph, layout='pydot', with_images=False) #back_graph = make_name_graph_interaction(ibs, aids=back, with_all=False) aids = left_aids + back + backleft + backright + right_aids for aid, chip in zip(aids, ibs.get_annot_chips(aids)): fpath = ut.truepath('~/slides/merge/aid_%d.jpg' % (aid,)) vt.imwrite(fpath, vt.resize_to_maxdims(chip, (400, 400))) ut.copy_files_to(, ) aids = ibs.filterannots_by_tags(ibs.get_valid_aids(), dict(has_any_annotmatch='splitcase')) aid1 = ibs.group_annots_by_name_dict(aids)[252] aid2 = ibs.group_annots_by_name_dict(aids)[6791] aids1 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aid1)[0][0:4] aids2 = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aid2)[0] make_name_graph_interaction(ibs, aids=aids1 + aids2, with_all=False) ut.ensuredir(ut.truthpath('~/slides/split/)) for aid, chip in zip(aids, ibs.get_annot_chips(aids)): fpath = ut.truepath('~/slides/merge/aidA_%d.jpg' % (aid,)) vt.imwrite(fpath, vt.resize_to_maxdims(chip, (400, 400))) """ pass
[docs]def setcover_example(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw setcover_example --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = setcover_example() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.viz import viz_graph import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb2') if False: # Select a good set aids = ibs.get_name_aids(ibs.get_valid_nids()) # wbia.testdata_aids('testdb2', a='default:mingt=2') aids = [a for a in aids if len(a) > 1] for a in aids:[-2]) # aids = [78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 91] aids = [78, 79, 81, 88, 91] qreq_ = ibs.depc.new_request('vsone', aids, aids) cm_list = qreq_.execute() from wbia.algo.hots import orig_graph_iden infr = orig_graph_iden.OrigAnnotInference(cm_list) unique_aids, prob_annots = infr.make_prob_annots() import numpy as np ut.hz_str( 'prob_annots = ', ut.repr2(prob_annots, precision=2, max_line_width=140, suppress_small=True), ) ) # ut.setcover_greedy(candidate_sets_dict) max_weight = 3 prob_annots[np.diag_indices(len(prob_annots))] = np.inf prob_annots = prob_annots thresh_points = np.sort(prob_annots[np.isfinite(prob_annots)]) # probably not the best way to go about searching for these thresholds # but when you have a hammer... if False: quant = sorted(np.diff(thresh_points))[(len(thresh_points) - 1) // 2] candset = { point: thresh_points[np.abs(thresh_points - point) < quant] for point in thresh_points } check_thresholds = len(aids) * 2 thresh_points2 = np.array( ut.setcover_greedy(candset, max_weight=check_thresholds).keys() ) thresh_points = thresh_points2 # pt.plot(sorted(thresh_points), 'rx') # pt.plot(sorted(thresh_points2), 'o') # prob_annots = prob_annots.T # thresh_start = np.mean(thresh_points) current_idxs = [] current_covers = [] current_val = np.inf for thresh in thresh_points: covering_sets = [np.where(row >= thresh)[0] for row in (prob_annots)] candidate_sets_dict = {ax: others for ax, others in enumerate(covering_sets)} soln_cover = ut.setcover_ilp(candidate_sets_dict, max_weight=max_weight) exemplar_idxs = list(soln_cover.keys()) soln_weight = len(exemplar_idxs) val = max_weight - soln_weight #'val = %r' % (val,)) #'soln_weight = %r' % (soln_weight,)) if val < current_val: current_val = val current_covers = covering_sets current_idxs = exemplar_idxs exemplars = ut.take(aids, current_idxs) ensure_edges = [ (aids[ax], aids[ax2]) for ax, other_xs in enumerate(current_covers) for ax2 in other_xs ] graph = viz_graph.make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( ibs, [aids], allow_directed=True, ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=[1] * len(aids), ) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, graph) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='framewidth', values=False) nx.set_node_attributes( graph, name='framewidth', values={aid: 4.0 for aid in exemplars} ) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='color', values=pt.ORANGE) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='color', values=pt.LIGHT_BLUE) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='shape', values='rect') layoutkw = { 'sep': 1 / 10, 'prog': 'neato', 'overlap': 'false', # 'splines': 'ortho', 'splines': 'spline', } pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw) pt.zoom_factory()
[docs]def k_redun_demo(): r""" python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw k_redun_demo --save=kredun.png python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw k_redun_demo --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> k_redun_demo() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.viz import viz_graph from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') nid2_aid = { 6612: [7664, 7462, 7522], 6625: [7746, 7383, 7390, 7477, 7376, 7579], 6630: [7586, 7377, 7464, 7478], } aids = ut.flatten(nid2_aid.values()) infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs=ibs, aids=aids, autoinit=True) for name_aids in nid2_aid.values(): for edge in ut.itertwo(name_aids): infr.add_feedback(edge, POSTV) infr.add_feedback((7664, 7522), POSTV) infr.add_feedback((7746, 7477), POSTV) infr.add_feedback((7383, 7376), POSTV) # infr.add_feedback((7664, 7383), NEGTV) # infr.add_feedback((7462, 7746), NEGTV) # infr.add_feedback((7464, 7376), NEGTV) # Adjust