Source code for wbia.expt.experiment_drawing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
./ -t custom:affine_invariance=False,adapteq=True,fg_on=False --db Elephants_drop1_ears --allgt --index=0:10 --guiview  # NOQA
import logging
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
from wbia.expt import draw_helpers
from functools import reduce

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def scorediff(ibs, testres, f=None, verbose=None): r""" Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): image analysis api testres (wbia.TestResult): test result object f (None): (default = None) verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = None) CommandLine: python -m wbia.expt.experiment_drawing scorediff --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best --show python -m wbia.expt.experiment_drawing scorediff --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best --show python -m wbia.expt.experiment_drawing scorediff --db humpbacks_fb \ -a default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2 \ -t default:proot=BC_DTW,decision=max,crop_dim_size=500,crop_enabled=True,use_te_scorer=False,manual_extract=True,ignore_notch=True,te_net=annot_simple --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts(defaultdb, a=['timectrl'], t=['best']) >>> f = ut.get_argval(('--filt', '-f'), type_=list, default=['']) >>> scorediff(ibs, testres, f=f, verbose=ut.VERBOSE) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt for cfgx in range(testres.nConfig): cm_list = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].execute() aid_list = [cm.qaid for cm in cm_list] score_diffs = [] top_scores = [] for cm in cm_list: annot_scores = sorted(cm.annot_score_list, key=lambda x: -x) if False: # We want to measure just the top 2 regardless of what they are diff = annot_scores[0] - annot_scores[1] else: try: # We want to measure just the top 2 wrt truth top_true_aid = cm.get_top_gt_aids(ibs)[0] top_false_aid = cm.get_top_gf_aids(ibs)[0] gt_score = cm.get_annot_scores([top_true_aid])[0] gf_score = cm.get_annot_scores([top_false_aid])[0] diff = gt_score - gf_score except IndexError: continue # diff = 0 # np.nan top_scores.append(annot_scores[0]) score_diffs.append(diff) score_diffs = np.array(score_diffs) top_scores = np.array(top_scores) succ = score_diffs > 0 fail = score_diffs <= 0 # succ = testres.get_truth2_prop()[0]['gt']['rank'][:, 0] == 0 # fail = testres.get_truth2_prop()[0]['gt']['rank'][:, 0] != 0 # fail = np.where(testres.get_truth2_prop()[0]['gt']['score'][:, 0] != 0) width = 0.25 succ_max = max(2, score_diffs[succ].max()) fail_max = max(2, -score_diffs[fail].min()) num_succ_bins = int(succ_max / width) num_fail_bins = int(fail_max / width) succ_bins = np.linspace(0, succ_max, num_succ_bins + 1) fail_bins = np.linspace(-fail_max, 0, num_fail_bins + 1)'succ_bins = %r' % (succ_bins,))'fail_bins = %r' % (fail_bins,)) succ_hist, succ_edges = np.histogram(score_diffs[succ], bins=succ_bins) fail_hist, fail_edges = np.histogram(score_diffs[fail], bins=fail_bins) # bin_max = (score_diffs.max() - score_diffs.min()) / 50 ydata_list = [succ_hist, fail_hist] bins_list = [succ_bins, fail_bins] # xdata_list = [(bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 for bins in bins_list] xdata_list = [bins[:-1] for bins in bins_list] width_list = [np.diff(bins)[0] for bins in bins_list] # nbins = 8 # bin_width = (score_diffs.mean() + score_diffs.std()) / nbins # bin_width = int(np.ceil((score_diffs.mean() + score_diffs.std() / 4) / nbins)) # bin_width = 1 # bins = np.arange(nbins) * bin_width # succ_hist, succ_edges = np.histogram(score_diffs[succ], bins=bins) # fail_hist, fail_edges = np.histogram(score_diffs[fail], bins=bins) # hist, edges = np.histogram(score_diffs) #'hist = %r' % (hist,)) # ymax = max(max(succ_hist), max(fail_hist)) * 1.1 species = ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids) species_nice = ibs.get_species_nice( ibs.get_species_rowids_from_text(ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids)) ) species_nice = { 'zebra_grevys': "Grevy's Zebras", 'zebra_plains': 'Plains Zebras', 'giraffe_masai': 'Masai Giraffes', }.get(species, species_nice) pt.multi_plot( xdata_list, ydata_list, label_list=['correct match at rank 1', 'correct match above rank 1'], width_list=width_list, fnum=pt.next_fnum(), color_list=[pt.TRUE_BLUE, pt.FALSE_RED], kind='bar', alpha=0.7, stacked=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel='difference between the best correct score and the best incorrect score', ylabel='frequency (number of query annotations)', title='Score differences for %s' % (species_nice,), xmin=-10, xmax=30, use_legend=True, ) # fnum = pt.next_fnum() # pt.plot_score_histograms( # [score_diffs[succ], score_diffs[fail]], # fnum=fnum, # score_colors=[pt.TRUE_BLUE, pt.FALSE_RED], # score_lbls=['correct', 'incorrect'], # bin_width=.5, # # histnorm='percent', # ) # pt.draw_histogram(succ_edges, succ_hist, xlabel='1st - 2nd score', # autolabel=False, color='blue', title='Success Cases', # ymax=ymax, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=fnum) # pt.draw_histogram(fail_edges, fail_hist, xlabel='1st - 2nd score', # autolabel=False, title='Failure Cases', ymax=ymax, # pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=fnum) from wbia.plottool.abstract_interaction import AbstractInteraction class SortedScoreSupportInteraction(AbstractInteraction): @staticmethod def static_plot(fnum, pnum): s = 20 pt.plt.scatter( top_scores[succ], score_diffs[succ], marker='x', color='b', s=s ) pt.plt.scatter( top_scores[fail], score_diffs[fail], marker='x', color='r', s=s ) flags = ibs.filterflags_annot_tags( aid_list, has_any=['photobomb', 'scenerymatch'] ) pt.plt.scatter( top_scores[succ * flags], score_diffs[succ * flags], marker='o', color='y', s=s * 2, facecolors='none', ) pt.plt.scatter( top_scores[fail * flags], score_diffs[fail * flags], marker='o', color='y', s=s * 2, facecolors='none', ) pt.set_xlabel('top score') pt.set_ylabel('score diff') def on_click_inside(self, event, ex): import vtool as vt # ax = event.inaxes # for l in ax.get_lines(): # pts = np.array([top_scores, score_diffs]).T idx, dist = vt.closest_point(np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]), pts)'idx = %r' % (idx,))'dist = %r' % (dist,)) aid = aid_list[idx]'aid = %r' % (aid,)) if event.button == 3: # right-click cm = cm_list[idx] from wbia.gui import inspect_gui qaid = aid qreq_ = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx] ibs = testres.ibs if len(cm.daid_list) > 0: daid = cm.get_top_aids()[0] options = [ ('Interact Analysis', lambda: cm.ishow_analysis(qreq_)) ] options += inspect_gui.get_aidpair_context_menu_options( ibs, qaid, daid, cm, qreq_=qreq_ ) else:' no matches for this one') # update_callback=self.show_page, # backend_callback=None, aid_list=aid_list) # from wbia.viz.interact import interact_chip # options = interact_chip.build_annot_context_options( # testres.ibs, aid, refresh_func=self.show_page, config2_=.extern_query_config2) self.show_popup_menu(options, event)
