Source code for wbia.other.detectgrave

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Developer convenience functions for ibs (detections).

TODO: need to split up into sub modules:
    move the export stuff to dbio

    then there are also convineience functions that need to be ordered at least
    within this file
import logging
from os.path import exists, expanduser, join, abspath
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import cv2
from wbia.control import controller_inject
from wbia.other.detectfuncs import (
from wbia.other.detectcore import (

# Inject utool functions
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[other.detectgrave]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(

[docs]@register_ibs_method def bootstrap_pca_train( ibs, dims=64, pca_limit=500000, ann_batch=50, output_path=None, **kwargs ): from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA from annoy import AnnoyIndex import numpy as np import random def _get_data(depc, gid_list, limit=None, shuffle=False): gid_list_ = gid_list[:] if shuffle: random.shuffle(gid_list_) config = { 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'features': True, 'feature2_algo': 'resnet', } total = 0 features_list = [] index_list = [] gid_iter = ut.ProgIter(gid_list_, lbl='collect feature vectors', bs=True) for gid in gid_iter: if limit is not None and total >= limit: break feature_list = depc.get_property( 'localizations_features', gid, 'vector', config=config ) total += len(feature_list) index_list += [(gid, offset) for offset in range(len(feature_list))] features_list.append(feature_list)'\nUsed %d images to mine %d features' % (len(features_list), total)) data_list = np.vstack(features_list) if len(data_list) > limit: data_list = data_list[:limit] index_list = index_list[:limit] assert len(data_list) == len(index_list) features_list = None return total, data_list, index_list # gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', **kwargs) # gid_list = gid_list[:200] # Get data depc = ibs.depc_image total, data_list, index_list = _get_data(depc, gid_list, pca_limit, True) # Normalize data'Fit Scaler') scaler = StandardScaler() data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # Fit PCA'Fit PCA') pca_model = IncrementalPCA(n_components=dims) pca_quality = pca_model.explained_variance_ratio_.sum() * 100.0'PCA Variance Quality: %0.04f %%' % (pca_quality,)) # Fit ANN for PCA's vectors index = 0 ann_model = AnnoyIndex(dims) # Length of item vector that will be indexed ann_rounds = int(np.ceil(float(len(gid_list)) / ann_batch)) manifest_dict = {} for ann_round in range(ann_rounds): start_index = ann_round * ann_batch stop_index = (ann_round + 1) * ann_batch assert start_index < len(gid_list) stop_index = min(stop_index, len(gid_list))'Slicing index range: [%r, %r)' % (start_index, stop_index)) # Slice gids and get feature data gid_list_ = gid_list[start_index:stop_index] total, data_list, index_list = _get_data(depc, gid_list_) # Scaler data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # Transform data to smaller vectors data_list_ = pca_model.transform(data_list) zipped = zip(index_list, data_list_) data_iter = ut.ProgIter(zipped, lbl='add vectors to ANN model', bs=True) for (gid, offset), feature in data_iter: ann_model.add_item(index, feature) manifest_dict[index] = ( gid, offset, ) index += 1 # Build forest trees = index // 100000'Build ANN model using %d feature vectors and %d trees' % (index, trees)) # Save forest if output_path is None: output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', 'models'))) scaler_filename = 'forest.pca' scaler_filepath = join(output_path, scaler_filename)'Saving scaler model to: %r' % (scaler_filepath,)) model_tup = ( pca_model, scaler, manifest_dict, ) ut.save_cPkl(scaler_filepath, model_tup) forest_filename = 'forest.ann' forest_filepath = join(output_path, forest_filename)'Saving ANN model to: %r' % (forest_filepath,)) # ibs.bootstrap_pca_test(model_path=output_path) return output_path
[docs]@register_ibs_method def bootstrap_pca_test( ibs, dims=64, pca_limit=500000, ann_batch=50, model_path=None, output_path=None, neighbors=1000, nms_thresh=0.5, min_confidence=0.3, **kwargs, ): from annoy import AnnoyIndex import random if output_path is None: output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'Desktop', 'output-ann'))) ut.ensuredir(output_path) # gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', **kwargs) random.shuffle(gid_list) # gid_list = gid_list[:100] # Load forest if model_path is None: model_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', 'models'))) scaler_filename = 'forest.pca' scaler_filepath = join(model_path, scaler_filename)'Loading scaler model from: %r' % (scaler_filepath,)) model_tup = ut.load_cPkl(scaler_filepath) pca_model, scaler, manifest_dict = model_tup forest_filename = 'forest.ann' forest_filepath = join(model_path, forest_filename)'Loading ANN model from: %r' % (forest_filepath,)) ann_model = AnnoyIndex(dims) ann_model.load(forest_filepath) config = { 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'features': True, 'feature2_algo': 'resnet', 'classify': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', }'\tGather Ground-Truth') gt_dict = general_parse_gt(ibs, test_gid_list=gid_list, **config)'\tGather Predictions') pred_dict = localizer_parse_pred(ibs, test_gid_list=gid_list, **config) for image_uuid in gt_dict: # Get the gt and prediction list gt_list = gt_dict[image_uuid] pred_list = pred_dict[image_uuid] # Calculate overlap overlap = general_overlap(gt_list, pred_list) num_gt, num_pred = overlap.shape max_overlap = np.max(overlap, axis=0) index_list = np.argsort(max_overlap) example_limit = 1 worst_idx_list = index_list[:example_limit] best_idx_list = index_list[-1 * example_limit :]'Worst ovelap: %r' % (overlap[:, worst_idx_list],))'Best ovelap: %r' % (overlap[:, best_idx_list],)) for idx_list in [best_idx_list, worst_idx_list]: example_list = ut.take(pred_list, idx_list) interpolation = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 warpkw = dict(interpolation=interpolation) for example, offset in zip(example_list, idx_list): gid = example['gid'] feature_list = np.array([example['feature']]) data_list = scaler.transform(feature_list) data_list_ = pca_model.transform(data_list)[0] neighbor_index_list = ann_model.get_nns_by_vector(data_list_, neighbors) neighbor_manifest_list = list( set( [ manifest_dict[neighbor_index] for neighbor_index in neighbor_index_list ] ) ) neighbor_gid_list_ = ut.take_column(neighbor_manifest_list, 0) neighbor_gid_list_ = [gid] + neighbor_gid_list_ neighbor_uuid_list_ = ibs.get_image_uuids(neighbor_gid_list_) neighbor_offset_list_ = ut.take_column(neighbor_manifest_list, 1) neighbor_offset_list_ = [offset] + neighbor_offset_list_ neighbor_gid_set_ = list(set(neighbor_gid_list_)) neighbor_image_list = ibs.get_images(neighbor_gid_set_) neighbor_image_dict = { gid: image for gid, image in zip(neighbor_gid_set_, neighbor_image_list) } neighbor_pred_dict = localizer_parse_pred( ibs, test_gid_list=neighbor_gid_set_, **config ) neighbor_dict = {} zipped = zip( neighbor_gid_list_, neighbor_uuid_list_, neighbor_offset_list_ ) for neighbor_gid, neighbor_uuid, neighbor_offset in zipped: if neighbor_gid not in neighbor_dict: neighbor_dict[neighbor_gid] = [] neighbor_pred = neighbor_pred_dict[neighbor_uuid][neighbor_offset] neighbor_dict[neighbor_gid].append(neighbor_pred) # Perform NMS chip_list = [] query_image = ibs.get_images(gid) xbr = example['xbr'] ybr = example['ybr'] xtl = example['xtl'] ytl = example['ytl'] height, width = query_image.shape[:2] xbr = int(xbr * width) ybr = int(ybr * height) xtl = int(xtl * width) ytl = int(ytl * height) # Get chips try: chip = query_image[ytl:ybr, xtl:xbr, :] chip = cv2.resize(chip, (192, 192), **warpkw) chip_list.append(chip) except Exception: pass chip_list.append(np.zeros((192, 10, 3))) for neighbor_gid in neighbor_dict: neighbor_list = neighbor_dict[neighbor_gid] # Compile coordinate list of (xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr) instead of (xtl, ytl, w, h) coord_list = [] confs_list = [] for neighbor in neighbor_list: xbr = neighbor['xbr'] ybr = neighbor['ybr'] xtl = neighbor['xtl'] ytl = neighbor['ytl'] conf = neighbor['confidence'] coord_list.append([xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr]) confs_list.append(conf) coord_list = np.vstack(coord_list) confs_list = np.array(confs_list) # Perform NMS keep_indices_list = nms(coord_list, confs_list, nms_thresh) keep_indices_set = set(keep_indices_list) neighbor_list_ = [ neighbor for index, neighbor in enumerate(neighbor_list) if index in keep_indices_set ] neighbor_image = neighbor_image_dict[neighbor_gid] for neightbor_ in neighbor_list_: xbr = neightbor_['xbr'] ybr = neightbor_['ybr'] xtl = neightbor_['xtl'] ytl = neightbor_['ytl'] conf = neighbor['confidence'] height, width = neighbor_image.shape[:2] xbr = int(xbr * width) ybr = int(ybr * height) xtl = int(xtl * width) ytl = int(ytl * height) # Get chips try: chip = neighbor_image[ytl:ybr, xtl:xbr, :] chip = cv2.resize(chip, (192, 192), **warpkw) color = (0, 255, 0) if conf >= min_confidence else (0, 0, 255) cv2.rectangle(chip, (0, 0), (192, 192), color, 10) chip_list.append(chip) except Exception: pass min_chips = 16 if len(chip_list) < min_chips: continue chip_list = chip_list[:min_chips] canvas = np.hstack(chip_list) output_filename = 'neighbors_%d_%d.png' % (gid, offset) output_filepath = join(output_path, output_filename) cv2.imwrite(output_filepath, canvas)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def bootstrap( ibs, species_list=['zebra'], N=10, rounds=20, scheme=2, ensemble=9, output_path=None, precompute=True, precompute_test=True, recompute=False, visualize=True, C=1.0, kernel='rbf', **kwargs, ): from sklearn import svm, preprocessing # Establish variables kernel = str(kernel.lower()) species_list = [species.lower() for species in species_list] species_list_str = '.'.join(species_list) assert scheme in [1, 2], 'Invalid scheme' if output_path is None: # species_list_str = '+'.join(species_list) # args = (N, rounds, scheme, species_list_str, ) # output_path_ = 'models-bootstrap-%s-%s-%s-%s' % args output_path_ = 'models-bootstrap' output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', output_path_)))'Using output_path = %r' % (output_path,)) if recompute: ut.delete(output_path) ut.ensuredir(output_path) # Get the test images for later depc = ibs.depc_image test_gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', **kwargs) wic_model_filepath = ibs.classifier_train_image_svm( species_list, output_path=output_path, dryrun=True ) is_wic_model_trained = exists(wic_model_filepath) ###################################################################################### # Step 1: train whole-image classifier # this will compute and cache any ResNet features that # haven't been computed if not is_wic_model_trained: wic_model_filepath = ibs.classifier_train_image_svm( species_list, output_path=output_path ) # Load model pickle model_tup = ut.load_cPkl(wic_model_filepath) model, scaler = model_tup ###################################################################################### # Step 2: sort all test images based on whole image classifier # establish a review ordering based on classification probability # Get scores vals = get_classifier_svm_data_labels(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals # Normalize data data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # score_list_ = model.decision_function(data_list) # NOQA score_list_ = model.predict_proba(data_list) score_list_ = score_list_[:, 1] # Sort gids by scores (initial ranking) comb_list = sorted(list(zip(score_list_, train_gid_set)), reverse=True) sorted_gid_list = [comb[1] for comb in comb_list] config = { 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set': set(species_list), 'features': True, 'feature2_algo': 'resnet', 'classify': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': wic_model_filepath, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.50, # 'thresh' : True, # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, } config_list = [config.copy()] ###################################################################################### # Step 2.5: pre-compute localizations and ResNet features (without loading to memory) # if precompute: needed = N * rounds needed = min(needed, len(sorted_gid_list)) sorted_gid_list_ = sorted_gid_list[:needed] depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', sorted_gid_list_, config=config) # Precompute test features if precompute and precompute_test: # depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', test_gid_list, config=config) if not is_wic_model_trained: depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) # return ###################################################################################### # Step 3: for each bootstrapping round, ask user for input # The initial classifier is the whole image classifier reviewed_gid_dict = {} for current_round in range(rounds):'------------------------------------------------------')'Current Round %r' % (current_round,)) ################################################################################## # Step 4: gather the (unreviewed) images to review for this round round_gid_list = [] temp_index = 0 while len(round_gid_list) < N and temp_index < len(sorted_gid_list): temp_gid = sorted_gid_list[temp_index] if temp_gid not in reviewed_gid_dict: round_gid_list.append(temp_gid) temp_index += 1 args = ( len(round_gid_list), round_gid_list, )'Found %d unreviewed gids: %r' % args) ################################################################################## # Step 5: add any images reviewed from a previous round reviewed_gid_list = reviewed_gid_dict.keys() args = ( len(reviewed_gid_list), reviewed_gid_list, )'Adding %d previously reviewed gids: %r' % args) # All gids that have been reviewed round_gid_list = reviewed_gid_list + round_gid_list # Get model ensemble path limit = len(round_gid_list) args = ( species_list_str, limit, kernel, C, ) output_filename = 'classifier.svm.localization.%s.%d.%s.