Source code for wbia.expt.annotation_configs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Definitions for common aid configurations

Rename to annot_cfgdef
import logging
import utool as ut
import numpy as np  # NOQA

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# easier to type names to alias some of these options
    # 'aids'     : 'default_aids',
    'pername': 'sample_per_name',
    'offset': 'sample_offset',
    'refrule': 'sample_rule_ref',
    'rule': 'sample_rule',
    'size': 'sample_size',
    'mingt': 'min_pername',
    'excluderef': 'exclude_reference',

    ut.ParamInfo('reviewed', None, valid_values=[True, False, None]),
        'minqual', None, valid_values=[None, 'junk', 'poor', 'ok', 'good', 'excellent']
    ut.ParamInfo('multiple', None, valid_values=[True, False, None]),
    ut.ParamInfo('species', None),
    ut.ParamInfo('view', None),  # TODO: allow for lists
    ut.ParamInfo('require_quality', None, valid_values=[True, False, None]),
    ut.ParamInfo('require_viewpoint', None, valid_values=[True, False, None]),
    ut.ParamInfo('is_exemplar', None, valid_values=[True, False, None]),
        help_='Keep annot if it has at least this many global names',
        help_='Keep annot if it has at most this many global names',
        help_='Remove anything before this timestamp',
        help_='Remove anything after this timestamp',
    # ut.ParamInfo('view', None),

        help_='Keeps names with at least this number of aids within the group',
        help_='Keeps names with at most this number of aids within the group',

        'sample_per_name', None, type_=int, min_=0, help_='Take this many annots per name'
        valid_values=['random', 'mintime', 'maxtime', 'qual_and_view'],
        help_='Method of samping from names',
        help_='Random seed for sampling from names',

    ut.ParamInfo('index', None),

    # forces a consistnet sample size across combinations
    'force_const_size': None,
    'crossval_enc': None,
    # 'hack_extra' : None,  # hack param to make bigger db sizes
    # 'hack_imageset': None,
    # Hack out errors in test data
    # 'hackerrors'    : True,
    'hackerrors': False,
    'joinme': None,

# Defaults for the independent filter
# THese filters are orderless
    # 'species'             : 'primary',  # specify the species
    # 'species'             : None,
    # Timedelta Params
    'require_timestamp': None,
    'require_gps': None,
    'max_timestamp': None,
    'contributor_contains': None,
    # Quality Params
    # 'require_quality'     : None,  # if True unknown qualities are removed
    # 'minqual'             : 'poor',
    'minqual': None,
    'been_adjusted': None,  # HACK PARAM
    # Viewpoint params
    # 'require_viewpoint'   : None,
    # 'view'                : None,
    'view_ext': 0,  # num viewpoints to extend in dir1 and dir2
    'view_ext1': None,  # num viewpoints to extend in dir1
    'view_ext2': None,  # num viewpoints to extend in dir2
    'is_known': None,
    # maximum number of features detected by default config
    'min_numfeat': None,
    # minimum number of features detected by default config
    'max_numfeat': None,
    'reviewed': None,
    'multiple': None,

from wbia import tag_funcs  # NOQA  #

# Build Filters
filter_keys = ut.get_func_kwargs(tag_funcs.filterflags_general_tags)
for key in filter_keys:

    INDEPENDENT_DEFAULTS[pi.varname] = pi.default

    # if True all annots must belong to the same imageset
    'same_imageset': None,
    'view_pername': None,  # formatted string filtering the viewpoints
    'min_timedelta': None,
    # minimum number of aids for each name in sample
    # 'min_pername'         : None,
    # 'max_pername'         : None,
    'min_spacedelta': None,
    'min_spacetimedelta': None,
    INTRAGROUP_DEFAULTS[pi.varname] = pi.default


    # Final indexing
    'shuffle': False,  # randomize order before indexing
    # 'index'               : None,   # choose only a subset
    SUBINDEX_DEFAULTS[pi.varname] = pi.default

    'sample_size': None,
    'num_names': None,
    # Gets as close to sample size without removing other props
    # Per Name / Exemplar Params
    # 'sample_per_name'     : None,  # Choos num_annots to sample from each name.
    # 'sample_rule'         : 'random',
    'sample_offset': None,  # UNUSED
    'occur_offset': None,  # UNUSED
    'name_offset': None,  # UNUSED
    'sample_occur': None,
    SAMPLE_DEFAULTS[pi.varname] = pi.default

