Source code for wbia.scripts._thesis_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from os.path import basename, join, splitext, exists, isdir, islink, abspath
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import matplotlib as mpl
from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP  # NOQA

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

DPI = 300

# TMP_RC = {
#     'axes.titlesize': 12,
#     'axes.labelsize': 12,
#     '': 'DejaVu Sans',
#     'xtick.labelsize': 12,
#     'ytick.labelsize': 12,
#     # 'legend.fontsize': 18,
#     # 'legend.alpha': .8,
#     'legend.fontsize': 12,
#     'legend.facecolor': 'w',
# }

TMP_RC = {
    'axes.titlesize': 12,
    'axes.labelsize': ut.get_argval('--labelsize', default=12),
    '': 'sans-serif',
    'font.serif': 'CMU Serif',
    'font.sans-serif': 'CMU Sans Serif',
    'font.monospace': 'CMU Typewriter Text',
    'xtick.labelsize': 12,
    'ytick.labelsize': 12,
    # 'legend.alpha': .8,
    'legend.fontsize': 12,
    'legend.facecolor': 'w',

W, H = 7.4375, 3.0

[docs]def dbname_to_species_nice(dbname): species_nice = dbname if 'GZ' in dbname: species_nice = "Grévy's zebras" if 'PZ' in dbname: species_nice = 'plains zebras' if 'GIRM' in dbname: species_nice = 'Masai giraffes' if 'MantaMatcher' in dbname: species_nice = 'manta rays' if 'humpback' in dbname: species_nice = 'humpbacks' # species_nice = "humpback whales" if 'LF_ALL' in dbname: species_nice = 'lionfish' if 'RotanTurtles' == dbname: species_nice = 'sea turtles' return species_nice
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class DBInputs(object): def __init__(self, dbname=None): self.ibs = None self.expt_results = {} if isdir(dbname) or islink(dbname): dpath = abspath(dbname) else: dpath = None self.dbname = dbname self.dname = None self.dpath = dpath self.species_nice = dbname_to_species_nice(dbname) if self.dpath is None and dbname is not None: self.dname = self.dbname link_dname = ut.get_argval('--link', default='link') self.dpath = join(self.base_dpath, link_dname, self.dname) def _setup_links(self, cfg_prefix, config=None): """ Called only when setting up an experiment to make a measurement. Creates symlinks such that all data is written to a directory that depends on a computer name, cfg_prefix and an arbitrary configuration dict. Then force the link in the basic directory to point to abs_dpath. """ # Setup directory from os.path import expanduser assert self.dname is not None computer_id = ut.get_argval('--comp', default=ut.get_computer_name()) conf_dpath = ut.ensuredir((expanduser(self.base_dpath), 'configured')) comp_dpath = ut.ensuredir((join(conf_dpath, computer_id))) link_dpath = ut.ensuredir((self.base_dpath, 'link')) # if True: # # move to new system # old_dpath = join(conf_dpath, self.dbname + '_' + computer_id) # if exists(old_dpath): # ut.move(old_dpath, join(comp_dpath, self.dbname)) try: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config.getstate_todict_recursive()) except AttributeError: cfgstr = ut.repr3(config) hashid = ut.hash_data(cfgstr)[0:6] suffix = '_'.join([cfg_prefix, hashid]) dbcode = self.dbname + '_' + suffix abs_dpath = ut.ensuredir(join(comp_dpath, dbcode)) self.dname = dbcode self.dpath = abs_dpath self.abs_dpath = abs_dpath # Place a basic link in the base link directory links = [] links.append(expanduser(join(link_dpath, self.dbname))) # # Make a configured but computer agnostic link # links.append(expanduser(join(conf_dpath, self.dbname))) for link in links: try: # Overwrite any existing link so the most recently used is # the default = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link, overwrite=True) except Exception: if exists(abs_dpath): newpath = ut.non_existing_path(abs_dpath, suffix='_old') ut.move(link, newpath) = ut.symlink(abs_dpath, link) ut.writeto(join(abs_dpath, 'info.txt'), cfgstr)