%s' % args svm_model_path = join(output_path, output_filename) is_svm_model_trained = exists(svm_model_path) ut.ensuredir(svm_model_path) ################################################################################## # Step 6: gather gt (simulate user interaction)'\tGather Ground-Truth') gt_dict = general_parse_gt(ibs, test_gid_list=round_gid_list, **config) ################################################################################## # Step 7: gather predictions from all algorithms combined if not is_svm_model_trained:'\tDelete Old Classifications') depc.delete_property( 'localizations_classifier', round_gid_list, config=config )'\tGather Predictions') pred_dict = localizer_parse_pred(ibs, test_gid_list=round_gid_list, **config) ################################################################################## # Step 8: train SVM ensemble using fresh mined data for each ensemble # Train models, one-by-one for current_ensemble in range(1, ensemble + 1): # Mine for a new set of (static) positives and (random) negatives values = _bootstrap_mine( ibs, gt_dict, pred_dict, scheme, reviewed_gid_dict, **kwargs ) mined_gid_list, mined_gt_list, mined_pos_list, mined_neg_list = values if visualize: output_visualize_path = join(svm_model_path, 'visualize') ut.ensuredir(output_visualize_path) output_visualize_path = join( output_visualize_path, '%s' % (current_ensemble,) ) ut.ensuredir(output_visualize_path) classifier_visualize_training_localizations( ibs, None, output_path=output_visualize_path, values=values ) # Get the confidences of the selected positives and negatives pos_conf_list = [] neg_conf_list = [] for pos in mined_pos_list: pos_conf_list.append(pos['confidence']) for neg in mined_neg_list: neg_conf_list.append(neg['confidence']) pos_conf_list = np.array(pos_conf_list) args = ( np.min(pos_conf_list), np.mean(pos_conf_list), np.std(pos_conf_list), np.max(pos_conf_list), ) 'Positive Confidences: %0.02f min, %0.02f avg, %0.02f std, %0.02f max' % args ) neg_conf_list = np.array(neg_conf_list) args = ( np.min(neg_conf_list), np.mean(neg_conf_list), np.std(neg_conf_list), np.max(neg_conf_list), ) 'Negative Confidences: %0.02f min, %0.02f avg, %0.02f std, %0.02f max' % args ) # Train new models if not is_svm_model_trained: # Compile feature data and label list data_list = [] label_list = [] for pos in mined_pos_list: data_list.append(pos['feature']) label_list.append(1) for neg in mined_neg_list: data_list.append(neg['feature']) label_list.append(0) data_list = np.array(data_list) label_list = np.array(label_list)'Train Ensemble SVM (%d)' % (current_ensemble,)) # Train scaler scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data_list) data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # Train model model = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=kernel, probability=True), label_list) # Save model pickle args = ( species_list_str, limit, current_ensemble, ) svm_model_filename = 'classifier.svm.localization.%s.%d.%d.pkl' % args svm_model_filepath = join(svm_model_path, svm_model_filename) model_tup = ( model, scaler, ) ut.save_cPkl(svm_model_filepath, model_tup) ################################################################################## # Step 8: update the bootstrapping algorithm to use the new ensemble during # the next round config['classifier_weight_filepath'] = svm_model_path config_list.append(config.copy()) ################################################################################## # Step 9: get the test images and classify (cache) their proposals using # the new model ensemble if precompute and precompute_test: if not is_svm_model_trained: depc.delete_property( 'localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config ) depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) # Return the list of used configs return config_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def bootstrap2( ibs, species_list=['zebra'], alpha=10, gamma=16, epsilon=0.3, rounds=20, ensemble=3, dims=64, pca_limit=1000000, nms_thresh_pos=0.5, nms_thresh_neg=0.90, C=1.0, kernel='rbf', theta=1.0, output_path=None, precompute=True, precompute_test=True, recompute=False, recompute_classifications=True, overlap_thresh_cat_1=0.75, overlap_thresh_cat_2=0.25, overlap_thresh_cat_3=0.0, **kwargs, ): from sklearn import svm, preprocessing from annoy import AnnoyIndex # Establish variables kernel = str(kernel.lower()) species_list = [species.lower() for species in species_list] species_list_str = '.'.join(species_list) if output_path is None: output_path_ = 'models-bootstrap' output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', output_path_)))'Using output_path = %r' % (output_path,)) if recompute: ut.delete(output_path) ut.ensuredir(output_path) scaler_filename = 'forest.pca' scaler_filepath = join(output_path, scaler_filename) forest_filename = 'forest.ann' forest_filepath = join(output_path, forest_filename) is_ann_model_trained = exists(scaler_filepath) and exists(forest_filepath) # Train forest if not is_ann_model_trained: ibs.bootstrap_pca_train(dims=dims, pca_limit=pca_limit, output_path=output_path)'Loading scaler model from: %r' % (scaler_filepath,)) model_tup = ut.load_cPkl(scaler_filepath) pca_model, scaler, manifest_dict = model_tup'Loading ANN model from: %r' % (forest_filepath,)) ann_model = AnnoyIndex(dims) ann_model.load(forest_filepath) # Get the test images for later depc = ibs.depc_image test_gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', species_list, **kwargs) wic_model_filepath = ibs.classifier_train_image_svm( species_list, output_path=output_path, dryrun=True ) is_wic_model_trained = exists(wic_model_filepath) ###################################################################################### # Step 1: train whole-image classifier # this will compute and cache any ResNet features that # haven't been computed if not is_wic_model_trained: wic_model_filepath = ibs.classifier_train_image_svm( species_list, output_path=output_path ) # Load model pickle model_tup = ut.load_cPkl(wic_model_filepath) model, scaler = model_tup ###################################################################################### # Step 2: sort all test images based on whole image classifier # establish a review ordering based on classification probability # Get scores vals = get_classifier_svm_data_labels(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals # Normalize data data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # score_list_ = model.decision_function(data_list) # NOQA score_list_ = model.predict_proba(data_list) score_list_ = score_list_[:, 1] # Sort gids by scores (initial ranking) comb_list = sorted(list(zip(score_list_, train_gid_set)), reverse=True) sorted_gid_list = [comb[1] for comb in comb_list] config = { 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set': set(species_list), # 'features' : True, 'features_lazy': True, 'feature2_algo': 'resnet', 'classify': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': wic_model_filepath, # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : nms_thresh, # 'thresh' : True, # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, } config_list = [config.copy()] ###################################################################################### # Step 2.5: pre-compute localizations and ResNet features (without loading to memory) # if precompute: depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', sorted_gid_list, config=config) # Precompute test features if precompute and precompute_test: # depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', test_gid_list, config=config) if not is_wic_model_trained: depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) ###################################################################################### # Step 3: for each bootstrapping round, ask user for input # The initial