Source code for wbia.scripts.classify_shark

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# flake8: noqa
import logging
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import sklearn
import sklearn.datasets
import sklearn.svm
import sklearn.metrics
from sklearn import preprocessing

    from wbia_cnn.models import abstract_models

    AbstractCategoricalModel = abstract_models.AbstractCategoricalModel
except ImportError:
    AbstractCategoricalModel = object
    print('no wbia_cnn')

from os.path import join

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def shark_net(dry=False): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_net python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_net --dry python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_net --vd --monitor Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> shark_net() """ from wbia.scripts import classify_shark import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb('WS_ALL') # NOQA config = {'dim_size': (224, 224), 'resize_dim': 'wh'} # ------------ # Define dataset # ------------ target_type = 'binary' # target_type = 'multiclass3' # ut.delete(ibs.get_neuralnet_dir()) # to reset dataset = classify_shark.get_shark_dataset(target_type, 'chip') # ------------ # Define model # ------------ if ut.get_computer_name() == 'Leviathan': batch_size = 128 suffix = 'resnet' # suffix = 'lenet' # suffix = 'incep' else: suffix = 'lenet' batch_size = 64 # suffix = 'resnet' # batch_size = 32 model_name = 'injur-shark-' + suffix if False: model = classify_shark.WhaleSharkInjuryModel( name=model_name, output_dims=len(dataset.getprop('target_names')), data_shape=config['dim_size'] + (3,), batch_size=batch_size, arch_dpath='.', ) model.init_arch() model.load_model_state() else: model = classify_shark.WhaleSharkInjuryModel( name=model_name, dataset_dpath=dataset.dataset_dpath, training_dpath=ibs.get_neuralnet_dir(), # output_dims=len(dataset.getprop('target_names')), data_shape=config['dim_size'] + (3,), batch_size=batch_size, ) model.init_arch() model.print_layer_info() if False: model.arch_dpath = '/home/joncrall/Desktop/manually_saved/arch_injur-shark-resnet_o2_d27_c2942_jzuddodd/' state_fpath = model.get_model_state_fpath(dpath=model.trained_arch_dpath) state_fpath = model.get_model_state_fpath() model.load_model_state(fpath=state_fpath) # X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('test') # X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('valid') # X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('learn') X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('test') # y_pred = model.predict(X_test) test_outptuts = model._predict(X_test) y_pred = test_outptuts['predictions'] report = sklearn.metrics.classification_report(y_true=y_test, y_pred=y_pred) state_fpath = '/home/joncrall/Desktop/manually_saved/arch_injur-shark-resnet_o2_d27_c2942_jzuddodd/model_state_arch_jzuddodd.pkl' dpath = '/home/joncrall/Desktop/manually_saved/arch_injur-shark-lenet_o2_d11_c688_acioqbst' model.dump_cases(X_test, y_test, 'test', dpath=dpath) hyperparams = dict( era_size=30, max_epochs=1000, rate_schedule=0.1, augment_on=True, class_weight='balanced', stopping_patience=200, ) model.learn_state.weight_decay = 0.000002 model.learn_state.learning_rate = 0.005 ut.update_existing(model.hyperparams, hyperparams, assert_exists=True) model.monitor_config['monitor'] = True model.monitor_config['weight_dump_freq'] = 100 model.monitor_config['case_dump_freq'] = 100 # model.build_backprop_func() # model.build_forward_func() # --------------- # Setup and learn # --------------- X_learn, y_learn = dataset.subset('learn') X_valid, y_valid = dataset.subset('valid') X_test, y_test = dataset.subset('test') # model.ensure_data_params(X_learn, y_learn) # X_train = X_learn # NOQA # y_train = y_learn # NOQA valid_idx = None # NOQA if dry or ut.get_argflag('--dry'): return model, dataset, y_learn, X_valid=X_valid, y_valid=y_valid)
# @ut.reloadable_class
[docs]class WhaleSharkInjuryModel(AbstractCategoricalModel): """ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.scripts import classify_shark >>> ds = classify_shark.get_sharks_dataset('binary', 'chip') >>> problem = classify_shark.ClfProblem(ds) >>> problem.print_support_info() >>> ibs = ds.ibs """
[docs] def def_lenet(model): import lasange from wbia_cnn import custom_layers'[model] init_arch') lrelu = lasange.nonlinearities.LeakyRectify(leakiness=(1.0 / 3.0)) W = lasange.init.Orthogonal('relu') bundles = custom_layers.make_bundles( nonlinearity=lrelu, batch_norm=True, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), pool_size=(2, 2), pool_stride=(2, 2), W=W, ) b = ut.DynStruct(copy_dict=bundles) network_layers_def = [ b.InputBundle(shape=model.input_shape, noise=False), # Convolutional layers b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16, pool=True), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16, pool=True), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=32, pool=True), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=32), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=32, pool=True), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=32), # Fully connected layers b.DenseBundle(num_units=64, dropout=0.5), b.DenseBundle(num_units=64, dropout=0.5), b.SoftmaxBundle(num_units=model.output_dims), ] return network_layers_def