between new and old variable names infr.set_edge_attrs('evidence_decision', infr.get_edge_attrs('evidence_decision')) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', POSTV), [1.0]), ) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', NEGTV), [0.0]), ) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', INCMP), [0.5]), ) infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() infr.update_node_image_attribute(use_image=True) infr.update_visual_attrs( use_image=True, show_unreviewed_edges=True, groupby='name_label', splines='spline', show_cand=False, ) infr.set_edge_attrs('linewidth', 2) # infr.set_edge_attrs('linewidth', ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', POSTV), [4])) # infr.set_edge_attrs('color', pt.BLACK) infr.set_edge_attrs('alpha', 0.7) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, infr.graph), update_attrs=False)
[docs]def graph_iden_cut_demo(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graph_iden_cut_demo --show --precut python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graph_iden_cut_demo --show --postcut python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graph_iden_cut_demo --precut --save=precut.png --clipwhite python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw graph_iden_cut_demo --postcut --save=postcut.png --clipwhite Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> graph_iden_cut_demo() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.viz import viz_graph # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') nid2_aid = { # 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703, 3706, 3712, 3721], 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703], 6537: [3739], # 6653: [7671], 6610: [7566, 7408], # 6612: [7664, 7462, 7522], # 6624: [7465, 7360], # 6625: [7746, 7383, 7390, 7477, 7376, 7579], 6630: [7586, 7377, 7464, 7478], # 6677: [7500] } if False: # Find extra example annots = ibs.annots( ibs.filter_annots_general(view='right', require_timestamp=True, min_pername=2) ) unique_nids = ut.unique(annots.nids) nid_to_annots = ut.dzip( unique_nids, map(ibs.annots, ibs.get_name_aids(unique_nids)) ) # nid_to_annots = annots.group_items(annots.nids) right_nids = ut.argsort(ut.map_dict_vals(len, nid_to_annots))[::-1] right_annots = nid_to_annots[right_nids[1]] inter = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(right_annots.chips) inter.start() inter = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction( ibs.annots([16228, 16257, 16273]).chips ) inter.start() ut.take(right_annots.aids, [2, 6, 10]) nid2_aid.update({4429: [16228, 16257, 16273]}) aids = ut.flatten(nid2_aid.values()) postcut = ut.get_argflag('--postcut') aids_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aids)[0] infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs=ibs, aids=ut.flatten(aids_list), autoinit=True) if postcut: infr.init_test_mode2(enable_autoreview=False) node_to_label = infr.get_node_attrs('orig_name_label') label_to_nodes = ut.group_items(node_to_label.keys(), node_to_label.values()) # cliques new_edges = [] for label, nodes in label_to_nodes.items(): for edge in ut.combinations(nodes, 2): if not infr.has_edge(edge): new_edges.append(infr.e_(*edge)) # negative edges import random rng = random.Random(0) for aids1, aids2 in ut.combinations(nid2_aid.values(), 2): aid1 = rng.choice(aids1) aid2 = rng.choice(aids2) new_edges.append(infr.e_(aid1, aid2)) infr.graph.add_edges_from(new_edges) infr.apply_edge_truth(new_edges) for edge in new_edges: infr.queue.push(edge, -1) from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP while True: edge, priority = infr.pop() feedback = infr.request_user_review(edge) infr.add_feedback(edge=edge, **feedback) else: infr.ensure_full() # Adjust between new and old variable names infr.set_edge_attrs('evidence_decision', infr.get_edge_attrs('evidence_decision')) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', POSTV), [1.0]), ) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', NEGTV), [0.0]), ) infr.set_edge_attrs( infr.CUT_WEIGHT_KEY, ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', INCMP), [0.5]), ) infr.initialize_visual_node_attrs() infr.update_node_image_attribute(use_image=True) infr.update_visual_attrs( use_image=True, show_unreviewed_edges=True, groupby='name_label', splines='spline', show_cand=not postcut, ) infr.set_edge_attrs('linewidth', 2) infr.set_edge_attrs( 'linewidth', ut.dzip(infr.get_edges_where_eq('evidence_decision', POSTV), [4]) ) if not postcut: infr.set_edge_attrs('color', pt.BLACK) infr.set_edge_attrs('alpha', 0.7) if not postcut: infr.set_node_attrs('framewidth', 0) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, infr.graph), update_attrs=False)