classifier is the whole image classifier sorted_gid_list_ = sorted_gid_list[:] reviewed_gid_list = [] for current_round in range(rounds):'------------------------------------------------------')'Current Round %r' % (current_round,)) ################################################################################## # Step 4: gather the (unreviewed) images to review for this round round_gid_list = [] temp_index = 0 while len(round_gid_list) < alpha and temp_index < len(sorted_gid_list_): temp_gid = sorted_gid_list_[temp_index] if temp_gid not in reviewed_gid_list: round_gid_list.append(temp_gid) temp_index += 1 args = ( len(round_gid_list), round_gid_list, )'Found %d unreviewed gids: %r' % args) ################################################################################## # Step 5: add any images reviewed from a previous round args = ( len(reviewed_gid_list), reviewed_gid_list, )'Adding %d previously reviewed gids: %r' % args) # All gids that have been reviewed round_gid_list = reviewed_gid_list + round_gid_list reviewed_gid_list = round_gid_list # Get model ensemble path limit = len(round_gid_list) args = ( species_list_str, limit, kernel, C, ) output_filename = 'classifier.svm.localization.%s.%d.%s.%s' % args svm_model_path = join(output_path, output_filename) is_svm_model_trained = exists(svm_model_path) round_neighbor_gid_hist = {} if not is_svm_model_trained: ################################################################################## # Step 6: gather gt (simulate user interaction)'\tGather Ground-Truth') gt_dict = general_parse_gt(ibs, test_gid_list=round_gid_list, **config) ################################################################################## # Step 7: gather predictions from all algorithms combined if recompute_classifications:'\tDelete Old Classifications') depc.delete_property( 'localizations_classifier', round_gid_list, config=config )'\tGather Predictions') pred_dict = localizer_parse_pred(ibs, test_gid_list=round_gid_list, **config) category_dict = {} for image_index, image_uuid in enumerate(gt_dict.keys()): image_gid = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(image_uuid) args = ( image_gid, image_uuid, image_index + 1, len(round_gid_list), )'Processing neighbors for image %r, %r (%d / %d)' % args) # Get the gt and prediction list gt_list = gt_dict[image_uuid] pred_list = pred_dict[image_uuid] # Calculate overlap overlap = general_overlap(gt_list, pred_list) num_gt, num_pred = overlap.shape max_overlap = np.max(overlap, axis=0) # Find overlap category bins cat1_idx_list = max_overlap >= overlap_thresh_cat_1 # cat2_idx_list = np.logical_and(overlap_thresh_cat_1 > max_overlap, max_overlap >= overlap_thresh_cat_2) cat3_idx_list = np.logical_and( overlap_thresh_cat_2 > max_overlap, max_overlap > overlap_thresh_cat_3, ) cat4_idx_list = overlap_thresh_cat_3 >= max_overlap # Mine for prediction neighbors in category 1 cat_config_list = [ ('cat1', cat1_idx_list), # ('cat2', cat2_idx_list), ('cat3', cat3_idx_list), ('cat4', cat4_idx_list), ] for cat_tag, cat_idx_list in cat_config_list: if cat_tag not in category_dict: category_dict[cat_tag] = {} # Take the predictions for this category cat_pred_list = ut.compress(pred_list, list(cat_idx_list)) args = ( cat_tag, len(cat_pred_list), )'\t Working on category %r with %d predictions' % args) # Add raw predictions if image_gid not in category_dict[cat_tag]: category_dict[cat_tag][image_gid] = [] category_dict[cat_tag][image_gid] += cat_pred_list if cat_tag == 'cat1': # Go over predictions and find neighbors, sorting into either cat1 or cat3 neighbor_manifest_list = [] cat_pred_iter = ut.ProgIter( cat_pred_list, lbl='find neighbors', bs=True ) for cat_pred in cat_pred_iter: feature = cat_pred.get('feature', None) if feature is None: feature_func = cat_pred.get('feature_lazy', None) #'Lazy loading neighbor feature with %r' % (feature_func, )) assert feature_func is not None feature = feature_func() # cat_pred['feature'] = feature feature_list = np.array([feature]) data_list = scaler.transform(feature_list) data_list_ = pca_model.transform(data_list)[0] neighbor_index_list = ann_model.get_nns_by_vector( data_list_, gamma ) neighbor_manifest_list += [ manifest_dict[neighbor_index] for neighbor_index in neighbor_index_list ] neighbor_manifest_list = list(set(neighbor_manifest_list)) neighbor_gid_list_ = ut.take_column(neighbor_manifest_list, 0) neighbor_gid_set_ = set(neighbor_gid_list_) neighbor_uuid_list_ = ibs.get_image_uuids(neighbor_gid_list_) neighbor_idx_list_ = ut.take_column(neighbor_manifest_list, 1) # Keep track of the round's results for neighbor_gid_ in neighbor_gid_list_: if neighbor_gid_ not in round_neighbor_gid_hist: round_neighbor_gid_hist[neighbor_gid_] = 0 round_neighbor_gid_hist[neighbor_gid_] += 1 args = ( len(neighbor_gid_set_), len(neighbor_manifest_list), )'\t\tGetting %d images for %d neighbors' % args) neighbor_pred_dict = localizer_parse_pred( ibs, test_gid_list=list(neighbor_gid_set_), **config ) zipped = zip( neighbor_gid_list_, neighbor_uuid_list_, neighbor_idx_list_ ) for neighbor_gid, neighbor_uuid, neighbor_idx in zipped: neighbor_pred = neighbor_pred_dict[neighbor_uuid][ neighbor_idx ] cat_tag_ = ( 'cat1' if neighbor_pred['confidence'] >= epsilon else 'cat3' ) if cat_tag_ not in category_dict: category_dict[cat_tag_] = {} if neighbor_gid not in category_dict[cat_tag_]: category_dict[cat_tag_][neighbor_gid] = [] category_dict[cat_tag_][neighbor_gid].append(neighbor_pred) # Perform NMS on each category for cat_tag in sorted(category_dict.keys()): cat_pred_dict = category_dict[cat_tag] cat_pred_list = [] cat_pred_total = 0 for cat_gid in cat_pred_dict: pred_list = cat_pred_dict[cat_gid] cat_pred_total += len(pred_list) # Compile coordinate list of (xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr) instead of (xtl, ytl, w, h) coord_list = [] confs_list = [] for pred in pred_list: xbr = pred['xbr'] ybr = pred['ybr'] xtl = pred['xtl'] ytl = pred['ytl'] conf = pred['confidence'] coord_list.append([xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr]) confs_list.append(conf) coord_list = np.vstack(coord_list) confs_list = np.array(confs_list) # Perform NMS nms_thresh = ( nms_thresh_pos if cat_tag in ['cat1', 'cat3'] else nms_thresh_neg ) keep_indices_list = nms(coord_list, confs_list, nms_thresh) keep_indices_set = set(keep_indices_list) pred_list_ = [ pred for index, pred in enumerate(pred_list) if index in keep_indices_set ] cat_pred_list += pred_list_ 'NMS Proposals (start) for category %r: %d' % (cat_tag, cat_pred_total) ) # Print stats conf_list = [] for cat_pred in cat_pred_list: conf_list.append(cat_pred['confidence']) conf_list = np.array(conf_list) args = ( cat_tag, np.min(conf_list), np.mean(conf_list), np.std(conf_list), np.max(conf_list), ) 'Category %r Confidences: %0.02f min, %0.02f avg, %0.02f std, %0.02f max' % args ) # Overwrite GID dictionary with a list of predictions category_dict[cat_tag] = cat_pred_list cat_total = len(cat_pred_list) 'NMS Proposals (end) for category %r: %d' % (cat_tag, cat_total) ) ################################################################################## # Step 8: train SVM ensemble using fresh mined data for each ensemble ut.ensuredir(svm_model_path) # Train models, one-by-one for current_ensemble in range(1, ensemble + 1): # Compile feature data and label list