[docs] def def_resnet(model): import lasange from wbia_cnn import custom_layers'[model] init_arch') nonlinearity = lasange.nonlinearities.LeakyRectify(leakiness=(1.0 / 3.0)) W = lasange.init.HeNormal(gain='relu') # W = lasange.init.GlorotUniform() bundles = custom_layers.make_bundles( nonlinearity=nonlinearity, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), W=W, pool_size=(2, 2), pool_stride=(2, 2), ) b = ut.DynStruct(copy_dict=bundles) network_layers_def = [ b.InputBundle(shape=model.input_shape, noise=False), # Convolutional layers b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16, pool=False), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, stride=(2, 2), preactivate=False), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, stride=(2, 2)), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, stride=(2, 2)), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, stride=(2, 2)), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, dropout=None), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, stride=(2, 2), dropout=0.5), b.ResidualBundle(num_filters=16, postactivate=True, dropout=0.5), # Fully connected layers b.GlobalPool(), b.SoftmaxBundle(num_units=model.output_dims), ] return network_layers_def
[docs] def def_inception(model): import lasange from wbia_cnn import custom_layers'[model] init_arch') N = 16 # Define default incption branch types incep_branches = [ dict(t='c', s=(1, 1), r=0, n=N), dict(t='c', s=(3, 3), r=N // 2, n=N // 2), dict(t='c', s=(3, 3), r=N // 4, n=N // 4, d=2), dict(t='p', s=(3, 3), n=N // 2), ] lrelu = lasange.nonlinearities.LeakyRectify(leakiness=(1.0 / 3.0)) W = lasange.init.Orthogonal('relu') bundles = custom_layers.make_bundles( nonlinearity=lrelu, batch_norm=True, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), pool_size=(3, 3), pool_stride=(2, 2), branches=incep_branches, W=W, ) b = ut.DynStruct(copy_dict=bundles) network_layers_def = [ # Convolutional layers b.InputBundle(shape=model.input_shape, noise=False), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=16, filter_size=(3, 3), pool=False), b.ConvBundle(num_filters=12, filter_size=(3, 3), pool=True), b.InceptionBundle(dropout=0.3, pool=True), b.InceptionBundle(dropout=0.3, pool=True), b.InceptionBundle(dropout=0.4, pool=True), b.InceptionBundle( dropout=0.5, branches=[ dict(t='c', s=(1, 1), r=0, n=model.output_dims), dict(t='c', s=(3, 3), r=N // 2, n=model.output_dims), dict(t='c', s=(3, 3), r=N // 4, n=model.output_dims, d=2), dict(t='p', s=(3, 3), n=model.output_dims), ], ), b.GlobalPool(), b.SoftmaxBundle(num_units=model.output_dims) # Fully connected layers # b.DenseBundle(num_units=64, dropout=.5), # b.DenseBundle(num_units=64, dropout=.5), ] return network_layers_def
[docs] def init_arch(model, verbose=ut.VERBOSE, **kwargs): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark WhaleSharkInjuryModel.init_arch python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark WhaleSharkInjuryModel.init_arch --show python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_net --dry --show python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_net --vd Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> data_shape = tuple(ut.get_argval('--datashape', type_=list, >>> default=(224, 224, 3))) >>> model = WhaleSharkInjuryModel(batch_size=64, output_dims=2, >>> data_shape=data_shape) >>> model.init_arch() >>> model.print_model_info_str() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> model.show_arch(fullinfo=False) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from wbia_cnn import custom_layers # if ut.get_computer_name() == 'Leviathan': if'incep'): network_layers_def = model.def_inception() elif'lenet'): network_layers_def = model.def_lenet() elif'resnet'): network_layers_def = model.def_resnet() network_layers = custom_layers.evaluate_layer_list(network_layers_def) # model.network_layers = network_layers output_layer = network_layers[-1] model.output_layer = output_layer return output_layer
[docs] def special_output(): pass