[docs]def show_id_graph(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw show_id_graph --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw show_id_graph --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> show_id_graph() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() # ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') parent_infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs=ibs, aids='all') parent_infr.reset_feedback('staging', apply=True) edgecat = parent_infr.categorize_edges() MAX_SIZE = 6 MAX_NUM = 6 pccs = [] infr = parent_infr if ibs.dbname == 'PZ_Master1': incomp_pcc = {5652, 5197, 4244} force_incomp_edge = [(5652, 5197)] pccs.append(incomp_pcc) else: pccs = [] force_incomp_edge = [] if len(pccs) == 0: for (n1, n2), es in edgecat['notcomp'].items(): if n1 == n2: cc = parent_infr.pos_graph._ccs[n1] pccs.append(cc) break if len(pccs) == 0: for cc in parent_infr.positive_components(): a = ibs.annots(cc) if any(t is not None and 'left' not in t for t in a.yaw_texts): # if any(t is not None and 'left' in t for t in a.yaw_texts): if any(t is not None and 'right' in t for t in a.yaw_texts): if len(cc) <= MAX_SIZE: pccs.append(cc) # break if len(pccs) == 0: for (n1, n2), es in edgecat['notcomp'].items(): cc1 = parent_infr.pos_graph._ccs[n1] cc2 = parent_infr.pos_graph._ccs[n2] # s1 = len(parent_infr.pos_graph._ccs[n1]) # s2 = len(parent_infr.pos_graph._ccs[n2]) # if s1 in {3} and s2 in {3}: # # pccs.append(frozenset(cc1)) pccs.append(frozenset(cc2)) break MAX_SIZE += len(pccs) - 1 for cc in parent_infr.positive_components(): cc = frozenset(cc) if len(cc) < MAX_SIZE: if cc not in pccs: if len(cc) not in set(map(len, pccs)): pccs.append(cc) if len(pccs) >= MAX_NUM: break from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV # NOQA subinfr = parent_infr.subgraph(ut.flatten(pccs)) subinfr._viz_image_config['thumbsize'] = 700 subinfr._viz_image_config['grow'] = True infr = subinfr infr.apply_nondynamic_update() # infr.ensure_mst() infr.ensure_mst(label='orig_name_label') # infr.ensure_cliques(evidence_decision=POSTV) #, use_image=True, groupby='name_label', # splines='spline') infr.apply_nondynamic_update() for edge in infr.find_neg_redun_candidate_edges(k=1): infr.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=NEGTV) import itertools as it edges = list(it.combinations(infr.aids, 2)) n = 0 incomp_edges = ut.compress(edges, [not f for f in infr.is_comparable(edges)]) for e in ut.shuffle(incomp_edges, rng=3545115929): infr.add_feedback(e, evidence_decision=INCMP) n += 1 if n > 3: break for e in force_incomp_edge: infr.add_feedback(e, evidence_decision=INCMP) for edge in infr.find_neg_redun_candidate_edges(k=1): infr.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=NEGTV) savekw = dict(dpi=300, transparent=True, edgecolor='none') showkw = dict( pickable=True, use_image=True, groupby='name_label', splines='spline', fnum=1 ) show_positive_edges=False, show_negative_edges=False, show_incomparable_edges=False, **showkw, ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph1.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) show_positive_edges=True, show_negative_edges=False, show_incomparable_edges=False, **showkw, ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph2.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) show_positive_edges=False, show_negative_edges=True, show_incomparable_edges=False, **showkw, ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph3.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) show_positive_edges=False, show_negative_edges=False, show_incomparable_edges=True, **showkw, ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph4.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) import networkx as nx, **showkw) nx.set_node_attributes(infr.graph, name='pin', values='true') fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph5.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) infr2 = infr.copy() for edge in infr2.find_pos_redun_candidate_edges(k=2): infr2.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=POSTV) pickable=True, use_image=True, groupby='name_label', fnum=1, splines='spline' ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph6.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) for edge in infr2.find_neg_redun_candidate_edges(k=2): infr2.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=NEGTV) pickable=True, use_image=True, groupby='name_label', fnum=1, splines='spline' ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph7.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) infr3 = infr.copy() for edge in infr3.find_pos_redun_candidate_edges(k=2): infr3.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=POSTV) for cc in infr3.non_pos_redundant_pccs(k=3): for edge in infr3.find_pos_augment_edges(cc, k=3): infr3.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=NEGTV) break pickable=True, use_image=True, show_between=False, show_inconsistency=True, groupby='name_label', fnum=1, splines='spline', ) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph8.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw ) infr4 = infr.copy() for edge in infr4.edges(): infr4.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=UNREV) infr4.refresh_candidate_edges(), **showkw) fig = pt.gcf() fig.savefig( 'id_graph9.png', bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True), **savekw )