[docs] def ensure_setup(self): if self.ibs is None: self._setup()
[docs] def ensure_results(self, expt_name=None, nocompute=None): """ Subclasses must obey the measure_<expt_name>, draw_<expt_name> contract """ if nocompute is None: nocompute = ut.get_argflag('--nocompute') if expt_name is None and exists(self.dpath): # Load all fpaths = ut.glob(str(self.dpath), '*.pkl') expt_names = [splitext(basename(fpath))[0] for fpath in fpaths] for fpath, expt_name in zip(fpaths, expt_names): self.expt_results[expt_name] = ut.load_data(fpath) else: # expt_name = splitext(basename(fpath))[0] fpath = join(str(self.dpath), expt_name + '.pkl') # fpath = ut.truepath(fpath) if not exists(fpath): ut.cprint('Experiment results {} do not exist'.format(expt_name), 'red') ut.cprint('First re-setup to check if it is a path issue', 'red') if nocompute: raise Exception( str(expt_name) + ' does not exist for ' + str(self.dbname) ) if self.ibs is None: self._precollect() ut.cprint('Checking new fpath', 'yellow') fpath = join(str(self.dpath), expt_name + '.pkl')'fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) if not exists(fpath): ut.cprint('Results still missing need to re-measure', 'red') # assert False # self._setup() getattr(self, 'measure_' + expt_name)() else: ut.cprint('Re-setup fixed it', 'green') else:'Experiment results {} exist'.format(expt_name)) self.expt_results[expt_name] = ut.load_data(fpath) return self.expt_results[expt_name]
[docs] @classmethod def measure(ChapX, expt_name, dbnames, *args): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia Chap3.measure all --dbs=GZ_Master1 python -m wbia Chap3.measure all --dbs=PZ_Master1 python -m wbia Chap3.measure nsum --dbs=GZ_Master1,PZ_Master1 python -m wbia Chap3.measure foregroundness --dbs=GZ_Master1,PZ_Master1 # Example: # >>> # Script # >>> from wbia.scripts.thesis import * # NOQA # >>> expt_name = ut.get_argval('--expt', type_=str, pos=1) # >>> dbnames = ut.get_argval(('--dbs', '--db'), type_=list, default=[]) # >>> ChapX.measure(expt_name, dbnames) """'expt_name = %r' % (expt_name,))'dbnames = %r' % (dbnames,))'args = %r' % (args,)) dbnames = ut.smart_cast(dbnames, list) for dbname in dbnames: self = ChapX(dbname) if expt_name == 'all': if self.ibs is None: self._setup() # self._precollect() self.measure_all(*args) else: getattr(self, 'measure_' + expt_name)(*args) if len(dbnames) == 1: return self
[docs] @classmethod def draw(ChapX, expt_name, dbnames, *args): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia Chap3.draw nsum --dbs=GZ_Master1,PZ_Master1 python -m wbia Chap3.draw foregroundness --dbs=GZ_Master1,PZ_Master1 --diskshow python -m wbia Chap3.draw kexpt --dbs=GZ_Master1 --diskshow python -m wbia Chap4.draw importance GZ_Master1 python -m wbia Chap4.draw hard_cases GZ_Master1,PZ_Master1 match_state,photobomb_state --diskshow # Example: # >>> # Script # >>> from wbia.scripts.thesis import * # NOQA # >>> expt_name = ut.get_argval('--expt', type_=str, pos=1) # >>> dbnames = ut.get_argval(('--dbs', '--db'), type_=list, default=[]) # >>> Chap3.draw(expt_name, dbnames) """'expt_name = %r' % (expt_name,))'dbnames = %r' % (dbnames,))'args = %r' % (args,)) dbnames = ut.smart_cast(dbnames, list) if len(dbnames) > 1: # parallelize drawing tasks from concurrent import futures multi_args = [ut.smart_cast(a, list) for a in args] with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as executor: list( futures.as_completed( [ executor.submit(ChapX.draw_serial, expt_name, *fsargs) for fsargs in ut.product(dbnames, *multi_args) ] ) )'\n\n Completed multiple tasks') else: ChapX.draw_serial(expt_name, dbnames, *args)
