Source code for wbia.dtool.example_depcache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    python -m dtool.example_depcache --exec-dummy_example_depcacahe --show
    python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-make_graph --show
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join

import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import uuid

from wbia.dtool import depcache_control
from wbia import dtool

HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()

if False:
    # Example of global registration
    DUMMY_ROOT_TABLENAME = 'dummy_annot'
    _depcdecors = depcache_control.make_depcache_decors(DUMMY_ROOT_TABLENAME)
    register_preproc = _depcdecors['preproc']
    register_subprop = _depcdecors['subprop']

    def dummy_global_preproc_func(depc, parent_rowids, config=None):
        if config is None:
            config = {}
        print('Requesting global dummy ')
        for rowid in parent_rowids:
            yield 'dummy'

[docs]class DummyController: """Just enough (IBEIS) controller to make the dependency cache examples work""" def __init__(self, cache_dpath): self.cache_dpath = Path(cache_dpath) self.cache_dpath.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
[docs] def make_cache_db_uri(self, name): return f'sqlite:///{self.cache_dpath}/{name}.sqlite'
[docs] def get_cachedir(self): return self.cache_dpath
[docs]class DummyKptsConfig(dtool.Config):
[docs] def get_param_info_list(self): return [ ut.ParamInfo('adapt_shape', True), ut.ParamInfo('adapt_angle', False), ]
[docs]class DummyIndexerConfig(dtool.Config): _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('index_method', 'single'), ut.ParamInfo('trees', 8), ut.ParamInfo('algorithm', 'kdtree'), ]
# FIXME: triggers duplicate error # _sub_config_list = [ # DummyKptsConfig # ]
[docs]class DummyNNConfig(dtool.Config):
[docs] def get_param_info_list(self): return [ ut.ParamInfo('K', 4), ut.ParamInfo('Knorm', 1), ut.ParamInfo('checks', 800), ut.ParamInfo('version', 1), ]
[docs]class DummySVERConfig(dtool.Config): _param_info_list = [ut.ParamInfo('sver_on', True), ut.ParamInfo('xy_thresh', 0.01)]
[docs]class DummyChipConfig(dtool.Config): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> cfg = DummyChipConfig() >>> cfg.dim_size = 700 >>> cfg.histeq = True >>> print(cfg) >>> cfg.histeq = False >>> print(cfg) """ _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo( 'resize_dim', 'width', valid_values=['area', 'width', 'heigh', 'diag'] ), ut.ParamInfo('dim_size', 500, 'sz'), ut.ParamInfo('preserve_aspect', True), ut.ParamInfo('histeq', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfo('ext', '.png'), ut.ParamInfo('version', 0), ]
[docs]class ProbchipConfig(dtool.Config): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.example_depcache --exec-ProbchipConfig --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> table = depc['probchip'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.get_rowid), globals()) >>> config = table.configclass(testerror=True) >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3] >>> parent_rowids = list(zip(root_rowids)) >>> proptup_gen = list(table.preproc_func(depc, root_rowids, config)) >>> pc_rowids = depc.get_rowids('probchip', root_rowids, config) >>> prop_list2 = depc.get('probchip', root_rowids, config=config, read_extern=False) >>> print(prop_list2) >>> #depc.new_request('probchip', [1, 2, 3]) >>> fg_rowids = depc.get_rowids('fgweight', root_rowids, config) >>> fg = depc.get('fgweight', root_rowids, config=config) >>> ############# >>> config = table.configclass(testerror=False) >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3] >>> parent_rowids = list(zip(root_rowids)) >>> proptup_gen = list(table.preproc_func(depc, root_rowids, config)) >>> pc_rowids2 = depc.get_rowids('probchip', root_rowids, config) >>> prop_list2 = depc.get('probchip', root_rowids, config=config, read_extern=False) >>> print(prop_list2) >>> #depc.new_request('probchip', [1, 2, 3]) >>> fg_rowids2 = depc.get_rowids('fgweight', root_rowids, config) """ _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('testerror', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfo('ext', '.png', hideif='.png'), ]