# x = SortedScoreSupportInteraction() # x.start() # pt.interactions.zoom_factory() # @devcmd('scores', 'score', 'namescore_roc')
[docs]def draw_annot_scoresep(ibs, testres, f=None, verbose=None): """ Draws the separation between true positive and true negative name scores. TODO: plot the difference between the top true score and the next best false score? CommandLine: ib python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --show python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -w --show --serial python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep -t scores --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --show python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep -t scores --db PZ_Master0 --allgt --show python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best --show python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best --show -f :without_tag=photobomb Paper: python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --dbdir lev/media/hdd/golden/GGR-IBEIS -a timectrl --save gz_scoresep.png python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --dbdir lev/media/hdd/golden/GZGC -a timectrl:species=zebra_plains --save pz_scoresep.png python -m wbia draw_annot_scoresep --dbdir lev/media/hdd/golden/GZGC -a timectrl1h:species=giraffe_masai --save girm_scoresep.png Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts(defaultdb, a=['timectrl'], t=['best']) >>> f = ut.get_argval(('--filt', '-f'), type_=list, default=['']) >>> draw_annot_scoresep(ibs, testres, f=f, verbose=ut.VERBOSE) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: import IPython IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4') """ import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt from wbia.expt import cfghelpers if ut.VERBOSE:'[dev] draw_annot_scoresep') if f is None: f = [''] filt_cfg = ut.flatten(cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(f, strict=False))[0]'filt_cfg = %r' % (filt_cfg,)) # assert len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_) == 1, 'can only specify one config here' test_qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() # TODO: option to group configs with same pcfg and different acfg def load_annot_scores(testres, cfgx, filt_cfg): qaids = testres.cfgx2_qaids[cfgx] gt_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_raw_score', qaids).T[cfgx] gf_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_raw_score', qaids).T[cfgx] gt_daid = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_aid', qaids).T[cfgx] gf_daid = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_aid', qaids).T[cfgx] # FIXME: may need to specify which cfg is used in the future isvalid = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg, qaids=qaids, return_mask=True).T[cfgx] isvalid[np.isnan(gf_rawscore)] = False isvalid[np.isnan(gt_rawscore)] = False tp_nscores = gt_rawscore[isvalid] tn_nscores = gf_rawscore[isvalid] # --- tn_qaids = tp_qaids = test_qaids[isvalid] tn_daids = gf_daid[isvalid] tp_daids = gt_daid[isvalid] part_attrs = { 1: {'qaid': tp_qaids, 'daid': tn_daids}, 0: {'qaid': tn_qaids, 'daid': tp_daids}, } return tp_nscores, tn_nscores, part_attrs join_acfgs = True if join_acfgs: groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() else: groupxs = list(zip(range(len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_)))) grouped_qreqs = ut.apply_grouping(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, groupxs) cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls(join_acfgs=join_acfgs) grouped_scores = [] for cfgxs in groupxs: # testres.print_pcfg_info() score_group = [] for cfgx in cfgxs:'Loading cached chipmatches') tp_scores, tn_scores, part_attrs = load_annot_scores(testres, cfgx, filt_cfg) score_group.append((tp_scores, tn_scores, part_attrs)) grouped_scores.append(score_group) def attr_callback(qaid):'callback qaid = %r' % (qaid,)) testres.interact_individual_result(qaid) reconstruct_str = ( 'python -m -e cases ' + testres.reconstruct_test_flags() + ' --qaid ' + str(qaid) + ' --show' )'Independent reconstruct') fpr = ut.get_argval('--fpr', type_=float, default=None) tpr = ut.get_argval('--tpr', type_=float, default=None if fpr is not None else 0.85) for score_group, lbl in zip(grouped_scores, cfgx2_shortlbl): tp_nscores = np.hstack(ut.take_column(score_group, 0)) tn_nscores = np.hstack(ut.take_column(score_group, 1)) combine_attrs = ut.partial( ut.dict_union_combine, combine_op=ut.partial(ut.dict_union_combine, combine_op=np.append), ) part_attrs = reduce(combine_attrs, ut.take_column(score_group, 2)) # encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(adjust=8, tpr=.85) encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer( # adjust=8, adjust=1.5, # fpr=fpr, tpr=tpr, monotonize=True, verbose=verbose, ) tp_scores = tp_nscores tn_scores = tn_nscores name_scores, labels, attrs = encoder._to_xy(tp_nscores, tn_nscores, part_attrs), labels, attrs, verbose=verbose) # encoder.visualize(figtitle='Learned Name Score Normalizer\n' + qreq_.get_cfgstr()) # encoder.visualize(figtitle='Learned Name Score Normalizer\n' + qreq_.get_cfgstr(), fnum=cfgx) # pt.set_figsize(w=30, h=10, dpi=256) plotname = '' figtitle = testres.make_figtitle(plotname, filt_cfg=filt_cfg) encoder.visualize( figtitle=figtitle, # with_scores=False, with_prebayes=False, with_postbayes=False, # histnorm='percent', histoverlay=False, with_hist=True, with_roc=False, attr_callback=attr_callback, # bin_width=.125, # bin_width=.05, # logscale=dict(linthreshx=1, linthreshy=1, basex=2, basey=0), # score_range=(0, 14), # score_range=(0, 10), score_range=(0, 6), # bin_width=.5, bin_width=0.125, score_lbls=('incorrect', 'correct'), verbose=verbose, ) icon = ibs.get_database_icon() if False and icon is not None: pt.overlay_icon( icon, coords=(1, 0), bbox_alignment=(1, 0), as_artist=1, max_asize=(1000, 2000), ) if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust'): pt.adjust_subplots(left=0.1, bottom=0.25, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) pt.adjust_subplots(use_argv=True) # pt.set_figsize(w=30, h=10, dpi=256) pt.set_figtitle(ibs.get_dbname() + ' ' + lbl) locals_ = locals() return locals_