[docs] @classmethod def draw_serial(ChapX, expt_name, dbnames, *args): dbnames = ut.smart_cast(dbnames, list) mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) for dbname in dbnames: self = ChapX(dbname) if expt_name == 'all': self.draw_all() else: draw_func = getattr(self, 'draw_' + expt_name, None) if draw_func is None: draw_func = getattr(self, 'write_' + expt_name, None) if draw_func is None: raise ValueError('Cannot find a way to draw ' + expt_name) fpath = draw_func(*args) if ut.get_argflag('--diskshow'): if isinstance(fpath, str): ut.startfile(fpath) elif fpath is not None: fpath_list = fpath for fpath in fpath_list: ut.startfile(fpath)
[docs] @classmethod def vd(ChapX): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia Chap3.vd """ ut.vd(ChapX.base_dpath)
@profile def _precollect(self): """ Sets up an ibs object with an aids_pool Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.scripts.thesis import * >>> self = Chap3('humpbacks_fb') >>> self = Chap3('GZ_Master1') >>> self = Chap3('GIRM_Master1') >>> self = Chap3('PZ_MTEST') >>> self = Chap3('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') >>> self = Chap3('PZ_Master1') >>> self = Chap3('RotanTurtles') >>> self._precollect() >>> from wbia.scripts.thesis import * >>> self = Chap4('PZ_Master1') >>> self._precollect() """ import wbia from wbia.init import main_helpers self.dbdir = wbia.sysres.lookup_dbdir(self.dbname) ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=self.dbdir) if ibs.dbname.startswith('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN'): aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() elif ibs.dbname.startswith('LF_ALL'): aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() elif ibs.dbname.startswith('PZ_Master'): # PZ_Master is too big to run in full. Select a smaller sample. # Be sure to include photobomb and incomparable cases. aids = ibs.filter_annots_general( require_timestamp=True, species='primary', is_known=True, minqual='poor' ) infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs=ibs, aids=aids) infr.reset_feedback('staging', apply=True) minority_ccs = find_minority_class_ccs(infr) minority_aids = set(ut.flatten(minority_ccs)) # We need to do our best to select a small sample here flags = ['left' in text for text in ibs.annots(aids).viewpoint_code] left_aids = ut.compress(aids, flags) majority_aids = set( ibs.filter_annots_general( left_aids, require_timestamp=True, species='primary', minqual='poor', require_quality=True, min_pername=2, max_pername=15, ) ) # This produces 5720 annotations aids = sorted(majority_aids.union(minority_aids)) else: aids = ibs.filter_annots_general( require_timestamp=True, is_known=True, species='primary', minqual='poor' ) if ibs.dbname.startswith('MantaMatcher'): # Remove some of the singletons for this db annots = ibs.annots(aids) names = annots.group2(annots.nids) multis = [aids for aids in names if len(aids) > 1] singles = [aids for aids in names if len(aids) == 1] rng = np.random.RandomState(3988708794) aids = ut.flatten(multis) aids += ut.shuffle(ut.flatten(singles), rng=rng)[0:358] # ibs.print_annot_stats(aids, prefix='P') main_helpers.monkeypatch_encounters(ibs, aids, minutes=30)'post monkey patch') # if False: # ibs.print_annot_stats(aids, prefix='P') self.ibs = ibs self.aids_pool = aids
