Source code for wbia.expt.harness

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Runs many queries and keeps track of some results
import logging
import sys
import textwrap
import numpy as np  # NOQA
import utool as ut
from wbia.expt import experiment_helpers
from wbia.expt import test_result

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

NOMEMORY = ut.get_argflag('--nomemory')
NOCACHE_TESTRES = ut.get_argflag(('--nocache-testres', '--nocache-big'), False)
    not ut.get_argflag(('--no-use-testcache', '--nocache-test'))
    and ut.USE_CACHE

# dont actually query. Just print labels and stuff
DRY_RUN = ut.get_argflag(('--dryrun', '--dry'))

[docs]def run_expt( ibs, acfg_name_list, test_cfg_name_list, use_cache=None, qaid_override=None, daid_override=None, initial_aids=None, ): r""" Loops over annot configs. Try and use this function as a starting point to clean up this module. The code is getting too untenable. CommandLine: python -m wbia.expt.harness run_expt --acfginfo python -m wbia.expt.harness run_expt --pcfginfo python -m wbia.expt.harness run_expt Ignore: test_cfg_name_list = [p] Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.harness import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> default_acfgstrs = ['ctrl:qsize=20,dpername=1,dsize=10', >>> 'ctrl:qsize=20,dpername=10,dsize=20'] >>> acfg_name_list = default_acfgstrs >>> test_cfg_name_list = ['default:proot=smk', 'default'] >>> #test_cfg_name_list = ['custom', 'custom:fg_on=False'] >>> use_cache = False >>> testres_list = run_expt(ibs, acfg_name_list, test_cfg_name_list, use_cache) """'[harn] run_expt') # Generate list of database annotation configurations if len(acfg_name_list) == 0: raise ValueError('must give acfg name list') acfg_list, expanded_aids_list = experiment_helpers.get_annotcfg_list( ibs, acfg_name_list, qaid_override=qaid_override, daid_override=daid_override, initial_aids=initial_aids, use_cache=use_cache, ) # Generate list of query pipeline param configs cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list = experiment_helpers.get_pipecfg_list( test_cfg_name_list, ibs=ibs ) cfgx2_lbl = experiment_helpers.get_varied_pipecfg_lbls(cfgdict_list) # NOTE: Can specify --pcfginfo or --acfginfo if ut.NOT_QUIET: ut.colorprint( textwrap.dedent( """ [harn]================ [harn] harness.test_configurations2()""" ).strip(), 'white', ) msg = '[harn] Running %s using %s and %s' % ( ut.quantstr('test', len(acfg_list) * len(cfgdict_list)), ut.quantstr('pipeline config', len(cfgdict_list)), ut.quantstr('annot config', len(acfg_list)), ) ut.colorprint(msg, 'white') testres_list = [] nAcfg = len(acfg_list) testnameid = ibs.get_dbname() + ' ' + str(test_cfg_name_list) + str(acfg_name_list) lbl = '[harn] TEST_CFG ' + str(test_cfg_name_list) + str(acfg_name_list) expanded_aids_iter = ut.ProgIter( expanded_aids_list, lbl='annot config', freq=1, autoadjust=False, enabled=ut.NOT_QUIET, ) for acfgx, (qaids, daids) in enumerate(expanded_aids_iter): assert len(qaids) != 0, '[harness] No query annots specified' assert len(daids) != 0, '[harness] No database annotas specified' acfg = acfg_list[acfgx] if ut.NOT_QUIET: ut.colorprint('\n---Annot config testnameid=%r' % (testnameid,), 'brightcyan') subindexer_partial = ut.ProgPartial( parent_index=acfgx, parent_length=nAcfg, enabled=ut.NOT_QUIET ) testres_ = make_single_testres( ibs, qaids, daids, pipecfg_list, cfgx2_lbl, cfgdict_list, lbl, testnameid, use_cache=use_cache, subindexer_partial=subindexer_partial, ) if DRY_RUN: continue testres_.acfg = acfg testres_.test_cfg_name_list = test_cfg_name_list testres_list.append(testres_) if DRY_RUN:'DRYRUN: Cannot continue past run_expt') sys.exit(0) testres = test_result.combine_testres_list(ibs, testres_list) # testres.print_results()'Returning Test Result') return testres