# def special_loss_function(output_activations): # output_injur1 = output_activations[:, 0] # output_injur2 = output_activations[:, 1] # output_healthy = (1 - ((1 - output_injur1) * (1 - output_injur2)) # import lasange # lasange.objectives.binary_crossentropy(output_injur1) # lasange.objectives.binary_crossentropy(output_injur2)
[docs] def augment(self, Xb, yb=None): """ X_valid, y_valid = dataset.subset('valid') num = 10 Xb = X_valid[:num] Xb = Xb / 255.0 if ut.is_int(Xb) else Xb Xb = Xb.astype(np.float32, copy=True) yb = None if yb is None else yb.astype(np.int32, copy=True) # Rescale the batch data to the range 0 to 1 Xb_, yb_ = model.augment(Xb) yb_ = None >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.qt4ensure() >>> from wbia_cnn import augment >>> augment.show_augmented_patches(Xb, Xb_, yb, yb_, data_per_label=1) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from wbia_cnn import augment rng = np.random affperterb_ranges = dict( zoom_range=(1.3, 1.2), max_tx=2, max_ty=2, max_shear=ut.TAU / 32, max_theta=ut.TAU, enable_stretch=True, enable_flip=True, ) Xb_, yb_ = augment.augment_affine( Xb, yb, rng=rng, inplace=True, data_per_label=1, affperterb_ranges=affperterb_ranges, aug_prop=0.5, ) return Xb_, yb_
# def fit_interactive(X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid): # pass
[docs]def get_shark_dataset(target_type='binary', data_type='chip'): """ >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> target_type = 'binary' >>> data_type = 'hog' >>> dataset = get_shark_dataset(target_type) """ from wbia_cnn.dataset import DataSet from wbia.scripts import classify_shark tup = classify_shark.get_shark_labels_and_metadata(target_type) ibs, annots, target, target_names, config, metadata, enc = tup data_shape = config['dim_size'] + (3,) length = len(annots) # Build dataset configuration string trail_cfgstr = ibs.depc_annot.get_config_trail_str('chips', config) trail_hashstr = ut.hashstr27(trail_cfgstr) visual_uuids = annots.visual_uuids metadata['visual_uuid'] = np.array(visual_uuids) # metadata['nids'] = np.array(annots.nids) chips_hashstr = ut.hashstr_arr27(annots.visual_uuids, 'chips') cfgstr = chips_hashstr + '_' + trail_hashstr name = 'injur-shark' if data_type == 'hog': cfgstr = 'hog_' + cfgstr name += '-hog' training_dpath = ibs.get_neuralnet_dir() dataset = DataSet( cfgstr, data_shape=data_shape, num_data=length, training_dpath=training_dpath, name=name, ) dataset.setprop('ibs', ibs) dataset.setprop('annots', annots) dataset.setprop('target_names', target_names) dataset.setprop('config', config) dataset.setprop('enc', enc) try: dataset.load() except IOError: import vtool as vt dataset.ensure_dirs() if data_type == 'hog': data = np.array([h.ravel() for h in annots.hog_hog]) labels = target # Save data where dataset expects it to be, labels, metadata, data_per_label=1) else: chip_gen = ibs.depc_annot.get( 'chips', annots.aids, 'img', eager=False, config=config ) iter_ = iter(ut.ProgIter(chip_gen, length=length, lbl='load chip')) shape = (length,) + data_shape data = vt.fromiter_nd(iter_, shape=shape, dtype=np.uint8) # NOQA labels = target # Save data where dataset expects it to be, labels, metadata, data_per_label=1) from wbia_cnn.dataset import stratified_label_shuffle_split if not dataset.has_split('learn'): nids = np.array(dataset.metadata['nids']) # Partition into a testing and training dataset y = dataset.labels train_idx, test_idx = stratified_label_shuffle_split( y, nids, [0.8, 0.2], rng=22019 ) nids_train = nids.take(train_idx, axis=0) y_train = y.take(train_idx, axis=0) # Partition training into learning and validation learn_idx, valid_idx = stratified_label_shuffle_split( y_train, nids_train, [0.8, 0.2], y_idx=train_idx, rng=90120 ) assert len(np.intersect1d(learn_idx, test_idx)) == 0 assert len(np.intersect1d(valid_idx, test_idx)) == 0 assert len(np.intersect1d(learn_idx, valid_idx)) == 0 if data_type == 'hog': dataset.add_split('train', train_idx) dataset.add_split('test', test_idx) dataset.add_split('learn', learn_idx) dataset.add_split('valid', valid_idx) dataset.clear_cache('full') if data_type == 'hog': # hack y = dataset.labels nids = np.array(dataset.metadata['nids']) train_idx, test_idx = stratified_label_shuffle_split( y, nids, [0.8, 0.2], rng=22019 ) nids_train = nids.take(train_idx, axis=0) y_train = y.take(train_idx, axis=0) # Partition training into learning and validation learn_idx, valid_idx = stratified_label_shuffle_split( y_train, nids_train, [0.8, 0.2], y_idx=train_idx, rng=90120 ) dataset._split_idxs = {} dataset._split_idxs['learn'] = learn_idx dataset._split_idxs['valid'] = valid_idx dataset._split_idxs['train'] = train_idx dataset._split_idxs['test'] = test_idx dataset.ensure_symlinked() return dataset
[docs]def get_shark_labels_and_metadata(target_type=None, ibs=None, config=None): """ >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> target_type = 'multiclass3' >>> data_type = 'hog' """ import wbia if ibs is None: ibs = wbia.opendb('WS_ALL') if config is None: config = { # 'dim_size': (256, 256), 'dim_size': (224, 224), 'resize_dim': 'wh', } all_annots = ibs.annots(config=config) isempty = ut.not_list(ut.lmap(len, ibs.images().aids)) # if False: # x = ibs.images().compress(isempty) num_empty_images = sum(isempty)'Images without annotations: %r' % (num_empty_images,)) 'Building labels for %r annotations from %r images' % (len(all_annots), len(ut.unique(all_annots.gids))) ) TARGET_TYPE = 'binary' # TARGET_TYPE = 'multiclass3' if target_type is None: target_type = TARGET_TYPE from wbia.scripts import getshark category_tags = getshark.get_injur_categories(all_annots)'Base Category Tags tags')'Base Co-Occurrence Freq') co_occur1 = ut.tag_coocurrence(category_tags) ntags_list = np.array(ut.lmap(len, category_tags)) is_no_tag = ntags_list == 0 is_single_tag = ntags_list == 1 is_multi_tag = ntags_list > 1 if target_type == 'binary': regex_map = [ ('injur-.