    # excludes any aids specified in a reference set (ie qaids)
    'exclude_reference': None,
    'exclude_ref_contact': None,
    'sample_rule_ref': 'random',
    # when sampling daids, choose this many correct matches per query
    'sample_per_ref_name': None,

# Base common settings, but some default settings will be different
# for query and database annotations
DEFAULT_AIDCFG = ut.merge_dicts(
__default_aidcfg = DEFAULT_AIDCFG

[docs]def compress_aidcfg(acfg, filter_nones=False, filter_empty=False, force_noncommon=[]): r""" Idea is to add a third subconfig named `common` that is the intersection of `qcfg` and `dcfg`. Args: acfg (dict): Returns: dict: acfg CommandLine: # python -m wbia --tf compress_aidcfg python -m wbia.expt.annotation_configs --exec-compress_aidcfg --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.expt.annotation_configs import * # NOQA >>> acfg = default >>> acfg = compress_aidcfg(acfg) >>> result = ('acfg = %s' % (ut.repr2(acfg),)) >>> print(default) >>> print(result) """ import copy if 'qcfg' not in acfg or 'dcfg' not in acfg: return acfg acfg = copy.deepcopy(acfg) common_cfg = ut.dict_intersection(acfg['qcfg'], acfg['dcfg']) ut.delete_keys(common_cfg, force_noncommon) ut.delete_keys(acfg['qcfg'], common_cfg.keys()) ut.delete_keys(acfg['dcfg'], common_cfg.keys()) acfg['common'] = common_cfg if filter_nones: acfg['common'] = ut.dict_filter_nones(acfg['common']) acfg['qcfg'] = ut.dict_filter_nones(acfg['qcfg']) acfg['dcfg'] = ut.dict_filter_nones(acfg['dcfg']) if filter_empty: if len(acfg['common']) == 0: del acfg['common'] if len(acfg['qcfg']) == 0: del acfg['qcfg'] if len(acfg['dcfg']) == 0: del acfg['dcfg'] return acfg
[docs]def partition_acfg_list(acfg_list): for acfg in acfg_list: assert ( acfg['qcfg']['_cfgname'] == acfg['dcfg']['_cfgname'] ), 'should be the same for now' # Hack to make common params between q and d appear the same _acfg_list = [compress_aidcfg(acfg) for acfg in acfg_list] flat_acfg_list = flatten_acfg_list(_acfg_list) tup = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(flat_acfg_list) flat_nonvaried_dict, flat_varied_acfg_list = tup nonvaried_dict = unflatten_acfgdict(flat_nonvaried_dict) varied_acfg_list = [unflatten_acfgdict(acfg) for acfg in flat_varied_acfg_list] return nonvaried_dict, varied_acfg_list
[docs]def get_varied_acfg_labels(acfg_list, mainkey='_cfgname', checkname=False): """ >>> from wbia.expt.annotation_configs import * # NOQA """ #, nl=2)) for acfg in acfg_list: assert acfg['qcfg'].get(mainkey, '') == acfg['dcfg'].get( mainkey, '' ), 'should be the same for now' cfgname_list = [acfg['qcfg'].get(mainkey, '') for acfg in acfg_list] if checkname and ut.allsame(cfgname_list): cfgname_list = [None] * len(cfgname_list) # Hack to make common params between q and d appear the same _acfg_list = [compress_aidcfg(acfg) for acfg in acfg_list] flat_acfg_list = flatten_acfg_list(_acfg_list) nonvaried_dict, varied_acfg_list = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(flat_acfg_list) SUPER_HACK = True if SUPER_HACK: # SUPER HACK, recompress remake the varied list after knowing what is varied _varied_keys = list( set( ut.flatten( [ list( ut.flatten( [list(x.keys()) for x in unflatten_acfgdict(cfg).values()] ) ) for cfg in varied_acfg_list ] ) ) ) _acfg_list = [ compress_aidcfg(acfg, force_noncommon=_varied_keys) for acfg in acfg_list ] flat_acfg_list = flatten_acfg_list(_acfg_list) nonvaried_dict, varied_acfg_list = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(flat_acfg_list) shortened_cfg_list = [ # {shorten_to_alias_labels(key): val for key, val in _dict.items()} ut.map_dict_keys(shorten_to_alias_labels, _dict) for _dict in varied_acfg_list ] nonlbl_keys = ut.INTERNAL_CFGKEYS nonlbl_keys = [prefix + key for key in nonlbl_keys for prefix in ['', 'q', 'd']] # hack for sorting by q/d stuff first def get_key_order(cfg): keys = [k for k in cfg.keys() if k not in nonlbl_keys] sortorder = [2 * k.startswith('q') + 1 * k.startswith('d') for k in keys] return ut.sortedby(keys, sortorder)[::-1] cfglbl_list = [ ut.get_cfg_lbl(cfg, name, nonlbl_keys, key_order=get_key_order(cfg)) for cfg, name in zip(shortened_cfg_list, cfgname_list) ] if checkname: cfglbl_list = [x.lstrip(':') for x in cfglbl_list] return cfglbl_list