mined_pos_list = category_dict['cat1'] mined_hard_list = category_dict['cat3'] mined_neg_list = category_dict['cat4'] num_pos = len(mined_pos_list) num_target = int(num_pos / theta)'Mining %d target negatives' % (num_target,)) if len(mined_hard_list) > num_target:'Sampling Hard') np.random.shuffle(mined_hard_list) mined_hard_list = mined_hard_list[:num_target] if len(mined_neg_list) > num_target:'Sampling Negatives') np.random.shuffle(mined_neg_list) mined_neg_list = mined_neg_list[:num_target] num_pos = len(mined_pos_list) num_hard = len(mined_hard_list) num_neg = len(mined_neg_list) num_total = num_pos + num_hard + num_neg args = ( num_pos, num_hard + num_neg, num_hard, num_neg, num_pos / num_total, ) 'Training with %d positives and %d (%d + %d) negatives (%0.02f split)' % args ) temp_list = [ ('pos', 1, mined_pos_list), ('hard', 0, mined_hard_list), ('neg', 0, mined_neg_list), ] # data_list = [] index = 0 data_list = None label_list = [] for label_tag, label, mined_data_list in temp_list: lbl = 'gathering training features for %s' % (label_tag,) mined_data_iter = ut.ProgIter(mined_data_list, lbl=lbl, bs=True) for data in mined_data_iter: feature = data.get('feature', None) if feature is None: feature_func = data.get('feature_lazy', None) #'Lazy loading ensemble feature with %r' % (feature_func, )) assert feature_func is not None feature = feature_func() # data['feature'] = feature if data_list is None: num_dims = len(feature) data_shape = ( num_total, num_dims, ) data_list = np.zeros(data_shape, dtype=feature.dtype) # Add feature and label to list # data_list.append(feature) data_list[index] = feature index += 1 label_list.append(label) # data_list = np.array(data_list) label_list = np.array(label_list)'Train Ensemble SVM (%d)' % (current_ensemble,)) # Train scaler scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data_list) data_list = scaler.transform(data_list) # Train model model = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=kernel, probability=True), label_list) # Save model pickle args = (current_ensemble,) svm_model_filename = 'classifier.svm.localization.%d.pkl' % args svm_model_filepath = join(svm_model_path, svm_model_filename) model_tup = ( model, scaler, ) ut.save_cPkl(svm_model_filepath, model_tup) ################################################################################## # Step 8: update the sorted_gid_list based on what neighbors were samples if len(round_neighbor_gid_hist) >= alpha: vals_list = [ (round_neighbor_gid_hist[neighbor_gid_], neighbor_gid_) for neighbor_gid_ in round_neighbor_gid_hist ] vals_list = sorted(vals_list, reverse=True) vals_list = vals_list[:alpha]'Reference Histogram: %r' % (vals_list,)) top_referenced_neighbor_gid_list = [_[1] for _ in vals_list] round_neighbor_gid_set = set(top_referenced_neighbor_gid_list) # Partition set lower_sorted_gid_list = [ sorted_gid for sorted_gid in sorted_gid_list if sorted_gid in round_neighbor_gid_set ] higher_sorted_gid_list = [ sorted_gid for sorted_gid in sorted_gid_list if sorted_gid not in lower_sorted_gid_list ] sorted_gid_list_ = higher_sorted_gid_list + lower_sorted_gid_list assert len(sorted_gid_list_) == len(higher_sorted_gid_list) + len( lower_sorted_gid_list ) assert len(sorted_gid_list_) == len(sorted_gid_list) args = ( len(higher_sorted_gid_list), len(lower_sorted_gid_list), )'Round Sorted Image Re-index: %d Above + %d Below' % args) else:'NO IMAGE RE-INDEXING: NOT ENOUGH NEIGHBOR IMAGES SEEN') ################################################################################## # Step 9: update the bootstrapping algorithm to use the new ensemble during # the next round config['classifier_weight_filepath'] = svm_model_path config_list.append(config.copy()) ################################################################################## # Step 10: get the test images and classify (cache) their proposals using # the new model ensemble if precompute and precompute_test: if not is_svm_model_trained: depc.delete_property( 'localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config ) depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) # Return the list of used configs return config_list
[docs]def remove_rfdetect(ibs): aids = ibs.search_annot_notes('rfdetect') notes = ibs.get_annot_notes(aids) newnotes = [note.replace('rfdetect', '') for note in notes] ibs.set_annot_notes(aids, newnotes)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def set_reviewed_from_target_species_count(ibs, species_set=None, target=1000): import random if species_set is None: species_set = set( [ 'giraffe_masai', 'giraffe_reticulated', 'turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill', 'whale_fluke', 'zebra_grevys', 'zebra_plains', ] ) gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() ibs.set_image_reviewed(gid_list, [0] * len(gid_list)) aids_list = ibs.get_image_aids(gid_list) species_list = map(ibs.get_annot_species_texts, aids_list) species_list = map(set, species_list) species_dict = {} for species_list_, gid in zip(species_list, gid_list): for species in species_list_: if species not in species_dict: species_dict[species] = [] species_dict[species].append(gid) recover_dict = {} while True: candidate_list = [] for species in species_set: gid_list = species_dict.get(species, []) if len(gid_list) > target: candidate_list += gid_list if len(candidate_list) == 0: break candidate = random.choice(candidate_list) #'Purging %d' % (candidate, )) aid_list_ = ibs.get_image_aids(candidate) species_list_ = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list_) species_set_ = list(set(species_list_) & species_set) if len(species_set_) == 1: species_ = species_set_[0] if species_ not in recover_dict: recover_dict[species_] = [] recover_dict[species_].append(candidate) flag = True for species in species_dict: if candidate in species_dict[species]: species_dict[species].remove(candidate) if species in species_set and len(species_dict[species]) > target: flag = False if flag: break for species in recover_dict: random.shuffle(recover_dict[species]) for species in species_set: gid_list = species_dict.get(species, []) if species in recover_dict: while len(gid_list) < target and len(recover_dict[species]) > 0: recover = recover_dict[species].pop(0) #'Recovering %d' % (recover, )) gid_list.append(recover)'%r: %d' % (species, len(gid_list))) redo = input('Redo? [enter to continue] ') redo = redo.strip() if len(redo) == 0: ibs.set_reviewed_from_target_species_count(species_set=species_set, target=target) else: gid_list = [] for species in species_set: gid_list += species_dict.get(species, []) gid_list = list(set(gid_list)) ibs.set_image_reviewed(gid_list, [1] * len(gid_list)) ibs.update_reviewed_unreviewed_image_special_imageset()
[docs]def get_classifier2_rf_data_labels(ibs, dataset_tag, category_list): depc = ibs.depc_image train_gid_set = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, dataset_tag) config = { 'algo': 'resnet', } data_list = depc.get_property('features', train_gid_set, 'vector', config=config) data_list = np.array(data_list)'Loading labels for images') # Load targets aids_list = ibs.get_image_aids(train_gid_set) species_set_list = [ set(ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list_)) for aid_list_ in aids_list ] label_list = [ [1.0 if category in species_set else 0.0 for category in category_list] for species_set in species_set_list ] label_list = np.array(label_list) # Return values return train_gid_set, data_list, label_list