# if False: # # check encounter stats # annots = ibs.annots(aids) # encounters =[1] # nids = ut.take_column(ibs._annot_groups(encounters).nids, 0) # nid_to_enc = ut.group_items(encounters, nids) # nenc_list = ut.lmap(len, nid_to_enc.values()) # hist = ut.range_hist(nenc_list, [1, 2, 3, (4, np.inf)]) #'enc per name hist:') # # # singletons = [a for a in encounters if len(a) == 1] # multitons = [a for a in encounters if len(a) > 1] # deltas = [] # for a in multitons: # times = a.image_unixtimes_asfloat # deltas.append(max(times) - min(times)) # ut.lmap(ut.get_posix_timedelta_str, sorted(deltas))
[docs]def find_minority_class_ccs(infr): # Finds ccs involved in photobombs and incomparble cases pb_edges = [edge for edge, tags in infr.gen_edge_attrs('tags') if 'photobomb' in tags] incomp_edges = list(infr.incomp_graph.edges()) minority_edges = pb_edges + incomp_edges minority_nids = set(infr.node_labels(*set(ut.flatten(minority_edges)))) minority_ccs = [infr.pos_graph._ccs[nid] for nid in minority_nids] return minority_ccs
[docs]def test_mcc(): import wbia.plottool as pt import sklearn.metrics num = 100 xdata = np.linspace(0, 1, num * 2) ydata = np.linspace(1, -1, num * 2) pt.plt.plot(xdata, ydata, '--k', label='linear') y_true = [1] * num + [0] * num y_pred = y_true[:] xs = [] for i in range(0, len(y_true)): y_pred[-i] = 1 - y_pred[-i] xs.append(sklearn.metrics.matthews_corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)) pt.plot(xdata, xs, label='change one class at a time') y_true = ut.flatten(zip([1] * num, [0] * num)) y_pred = y_true[:] xs = [] for i in range(0, len(y_true)): y_pred[-i] = 1 - y_pred[-i] xs.append(sklearn.metrics.matthews_corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)) pt.plot(xdata, xs, label='change classes evenly') pt.gca().legend()
[docs]class ExpandingSample(ut.NiceRepr): # nid = enc.nids[0] # if len(nid_to_splits[nid]) == 0: # chosen = pyrng.sample(enc.aids, min(len(enc), 2)) # nid_to_splits[nid].extend(chosen) # qaids = [] # dname_encs = [] # confusor_pool = [] # for nid, aids_ in nid_to_splits.items(): # if len(aids_) < 2: # confusor_pool.extend(aids_) # else: # pyrng.shuffle(aids_) # qaids.append(aids_[0]) # dname_encs.append([[aids_[1]]]) # confusor_pool = ut.shuffle(confusor_pool, rng=0) # self = ExpandingSample(qaids, dname_encs, confusor_pool) # query_samples.append(self) # return query_samples def __init__(sample, qaids, dname_encs, confusor_pool): sample.qaids = qaids sample.dname_encs = dname_encs sample.confusor_pool = confusor_pool def __nice__(sample): denc_pername = ut.lmap(len, sample.dname_encs) n_denc_pername = np.mean(denc_pername) return 'nQaids={}, nDEncPerName={}, nConfu={}'.format( len(sample.qaids), n_denc_pername, len(sample.confusor_pool) )
[docs] def expand(sample, denc_per_name=[1], extra_dbsize_fracs=[0]): # Vary the number of database encounters in each sample target_daids_list = [] target_info_list_ = [] for num in denc_per_name: dname_encs_ = ut.take_column(sample.dname_encs, slice(0, num)) dnames_ = ut.lmap(ut.flatten, dname_encs_) daids_ = ut.total_flatten(dname_encs_) target_daids_list.append(daids_) name_lens = ut.lmap(len, dnames_) dpername = name_lens[0] if ut.allsame(name_lens) else np.mean(name_lens) target_info_list_.append( ut.odict( [ ('qsize', len(sample.qaids)), ('t_n_names', len(dname_encs_)), ('t_dpername', dpername), ('t_denc_pername', num), ('t_dsize', len(daids_)), ] ) ) # Append confusors to maintain a constant dbsize in each base sample dbsize_list = ut.lmap(len, target_daids_list) max_dsize = max(dbsize_list) n_need = max_dsize - min(dbsize_list) n_extra_avail = len(sample.confusor_pool) - n_need assert len(sample.confusor_pool) > n_need, 'not enough confusors' padded_daids_list = [] padded_info_list_ = [] for daids_, info_ in zip(target_daids_list, target_info_list_): num_take = max_dsize - len(daids_) pad_aids = sample.confusor_pool[:num_take] new_aids = daids_ + pad_aids info_ = info_.copy() info_['n_pad'] = len(pad_aids) info_['pad_dsize'] = len(new_aids) padded_info_list_.append(info_) padded_daids_list.append(new_aids) # Vary the dbsize by appending extra confusors if extra_dbsize_fracs is None: extra_dbsize_fracs = [1.0] extra_fracs = np.array(extra_dbsize_fracs) n_extra_list = np.unique(extra_fracs * n_extra_avail).astype( daids_list = [] info_list = [] for n in n_extra_list: for daids_, info_ in zip(padded_daids_list, padded_info_list_): extra_aids = sample.confusor_pool[len(sample.confusor_pool) - n :] daids = sorted(daids_ + extra_aids) daids_list.append(daids) info = info_.copy() info['n_extra'] = len(extra_aids) info['dsize'] = len(daids) info_list.append(info) import pandas as pd verbose = 0 if verbose:'#qaids = %r' % (len(sample.qaids),))'num_need = %r' % (n_need,))'max_dsize = %r' % (max_dsize,)) return sample.qaids, daids_list, info_list
[docs]def split_tabular(text): top, rest = text.split('\\toprule') x = rest.split('\\midrule') header, body1, rest = x[0], x[1:-1], x[-1] # header, *body1, rest = rest.split('\\midrule') y = rest.split('\\bottomrule') body2, bot = y[0:-1], y[-1] # *body2, bot = rest.split('\\bottomrule') top = top.strip('\n') header = header.strip('\n') mid = [b.strip('\n') for b in body1 + body2] bot = bot.strip('\n') # # # # parts = (top, header, mid, bot) return parts
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class Tabular(object): def __init__( self, data=None, colfmt=None, hline=None, caption='', index=True, escape=True ): self._data = data self.n_cols = None self.n_rows = None self.df = None self.text = None = None self.colfmt = colfmt self.hline = hline self.theadify = False self.caption = caption self.groupxs = None self.multicol_headers = [] self._align_multicolumn_hack = True self.precision = 2 self.n_index_levels = 1 # pandas options self.index = index self.escape = escape
[docs] def add_multicolumn_header(self, size_col_name): """ size_col_name is a list of tuples indicating the number of columns, column format, and text. """ multicol_parts = [] for tup in size_col_name: if tup is None: multicol_parts.append('{}') else: size, col, text = tup if self._align_multicolumn_hack: hack = '&' * (size - 1) part = '\\multi%scolumn{%d}{%s}{%s}' % (hack, size, col, text) else: part = '\\multicolumn{%d}{%s}{%s}' % (size, col, text) multicol_parts.append(part) line = ' & '.join(multicol_parts) + ' \\\\' self.multicol_headers.append(line)
def _rectify_colfmt(self, colfmt=None): if colfmt is None: colfmt = self.colfmt if colfmt == 'numeric': assert self.n_cols is not None, 'need ncols for numeric' colfmt = 'l' * self.n_index_levels + 'r' * (self.n_cols) return colfmt def _rectify_text(self, text): text = text.replace('±', '\\pm') # Put all numbers in math mode pat = ( # ut.negative_lookbehind('[A-Za-z]') ut.named_field('num', '[0-9.]+(\\\\pm)?[0-9.]*') # + ut.negative_lookahead('[A-Za-z]') + '' ) text2 = re.sub(pat, '$' + ut.bref_field('num') + '$', text) # if True: # # def _boldface_best(): # # pass # # text2 = re.sub(pat, '$' + ut.bref_field('num') + '$', text2) # latex_str = re.sub(' -0.00 ', ' 0.00 ', latex_str) return text2