*', 'injured'), ('healthy', 'healthy'), ] elif target_type == 'multiclass3': regex_map = [ ('injur-trunc', 'injur-trunc'), ('injur-nicks', 'injur-trunc'), ('injur-scar', 'injur-scar'), ('injur-bite', 'injur-scar'), ('injur-gill', 'injur-scar'), ('injur-other', None), ('injur-dead', None), ('healthy', 'healthy'), ] elif target_type == 'multiclassX': regex_map = [ ('injur-trunc', 'injur-trunc'), ('healthy', 'healthy'), ('injur-.*', None), ] else: raise ValueError('Unknown target_type=%r' % (target_type,)) tag_vocab = ut.flat_unique(*category_tags) alias_map = ut.build_alias_map(regex_map, tag_vocab) unmapped = list(set(tag_vocab) - set(alias_map.keys()))'unmapped = %r' % (unmapped,)) category_tags2 = ut.alias_tags(category_tags, alias_map) ntags_list = np.array(ut.lmap(len, category_tags2)) is_no_tag = ntags_list == 0 is_single_tag = ntags_list == 1 is_multi_tag = ntags_list > 1'Cleaned tags') hist = ut.tag_hist(category_tags2) # Get tag co-occurrence'Co-Occurrence Freq') co_occur = ut.tag_coocurrence(category_tags2)'Co-Occurrence Percent') co_occur_percent = ut.odict( [(keys, [100 * val / hist[k] for k in keys]) for keys, val in co_occur.items()] ), precision=2, nl=1)) multi_annots = all_annots.compress(is_multi_tag) # NOQA # ibs.set_image_imagesettext(multi_annots.gids, ['MultiTaged'] * is_multi_tag.sum())"can't use %r annots due to no labels" % (is_no_tag.sum(),))"can't use %r annots due to inconsistent labels" % (is_multi_tag.sum(),))'will use %r annots with consistent labels' % (is_single_tag.sum(),)) annot_tags = ut.compress(category_tags2, is_single_tag) annots = all_annots.compress(is_single_tag) annot_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(ut.flatten(annot_tags))'Final Annot Tags') # target_names = ['healthy', 'injured'] enc = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() target = enc.transform(ut.flatten(annot_tags)) target_names = enc.classes_ metadata = { 'aids': np.array(annots.aids), 'nids': np.array(annots.nids), } tup = ibs, annots, target, target_names, config, metadata, enc return tup
# @ut.reloadable_class
[docs]class ClfProblem(object): """Harness for researching a classification problem""" def __init__(problem, ds): problem.ds = ds
[docs] def print_support_info(problem): enc = problem.ds.enc target_labels = enc.inverse_transform( label_hist = ut.dict_hist(target_labels)'support hist' + ut.repr3(label_hist))
[docs] def fit_new_classifier(problem, train_idx): """ References: """'[problem] train classifier on %d data points' % (len(train_idx))) data = target = x_train = data.take(train_idx, axis=0) y_train = target.take(train_idx, axis=0) clf = sklearn.svm.SVC( kernel=str('linear'), C=0.17, class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', ) # C, penalty, loss # param_grid = {'C': [1e3, 5e3, 1e4, 5e4, 1e5], # 'gamma': [0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1], } # param_grid = {'C': [1e3, 5e3, 1e4, 5e4, 1e5], # 'gamma': [0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1], } # clf = GridSearchCV(SVC(kernel='rbf', class_weight='balanced'), param_grid) # clf =, y_train), y_train) return clf
[docs] def fit_new_linear_svm(problem, train_idx):'[problem] train classifier on %d data points' % (len(train_idx))) data = target = x_train = data.take(train_idx, axis=0) y_train = target.take(train_idx, axis=0) clf = sklearn.svm.SVC( kernel=str('linear'), C=0.17, class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', ), y_train)
[docs] def gridsearch_linear_svm_params(problem, train_idx): """ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.scripts import classify_shark >>> ds = classify_shark.get_sharks_dataset('binary') >>> problem = classify_shark.ClfProblem(ds) >>> problem.print_support_info() """ try: import sklearn.model_selection except ImportError: pass import sklearn.grid_search with ut.Timer('cv'): data = target = def stratified_sample_idxs_unbalanced(target, size=1000): rng = np.random.RandomState(43) sample = [] for label in np.unique(target): target_idxs = np.where(target == label)[0] subset_size = size rand_idx = ut.random_indexes(len(target_idxs), subset_size, rng=rng) sample_idx = ut.take(target_idxs, rand_idx) sample.append(sample_idx) sample_idx = np.array(sorted(ut.flatten(sample))) return sample_idx train_idx = stratified_sample_idxs_unbalanced(target, 4000) x_train = data.take(train_idx, axis=0) y_train = target.take(train_idx, axis=0) param_grid = { # 'C': [1, .5, .1, 5, 10, 100], # 'C': [1, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3] # 'C': [1, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3] # 'C': np.linspace(1, 1e-5, 15) # 'C': np.linspace(.2, 1e-5, 15) # 'C': np.logspace(np.log10(1e-3), np.log10(.1), 