[docs]def draw_casetag_hist( ibs, testres, f=None, with_wordcloud=not ut.get_argflag('--no-wordcloud') ): r""" Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object testres (TestResult): test result object CommandLine: wbia --tf -draw_casetag_hist --show # Experiments I tagged wbia --tf -draw_casetag_hist -a timectrl -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia -e taghist -a timectrl -t best --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia -e taghist -a timequalctrl -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia -e taghist -a timequalctrl:minqual=good -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia -e taghist -a timequalctrl:minqual=good -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 --show --filt :fail=True # Do more tagging wbia -e cases -a timequalctrl:minqual=good -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 \ --filt :orderby=gfscore,reverse=1,min_gtrank=1,max_gf_tags=0 --show wbia -e print -a timequalctrl:minqual=good -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia -e cases -a timequalctrl -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 \ --filt :orderby=gfscore,reverse=1,max_gf_tags=0,:fail=True,min_gf_timedelta=12h --show wbia -e cases -a timequalctrl -t invarbest --db PZ_Master1 \ --filt :orderby=gfscore,reverse=1,max_gf_tags=0,:fail=True,min_gf_timedelta=12h --show python -m wbia -e taghist --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best \ --filt :fail=True --no-wordcloud --hargv=tags --prefix "Failure Case " --label PZTags --figsize=10,3 --left=.2 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_Master1', a=['timequalcontrolled']) >>> f = ut.get_argval(('--filt', '-f'), type_=list, default=['']) >>> draw_casetag_hist(ibs, testres, f=f) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia import tag_funcs from wbia.expt import cfghelpers # All unfiltered tags all_tags = testres.get_all_tags() if True: # Remove gf tags below a thresh and gt tags above a thresh gt_tags = testres.get_gt_tags() gf_tags = testres.get_gf_tags() truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() score_thresh = testres.find_score_thresh_cutoff()'score_thresh = %r' % (score_thresh,)) # TODO: I want the point that the prob true is greater than prob false gt_is_problem = truth2_prop['gt']['score'] < score_thresh gf_is_problem = truth2_prop['gf']['score'] >= score_thresh other_is_problem = ~np.logical_or(gt_is_problem, gf_is_problem) def zipmask(_tags, _flags): return [ [item if flag else [] for item, flag in zip(list_, flags)] for list_, flags in zip(_tags, _flags) ] def combinetags(tags1, tags2): import utool as ut return [ut.list_zipflatten(t1, t2) for t1, t2 in zip(tags1, tags2)] gt_problem_tags = zipmask(gt_tags, gt_is_problem) gf_problem_tags = zipmask(gf_tags, gf_is_problem) other_problem_tags = zipmask(all_tags, other_is_problem) all_tags = reduce( combinetags, [gt_problem_tags, gf_problem_tags, other_problem_tags] ) if not ut.get_argflag('--fulltag'): all_tags = [tag_funcs.consolodate_annotmatch_tags(tags) for tags in all_tags] # Get tags that match the filter if f is None: f = [''] filt_cfg = ut.flatten(cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(f, strict=False))[0] case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg) case_qx_list = ut.unique_ordered(case_pos_list.T[0]) selected_tags = ut.take(all_tags, case_qx_list) flat_tags_list = list(map(ut.flatten, selected_tags)) WITH_NOTAGS = False if WITH_NOTAGS: flat_tags_list_ = [ tags if len(tags) > 0 else ['NoTag'] for tags in flat_tags_list ] else: flat_tags_list_ = flat_tags_list WITH_TOTAL = False if WITH_TOTAL: total = [['Total']] * len(case_qx_list) flat_tags_list_ += total WITH_WEIGHTS = True if WITH_WEIGHTS: flat_weights_list = [ [] if len(tags) == 0 else [1.0 / len(tags)] * len(tags) for tags in flat_tags_list_ ] flat_tags = list(map(str, ut.flatten(flat_tags_list_))) if WITH_WEIGHTS: weight_list = ut.flatten(flat_weights_list) else: weight_list = None fnum = None pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=1, nCols=with_wordcloud + 1) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.word_histogram2( flat_tags, weight_list=weight_list, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), xlabel='Case' ) icon = ibs.get_database_icon() if icon is not None: pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(1, 1), bbox_alignment=(1, 1)) if with_wordcloud: pt.wordcloud(' '.join(flat_tags), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) # figtitle = testres.make_figtitle('Tag Histogram', filt_cfg=filt_cfg) figtitle = testres.make_figtitle('Case Histogram', filt_cfg=filt_cfg) figtitle += ' #cases=%r' % (len(case_qx_list)) pt.set_figtitle(figtitle) if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust'): # pt.adjust_subplots(left=.1, bottom=.25, wspace=.2, hspace=.2) # pt.adjust_subplots(wspace=.01) pt.adjust_subplots(use_argv=True, wspace=0.01, bottom=0.3)
[docs]def draw_rank_surface(ibs, testres, verbose=None, fnum=None): r""" Draws n dimensional data + a score / rank The rank is always on the y axis. The first dimension is on the x axis. The second dimension is split over multiple plots. The third dimension becomes multiple lines. May need to clean this scheme up a bit. Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object testres (TestResult): test result object CommandLine: wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --db PZ_Master1 -a varysize_td -t CircQRH_K --show wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t best -a varysize --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t CircQRH_K -a varysize_td --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t CircQRH_K -a varysize_td --db PZ_Master1 --show wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t candidacy_k -a varysize --db PZ_Master1 --show --param-keys=K,dcfg_sample_per_name,dcfg_sample_size wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t best \ -a varynannots_td varynannots_td:qmin_pername=3,dpername=2 \ --db PZ_Master1 --show --param-keys=dcfg_sample_per_name,dcfg_sample_size wbia --tf draw_rank_surface --show -t best -a varynannots_td --db PZ_Master1 --show --param-keys=dcfg_sample_size Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> result = draw_rank_surface(ibs, testres) >>> ut.show_if_requested() >>> print(result) """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.expt import annotation_configs if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE # percent_le1_list = 100 * rank_le1_list / len(testres.qaids) cfgx2_cumhist_percent, edges = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist(bins='dense') percent_le1_list = cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0] # testres.cfgx2_lbl # testres.get_param_basis('dcfg_sample_per_name') # testres.get_param_basis('dcfg_sample_size') # K_basis = testres.get_param_basis('K') # K_cfgx_lists = [testres.get_cfgx_with_param('K', K) for K in K_basis] # param_key_list = testres.get_all_varied_params() # Extract the requested keys default_param_key_list = ['K', 'dcfg_sample_per_name', 'dcfg_sample_size'] param_key_list = ut.get_argval( '--param-keys', type_=list, default=default_param_key_list ) # param_key_list = ['K', 'dcfg_sample_per_name', 'len(daids)'] basis_dict = {} cfgx_lists_dict = {} for key in param_key_list: _basis = testres.get_param_basis(key) _cfgx_list = [testres.get_cfgx_with_param(key, val) for val in _basis] # Grid of config indexes using param key as reference cfgx_lists_dict[key] = _cfgx_list basis_dict[key] = _basis if verbose:'basis_dict = ' + ut.repr2(basis_dict, nl=1, hack_liststr=True)) 'e.g. cfgx_lists_dict[1] contains indicies of configs where K = basis_dict["K"][1]' ) 'cfx_lists_dict = ' + ut.repr2(cfgx_lists_dict, nl=2, hack_liststr=True) ) # const_key = 'K' if len(param_key_list) == 1: const_key = None const_basis = [None] basis_dict[None] = [0] # const_basis_cfgx_lists # Create a single empty dimension for a single pnum # correct, but not conceptually right cfgx_lists_dict[None] = ut.list_transpose(cfgx_lists_dict[param_key_list[0]]) elif len(param_key_list) > 1: # Hold a key constant if more than 1 subplot const_key = param_key_list[1] # const_key = 'dcfg_sample_per_name' const_basis = basis_dict[const_key] # pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(*pt.get_square_row_cols(len(basis_dict[const_key]), max_cols=1)) # ymax = percent_le1_list.max() # ymin = percent_le1_list.min() else: assert False const_basis_cfgx_lists = cfgx_lists_dict[const_key] if len(param_key_list) > 2: # Use consistent markers and colors when varying a lot of params # num_other_params = len(basis_dict[param_key_list[-1]]) # num_other_params = len(basis_dict[const_key]) num_other_params = len(basis_dict[ut.setdiff(param_key_list, const_key)[-1]]) color_list = pt.distinct_colors(num_other_params) marker_list = pt.distinct_markers(num_other_params) else: color_list = pt.distinct_colors(1) marker_list = pt.distinct_markers(1) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) nd_labels_full = [key for key in param_key_list if key != const_key] # setup args for all plots pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(*pt.get_square_row_cols(len(basis_dict[const_key]))) for const_idx, const_val in enumerate(const_basis): pnum = pnum_() if verbose:'---- NEXT PNUM=%r --- ' % (pnum,))'const_key = %r' % (const_key,))'const_val = %r' % (const_val,))'const_idx = %r' % (const_idx,)) const_basis_cfgx_list = const_basis_cfgx_lists[const_idx] rank_list = ut.take(percent_le1_list, const_basis_cfgx_list) # Figure out what the values are for other dimensions agree_param_vals = dict( [ ( key, [ testres.get_param_val_from_cfgx(cfgx, key) for cfgx in const_basis_cfgx_list ], ) for key in nd_labels_full ] ) # Make a list of points that need plotting known_nd_data = np.array(list(agree_param_vals.values())).T known_target_points = np.array(rank_list) nd_labels_ = nd_labels_full[:] if len(nd_labels_) == 1: # hack for nonvaried params empty_dim = np.zeros((len(known_nd_data), 1)) known_nd_data = np.hstack([known_nd_data, empty_dim]) nd_labels_ += [None] # short ndlabels nd_labels = [ annotation_configs.shorten_to_alias_labels(key) for key in nd_labels_ ] target_label = annotation_configs.shorten_to_alias_labels(key) target_label = 'accuracy (%)' # hack ymin = 30 if known_target_points.min() > 30 and False else 0 num_yticks = 8 if ymin == 30 else 11 if const_key is None: title = 'accuracy' else: title = ( 'accuracy when ' + annotation_configs.shorten_to_alias_labels(const_key) + '=%r' % (const_val,) ) if verbose:'title = %r' % (title,)) #'nd_labels = %r' % (nd_labels,))'target_label = %r' % (target_label,))'known_nd_data = %r' % (known_nd_data,)) #'known_target_points = %r' % (known_target_points,)) # PLOT3D = not ut.get_argflag('--no3dsurf') # PLOT3D = ut.get_argflag('--no2dsurf') PLOT3D = ut.get_argflag('--3dsurf') if PLOT3D: pt.plot_search_surface( known_nd_data, known_target_points, nd_labels, target_label, title=title, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, ) else: # Convert known nd data into a multiplot-ish format nonconst_basis_vals = np.unique(known_nd_data.T[1]) # Find which colors will not be used nonconst_key = nd_labels_[1] nonconst_basis = np.array(basis_dict[nonconst_key]) nonconst_covers_basis = np.in1d(nonconst_basis, nonconst_basis_vals) # I dont remember what was trying to happen here nonconst_color_list = ut.compress(color_list, nonconst_covers_basis) nonconst_marker_list = ut.compress(marker_list, nonconst_covers_basis) pt.plot_multiple_scores( known_nd_data, known_target_points, nd_labels, target_label, title=title, color_list=nonconst_color_list, marker_list=nonconst_marker_list, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, num_yticks=num_yticks, ymin=ymin, ymax=100, ypad=0.5, xpad=0.05, legend_loc='lower right', # **FONTKW ) fig = pt.gcf() ax = fig.axes[0] # pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum0) icon = ibs.get_database_icon() if icon is not None: # pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(0, 0), bbox_alignment=(0, 0)) pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(0.001, 0.001), bbox_alignment=(0, 0)) nd_labels = [ annotation_configs.shorten_to_alias_labels(key) for key in nd_labels_full ] plotname = 'Effect of ' + ut.conj_phrase(nd_labels, 'and') + ' on accuracy' figtitle = testres.make_figtitle(plotname) # hack if 1 or verbose: testres.print_unique_annot_config_stats() # pt.set_figtitle(figtitle, size=14) pt.set_figtitle(figtitle) # HACK FOR FIGSIZE fig = pt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(14, 4) pt.adjust_subplots( left=0.05, bottom=0.08, top=0.80, right=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3 ) if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust'): pt.adjust_subplots(left=0.1, bottom=0.25, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) pt.adjust_subplots(use_argv=True)