[docs]def intraoccurrence_connected(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show --smaller python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --precut --save=precut.jpg python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --postcut --save=postcut.jpg Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = intraoccurrence_connected() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.viz import viz_graph import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') nid2_aid = { # 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703, 3706, 3712, 3721], 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703], 6537: [3739], 6653: [7671], 6610: [7566, 7408], # 6612: [7664, 7462, 7522], # 6624: [7465, 7360], # 6625: [7746, 7383, 7390, 7477, 7376, 7579], 6630: [7586, 7377, 7464, 7478], # 6677: [7500] } nid2_dbaids = {4880: [33, 6120, 7164], 6537: [7017, 7206], 6653: [7660]} if ut.get_argflag('--small') or ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): del nid2_aid[6630] del nid2_aid[6537] del nid2_dbaids[6537] if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): nid2_dbaids[4880].remove(33) nid2_aid[4880].remove(3690) nid2_aid[6610].remove(7408) # del nid2_aid[4880] # del nid2_dbaids[4880] aids = ut.flatten(nid2_aid.values()) temp_nids = [1] * len(aids) postcut = ut.get_argflag('--postcut') aids_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aids)[0] ensure_edges = 'all' if True or not postcut else None # unlabeled_graph = infr.graph unlabeled_graph = viz_graph.make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( ibs, aids_list, # invis_edges=invis_edges, ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=temp_nids, ) viz_graph.color_by_nids( unlabeled_graph, unique_nids=[1] * len(list(unlabeled_graph.nodes())) ) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, unlabeled_graph) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, name='shape', values='rect') # unlabeled_graph = unlabeled_graph.to_undirected() # Find the "database exemplars for these annots" if False: gt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aids) gt_aids = [ut.setdiff(s, aids) for s in gt_aids] dbaids = ut.unique(ut.flatten(gt_aids)) dbaids = ibs.filter_annots_general(dbaids, minqual='good') ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(dbaids) else: dbaids = ut.flatten(nid2_dbaids.values()) exemplars = nx.DiGraph() # graph = exemplars # NOQA exemplars.add_nodes_from(dbaids) def add_clique(graph, nodes, edgeattrs={}, nodeattrs={}): edge_list = ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(nodes) graph.add_edges_from(edge_list, **edgeattrs) return edge_list for aids_, nid in zip(*ibs.group_annots_by_name(dbaids)): add_clique(exemplars, aids_) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, exemplars) viz_graph.color_by_nids(exemplars, ibs=ibs) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, name='framewidth', values=False) nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, name='framewidth', values=4.0) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, name='group', values='unlab') nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, name='group', values='exemp') # big_graph = nx.compose_all([unlabeled_graph]) big_graph = nx.compose_all([exemplars, unlabeled_graph]) # add sparse connections from unlabeled to exemplars import numpy as np rng = np.random.RandomState(0) if True or not postcut: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > 0.5 nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(list(exemplars.nodes()))) flags = np.logical_or(exnids == nid_, flags) exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) big_graph.add_edges_from( list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches)), color=pt.ORANGE, implicit=True ) else: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > 0.5 exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(exmatches)) exmatches = ut.compress(exmatches, exnids == nid_) big_graph.add_edges_from(list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches))) pass nx.set_node_attributes(big_graph, name='shape', values='rect') # if False and postcut: # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(big_graph, 'nid') # ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(big_graph, 'color') # viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # viz_graph.color_by_nids(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # big_graph = big_graph.to_undirected() layoutkw = { 'sep': 1 / 5, 'prog': 'neato', 'overlap': 'false', # 'splines': 'ortho', 'splines': 'spline', } as_directed = False # as_directed = True # hacknode = True hacknode = 0 graph = big_graph ut.nx_ensure_agraph_color(graph) if hacknode: nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='taillabel', values={e: str(e[0]) for e in graph.edges()} ) nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='headlabel', values={e: str(e[1]) for e in graph.edges()} ) _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(graph) if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): node_dict[7660]['pos'] = np.array([550, 350]) node_dict[6120]['pos'] = np.array([200, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) node_dict[7164]['pos'] = np.array([200, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='pin', values='true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) elif ut.get_argflag('--small'): node_dict[7660]['pos'] = np.array([750, 350]) node_dict[33]['pos'] = np.array([300, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) node_dict[6120]['pos'] = np.array([500, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) node_dict[7164]['pos'] = np.array([410, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='pin', values='true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if