[docs]def get_classifier_svm_data_labels(ibs, dataset_tag, species_list): depc = ibs.depc_image train_gid_set = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, dataset_tag) config = { 'algo': 'resnet', } data_list = depc.get_property('features', train_gid_set, 'vector', config=config) data_list = np.array(data_list)'Loading labels for images') # Load targets aids_list = ibs.get_image_aids(train_gid_set) category_set = set(species_list) species_set_list = [ set(ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list_)) for aid_list_ in aids_list ] label_list = [ 1 if len(species_set & category_set) else 0 for species_set in species_set_list ] label_list = np.array(label_list) # Return values return train_gid_set, data_list, label_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def classifier_train_image_svm( ibs, species_list, output_path=None, dryrun=False, C=1.0, kernel='rbf' ): from sklearn import svm, preprocessing # Load data'Loading pre-trained features for images') # Save model pickle if output_path is None: output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', 'models'))) ut.ensuredir(output_path) species_list = [species.lower() for species in species_list] species_list_str = '.'.join(species_list) kernel = str(kernel.lower()) args = ( species_list_str, kernel, C, ) output_filename = 'classifier.svm.image.%s.%s.%s.pkl' % args output_filepath = join(output_path, output_filename) if not dryrun: vals = get_classifier_svm_data_labels(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals'Train SVM scaler using features') # Train new scaler and model using data and labels scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data_list) data_list = scaler.transform(data_list)'Train SVM model using features and target labels') model = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel=kernel, probability=True), label_list) model_tup = ( model, scaler, ) ut.save_cPkl(output_filepath, model_tup) # Load model pickle model_tup_ = ut.load_cPkl(output_filepath) model_, scaler_ = model_tup_ # Test accuracy vals = get_classifier_svm_data_labels(ibs, 'TEST_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals # Normalize data data_list = scaler_.transform(data_list) label_list_ = model_.predict(data_list) # score_list_ = model_.decision_function(data_list) # NOQA score_list_ = model_.predict_proba(data_list) # NOQA tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0 for label_, label in zip(label_list_, label_list): if label == 1 and label == label_: tp += 1 elif label == 0 and label == label_: tn += 1 elif label == 1 and label != label_: fn += 1 elif label == 0 and label != label_: fp += 1 else: raise ValueError pos, neg = tp + fn, tn + fp correct = tp + tn total = tp + tn + fp + fn accuracy = correct / total'Accuracy: %0.02f' % (accuracy,))'\t TP: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (tp, tp / pos))'\t FN: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (fn, fn / neg))'\t TN: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (tn, tn / neg))'\t FP: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (fp, fp / pos)) return output_filepath
[docs]@register_ibs_method def classifier_train_image_svm_sweep(ibs, species_list, precompute=True, **kwargs): depc = ibs.depc_image test_gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', species_list) config_list = [ (0.5, 'rbf'), (1.0, 'rbf'), (2.0, 'rbf'), (0.5, 'linear'), (1.0, 'linear'), (2.0, 'linear'), ] output_filepath_list = [] for C, kernel in config_list: output_filepath = ibs.classifier_train_image_svm( species_list, C=C, kernel=kernel, **kwargs ) output_filepath_list.append(output_filepath) if precompute: config = { 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'features': True, 'feature2_algo': 'resnet', 'feature2_chip_masking': False, 'classify': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_masking': False, 'classifier_weight_filepath': output_filepath, } depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', test_gid_list, config=config) depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) # config['feature2_chip_masking'] = True # config['classifier_masking'] = True # depc.get_rowids('localizations_features', test_gid_list, config=config) # depc.get_rowids('localizations_classifier', test_gid_list, config=config) return output_filepath_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def classifier2_train_image_rf( ibs, species_list, output_path=None, dryrun=False, n_estimators=100 ): from sklearn import ensemble, preprocessing # Load data'Loading pre-trained features for images') # Save model pickle if output_path is None: output_path = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'wbia', 'models'))) ut.ensuredir(output_path) species_list = [species.lower() for species in species_list] species_list_str = '.'.join(species_list) args = ( species_list_str, n_estimators, ) output_filename = 'classifier2.rf.image.%s.%s.pkl' % args output_filepath = join(output_path, output_filename) if not dryrun: vals = get_classifier2_rf_data_labels(ibs, 'TRAIN_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals'Train data scaler using features') # Train new scaler and model using data and labels scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data_list) data_list = scaler.transform(data_list)'Train RF model using features and target labels') model = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_features=None ), label_list) model_tup = ( model, scaler, ) ut.save_cPkl(output_filepath, model_tup) # Load model pickle model_tup_ = ut.load_cPkl(output_filepath) model_, scaler_ = model_tup_ # Test accuracy vals = get_classifier2_rf_data_labels(ibs, 'TEST_SET', species_list) train_gid_set, data_list, label_list = vals # Normalize data data_list = scaler_.transform(data_list) label_list_ = model_.predict(data_list) # score_list_ = model_.decision_function(data_list) # NOQA score_list_ = model_.predict_proba(data_list) # NOQA tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0 for label_, label in zip(label_list_, label_list): if label == 1 and label == label_: tp += 1 elif label == 0 and label == label_: tn += 1 elif label == 1 and label != label_: fn += 1 elif label == 0 and label != label_: fp += 1 else: raise ValueError pos, neg = tp + fn, tn + fp correct = tp + tn total = tp + tn + fp + fn accuracy = correct / total'Accuracy: %0.02f' % (accuracy,))'\t TP: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (tp, tp / pos))'\t FN: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (fn, fn / neg))'\t TN: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (tn, tn / neg))'\t FP: % 4d (%0.02f %%)' % (fp, fp / pos)) return output_filepath
[docs]@register_ibs_method def classifier2_train_image_rf_sweep(ibs, species_list, precompute=True, **kwargs): depc = ibs.depc_image test_gid_list = general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, 'TEST_SET', species_list) config_list = [ 10, ] output_filepath_list = [] for n_estimators in config_list: output_filepath = ibs.classifier2_train_image_rf( species_list, n_estimators=n_estimators, **kwargs ) output_filepath_list.append(output_filepath) if precompute: config = { 'classifier_two_algo': 'rf', 'classifier_two_weight_filepath': output_filepath, } depc.get_rowids('classifier_two', test_gid_list, config=config) return output_filepath_list