[docs]def temp_num_exmaples_cmc(): import wbia ibs1, testres1 = wbia.testdata_expts( dbdir=ut.truepath('~/lev/media/hdd/golden/GGR-IBEIS'), t='Ell:K=1', # t='best:prescore_method=nsum', # a='timectrl' a='timectrl:species=zebra_grevys,qmin_pername=3,dsample_per_name=[1,2],dsize=1939', ) ibs2, testres2 = wbia.testdata_expts( dbdir=ut.truepath('~/lev/media/hdd/golden/GZGC'), # t='best:prescore_method=nsum', t='CircQRH:K=3', a='timectrl:species=zebra_plains,qmin_pername=3,dsample_per_name=[1,2],dsize=1187' # a='timectrl:species=zebra_plains,sample_per_name=3' ) key = 'qx2_gt_rank' ydata_list = [] label_list = [] num_ranks = 5 testres_list = [testres1, testres2] ibs_list = [ibs1, ibs2] # ibs = ibs1 # testres = testres1 for ibs, testres in zip(ibs_list, testres_list): cfgx2_cmc, edges = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist( bins='dense', key=key, join_acfgs=True ) species = ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids) species_nice = ibs.get_species_nice( ibs.get_species_rowids_from_text(ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids)) ) species_nice = { 'zebra_grevys': "Grevy's Zebras", 'zebra_plains': 'Plains Zebras', 'giraffe_masai': 'Masai Giraffes', }.get(species, species_nice) cmcs = cfgx2_cmc.T[:num_ranks].T lbls = testres.get_varied_labels(shorten=True, join_acfgs=True) # lbls = ['%6.2f%% @ rank #1' % (cmc[0],) + ' - ' + lbl + ' - ' + species_nice # for lbl, cmc in zip(lbls, cmcs)] lbls = [ species_nice + ' - ' + lbl.replace('dpername', 'exemplars') for lbl, cmc in zip(lbls, cmcs) ] ydata_list.extend(cmcs) label_list.extend(lbls) sortx = np.argsort(ut.take_column(ydata_list, 0))[::-1] ydata_list = ut.take(ydata_list, sortx) label_list = ut.take(label_list, sortx) xdata = list(range(1, num_ranks + 1)) import wbia.plottool as pt ymin = 30 xpad = 0.9 # if kind == 'plot' else .5 num_yticks = 8 if ymin == 30 else 11 # ymin = 30 if cfgx2_cumhist_percent.min() > 30 and False else 0 fig = pt.multi_plot( xdata, ydata_list, marker_list=pt.distinct_markers(len(ydata_list)), label_list=label_list, num_xticks=num_ranks, xlabel='rank', ylabel='recognition rate (%)', legend_loc='lower right', num_yticks=num_yticks, ymax=100, ymin=ymin, ypad=0.5, xmin=xpad, xmax=num_ranks + 1 - xpad, use_legend=True, title='Cumulative match characteristics', legendsize=10, titlesize=12, labelsize=12, ) fig.set_size_inches(*((1.0 * np.array([4, 3])).tolist())) pt.adjust_subplots(bottom=0.15, top=0.9, left=0.2) fpath = 'cmc-dpername-combined.png' fig.savefig(fpath, transparent=True, edgecolor='none') import vtool as vt vt.clipwhite_ondisk(fpath, fpath, verbose=True) ut.startfile(fpath)
[docs]def temp_multidb_cmc(): """ Plots multiple database CMC curves in the same plot for the AI for social good paper """ import wbia ibs1, testres1 = wbia.testdata_expts( dbdir=ut.truepath('~/lev/media/hdd/golden/GGR-IBEIS'), t='Ell:K=4', # t='best:prescore_method=nsum', a='timectrl' # a='timectrl:species=zebra_grevys,qmin_pername=3,dsample_per_name=2' ) ibs2, testres2 = wbia.testdata_expts( dbdir=ut.truepath('~/lev/media/hdd/golden/GZGC'), # t='best:prescore_method=nsum', t='CircQRH:K=3', a='timectrl:species=zebra_plains' # a='timectrl:species=zebra_plains,qmin_pername=3,dsample_per_name=2' # a='timectrl:species=zebra_plains,sample_per_name=3' ) ibs3, testres3 = wbia.testdata_expts( dbdir=ut.truepath('~/lev/media/hdd/golden/GZGC'), t='Ell:K=2', a='timectrl1h:species=giraffe_masai' # a='timectrl1h:species=giraffe_masai,qmin_pername=2,dsample_per_name=2' ) testres_list = [testres1, testres2, testres3] ibs_list = [ibs1, ibs2, ibs3] key = 'qx2_gt_rank' ydata_list = [] label_list = [] num_ranks = 5 for ibs, testres in zip(ibs_list, testres_list): cfgx2_cmc, edges = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist( bins='dense', key=key, join_acfgs=True ) cmc = cfgx2_cmc[0][:num_ranks] species = ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids) species_nice = ibs.get_species_nice( ibs.get_species_rowids_from_text(ibs.get_dominant_species(testres.qaids)) ) species_nice = { 'zebra_grevys': "Grevy's Zebras", 'zebra_plains': 'Plains Zebras', 'giraffe_masai': 'Masai Giraffes', }.get(species, species_nice) label = ('%6.2f%% @ rank #1' % (cmc[0],)) + ' - ' + species_nice label_list.append(label) ydata_list.append(cmc) sortx = np.argsort(ut.take_column(ydata_list, 0))[::-1] ydata_list = ut.take(ydata_list, sortx) label_list = ut.take(label_list, sortx) xdata = list(range(1, num_ranks + 1)) import wbia.plottool as pt ymin = 30 xpad = 0.9 # if kind == 'plot' else .5 num_yticks = 8 if ymin == 30 else 11 # ymin = 30 if cfgx2_cumhist_percent.min() > 30 and False else 0 fig = pt.multi_plot( xdata, ydata_list, marker_list=pt.distinct_markers(len(ydata_list)), label_list=label_list, num_xticks=num_ranks, xlabel='rank', ylabel='recognition rate (%)', legend_loc='lower right', num_yticks=num_yticks, ymax=100, ymin=ymin, ypad=0.5, xmin=xpad, xmax=num_ranks + 1 - xpad, use_legend=True, title='Cumulative match characteristics', ) fig.set_size_inches(*((1.5 * np.array([4, 3])).tolist())) pt.adjust_subplots(bottom=0.15) fig.savefig('cmc-combined.png', transparent=True, edgecolor='none') import vtool as vt vt.clipwhite_ondisk('cmc-combined.png', 'cmc-combined.png', verbose=True) ut.startfile('cmc-combined.png')