[docs]@profile def make_single_testres( ibs, qaids, daids, pipecfg_list, cfgx2_lbl, cfgdict_list, lbl, testnameid, use_cache=None, subindexer_partial=ut.ProgIter, ): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia run_expt """ cfgslice = None if cfgslice is not None: pipecfg_list = pipecfg_list[cfgslice] dbname = ibs.get_dbname() # if ut.NOT_QUIET: #'[harn] Make single testres') cfgx2_qreq_ = [ ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, verbose=False, query_cfg=pipe_cfg) for pipe_cfg in ut.ProgIter(pipecfg_list, lbl='Building qreq_', enabled=False) ] if use_cache is None: use_cache = USE_BIG_TEST_CACHE if use_cache: try: bt_cachedir = ut.ensuredir((ibs.get_cachedir(), 'BULK_TEST_CACHE2')) cfgstr_list = [qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=True) for qreq_ in cfgx2_qreq_] bt_cachestr = ut.hashstr_arr27(cfgstr_list, ibs.get_dbname() + '_cfgs') bt_cachename = 'BULKTESTCACHE2_v2' testres = ut.load_cache(bt_cachedir, bt_cachename, bt_cachestr) testres.cfgdict_list = cfgdict_list testres.cfgx2_lbl = cfgx2_lbl # hack override except IOError: pass else: if ut.NOT_QUIET: ut.colorprint( '[harn] single testres cache hit... returning', 'brightcyan' ) return testres if ibs.table_cache: # HACK prev_feat_cfgstr = None cfgx2_cmsinfo = [] cfgiter = subindexer_partial( range(len(cfgx2_qreq_)), lbl='pipe config', freq=1, adjust=False ) # Run each pipeline configuration for cfgx in cfgiter: qreq_ = cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx] cprint = ut.colorprint cprint('testnameid=%r' % (testnameid,), 'green') cprint( 'annot_cfgstr = %s' % (qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=True, with_pipe=False),), 'yellow', ) cprint('pipe_cfgstr= %s' % (qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_data=False),), 'brightcyan') cprint('pipe_hashstr = %s' % (qreq_.get_pipe_hashid(),), 'cyan') if DRY_RUN: continue indent_prefix = '[%s cfg %d/%d]' % ( dbname, # cfgiter.count (doesnt work when quiet) (cfgiter.parent_index * cfgiter.length) + cfgx, cfgiter.length * cfgiter.parent_length, ) with ut.Indenter(indent_prefix): # Run the test / read cache _need_compute = True if use_cache: # smaller cache for individual configuration runs st_cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=True) st_cachedir = ut.unixjoin(bt_cachedir, 'small_tests') st_cachename = 'smalltest' ut.ensuredir(st_cachedir) try: cmsinfo = ut.load_cache(st_cachedir, st_cachename, st_cfgstr) except IOError: _need_compute = True else: _need_compute = False if _need_compute: assert not ibs.table_cache if ibs.table_cache: if len( prev_feat_cfgstr is not None and prev_feat_cfgstr != qreq_.qparams.feat_cfgstr ): # Clear features to preserve memory ibs.clear_table_cache() # qreq_.ibs.print_cachestats_str() cm_list = qreq_.execute() cmsinfo = test_result.build_cmsinfo(cm_list, qreq_) # record previous feature configuration if ibs.table_cache: prev_feat_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.feat_cfgstr if use_cache: ut.save_cache(st_cachedir, st_cachename, st_cfgstr, cmsinfo) if not NOMEMORY: # Store the results cfgx2_cmsinfo.append(cmsinfo) else: cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx] = None if ut.NOT_QUIET: ut.colorprint('[harn] Completed running test configurations', 'white') if DRY_RUN:'ran tests dryrun mode.') return if NOMEMORY:'ran tests in memory savings mode. Cannot Print. exiting') return # Store all pipeline config results in a test result object testres = test_result.TestResult(pipecfg_list, cfgx2_lbl, cfgx2_cmsinfo, cfgx2_qreq_) testres.testnameid = testnameid testres.lbl = lbl testres.cfgdict_list = cfgdict_list testres.aidcfg = None if use_cache: try: ut.save_cache(bt_cachedir, bt_cachename, bt_cachestr, testres) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error saving testres cache', iswarning=True) if ut.SUPER_STRICT: raise return testres