not postcut: # pt.show_nx(graph.to_undirected(), layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=False) # pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) pt.show_nx( graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode, ) else: # explicit_graph = pt.get_explicit_graph(graph) # _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(explicit_graph, orig_graph=graph, # **layoutkw) # layout_info['edge']['alpha'] = .8 # pt.apply_graph_layout_attrs(graph, layout_info) # graph_layout_attrs = layout_info['graph'] # # edge_layout_attrs = layout_info['edge'] # # node_layout_attrs = layout_info['node'] # for key, vals in layout_info['node'].items(): #'[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name=key, values=vals) # for key, vals in layout_info['edge'].items(): #'[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name=key, values=vals) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=.8) # graph.graph['splines'] = graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') # graph.graph['splines'] = 'polyline' # graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') # graph.graph['splines'] = 'line' cut_graph = graph.copy() edge_list = list(cut_graph.edges()) edge_nids = np.array(ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, edge_list)) cut_flags = edge_nids.T[0] != edge_nids.T[1] cut_edges = ut.compress(edge_list, cut_flags) cut_graph.remove_edges_from(cut_edges) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'nid') viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(cut_graph, ibs=ibs) # ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(exemplars, 'color', None) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'color', nodes=unlabeled_graph.nodes()) aid2_color = ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(cut_graph, 'color', None) nid2_colors = ut.group_items( aid2_color.values(), ibs.get_annot_nids(aid2_color.keys()) ) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.filter_Nones, nid2_colors) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.unique, nid2_colors) # for val in nid2_colors.values(): # assert len(val) <= 1 # Get initial colors nid2_color_ = { nid: colors_[0] for nid, colors_ in nid2_colors.items() if len(colors_) == 1 } graph = cut_graph viz_graph.color_by_nids(cut_graph, ibs=ibs, nid2_color_=nid2_color_) nx.set_node_attributes(cut_graph, name='framewidth', values=4) pt.show_nx( cut_graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode, ) pt.zoom_factory()
# The database exemplars # TODO: match these along with the intra encounter set # interact = viz_graph.make_name_graph_interaction( # ibs, aids=dbaids, with_all=False, prog='neato', framewidth=True) # # Groupid only works for dot # nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, name='groupid', values='unlabeled') # nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, name='groupid', values='exemplars') # exemplars = exemplars.to_undirected() # add_clique(exemplars, aids_, edgeattrs=dict(constraint=False)) # layoutkw = {} # pt.show_nx(exemplars, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=False, framewidth=True,)
[docs]def scalespace(): r""" THIS DOES NOT SHOW A REAL SCALE SPACE PYRAMID YET. FIXME. Returns: ?: imgBGRA_warped CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw scalespace --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> imgBGRA_warped = scalespace() >>> result = ('imgBGRA_warped = %s' % (ut.repr2(imgBGRA_warped),)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import numpy as np # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 import vtool as vt import wbia.plottool as pt pt.qt4ensure() # imgBGR = vt.imread(ut.grab_test_imgpath('lena.png')) imgBGR = vt.imread(ut.grab_test_imgpath('zebra.png')) # imgBGR = vt.imread(ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg')) # Convert to colored intensity image imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(imgBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgBGR = cv2.cvtColor(imgGray, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) imgRaw = imgBGR # TODO: # stack images in pyramid # boarder? initial_sigma = 1.6 num_intervals = 4 def makepyramid_octave(imgRaw, level, num_intervals): # Downsample image to take sigma to a power of level step = 2 ** (level) img_level = imgRaw[::step, ::step] # Compute interval relative scales interval = np.array(list(range(num_intervals))) relative_scales = 2 ** ((interval / num_intervals)) sigma_intervals = initial_sigma * relative_scales octave_intervals = [] for sigma in sigma_intervals: sizex = int(6.0 * sigma + 1.0) + int(1 - (int(6.0 * sigma + 1.0) % 2)) ksize = (sizex, sizex) img_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur( img_level, ksize, sigmaX=sigma, sigmaY=sigma, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, ) octave_intervals.append(img_blur) return octave_intervals pyramid = [] num_octaves = 4 for level in range(num_octaves): octave = makepyramid_octave(imgRaw, level, num_intervals) pyramid.append(octave) def makewarp(imgBGR): # hack a projection matrix using dummy homogrpahy imgBGRA = cv2.cvtColor(imgBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA) imgBGRA[:, :, 