[docs] def as_text(self): if isinstance(self._data, str): text = self._data elif isinstance(self._data, pd.DataFrame): df = self._data text = df.to_latex( index=self.index, escape=self.escape, float_format=lambda x: 'nan' if np.isnan(x) else ut.repr2(x, precision=self.precision) # ('%.' + str(self.precision) + 'f') % (x)) ) if self.index: self.n_index_levels = len(df.index.names) self.n_rows = df.shape[0] self.n_cols = df.shape[1] text = self._rectify_text(text) return text
[docs] def as_parts(self): if is not None: return text = self.as_text() top, header, mid, bot = split_tabular(text) colfmt = self._rectify_colfmt() if colfmt is not None: top = '\\begin{tabular}{%s}' % (colfmt,) if self.theadify: import textwrap width = self.theadify wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width, break_long_words=False) header_lines = header.split('\n') new_lines = [] for line in header_lines: line = line.rstrip('\\') headers = [h.strip() for h in line.split('&')] headers = ['\\\\'.join(wrapper.wrap(h)) for h in headers] headers = [h if h == '{}' else '\\thead{' + h + '}' for h in headers] line = ' & '.join(headers) + '\\\\' new_lines.append(line) new_header = '\n'.join(new_lines) header = new_header if True: groupxs = self.groupxs # Put midlines between multi index levels if groupxs is None and isinstance(self._data, pd.DataFrame): index = self._data.index if len(index.names) == 2 and len(mid) == 1: groupxs = ut.group_indices(index.labels[0])[1] # part = '\n\multirow{%d}{*}{%s}\n' % (len(chunk), key,) # part += '\n'.join(['& ' + c for c in chunk]) if groupxs is not None: bodylines = mid[0].split('\n') mid = ut.apply_grouping(bodylines, groupxs) parts = (top, header, mid, bot) return parts
[docs] def as_tabular(self): parts = self.as_parts() top, header, mid, bot = parts header = '\n'.join(self.multicol_headers) + '\n' + header new_parts = top, header, mid, bot tabular = join_tabular(new_parts, hline=self.hline) if self._align_multicolumn_hack: def hack_repl_align(match): part = match.string[match.start() : match.end()] spaces = part.count(' ') + part.count('&') return ' ' * spaces + '\\multicolumn' tabular = re.sub('\\\\multi( *&)*column', hack_repl_align, tabular) tabular = tabular.replace('\\midrule', '\\hline') return tabular
[docs] def as_table(self, caption=None): if caption is None: caption = self.caption tabular = self.as_tabular() table = ut.codeblock( r""" \begin{{table}}[h] \centering \caption{{{caption}}} """ ).format(caption=caption) if tabular: table += '\n' + ut.indent(tabular) table += ( '\n' + ut.codeblock( """ \\end{{table}} """ ).format() ) return table
[docs]def upper_one(s): return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
[docs]def join_tabular(parts, hline=False, align=True): top, header, mid, bot = parts if hline: toprule = midrule = botrule = '\\hline' else: toprule = '\\toprule' midrule = '\\midrule' botrule = '\\bottomrule' ut.flatten(ut.bzip(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['-'])) top_parts = [top, toprule, header] if mid: # join midblocks given as lists of lines instead of strings midblocks = [] for m in mid: if isinstance(m, str): midblocks.append(m) else: midblocks.append('\n'.join(m)) mid_parts = ut.flatten(ut.bzip([midrule], midblocks)) else: mid_parts = [] # middle_parts = ut.flatten(list(ut.bzip(body_parts, ['\\midrule']))) bot_parts = [botrule, bot] text = '\n'.join(top_parts + mid_parts + bot_parts) if align: text = ut.align(text, '&', pos=None) # text = ut.align(text, r'\\', pos=None) return text
[docs]def ave_str(mean, std, precision=2): ffmt = ''.join(['{:.', str(precision), 'f}']) # fmtstr = ''.join(['$', ffmt, '±', ffmt, '$']) fmtstr = ''.join([ffmt, '±', ffmt]) str_ = fmtstr.format(mean, std) return str_