[docs]def draw_rank_cmc( ibs, testres, verbose=False, test_cfgx_slice=None, group_queries=False, draw_icon=True, numranks=5, kind='cmc', cdfzoom=True, **kwargs ): # numranks=3, kind='bar', cdfzoom=False): r""" Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object testres (TestResult): TODO: # Cross-validated results with timectrl python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a timectrl:xval=True -t invar --kind=cmc CommandLine: python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a timectrl -t default --kind=cmc python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a :proot=smk,num_words=64000 python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a ctrl -t best:prescore_method=csum python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a timectrl -t invar --kind=cmc --cdfzoom python -m wbia draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_MTEST --show -a varypername_td -t CircQRH_ScoreMech:K=3 #wbia -e rank_cmc --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 --show python -m -e draw_rank_cmc --db lynx -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True -t default:K=1 --show python -m wbia --tf draw_rank_cmc -t best -a timectrl --db PZ_Master1 --show python -m wbia --tf draw_rank_cmc --db PZ_Master1 --show -t best \ -a timectrl:qhas_any=\(needswork,correctable,mildviewpoint\),qhas_none=\(viewpoint,photobomb,error:viewpoint,quality\) \ --acfginfo --veryverbtd wbia --tf draw_match_cases --db GZ_ALL -a ctrl \ -t default:K=1,resize_dim=[width],dim_size=[700,750] \ -f :sortdsc=gfscore,without_tag=scenerymatch,disagree=True \ --show wbia --tf autogen_ipynb --db GZ_ALL --ipynb -a ctrl \ -t default:K=1,resize_dim=[width],dim_size=[600,700,750] \ default:K=1,resize_dim=[area],dim_size=[450,550,600,650] wbia draw_rank_cmc --db GZ_ALL -a ctrl -t default --show wbia draw_match_cases --db GZ_ALL -a ctrl -t default -f :fail=True --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> #ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( >>> # 'seaturtles', a='default2:qhas_any=(left),sample_occur=True,occur_offset=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],num_names=None') >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_funckw(draw_rank_cmc) >>> result = draw_rank_cmc(ibs, testres, **kwargs) >>> ut.show_if_requested() >>> print(result) """ import wbia.plottool as pt if group_queries: key = 'qnx2_gt_name_rank' target_label = 'accuracy (% per name)' else: key = 'qx2_gt_rank' target_label = 'accuracy (% per annotation)' join_acfgs = True cfgx2_cumhist_percent, edges = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist( bins='dense', key=key, join_acfgs=join_acfgs ) # Do this twice, but no sep the first time cfglbl_list = testres.get_varied_labels(shorten=True, join_acfgs=join_acfgs) cfglbl_to_score = ut.dzip(cfglbl_list, cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0]) cfglbl_to_score = ut.sort_dict(cfglbl_to_score, part='vals') 'accuracy @rank1: ' + ut.repr4(cfglbl_to_score, strkeys=True, precision=4) ) cfglbl_list = testres.get_varied_labels( shorten=True, join_acfgs=join_acfgs, sep=kwargs.get('sep', '') ) label_list = [ ('%6.2f%%' % (percent,)) + ' - ' + label for label, percent in zip(cfglbl_list, cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0]) ] cmap_seed = ut.get_argval('--prefix', type_=str, default=None) color_list = pt.distinct_colors(len(label_list), cmap_seed=cmap_seed) marker_list = pt.distinct_markers(len(label_list)) test_cfgx_slice = ut.get_argval( '--test_cfgx_slice', type_='fuzzy_subset', default=test_cfgx_slice ) if test_cfgx_slice is not None:'test_cfgx_slice = %r' % (test_cfgx_slice,)) cfgx2_cumhist_percent = np.array(ut.take(cfgx2_cumhist_percent, test_cfgx_slice)) label_list = ut.take(label_list, test_cfgx_slice) color_list = ut.take(color_list, test_cfgx_slice) marker_list = ut.take(marker_list, test_cfgx_slice) # Order cdf list by rank0 # sortx = cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0].argsort()[::-1] sortx = vt.argsort_records(cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T)[::-1] label_list = ut.take(label_list, sortx) cfgx2_cumhist_percent = np.array(ut.take(cfgx2_cumhist_percent, sortx)) color_list = ut.take(color_list, sortx) marker_list = ut.take(marker_list, sortx) # if verbose: testres.print_unique_annot_config_stats(ibs) numranks = ut.get_argval('--numranks', type_=int, default=numranks) if numranks is None: numranks = len(cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T) maxpos = min(len(cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T), numranks) cfgx2_cumhist_short = cfgx2_cumhist_percent[:, 0:maxpos] edges_short = edges[0 : min(len(edges), numranks + 1)] # twoplots = not ut.get_argflag('--cdfzoom') twoplots = not cdfzoom pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=twoplots + 1, nCols=1) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) # target_label = '% groundtrue matches ≤ rank' ymin = 30 if cfgx2_cumhist_percent.min() > 30 and False else 0 num_yticks = 8 if ymin == 30 else 11 kind = ut.get_argval('--kind', default=kind) if kind is None: kind = 'bar' elif kind == 'cmc': kind = 'plot' plotname = 'Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC)' plotname = ut.get_argval('--plotname', default=plotname) figtitle = testres.make_figtitle(plotname) xpad = 0.9 if kind == 'plot' else 0.5 cumhistkw = dict( xlabel='rank', ylabel=target_label, color_list=color_list, marker_list=marker_list, fnum=fnum, # legend_loc='lower right', legend_loc='lower right', num_yticks=num_yticks, ymax=100, ymin=ymin, ypad=0.5, xmin=xpad, kind=kind, title=figtitle, # figtitle=figtitle, # xpad=.05, # **FONTKW ) cumhistkw.update(kwargs) # if not twoplots: minval = numranks if numranks <= 10 else 10 pt.plot_rank_cumhist( cfgx2_cumhist_short, edges=edges_short, label_list=label_list, num_xticks=max(5, min(minval, (numranks // 20) + 2)), # legend_alpha=.85, legend_alpha=0.92, # legendsize=12, xmax=numranks + 1 - xpad, use_legend=not twoplots, pnum=pnum_(), **cumhistkw ) if twoplots: del cumhistkw['title'] numranks2 = len(cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T) ax1 = pt.gca() pt.plot_rank_cumhist( cfgx2_cumhist_percent, edges=edges, label_list=label_list, num_xticks=numranks2, use_legend=twoplots, pnum=pnum_(), xmax=numranks2 + 1 - xpad, **cumhistkw ) ax2 = pt.gca() # pt.zoom_effect01(ax1, ax2, 1, numranks2, fc='w') # pt.zoom_effect01(ax1, ax2, 1, numranks, fc='w') pt.zoom_effect01(ax1, ax2, 1, numranks, ec='k', fc='w') icon = ibs.get_database_icon() #'draw_icon = %r' % (draw_icon,)) if draw_icon and icon is not None: # ax = pt.gca() # ax.get_xlim() pt.overlay_icon(icon, bbox_alignment=(0, 0), as_artist=True) # pt.overlay_icon(icon, bbox_alignment=(0, 0), as_artist=False, max_asize=(.5, .5)) # pt.overlay_icon(icon, bbox_alignment=(0, 1), as_artist=False) # max_asize=(2, 4)) pass # ax.get_ylim() # ax = pt.gca() # ax.grid(True) # fig = pt.gcf() # import utool as ut # HACK FOR FIGSIZE # fig.set_size_inches(15, 7) if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust') or True: pt.adjust_subplots(left=0.05, bottom=0.08, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.15) pt.adjust_subplots(use_argv=True)