3] = 0.87 * 255 # hack alpha imgBGRA = vt.pad_image(imgBGRA, 2, value=[0, 0, 255, 255]) size = np.array(vt.get_size(imgBGRA)) pts1 = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]) * size x_adjust = 0.15 y_adjust = 0.5 pts2 = ( np.array( [(x_adjust, 0), (0, 1 - y_adjust), (1, 1 - y_adjust), (1 - x_adjust, 0)] ) * size ) H = cv2.findHomography(pts1, pts2)[0] dsize = np.array(vt.bbox_from_verts(pts2)[2:4]).astype( warpkw = dict(flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) imgBGRA_warped = cv2.warpPerspective(imgBGRA, H, tuple(dsize), **warpkw) return imgBGRA_warped framesize = (700, 500) steps = np.array([0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01]) * 1.3 numintervals = 4 octave_ty_starts = [1.0] for i in range(1, 4): prev_ty = octave_ty_starts[-1] prev_base = pyramid[i - 1][0] next_ty = prev_ty - ( (prev_base.shape[0] / framesize[1]) / 2 + (numintervals - 1) * (steps[i - 1]) ) octave_ty_starts.append(next_ty) def temprange(stop, step, num): return [stop - (x * step) for x in range(num)] layers = [] for i in range(0, 4): ty_start = octave_ty_starts[i] step = steps[i] intervals = pyramid[i] ty_range = temprange(ty_start, step, numintervals) nextpart = [ vt.embed_in_square_image( makewarp(interval), framesize, img_origin=(0.5, 0.5), target_origin=(0.5, ty / 2), ) for ty, interval in zip(ty_range, intervals) ] layers += nextpart for layer in layers: pt.imshow(layer) pt.plt.grid(False)
[docs]def event_space(): """ pip install matplotlib-venn """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # import numpy as np from matplotlib_venn import venn3, venn2, venn3_circles plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) v = venn3(subsets=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), set_labels=('A', 'B', 'C')) v.get_patch_by_id('100').set_alpha(1.0) v.get_patch_by_id('100').set_color('white') v.get_label_by_id('100').set_text('Unknown') v.get_label_by_id('A').set_text('Set "A"') c = venn3_circles(subsets=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), linestyle='dashed') c[0].set_lw(1.0) c[0].set_ls('dotted') same = set(['comparable', 'incomparable', 'same']) diff = set(['comparable', 'incomparable', 'diff']) # comparable = set(['comparable', 'same', 'diff']) # incomparable = set(['incomparable', 'same', 'diff']) subsets = [same, diff] # , comparable, incomparable] set_labels = ('same', 'diff') # , 'comparable', 'incomparable') venn3(subsets=subsets, set_labels=set_labels) import wbia.plottool as pt pt.ensureqt() from matplotlib_subsets import treesets_rectangles tree = ( (120, 'Same', None), [((50, 'comparable', None), []), ((50, 'incomparable', None), [])]( 120, 'Diff', None ), [((50, 'comparable', None), []), ((50, 'incomparable', None), [])], ) treesets_rectangles(tree) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib_venn import venn2, venn2_circles # NOQA # Subset sizes s = ( 2, # Ab 3, # aB 1, # AB ) v = venn2(subsets=s, set_labels=('A', 'B')) # Subset labels v.get_label_by_id('10').set_text('A but not B') v.get_label_by_id('01').set_text('B but not A') v.get_label_by_id('11').set_text('A and B') # Subset colors v.get_patch_by_id('10').set_color('c') v.get_patch_by_id('01').set_color('#993333') v.get_patch_by_id('11').set_color('blue') # Subset alphas v.get_patch_by_id('10').set_alpha(0.4) v.get_patch_by_id('01').set_alpha(1.0) v.get_patch_by_id('11').set_alpha(0.7) # Border styles c = venn2_circles(subsets=s, linestyle='solid') c[0].set_ls('dashed') # Line style c[0].set_lw(2.0) # Line width
# plt.savefig('example_tree.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() # venn2(subsets=(25, 231+65, 8+15)) # # Find out the location of the two circles # # (you can look up how its done in the first lines # # of the venn2 function) # from matplotlib_venn._venn2 import compute_venn2_areas, solve_venn2_circles # subsets = (25, 231+65, 8+15) # areas = compute_venn2_areas(subsets, normalize_to=1.0) # centers, radii = solve_venn2_circles(areas) # # Now draw the third circle. # # Its area is (15+65)/(25+8+15) times # # that of the first circle, # # hence its radius must be # r3 = radii[0]*sqrt((15+65.0)/(25+8+15)) # # Its position must be such that the intersection # # area with C1 is 15/(15+8+25) of C1's area. # # The way to compute the distance between # # the circles by area can be looked up in # # solve_venn2_circles # from matplotlib_venn._math import find_distance_by_area # distance = find_distance_by_area(radii[0], r3, # 15.0/(15+8+25)*np.pi*radii[0]*radii[0]) # ax = gca() # ax.add_patch(Circle(centers[0] + np.array([distance, 0]), # r3, alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, # facecolor='red', linestyle=None, # linewidth=0))
[docs]def draw_inconsistent_pcc(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw draw_inconsistent_pcc --show """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) kwargs = dict(num_pccs=1, n_incon=1, p_incon=1, size=4) infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) infr.set_node_attrs('pos', {1: (30, 40), 3: (70, 40), 4: (0, 0), 2: (100, 0)}) fnum = 1 infr.set_node_attrs('pin', True) # infr.set_node_attrs('fixed_size', False) # infr.set_node_attrs('scale', .1) # infr.set_node_attrs('width', 