[docs]def shorten_to_alias_labels(key): if key is None: return None search_list = list(ALIAS_KEYS.values()) + ['qcfg_', 'dcfg_', 'common_'] repl_list = list(ALIAS_KEYS.keys()) + ['q', 'd', ''] return ut.multi_replace(key, search_list, repl_list)
[docs]def flatten_acfg_list(acfg_list): """ Returns a new config where subconfig params are prefixed by subconfig keys """ flat_acfg_list = [] for acfg in acfg_list: flat_dict = { prefix + '_' + key: val for prefix, subdict in acfg.items() for key, val in subdict.items() } flat_acfg_list.append(flat_dict) return flat_acfg_list
[docs]def compress_acfg_list_for_printing(acfg_list): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf compress_acfg_list_for_printing Ignore: >>> from wbia.expt.annotation_configs import * # NOQA >>> qcfg_list = [{'f': 1, 'b': 1}, {'f': 2, 'b': 1}, {'f': 3, 'b': 1, 'z': 4}] >>> acfg_list = [{'qcfg': qcfg} for qcfg in qcfg_list] >>> nonvaried_dict, varied_dicts = compress_acfg_list_for_printing(acfg_list) >>> result = ('varied_dicts = %s\n' % (ut.repr2(varied_dicts),)) >>> result += ('nonvaried_dict = %s' % (ut.repr2(nonvaried_dict),)) >>> print(result) """ flat_acfg_list = flatten_acfg_list(acfg_list) tup = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(flat_acfg_list) nonvaried_dict, varied_acfg_list = tup nonvaried_compressed_dict = compress_aidcfg( unflatten_acfgdict(nonvaried_dict), filter_nones=True ) varied_compressed_dict_list = [ compress_aidcfg(unflatten_acfgdict(cfg), filter_empty=True) for cfg in varied_acfg_list ] return nonvaried_compressed_dict, varied_compressed_dict_list
[docs]def unflatten_acfgdict(flat_dict, prefix_list=['dcfg', 'qcfg']): acfg = {prefix: {} for prefix in prefix_list} for prefix in prefix_list: for key, val in flat_dict.items(): if key.startswith(prefix + '_'): acfg[prefix][key[len(prefix) + 1 :]] = val return acfg
[docs]def apply_timecontrol(acfg, min_timedelta='6h', require_timestamp=True): return { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( acfg['qcfg'], {'require_timestamp': require_timestamp, 'min_timedelta': min_timedelta}, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( acfg['dcfg'], {'require_timestamp': require_timestamp, 'min_timedelta': min_timedelta}, ), }
[docs]def apply_qualcontrol(acfg): return { 'qcfg': ut.augdict(acfg['qcfg'], {'require_quality': True}), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(acfg['dcfg'], {'require_quality': True}), }
__baseline_aidcfg = ut.augdict( __default_aidcfg, {'is_known': True, 'minqual': 'ok', 'view': 'primary', 'view_ext': 1}, ) __controlled_aidcfg = ut.augdict( __baseline_aidcfg, { # 'require_timestamp': True, 'view_ext': 0, 'minqual': 'ok', 'species': 'primary', 'is_known': True, }, ) single_default = __default_aidcfg exclude_vars = list(locals().keys()) # this line is before tests exclude_vars.append('exclude_vars') default = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( single_default, { # 'default_aids': (1,) }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(single_default, {}), } default2 = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict(default['qcfg'], {'exclude_reference': True, 'is_known': True}), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(default['dcfg'], {'exclude_reference': True, 'is_known': True}), } """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a unctrl """ unctrl = uncontrolled = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( __baseline_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'allgt', 'min_pername': 2, 'species': 'primary', }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(__baseline_aidcfg, {'species': 'primary'}), } # Uncontrolled but comparable to controlled unctrl_comp = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( __baseline_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'allgt', 'species': 'primary', 'sample_per_name': 1, 'min_pername': 2, 'view_ext': 0, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(__baseline_aidcfg, {'species': 