config_list = [ # {'label': 'All Species', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : species_set}, # {'label': 'Masai Giraffe', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[0] ]}, # {'label': 'Reticulated Giraffe', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[1] ]}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[2] ]}, # {'label': 'Whale Fluke', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[3] ]}, # {'label': 'Grevy\'s Zebra', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[4] ]}, # {'label': 'Plains Zebra', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'weight_filepath' : 'candidacy', 'species_set' : [ species_set[5] ]}, # {'label': 'V1', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v1', 'weight_filepath' : 'v1'}, # {'label': 'V1 (GRID)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'v1', 'weight_filepath' : 'v1'}, # {'label': 'V2', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v2', 'weight_filepath' : 'v2'}, # {'label': 'V2 (GRID)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'v2', 'weight_filepath' : 'v2'}, # {'label': 'V3', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3'}, # {'label': 'V3 (GRID)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3'}, # {'label': 'V3 Whale Shark', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set' : set(['whale_shark'])}, # {'label': 'V3 Whale Fluke', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set' : set(['whale_fluke'])}, # {'label': 'V3', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set' : set(['whale_fluke'])}, # {'label': 'Whale Fluke V1', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'whalefluke', 'weight_filepath' : 'whalefluke', 'species_set' : set(['whale_fluke'])}, # {'label': 'Whale Fluke V2', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'whalefluke_v2', 'weight_filepath' : 'whalefluke_v2', 'species_set' : set(['whale_fluke'])}, # {'label': 'Green', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green']), 'check_species': False}, # {'label': 'Hawksbill', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_hawksbill']), 'check_species': False}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill']), 'check_species': False}, # {'label': 'Green (Head)', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green+head']), 'check_species': False}, # {'label': 'Hawksbill (Head)', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_hawksbill+head']), 'check_species': False}, # {'label': 'Sand Tiger', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'sandtiger', 'weight_filepath' : 'sandtiger'}, # {'label': 'Sand Tiger (Grid)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'sandtiger', 'weight_filepath' : 'sandtiger'}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead'}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead (Grid)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead'}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'sea', 'weight_filepath' : 'sea', 'species_set' : set(['turtle_general'])}, # {'label': 'Shark', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'sea', 'weight_filepath' : 'sea', 'species_set' : set(['shark_general'])}, # {'label': 'Whaleshark', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'sea', 'weight_filepath' : 'sea', 'species_set' : set(['whaleshark'])}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle (Green)', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.20, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green'])}, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 00', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.00, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 10', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.10, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 20', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.20, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 30', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.30, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 40', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.40, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 50', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.50, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 60', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.60, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 70', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.70, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 80', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.80, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 90', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.90, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, { 'label': 'Hawksbill 100', 'grid': False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath': 'seaturtle', 'include_parts': True, 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 1.00, 'species_set': set(['turtle_hawksbill']), }, # 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{'label': 'Sea Turtle 10%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.10, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill'])}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle 20%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.20, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill'])}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle 30%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.30, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill'])}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle 40%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.40, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill'])}, # {'label': 'Sea Turtle 50%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'weight_filepath' : 'seaturtle', 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.50, 'species_set' : set(['turtle_green', 'turtle_hawksbill'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 00%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.00, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 10%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.10, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 20%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.20, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 30%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.30, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 40%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.40, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 50%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.50, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 60%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.60, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 70%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.70, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 80%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.80, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 90%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.90, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'Hammerhead Shark 100%', 'grid' : False, 'algo': 'lightnet', 'config_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'weight_filepath' : 'hammerhead', 'sensitivity': 0.01, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 1.00, 'species_set' : set(['shark_hammerhead'])}, # {'label': 'LYNX', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'lynx', 'weight_filepath' : 'lynx'}, # {'label': 'LYNX (GRID)', 'grid' : True, 'config_filepath' : 'lynx', 'weight_filepath' : 'lynx'}, # {'label': 'V3', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3'}, # {'label': 'V3 PZ', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set': set(['zebra_plains'])}, # {'label': 'V3 GZ', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set': set(['zebra_grevys'])}, # {'label': 'V3 KENYA', 'grid' : False, 'config_filepath' : 'v3', 'weight_filepath' : 'v3', 'species_set': set(['zebra_plains', 'zebra_grevys', 'giraffe_reticulated', 'giraffe_masai', 'elephant_savannah', 'antelope', 'dog_wild', 'lion', 'hippopotamus'])}, # 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'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_1', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.10.