[docs]@profile def draw_case_timedeltas(ibs, testres, falsepos=None, truepos=None, verbose=False): r""" CommandLine: python -m -e draw_case_timedeltas --show python -m -e draw_case_timedeltas --show -t default \ -a unctrl:num_names=1,name_offset=[1,2] python -m -e draw_case_timedeltas --show -t default \ -a unctrl:num_names=1,name_offset=[1,2],joinme=1 python -m -e draw_case_timedeltas --show -t default \ -a unctrl:num_names=1,name_offset=[1,2] \ unctrl:num_names=1,name_offset=[3,0] python -m -e timedelta_hist --show -t baseline \ -a unctrl ctrl:force_const_size=True unctrl:force_const_size=True \ --consistent --db PZ_MTEST # Testing python -m -e timedelta_hist --show -t baseline \ -a unctrl ctrl:force_const_size=True unctrl:force_const_size=True \ --consistent --db PZ_Master1 python -m -e timedelta_hist --show -t baseline \ -a unctrl ctrl:sample_rule_ref=max_timedelta --db PZ_Master1 \ --aidcfginfo Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> draw_case_timedeltas(ibs, testres) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt import datetime plotkw = {} plotkw['markersize'] = 12 plotkw['marker_list'] = [] # plotkw['linestyle'] = '--' if verbose: testres.print_unique_annot_config_stats(ibs) join_acfgs = True # cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls() cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls(join_acfgs=join_acfgs) if falsepos is None: falsepos = ut.get_argflag('--falsepos') if truepos is None: truepos = ut.get_argflag('--truepos') X_data_list = [] X_label_list = [] truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop(join_acfg=join_acfgs) # is_failure = prop2_mat['is_failure'] is_success = prop2_mat['is_success'] for cfgx, lbl in enumerate(cfgx2_shortlbl): gt_timedelta = truth2_prop['gt']['timedelta'].T gf_timedelta = truth2_prop['gf']['timedelta'].T # gt_f_td = gt_timedelta[cfgx][is_failure.T[cfgx]] # gf_f_td = gf_timedelta[cfgx][is_failure.T[cfgx]] gt_s_td = gt_timedelta[cfgx][is_success.T[cfgx]] gf_s_td = gf_timedelta[cfgx][is_success.T[cfgx]] if not falsepos or truepos: X_data_list += [ gt_s_td, # gf_s_td ] X_label_list += [ 'TP ' + lbl, # 'FP ' + lbl ] if falsepos: X_data_list += [gf_s_td] X_label_list += ['FP ' + lbl] plotkw['marker_list'] += pt.distinct_markers( 1, style='polygon', offset=cfgx, total=len(cfgx2_shortlbl) ) numnan_list = [(~np.isfinite(X)).sum() for X in X_data_list] xdata_list = [X[~np.isnan(X)] for X in X_data_list] max_score = max([0 if len(xdata) == 0 else xdata.max() for xdata in xdata_list]) bins = [ datetime.timedelta(seconds=0).total_seconds(), datetime.timedelta(minutes=1).total_seconds(), datetime.timedelta(hours=1).total_seconds(), datetime.timedelta(days=1).total_seconds(), datetime.timedelta(weeks=1).total_seconds(), datetime.timedelta(days=356).total_seconds(), # np.inf, max(datetime.timedelta(days=356 * 10).total_seconds(), max_score + 1), ] # HISTOGRAM # if False: freq_list = [np.histogram(xdata, bins)[0] for xdata in xdata_list] timedelta_strs = [ ut.get_timedelta_str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=b), exclude_zeros=True) for b in bins ] bin_labels = [ length + ' - ' + height for length, height in ut.iter_window(timedelta_strs) ] bin_labels[-1] = '> 1 year' bin_labels[0] = '< 1 minute' WITH_NAN = True if WITH_NAN: freq_list = [ np.append(freq, [numnan]) for freq, numnan in zip(freq_list, numnan_list) ] bin_labels += ['nan'] # Make PIE chart fnum = None fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.figure(fnum=fnum) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(*pt.get_square_row_cols(len(freq_list))) bin_labels[0] # python -m -e timedelta_hist -t baseline -a # ctrl:force_const_size=True uncontrolled:force_const_size=True # --consistent --db GZ_ALL --show colors = pt.distinct_colors(len(bin_labels)) if WITH_NAN: colors[-1] = pt.GRAY for count, freq in enumerate(freq_list): pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) mask = freq > 0 masked_freq = freq.compress(mask, axis=0) masked_lbls = ut.compress(bin_labels, mask) masked_colors = ut.compress(colors, mask) explode = [0] * len(masked_freq) size = masked_freq.sum() masked_percent = masked_freq * 100 / size pt.plt.pie( masked_percent, explode=explode, autopct='%1.1f%%', labels=masked_lbls, colors=masked_colors, ) ax = pt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(X_label_list[count] + '\nsize=%d' % (size,)) ax.set_aspect('equal') if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust'): pt.adjust_subplots(left=0.08, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.1) pt.adjust_subplots(use_argv=True)
[docs]@profile def draw_match_cases( ibs, testres, metadata=None, f=None, show_in_notebook=False, annot_modes=None, figsize=None, case_pos_list=None, verbose=None, interact=None, figdir=None, **kwargs ): r""" Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object testres (TestResult): test result object metadata (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf draw_match_cases python -m -e draw_match_cases --figdir=figure python -m -e draw_match_cases --db PZ_Master1 -a ctrl \ -t default --filt :fail=True,min_gtrank=5,gtrank_lt=20 --render # Shows the best results python -m -e cases --db PZ_Master1 \ -a timectrl -t invarbest --filt :sortasc=gtscore,success=True,index=200:201 --show # Shows failures sorted by gt score python -m -e cases --db PZ_Master1 \ -a timectrl -t invarbest \ --filt :sortdsc=gfscore,min_gtrank=1 --show # Find the untagged photobomb and scenery cases python -m -e cases --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl \ -t invarbest --show --filt \ :orderby=gfscore,reverse=1,min_gtrank=1,max_gf_td=24h,max_gf_tags=0 # Find untagged failures python -m -e cases --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl \ -t invarbest \ --filt :orderby=gfscore,reverse=1,min_gtrank=1,max_gf_tags=0 --show # Show disagreement cases wbia --tf draw_match_cases --db PZ_MTEST -a default:size=20 \ -t default:K=[1,4] \ --filt :disagree=True,index=0:4 --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> filt_cfg = main_helpers.testdata_filtcfg() >>> metadata = None >>> figdir = ut.get_argval(('--figdir', '--dpath'), type_=str, default=None) >>> analysis_fpath_list = draw_match_cases(ibs, testres, metadata, >>> f=filt_cfg, figdir=figdir) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt if ut.NOT_QUIET: ut.colorprint('[expt] Drawing individual results', 'yellow') if True: import matplotlib as mpl from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) # ### ARGUMENT PARSING AND