30, base=10) # 'C': np.linspace(.1, .3, 20), # 'C': np.linspace(1.0, .22, 20), 'C': np.linspace(0.25, 0.01, 40), # 'loss': ['l2', 'l1'], # 'penalty': ['l2', 'l1'], } _clf = sklearn.svm.SVC( kernel=str('linear'), C=0.17, class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', ) clf = sklearn.grid_search.GridSearchCV( _clf, param_grid, n_jobs=6, iid=False, cv=5, verbose=3 ), y_train) # (NOTE grid.predict only uses the best estimator)'clf.best_params_ = %r' % (clf.best_params_,))'Best parameters set found on development set:')'Grid scores on development set:') for params, mean_score, scores in clf.grid_scores_: '%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r' % (mean_score, scores.std() * 2, params) ) xdata = np.array([t[0]['C'] for t in clf.grid_scores_]) ydata = np.array([t[1] for t in clf.grid_scores_]) y_data_std = np.array([t[2].std() for t in clf.grid_scores_]) ydata_mean = ydata y_data_max = ydata_mean + y_data_std y_data_min = ydata_mean - y_data_std # pt.plot(xdata, ydata, '-rx') import wbia.plottool as pt pt.figure(fnum=pt.ensure_fnum(None)) ax = pt.gca() ax.fill_between(xdata, y_data_min, y_data_max, alpha=0.2, color=pt.LIGHT_BLUE) pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(ydata, xdata)
# y_data_std = np.array([t[2].std() for t in grid.grid_scores_]) # ydata_mean = c_ydata # y_data_max = ydata_mean + y_data_std # y_data_min = ydata_mean - y_data_std # # import wbia.plottool as pt # # pt.figure(fnum=pt.ensure_fnum(None)) # ax = pt.gca() # ax.fill_between(c_xdata, c_ydata, y_data_max, alpha=.2, color=pt.LIGHT_BLUE) # ax.fill_between(c_xdata, c_ydata, y_data_min, alpha=.2, color=pt.LIGHT_BLUE) # # pt.figure(fnum=pt.ensure_fnum(None)) # hist = c_ydata # centers = c_xdata # pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(c_ydata, c_xdata, maxima_thresh=None, remove_endpoints=False) # clf.best_params_ = {u'C': 0.07143785714285722} # Best parameters set found on development set: # {u'C': 0.07143785714285722} # Grid scores on development set: # 0.729 (+/-0.016) for {u'C': 1.0} # 0.729 (+/-0.019) for {u'C': 0.92857214285714285} # 0.733 (+/-0.017) for {u'C': 0.85714428571428569} # 0.734 (+/-0.015) for {u'C': 0.78571642857142865} # 0.736 (+/-0.016) for {u'C': 0.71428857142857138} # 0.739 (+/-0.020) for {u'C': 0.64286071428571434} # 0.742 (+/-0.020) for {u'C': 0.57143285714285719} # 0.743 (+/-0.021) for {u'C': 0.50000500000000003} # 0.746 (+/-0.023) for {u'C': 0.42857714285714288} # 0.749 (+/-0.023) for {u'C': 0.35714928571428572} # 0.755 (+/-0.025) for {u'C': 0.28572142857142857} # 0.760 (+/-0.027) for {u'C': 0.21429357142857142} # 0.762 (+/-0.025) for {u'C': 0.14286571428571437} # 0.770 (+/-0.036) for {u'C': 0.07143785714285722} # 0.664 (+/-0.031) for {u'C': 1.0000000000000001e-05} # 0.774 (+/-0.039) for {u'C': 0.017433288221999882} # 0.775 (+/-0.039) for {u'C': 0.020433597178569417} # 0.774 (+/-0.039) for {u'C': 0.023950266199874861} # 0.777 (+/-0.038) for {u'C': 0.02807216203941177} # 0.775 (+/-0.036) for {u'C': 0.032903445623126679} # 0.773 (+/-0.033) for {u'C': 0.038566204211634723} # 0.722 (+/-0.060) for {u'C': 0.001} # 0.770 (+/-0.047) for {u'C': 0.01} # 0.775 (+/-0.047) for {u'C': 0.1} # 0.774 (+/-0.047) for {u'C': 0.12} # 0.773 (+/-0.045) for {u'C': 0.15} # 0.773 (+/-0.046) for {u'C': 0.17} # 0.772 (+/-0.047) for {u'C': 0.2} # 0.760 (+/-0.043) for {u'C': 0.5} # 0.748 (+/-0.043) for {u'C': 1.0} # 0.707 (+/-0.043) for {u'C': 100} # 0.702 (+/-0.047) for {u'C': 1000}
[docs] def classifier_test(problem, clf, test_idx):'[problem] test classifier on %d data points' % (len(test_idx),)) data = target = X_test = data.take(test_idx, axis=0) y_true = target.take(test_idx, axis=0) y_conf = predict_svc_ovr(X_test) y_pred = y_conf.argmax(axis=1) result = ClfSingleResult(problem.ds, test_idx, y_true, y_pred, y_conf) return result
[docs] def stratified_2sample_idxs(problem, frac=0.2, split_frac=0.75): target = target_labels = problem.ds.target_labels rng = np.random.RandomState(43) train_sample = [] test_sample = [] for label in target_labels: target_idxs = np.where(target == label)[0] subset_size = int(len(target_idxs) * frac) rand_idx = ut.random_indexes(len(target_idxs), subset_size, rng=rng) sample_idx = ut.take(target_idxs, rand_idx) split = int(len(sample_idx) * split_frac) train_sample.append(sample_idx[split:]) test_sample.append(sample_idx[:split]) train_idx = np.array(sorted(ut.flatten(train_sample))) test_idx = np.array(sorted(ut.flatten(test_sample))) return train_idx, test_idx
[docs] def gen_crossval_idxs(problem, n_folds=2): y = rng = 43432 if hasattr(problem.ds, 'nids'): # Ensure that an individual does not appear in both the train # and the test dataset from wbia_cnn.dataset import stratified_kfold_label_split labels = problem.ds.nids _iter = stratified_kfold_label_split(y, labels, n_folds=n_folds, rng=rng) else: xvalkw = dict(n_folds=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=rng) import sklearn.cross_validation skf = sklearn.cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, **xvalkw) _iter = skf # import sklearn.model_selection # skf = sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold(**xvalkw) # _iter = skf.split(X=np.empty(len(y)), y=y) msg = 'cross-val test on %s' % ( progiter = ut.ProgIter(_iter, length=n_folds, lbl=msg) for train_idx, test_idx in progiter: yield train_idx, test_idx