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_2', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.20.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_3', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.30.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_4', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.40.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.50.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_6', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.60.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_7', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.70.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_8', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.80.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_9', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.90.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'C_10', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.100.rbf.1.0', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.0.5.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,1.0', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.1.0.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,2.0', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.2.0.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.0.5.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,1.0', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.1.0.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,2.0', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.2.0.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,0.5~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.0.5.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,1.0~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.1.0.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LINEAR,2.0~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.linear.2.0.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,0.5~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.0.5.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,1.0~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.1.0.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.30, # # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'RBF,2.0~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models/classifier.svm.image.zebra.rbf.2.0.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'WIC', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', # }, # { # 'label' : 'COMBINED ~0.75', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.75, # }, # { # 'label' : 'COMBINED ~0.50', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # 'line_dotted' : True, # }, # { # 'label' : 'COMBINED ~0.25', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'WIC', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'WIC ~0.25', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'WIC ~0.5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.50, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'WIC ~0.75', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.image.zebra.pkl', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.75, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, ################### # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 1', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.10', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 2', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.20', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 3', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.30', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 4', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.40', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 5', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.50', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 6', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.60', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 7', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.70', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 8', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.80', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 9', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.90', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # { # 'label' : 'LOC-E 10', # 'algo' : '_COMBINED', # 'species_set' : species_set, # 'classify' : True, # 'classifier_algo': 'svm', # 'classifier_weight_filepath': '/home/jason/code/wbia/models-bootstrap/classifier.svm.localization.zebra.100', # 'nms' : True, # 'nms_thresh' : 0.25, # # 'thresh' : True, # # 'index_thresh' : 0.25, # }, # {'label': 'COMBINED`* 0.5', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.5}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`* 0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`* 0.05', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.05}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`* 0.01', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.01}, # {'label': 'COMBINED*', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`0.1* ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`0.5* ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.5}, # {'label': 'COMBINED` ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`*', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'thresh': True, 'index_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED* ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED*', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True}, # {'label': 'COMBINED', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'limited': True}, # {'label': 'COMBINED`* ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'classify': True, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1, 'limited': True}, # {'label': 'COMBINED !0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'conf_thresh': 0.1}, # {'label': 'COMBINED !0.5', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'conf_thresh': 0.5}, # {'label': 'COMBINED !0.9', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'conf_thresh': 0.9}, # {'label': 'COMBINED ~0.1', 'algo': '_COMBINED', 'species_set' : species_set, 'nms': True, 'nms_thresh': 0.1}, # 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