16) show_inconsistency=False, simple_labels=True, pickable=True, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=fnum, ) ax = pt.gca() truth_colors = infr._get_truth_colors() from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV pt.append_phantom_legend_label('positive', truth_colors[POSTV], ax=ax) pt.append_phantom_legend_label('negative', truth_colors[NEGTV], ax=ax) # pt.append_phantom_legend_label('incomparble', truth_colors[INCMP], ax=ax) pt.show_phantom_legend_labels(size=infr.graph.graph['fontsize']) ax.set_aspect('equal') show_inconsistency=True, simple_labels=True, pickable=True, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=fnum, ) ax = pt.gca() truth_colors = infr._get_truth_colors() from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV pt.append_phantom_legend_label('positive', truth_colors[POSTV], ax=ax) pt.append_phantom_legend_label('negative', truth_colors[NEGTV], ax=ax) pt.append_phantom_legend_label('hypothesis', infr._error_color, ax=ax) # pt.append_phantom_legend_label('incomparble', truth_colors[INCMP], ax=ax) pt.show_phantom_legend_labels(size=infr.graph.graph['fontsize']) # ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_aspect('equal') ut.show_if_requested()
[docs]def draw_graph_id(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw draw_graph_id --show """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) kwargs = dict( num_pccs=5, p_incon=0, size=4, size_std=1, p_incomp=0.2, p_pair_neg=0.5, p_pair_incmp=0.4, ) infr = demo.demodata_infr(**kwargs) infr.graph.graph['hpad'] = 50 infr.graph.graph['vpad'] = 10 infr.graph.graph['group_grid'] = True show_inconsistency=False, simple_labels=True, wavy=False, groupby='name_label', pickable=True, ) ax = pt.gca() truth_colors = infr._get_truth_colors() from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP pt.append_phantom_legend_label('positive', truth_colors[POSTV], ax=ax) pt.append_phantom_legend_label('negative', truth_colors[NEGTV], ax=ax) pt.append_phantom_legend_label('incomparble', truth_colors[INCMP], ax=ax) pt.show_phantom_legend_labels(size=infr.graph.graph['fontsize']) ax.set_aspect('equal') ut.show_if_requested()
[docs]def redun_demo2(): r""" python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw redun_demo2 --show """ from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP # NOQA from wbia.algo.graph import demo # from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils import wbia.plottool as pt # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) fnum = 1 showkw = dict( show_inconsistency=False, show_labels=True, simple_labels=True, show_recent_review=False, wavy=False, groupby='name_label', splines='spline', pickable=True, fnum=fnum, ) graphkw = dict(hpad=50, vpad=50, group_grid=True) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 3) def show_redun(infr): infr.graph.graph.update(graphkw), **showkw) ax = pt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') ccs = list(infr.positive_components()) if len(ccs) == 1: cc = ccs[0] ax.set_xlabel(str(infr.pos_redundancy(cc)) + '-positive-redundant') else: cc1, cc2 = ccs ax.set_xlabel(str(infr.neg_redundancy(cc1, cc2)) + '-negative-redundant') infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 5, 4), (6,)]) infr.add_feedback((5, 6), evidence_decision=POSTV) # infr.add_feedback((3, 4), evidence_decision='unreviewed') show_redun(infr) infr = infr.copy() for u, v in infr.find_pos_augment_edges(set(infr.graph.nodes()), k=2): infr.add_feedback((u, v), evidence_decision=POSTV) show_redun(infr) infr = infr.copy() for u, v in infr.find_pos_augment_edges(set(infr.graph.nodes()), k=3): infr.add_feedback((u, v), evidence_decision=POSTV) show_redun(infr) infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 4), (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)]) infr.add_feedback((2, 11), evidence_decision=NEGTV) show_redun(infr) infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 4), (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)]) infr.add_feedback((2, 11), evidence_decision=NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((4, 14), evidence_decision=NEGTV) show_redun(infr) infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 4), (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)]) infr.add_feedback((2, 11), evidence_decision=NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((4, 14), evidence_decision=NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((2, 14), evidence_decision=NEGTV) show_redun(infr) fig = pt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10, 5) ut.show_if_requested()