# @ut.reloadable_class
[docs]class ClfSingleResult(object): r""" Reports the results of a classification problem Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> result = ClfSingleResult() """ def __init__(result, ds=None, test_idx=None, y_true=None, y_pred=None, y_conf=None): result.ds = ds result.test_idx = test_idx result.y_true = y_true result.y_pred = y_pred result.y_conf = y_conf
[docs] def compile_results(result): import pandas as pd y_true = result.y_true y_pred = result.y_pred y_conf = result.y_conf test_idx = result.test_idx index = pd.Series(test_idx, name='test_idx') if len(result.ds.target_names) == 1: y_conf decision = pd.DataFrame(y_conf, index=index, columns=result.ds.target_names) result.decision = decision / 3 easiness = np.array(ut.ziptake(result.decision.values, y_true)) columns = ['pred', 'easiness'] column_data = [y_pred, easiness] data = dict(zip(columns, column_data)) result.df = pd.DataFrame(data, index, columns)
[docs] def print_report(result): report = sklearn.metrics.classification_report( result.y_true, result.y_pred, target_names=result.ds.target_names )
[docs]def get_model_state(clf): model_attr_names = [a for a in dir(clf) if a.endswith('_') and not a.startswith('__')] model_state = {a: getattr(clf, a) for a in model_attr_names} return model_state
[docs]def set_model_state(clf, model_state): attr_names = sorted(model_state.keys()) attr_names1 = [ 'dual_coef_', ] attr_names2 = [ 'coef_', ] attr_names3 = attr_names1 + attr_names2 attr_namesA = ut.isect(attr_names1, attr_names) attr_namesB = ut.setdiff(attr_names, attr_names3) attr_namesC = ut.isect(attr_names2, attr_names) attr_names_ = attr_namesA + attr_namesB + attr_namesC for a in attr_names_: val = model_state[a]'a = %r' % (a,)) try: setattr(clf, a, val) except AttributeError: val2 = getattr(clf, a) assert np.all(val == val2)
[docs]def predict_svc_ovr(clf, data): if len(clf.classes_) == 2: X = clf._validate_for_predict(data) X = clf._compute_kernel(X) _dec2 = clf._dense_decision_function(X) dec2 = -_dec2 n_samples = dec2.shape[0] n_classes = len(clf.classes_) final = np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes)) confidence_max = max(np.abs(dec2.max()), np.abs(dec2.min())) norm_conf = ((dec2.T[0] / confidence_max) + 1) / 2 final.T[0] = 1 - norm_conf final.T[1] = norm_conf # output comparable to multiclass version y_conf = final else: # Get notion of confidence / probability of decision y_conf = clf.decision_function(data) return y_conf
[docs]def predict_ws_injury_interim_svm(ibs, aids, **kwargs): """ Returns relative confidence """ config = { # 'dim_size': (256, 256), 'dim_size': (224, 224), 'resize_dim': 'wh', } # Load the SVM model_fname = 'interim_svc_injur-shark-hog_12559_224x224x3_ldhhxnxo.cPkl' model_url = '{}'.format(model_fname) model_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(model_url, check_hash=False) clf = ut.load_cPkl(model_fpath) annots = ibs.annots(aids, config=config) data = np.array([h.ravel() for h in annots.hog_hog]) target_names = ['healthy', 'injured'] # confidence = clf.decision_function(data) # y_conf = predict_svc_ovr(clf, data) scores = clf.decision_function(data) y_pred = scores > 0.0 y_pred = y_pred.astype(np.int64) # y_pred = clf.predict(data) ut.embed() pred_nice = ut.take(target_names, y_pred) return list(zip(pred_nice, scores))
[docs]def shark_svm(): r""" References: TODO: * Change unreviewed healthy tags to healthy-likely CommandLine: python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_svm --show python -m wbia.scripts.classify_shark shark_svm Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.classify_shark import * # NOQA >>> shark_svm() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from wbia.scripts import classify_shark target_type = 'binary' # target_type = 'multiclass3' # dataset = classify_shark.get_shark_dataset(target_type) ds = classify_shark.get_shark_dataset(target_type, 'hog') # Make resemble old dataset # FIXME; make wbia_cnn dataset work here too # annots = ds.getprop('annots') ds.enc = ds.getprop('enc') ds.aids = ds.getprop('annots').aids ds.nids = ds.getprop('annots').nids = ds.labels ds.target_names = ds.getprop('target_names') ds.target_labels = ds.enc.transform(ds.target_names) ds.ibs = ds.getprop('ibs') ds.config = ds.getprop('config') problem = classify_shark.ClfProblem(ds) problem.print_support_info() # BUILD_RELEASE_MODEL = False # if BUILD_RELEASE_MODEL: # clf = sklearn.svm.SVC(kernel=str('linear'), C=.17, # class_weight='balanced', # decision_function_shape='ovr', # verbose=10) #, # model_fname = 'interim_svc_{}.cPkl'.format(ds.dataset_id) # model_dpath = ut.ensuredir((ds.dataset_dpath, 