RECTIFICATION ### cmdaug = ut.get_argval('--cmdaug', type_=str, help_='candhack') show = ut.get_argflag('--show') if interact is None: interact = ut.get_argflag('--interact') if figdir is None: figdir = ibs.get_fig_dir() show_kwargs = {'N': 3, 'ori': True, 'ell_alpha': 0.9} # show analysis show_kwargs['show_query'] = False show_kwargs['viz_name_score'] = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True) show_kwargs['show_timedelta'] = True show_kwargs['show_gf'] = True show_kwargs['colorbar_'] = False show_kwargs['with_figtitle'] = show_in_notebook show_kwargs['fastmode'] = True if annot_modes is None: annot_modes = ut.get_argval('--annotmodes', default=[0]) filt_cfg = f if case_pos_list is None: case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg, verbose=verbose) # NOQA ######################### # ### DIRECTORY SETUP ### figdir = ut.truepath(figdir) case_figdir = join(figdir, 'cases_' + ibs.get_dbname()) ut.ensuredir(case_figdir) if ut.get_argflag(('--view-fig-directory', '--vf')): ut.view_directory(case_figdir) # Common directory indiv_results_figdir = ut.ensuredir((case_figdir, 'indiv_results')) top_rank_analysis_dir = ut.ensuredir((case_figdir, 'top_rank_analysis')) dump = False DO_COPY_QUEUE = True if DO_COPY_QUEUE: cpq = draw_helpers.IndividualResultsCopyTaskQueue() if ut.NOT_QUIET:'case_figdir = %r' % (case_figdir,)) ########################## # ### INTERACTIVE SETUP ### def toggle_annot_mode(): for ix in range(len(annot_modes)): # See for more annot_mode info # TODO: use viz_qres to get the number of possible annot modes. annot_modes[ix] = annot_modes[ix] + 1 % 4 def toggle_fast_mode(): show_kwargs['fastmode'] = not show_kwargs['fastmode']"show_kwargs['fastmode'] = %r" % (show_kwargs['fastmode'],)) custom_actions = [ ('present', ['s'], 'present', pt.present), ('toggle_annot_mode', ['a'], 'toggle_annot_mode', toggle_annot_mode), ( 'toggle_fast_mode', ['f'], 'toggle_fast_mode', toggle_fast_mode, 'Fast mode lowers drwaing quality', ), ] ########################## cfgx2_qreq_ = testres.cfgx2_qreq_ qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls() qx_list, cfgx_list = case_pos_list.T # Get configs needed for each query qx2_cfgxs = ut.group_items(cfgx_list, qx_list) if show_in_notebook: cfg_colors = pt.distinct_colors(len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_)) unique_qx = ut.unique(qx_list) if interact: _iter = ut.InteractiveIter( unique_qx, enabled=interact, custom_actions=custom_actions ) else: _iter = ut.ProgIter(unique_qx, lbl='drawing cases') fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) fpaths_list = [] analysis_fpath_list = [] for count, qx in enumerate(_iter): cfgxs = qx2_cfgxs[qx] qreq_list = ut.take(cfgx2_qreq_, cfgxs) # TODO: try to get away with not reloading query results or loading # them in batch if possible # It actually doesnt take that long. the drawing is what hurts # TODO: be able to load old results even if they are currently invalid qaid = qaids[qx] cm_list = [qreq_.execute(qaids=[qaid])[0] for qreq_ in qreq_list] fpaths_list.append([]) truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() if 0 or ut.VERBOSE:'=== QUERY INFO ===')'=== QUERY INFO ===')'qaid = %r' % (qaid,))'qx = %r' % (qx,))'cfgxs = %r' % (cfgxs,)) # print testres info about this item take_cfgs = ut.partial(ut.take, index_list=cfgxs) take_qx = ut.partial(ut.take, index_list=qx) truth_cfgs = ut.hmap_vals(take_qx, truth2_prop) truth_item = ut.hmap_vals(take_cfgs, truth_cfgs, max_depth=1) prop_cfgs = ut.hmap_vals(take_qx, prop2_mat) prop_item = ut.hmap_vals(take_cfgs, prop_cfgs, max_depth=0)'truth2_prop[item] = ' + ut.repr3(truth_item, nl=2))'prop2_mat[item] = ' + ut.repr3(prop_item, nl=1)) if show_in_notebook: # hack to show vertical line in notebook separate configs fnum = fnum + 1 pt.imshow(np.zeros((1, 200), dtype=np.uint8), fnum=fnum) for count2, (cfgx, cm, qreq_) in enumerate(zip(cfgxs, cm_list, qreq_list)): if show_in_notebook: fnum = fnum + 1 else: fnum = cfgx if interact else 1 # cm = cm.extend_results(qreq_) # Get row and column index cfgstr = testres.get_cfgstr(cfgx) query_lbl = cfgx2_shortlbl[cfgx] qres_dpath = 'qaid={qaid}'.format(qaid=cm.qaid) individ_results_dpath = join(indiv_results_figdir, qres_dpath) ut.ensuredir(individ_results_dpath) # Draw Result # try to shorten query labels a bit query_lbl = query_lbl.replace(' ', '').replace("'", '') _query_lbl = query_lbl qres_fname = query_lbl + '.png' analysis_fpath = join(individ_results_dpath, qres_fname) if show or interact or show_in_notebook: needs_draw = True else: needs_draw = not (dump and ut.checkpath(analysis_fpath)) if needs_draw: bar_label = 'Case: Query %r / %r, Config %r / %r --- qaid=%d, cfgx=%r' % ( count + 1, len(qx_list), count2 + 1, len(cfgxs), qaid, cfgx, )'bar_label = %r' % (bar_label,)) if show_in_notebook: # hack to show vertical line in notebook if len(cfg_colors) > 0: bar = np.zeros((1, 400, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + ( np.array(cfg_colors[cfgx]) * 255 ) fnum = fnum + 1 fig, ax = pt.imshow(bar, fnum=fnum) pt.set_xlabel(bar_label, ax=ax) # Need to show when doing notebook for annot_mode in annot_modes: show_kwargs['annot_mode'] = annot_mode if show_in_notebook: fnum = fnum + 1 if interact: cm.ishow_analysis( qreq_, figtitle=_query_lbl, fnum=fnum, **show_kwargs ) else: cm.show_analysis( qreq_, figtitle=_query_lbl, fnum=fnum, **show_kwargs ) if show_in_notebook: _query_lbl = '' # only show the query label once if figsize is not None: fig = pt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(*figsize) fig.set_dpi(256) if cmdaug is not None: # Hack for candidacy analysis_fpath = join(figdir, 'figuresC/case_%s.png' % (cmdaug,))'analysis_fpath = %r' % (analysis_fpath,)) if show_in_notebook: # elif not show: if False: fig = pt.gcf()'analysis_fpath = %r' % (analysis_fpath,)) fig.savefig(analysis_fpath) vt.clipwhite_ondisk( analysis_fpath, analysis_fpath, verbose=ut.VERBOSE ) if DO_COPY_QUEUE: if cmdaug is None: cpq.append_copy_task(analysis_fpath, top_rank_analysis_dir) analysis_fpath_list.append(analysis_fpath) fpaths_list[-1].append(analysis_fpath) if metadata is not None: metadata.set_global_data( cfgstr, cm.qaid, 'analysis_fpath', analysis_fpath ) # if some condition of of batch sizes if DO_COPY_QUEUE: flush_freq = 4 if count % flush_freq == (flush_freq - 1): cpq.flush_copy_tasks() if DO_COPY_QUEUE: # Copy summary images to query_analysis folder cpq.flush_copy_tasks() return analysis_fpath_list