'primary'}), } """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a ctrl wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a unctrl ctrl::unctrl:qpername=1,qview_ext=0 wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a unctrl ctrl::unctrl_comp """ ctrl = controlled = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'allgt', 'sample_per_name': 1, 'min_pername': 2, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'all', 'sample_per_name': 1, 'exclude_reference': True, 'min_pername': 1, # allows for singletons to be in the database }, ), } """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl """ timectrl = timecontrolled = apply_timecontrol(ctrl) timectrl1h = timecontrolled = apply_timecontrol(ctrl, '1h') timectrlL = timecontrolled = apply_timecontrol(ctrl, require_timestamp=False) """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a timequalctrl """ timequalctrl = timequalcontrolled = apply_qualcontrol(timectrl) # Just vary the samples per name without messing with the number of annots in # the database varypername = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['qcfg'], { # ensures each query will have a correct example for the groundtruth 'min_pername': 4, 'force_const_size': True, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['qcfg'], { 'sample_per_name': [1, 2, 3], # 'sample_per_name': [1, 3], # 'sample_per_ref_name': [1, 2, 3], # 'sample_per_ref_name': [1, 3], 'force_const_size': True, }, ), } varypername2 = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict(ctrl['qcfg'], {'min_pername': 3, 'force_const_size': True}), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['dcfg'], {'sample_per_name': [1, 2], 'force_const_size': True} ), } varypername2_td = apply_timecontrol(varypername2) """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a ctrl2 wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl2 wbia -e rank_cmc --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl2 -t invarbest """ ctrl2 = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['qcfg'], { 'min_pername': 3, # 'force_const_size': True, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(ctrl['dcfg'], {'sample_per_name': 2, 'force_const_size': True}), } timectrl2 = apply_timecontrol(ctrl2) varypername_td = apply_timecontrol(varypername) varypername_td1h = apply_timecontrol(varypername, '1h') """ wbia -e print_acfg --db PZ_Master1 -a varypername_tdqual """ varypername_tdqual = apply_qualcontrol(varypername_td) """ python -m wbia --tf get_num_annots_per_name --db PZ_Master1 wbia -e print_acfg -a varysize2 --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache wbia -e print_acfg -a varysize2 --db NNP_MasterGIRM_core --verbtd --nocache """ varysize = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'allgt', 'sample_size': None, 'sample_per_name': 1, # 'force_const_size': True, 'min_pername': 4, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'all', 'sample_per_name': [1, 2, 3], # 'sample_per_name': [1, 3], 'exclude_reference': True, 'sample_size': [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], # .95], 1.0], 'min_pername': 1, }, ), } """ wbia -e print_acfg -a varysize2_td --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache """ varysize_td = apply_timecontrol(varysize) varysize_td1h = apply_timecontrol(varysize, '1h') varysize_tdqual = apply_qualcontrol(varysize_td) varynannots = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'allgt', 'sample_size': None, 'sample_per_name': 1, # 'force_const_size': True, # 'min_pername': 4, 'min_pername': 2, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( __controlled_aidcfg, { # 'default_aids': 'all', 'sample_per_name': [1], # 'sample_per_name': [1, 3], 'exclude_reference': True, # 'sample_size': [.01, .125, 0.25, .375, 0.5, .625, 0.75], # , .875], # .95], 1.0], # 'sample_size': [.01, .05, .125, 0.25, .375, 0.5, 0.75], # , .875], # .95], 1.0], 'sample_size': [ 0.0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 0.875, 0.95, 1.0, ], # 'sample_size': [.01, .025, .05, .125, 0.25, .375, 0.5, 0.75, .875, .95, 1.0], # 'sample_size': ((10 * np.logspace(0, np.log(100), num=11, base=np.e)).astype( / 1000).tolist(), # (10 * np.logspace(0, np.log2(100), num=11, base=2)).astype( / 1000, 'min_pername': 1, }, ), } varynannots_td = apply_timecontrol(varynannots) varynannots_td1h = apply_timecontrol(varynannots, '1h') # varysize_tdqual = apply_qualcontrol(varysize_td) # Compare query of frontleft animals when database has only left sides """ wbia -e print_acfg -a viewpoint_compare --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache python -m wbia --tf parse_acfg_combo_list -a viewpoint_compare python -m wbia --tf get_annotcfg_list --db PZ_Master1 -a viewpoint_compare \ --verbtd # Check composition of names per viewpoint python -m wbia --tf group_annots_by_multi_prop --db PZ_Master1 \ --props=yaw_texts,name_rowids --keys1 frontleft python -m wbia --tf get_annot_stats_dict --db PZ_Master1 \ --per_name_vpedge=True TODO: Need to explicitly setup the common config I think? wbia -e print_acfg -a viewdiff:min_timedelta=1h --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache-aid wbia --tf get_annotcfg_list -a viewdiff:min_timedelta=1h --db PZ_Master1 \ --verbtd --nocache-aid """ viewpoint_compare = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['qcfg'], { 'sample_size': None, # To be a query you must have at least two primary1 views and at # least one primary view 'view_pername': '#primary>0&#primary1>1', 'force_const_size': True, 'view': 'primary1', 'sample_per_name': 1, # 'min_pername': 2, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['dcfg'], { 'view': ['primary1', 'primary'], 'force_const_size': True, # To be a query you must have at least two primary1 views and at # least one primary view 'view_pername': '#primary>0&#primary1>1', 'sample_per_ref_name': 1, 'sample_per_name': 1, # TODO: need to make this consistent accross both experiment modes 'sample_size': None, }, ), } viewdiff = vp = viewpoint_compare = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['qcfg'], ut.odict( [ ('sample_size', None), # To be a query you must have at least two primary1 views and at # least one primary view ('view_pername', '#primary>0&#primary1>0'), ('force_const_size', True), ('view', 'primary1'), ('sample_per_name', 1), ] ), ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( ctrl['dcfg'], { 'view': ['primary'], 'force_const_size': True, 'sample_per_ref_name': 1, 'sample_per_name': 1, # None this seems to produce odd results # where the per_ref is still more then 1 'sample_size': None, 'view_pername': '#primary>0&#primary1>0', }, ), } # Use tags to find a small set of difficult cases timectrlhard = viewpoint_compare = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( timectrl['qcfg'], ut.odict( [ ('has_any', ('needswork', 'correctable', 'mildviewpoint')), ('has_none', ('viewpoint', 'photobomb', 'error:viewpoint', 'quality')), ] ), ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict(timectrl['dcfg'], {}), } """ wbia -e print_acfg -a viewdiff --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache --per_vp=True wbia -e print_acfg -a viewdiff_td --db PZ_Master1 --verbtd --nocache --per_vp=True """ viewdiff_td = apply_timecontrol(viewdiff) viewdiff_td1h = apply_timecontrol(viewdiff, '1h') r""" wbia get_annotcfg_list --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=2,exclude_reference=True --acfginfo --verbtd --veryverbtd wbia get_annotcfg_list --db Oxford -a oxford --acfginfo ('_QSUUIDS((55)qxlgljvomqpdvlny)', '_DSUUIDS((4240)vhtqsdkrwetbftis)'), wbia draw_rank_cmc --db Oxford --save oxfordccm.png -p :proot=smk,num_words=[64000],nAssign=[1],sv_on=[False] -a oxford """ oxford = { 'qcfg': ut.augdict( default['qcfg'], { 'has_any': ('query',), 'exclude_reference': True, 'minqual': 'poor', 'require_quality': False, }, ), 'dcfg': ut.augdict( default['dcfg'], { # 'sample_per_name': 2, 'exclude_reference': True, 'minqual': 'poor', 'require_quality': False, }, ), } # THIS IS A GOOD START # NEED TO DO THIS CONFIG AND THEN SWITCH DCFG TO USE primary1 include_vars = list(locals().keys()) # this line is after tests # List of all valid tests TEST_NAMES = set(include_vars) - set(exclude_vars)