'svms')) # model_fpath = join(model_dpath, model_fname) # ut.save_cPkl(model_fpath, clf) # """ # TO PUBLISH # scp clf to lev:/media/hdd/PUBLIC/models # run script lev:/media/hdd/PUBLIC/ to refresh hashes # """ # user = ut.get_user_name() # host = '' # remote_path = '/data/public/models/' + model_fname # remote_uri = user + '@' + host + ':' + remote_path # ut.rsync(model_fpath, remote_uri) # command = 'python /media/hdd/PUBLIC/' # ut.cmd('ssh {user}@{host} "{command}"'.format(user=user, host=host, # command=command)) model_dpath = ut.ensuredir((ds.dataset_dpath, 'svms')) # n_folds = 10 n_folds = 10 # ensemble_dpath = ut.ensuredir((model_dpath, 'svms_%d_fold' % (n_folds,))) train_idx = ds._split_idxs['train'] test_idx = ds._split_idxs['test'] y_train = nids_train = ut.take(ds.nids, train_idx) # Ensure that an individual does not appear in both train and test # _iter = stratified_kfold_label_split(y_train, nids_train, y_idx=train_idx, # n_folds=n_folds, rng=rng) class MyLabelCV(object): def __init__(self, y_train, nids_train, n_folds): self.nids_train = nids_train self.y_train = y_train self.n_folds = n_folds def __len__(self): return self.n_folds def __iter__(self): from wbia_cnn.dataset import stratified_kfold_label_split rng = 1809629827 for _ in stratified_kfold_label_split( self.y_train, self.nids_train, n_folds=self.n_folds, rng=rng ): yield _ clf_fpath = join(model_dpath, '%s_svc_folds_%s.cPkl' % (target_type, n_folds)) if not ut.checkpath(clf_fpath): """ Curate strategy: Use gridsearch to select a reasonable C=.17 Then train 10 classifiers with 10 split cross validation. This lets us make an "unbias" prediction for each training example. Look at predictions for all training examples (predict using only classifiers not trained with that point). Look at worst worst performing examples. Fix any errors that occur. Now that the database is better, we learn the actual model. Learning strategy: * Set aside a set test. * The remaining data is the training set. * Run Gridsearch with N-fold cross validation on training set to look at performance given different hyperparameters of the SVM. * Use quadratic interpolation to select a "best" parameter. (NOTE grid.predict only uses the best estimator (however it is a refit estimator)) Train a single SVM using these parameters on all training data. Evaluate this SVM on the test set. """ C = None if C is None: import sklearn import sklearn.grid_search import sklearn.svm # C controls the margin of the hyperplane. # Smaller C = Larger Hyperplane # So, the larger the C the less willing the SVM will be to get # examples wrong. param_grid = { # 'C': np.linspace(.1, .2, 10), 'C': [ 0.0001, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.15, 0.17, 0.2, 0.22, 0.5, 1.0, 100, 1000, 10000, ] # 'C': np.linspace(.1, .2, 3), } clf = sklearn.svm.SVC( kernel=str('linear'), C=0.17, class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', ) cv = MyLabelCV(y_train, nids_train, n_folds=n_folds) grid = sklearn.grid_search.GridSearchCV( clf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv, refit=False, n_jobs=min(n_folds, 6), verbose=10, ) x_train =, axis=0) y_train =, axis=0), y_train) for params, mean_score, scores in grid.grid_scores_: '%0.3f (+/-%0.03f) for %r' % (mean_score, scores.std() * 2, params) ) c_xdata = np.array([t[0]['C'] for t in grid.grid_scores_]) c_ydata = np.array([t[1] for t in grid.grid_scores_]) import vtool as vt # maxima_x, maxima_y, argmaxima = vt.hist_argmaxima(c_ydata, c_xdata, maxima_thresh=None) submaxima_x, submaxima_y = vt.argsubmaxima(c_ydata, c_xdata) # pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(c_ydata, c_xdata, maxima_thresh=None, remove_endpoints=False) C = submaxima_x[0]'C = %r' % (C,)) else:'C = %r' % (C,)) clf_all = sklearn.svm.SVC( kernel=str('linear'), C=C, class_weight='balanced', decision_function_shape='ovr', verbose=10, ) X_train =, axis=0), y_train) ut.save_data(clf_fpath, clf_all.__dict__) clf = clf_all else: clf = sklearn.svm.SVC() clf.__dict__.update(**ut.load_data(clf_fpath)) def classifier_test(clf, X_test, y_test):'[problem] test classifier on %d data points' % (len(test_idx),)) y_conf = predict_svc_ovr(X_test) y_pred = y_conf.argmax(axis=1) result = ClfSingleResult(problem.ds, test_idx, y_test, y_pred, y_conf) return result test_idx = ds._split_idxs['test'] X_test =, axis=0) y_test =, axis=0) result = classifier_test(clf, X_test, y_test) result.compile_results() result.print_report() result_list = [result] import pandas as pd # import wbia.plottool as pt # Combine information from results df = pd.concat([r.df for r in result_list]) df['hardness'] = 1 / df['easiness'] df['aid'] = ut.take(ds.aids, df.index) df['target'] = ut.take(, df.index) df['failed'] = df['pred'] != df['target'] report = sklearn.metrics.classification_report( y_true=df['target'], y_pred=df['pred'], target_names=result.ds.target_names ) confusion = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(df['target'], df['pred'])'Confusion Matrix:') pd.DataFrame( confusion, columns=[m for m in result.ds.target_names], index=['gt ' + m for m in result.ds.target_names], ) ) # inspect_results(ds, result_list) if False: if False: # train_idx, test_idx = problem.stratified_2sample_idxs() train_idx = ds._split_idxs['train'] test_idx = ds._split_idxs['test'] # import sklearn.metrics # model_dpath = join(ds.dataset_dpath, 'svms') # model_fpath = join(model_dpath, target_type + '_svc.cPkl') # if ut.checkpath(model_fpath): # clf = sklearn.svm.SVC(kernel=str('linear'), C=.17, class_weight='balanced', # decision_function_shape='ovr') # clf.