[docs]def redun_demo3(): r""" python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw redun_demo3 --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw redun_demo3 --saveparts=~/slides/incon_redun.jpg --dpi=300 """ from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP # NOQA from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu import wbia.plottool as pt # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) fnum = 1 showkw = dict( show_inconsistency=False, show_labels=True, simple_labels=True, show_recent_review=False, wavy=False, groupby='name_label', splines='spline', show_all=True, pickable=True, fnum=fnum, ) graphkw = dict(hpad=50, vpad=50, group_grid=True) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 1) infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 5, 4), (6,)]) infr.add_feedback((5, 6), evidence_decision=POSTV) for e in nxu.complement_edges(infr.graph): infr.add_feedback(e, evidence_decision=INCMP) infr.graph.graph.update(graphkw), **showkw) ax = pt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') ccs = [(1, 2, 3, 4), (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)] infr = demo.make_demo_infr(ccs=ccs) infr.add_feedback((4, 14), evidence_decision=NEGTV) import networkx as nx for e in nxu.edges_between(nx.complement(infr.graph), ccs[0], ccs[1]):'e = %r' % (e,)) infr.add_feedback(e, evidence_decision=INCMP) infr.graph.graph.update(graphkw), **showkw) ax = pt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') fig = pt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(10 / 3, 5) ut.show_if_requested()
[docs]def system_diagram(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw system_diagram --show """ from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV # NOQA from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu # NOQA import wbia.plottool as pt # import networkx as nx pt.ensureqt() import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) # fnum = 1 # showkw = dict(show_inconsistency=False, show_labels=True, # simple_labels=True, # show_recent_review=False, wavy=False, # groupby='name_label', # splines='spline', # show_all=True, # pickable=True, fnum=fnum) # graphkw = dict(hpad=50, vpad=50, group_grid=True) # pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 1) infr = demo.demodata_infr(ccs=[(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7), (8, 9), (10,)]) showkw = dict( show_unreviewed_edges=True, show_inferred_same=False, show_inferred_diff=False, show_labels=True, simple_labels=True, show_recent_review=False, reposition=False, pickable=True, outof=(len(infr.aids)), # hack for colors ) infr.clear_edges() # ---------------------- # Step1: Find candidates # ---------------------- infr.params['ranking.ntop'] = 4 infr.refresh_candidate_edges() infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label') infr.set_node_attrs('pin', 'true') infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle') infr.clear_feedback() infr.clear_name_labels() # infr.ensure_edges_from([(10, 5), (10, 6)]) infr.ensure_prioritized(list(infr.edges())) edge_overrides = {} # edge_overrides = { # # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.edges()}, # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.get_edges_where_eq('decision', UNREV)}, # }, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 4, 1), **showkw) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # --------------------------- # Step 2: Automatic decisions # --------------------------- infr.task_probs.pop('photobomb_state', None) infr.params['autoreview.enabled'] = True infr.params['autoreview.prioritize_nonpos'] = True infr.task_thresh['match_state'][POSTV] = 0.8 infr.task_thresh['match_state'][NEGTV] = 0.54 infr.task_thresh['match_state'][INCMP] = 0.5 # infr.add_feedback((1, 2), POSTV) # hack infr.ensure_prioritized(infr.get_edges_where_eq('decision', UNREV)) gen = infr._inner_priority_gen() next(gen) # edge_overrides = { # # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.edges()}, # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.get_edges_where_eq('decision', UNREV)}, # } infr.apply_nondynamic_update() infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label'), fnum=1, pnum=(1, 4, 2), **showkw) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # -------------- # Error recovery # -------------- possible = list(infr.find_pos_redun_candidate_edges()) edge = possible[min(1, len(possible) - 1)] infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV) node_overrides = { 'label': {n: '{}!'.format(n) for n in ut.flatten(infr.inconsistent_components())} } # edge_overrides = { # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.get_edges_where_eq('decision', UNREV)}, # } infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label') edge_overrides=edge_overrides, node_overrides=node_overrides, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 4, 3), **showkw, ) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # Manual Decisions infr.init_simulation(oracle_accuracy=1.0) infr.params['redun.neg.only_auto'] = False infr.main_loop() # ISSUE: # For some reason a incomparable edge (3, 10) is being manually reviewed # again in the main loop even though it was already reviewed. # Quick Fix: add feedback specifically for this example. infr.add_feedback((3, 10), INCMP) # ISSUE: # When candidate edges are added within pos-redun CCs, the inferred state # should be set (but currently it is not). # EG: edge (1, 2) is added, but the CC is already pos-redun, but the # inferred state on the edge is never set. # Quick Fix: inference between newly added edges that were already # pos-redun infr.apply_nondynamic_update() # edge_overrides = { # # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.edges()}, # 'linestyle': {e: 'dashed' for e in infr.get_edges_where_eq('decision', UNREV)}, # } infr.update_visual_attrs(groupby='name_label'), fnum=1, pnum=(1, 4, 4), **showkw) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') ut.show_if_requested()