__dict__.update(**ut.load_data(model_fpath)) # else: # clf = problem.fit_new_classifier(train_idx) # ut.ensuredir(model_dpath) # ut.save_data(model_fpath, clf.__dict__) result_list = [] result = problem.test_classifier(clf, test_idx) result_list.append(result) for result in result_list: result.compile_results() for result in result_list: result.print_report() inspect_results(ds, result_list) if False: result_list = [] result = problem.test_classifier(clf, train_idx) result_list.append(result) for result in result_list: result.compile_results() for result in result_list: result.print_report() inspect_results(ds, result_list) if False: result_list = [] # View support vectors support_idxs = clf.support_ result = problem.test_classifier(clf, support_idxs) result_list.append(result) for result in result_list: result.compile_results() for result in result_list: result.print_report() inspect_results(ds, result_list)
[docs]def inspect_results(ds, result_list): import pandas as pd import wbia.plottool as pt pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 20) pt.qt4ensure() isect_sets = [ set(s1).intersection(set(s2)) for s1, s2 in ut.combinations([result.df.index for result in result_list], 2) ] assert all([len(s) == 0 for s in isect_sets]), 'cv sets should not intersect' # Combine information from results df = pd.concat([result.df for result in result_list]) df['hardness'] = 1 / df['easiness'] df['aid'] = ut.take(ds.aids, df.index) df['target'] = ut.take(, df.index) df['failed'] = df['pred'] != df['target'] report = sklearn.metrics.classification_report( y_true=df['target'], y_pred=df['pred'], target_names=result.ds.target_names ) confusion = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(df['target'], df['pred'])'Confusion Matrix:') pd.DataFrame( confusion, columns=[m for m in result.ds.target_names], index=['gt ' + m for m in result.ds.target_names], ) ) def target_partition(target): df_chunk = df if target is None else df[df['target'] == target] df_chunk = df_chunk.take(df_chunk['hardness'].argsort()) return df_chunk def grab_subchunk(frac, n, target): df_chunk = target_partition(target) sl = ut.snapped_slice(len(df_chunk), frac, n)'sl = %r' % (sl,)) idx = df_chunk.index[sl] df_chunk = df_chunk.loc[idx] min_frac = sl.start / len(df_chunk) max_frac = sl.stop / len(df_chunk) min_frac = sl.start max_frac = sl.stop place_name = 'hardness=%.2f (%d-%d)' % (frac, min_frac, max_frac) if target is not None: df_chunk.nice = place_name + ' ' + ds.target_names[target] else: df_chunk.nice = place_name return df_chunk def grab_subchunk2(df_chunk, frac, n): sl = ut.snapped_slice(len(df_chunk), frac, n)'sl = %r' % (sl,)) idx = df_chunk.index[sl] df_chunk = df_chunk.loc[idx] min_frac = sl.start / len(df_chunk) max_frac = sl.stop / len(df_chunk) min_frac = sl.start max_frac = sl.stop place_name = 'hardness=%.2f (%d-%d)' % (frac, min_frac, max_frac) if target is not None: df_chunk.nice = place_name + ' ' + ds.target_names[target] else: df_chunk.nice = place_name return df_chunk # Look at hardest train cases # Look at hardest test cases if True: # n = 4 fracs = [0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] view_targets = ds.target_labels n = 8 // len(view_targets) else: view_targets = [ut.listfind(ds.target_names.tolist(), 'healthy')] # fracs = [0.0, .7, .8, .9, 1.0] fracs = [0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.62] fracs = [0.72, 0.82, 0.84, 0.88] fracs = [0.73, 0.83, 0.835, 0.89] fracs = [0.73, 0.83, 0.835, 0.89] fracs = [0.735, 0.833, 0.837, 0.934] fracs = [0.2, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95] fracs = [0.3, 0.4, 0.67, 0.77, 0.87, 0.92] n = 8 // len(view_targets) if False: view_targets = [ut.listfind(ds.target_names.tolist(), 'healthy')] target_dfs = [target_partition(target) for target in view_targets] critical_points = [np.where(_df['failed'])[0][0] for _df in target_dfs] critical_fracs = [_pt / len(_df) for _pt, _df in zip(critical_points, target_dfs)] n = 8 * 5 frac = critical_fracs[0] frac += 0.1 _df = target_dfs[0] df_part = grab_subchunk2(_df, frac, n) df_chunks = [df_part.iloc[x] for x in ut.ichunks(range(len(df_part)), 8)] else: df_chunks = [ grab_subchunk(frac, n, target) for frac in fracs for target in view_targets ] ibs = ds.ibs config = ds.config from wbia_cnn import draw_results inter = draw_results.make_InteractClasses( ibs, config, df_chunks, nCols=len(view_targets) ) inter.start()