[docs]class DummyVsManyConfig(dtool.Config): # Different pipeline components can go here as well as dependencies # that were not explicitly enumerated in the tree structure _param_info_list = [ # ut.ParamInfo('score_method', 'csum'), # should this be the only thing here? # ut.ParamInfo('daids', None), ut.ParamInfo('distinctiveness_model', None), ut.ParamInfo('version', 2), ] _sub_config_list = [ # I guess different annots might want different configs ... DummyChipConfig, DummyKptsConfig, DummyIndexerConfig, DummyNNConfig, DummySVERConfig, ]
[docs]class DummyVsOneConfig(dtool.Config):
[docs] def get_sub_config_list(self): # Different pipeline components can go here # as well as dependencies that were not # explicitly enumerated in the tree structure return [ # I guess different annots might want different configs ... DummyChipConfig, DummyKptsConfig, DummyIndexerConfig, DummyNNConfig, DummySVERConfig, ]
[docs] def get_param_info_list(self): return [ ut.ParamInfo('distinctiveness_model', None), ut.ParamInfo('ratio_thresh', None), ]
[docs]class DummyVsOneRequest(dtool.VsOneSimilarityRequest): pass
[docs]class DummyVsManyRequest(dtool.VsManySimilarityRequest): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> algo_config = DummyVsManyConfig() >>> print(algo_config) """ pass
[docs]class DummyAnnotMatch(dtool.MatchResult): pass
[docs]class DummyVsOneMatch(dtool.AlgoResult, ut.NiceRepr): def __init__(self): self.score = None self.qaid = None self.daid = None = None def __nice__(self): return '(%d-vs-%d) %.2f' % (self.qaid, self.daid, self.score)
[docs]def testdata_depc(fname=None): """ Example of local registration """ from wbia import dtool import vtool as vt gpath_list = ut.lmap(ut.grab_test_imgpath, ut.get_valid_test_imgkeys(), verbose=False) dummy_root = 'dummy_annot' def get_root_uuid(aid_list): return ut.lmap(ut.hashable_to_uuid, aid_list) if not fname: fname = dummy_root cache_dpath = HERE / 'DEPCACHE' controller = DummyController(cache_dpath) depc = dtool.DependencyCache( controller, fname, get_root_uuid, table_name=dummy_root, root_getters=None, use_globals=False, ) @depc.register_preproc( tablename='chip', parents=[dummy_root], colnames=['size', 'chip'], coltypes=[(int, int), ('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite)], configclass=DummyChipConfig, ) def dummy_preproc_chip(depc, annot_rowid_list, config=None): """ TODO: Infer properties from docstr? Args: depc (dtool.DependencyCache): annot_rowid_list (list): list of annot rowids config (dict): config dictionary Returns: tuple : ((int, int), ('extern', vt.imread)) """ if config is None: config = {} # Demonstates using asobject to get input to function as a dictionary # of properties # for annot in annot_list: # print('[preproc] Computing chips of aid=%r' % (aid,)) print('[preproc] Computing chips') for aid in annot_rowid_list: # aid = annot['aid'] # chip_fpath = annot['gpath'] chip_fpath = gpath_list[aid] # w, h = vt.image.open_image_size(chip_fpath) chip = vt.imread(chip_fpath) size = vt.get_size(chip) # size = (w, h) print('Dummpy preproc chip yeilds') print('* chip_fpath = %r' % (chip_fpath,)) print('* size = %r' % (size,)) # yield size, chip_fpath yield size, chip @depc.register_preproc( 'probchip', [dummy_root], ['size', 'probchip'], coltypes=[(int, int), ('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite, '.png')], configclass=ProbchipConfig, ) def dummy_preproc_probchip(depc, root_rowids, config): print('[preproc] Computing probchip') for rowid in root_rowids: if config['testerror']: if rowid % 2 == 0: # Test error yeilds None on even rowids yield None continue rng = np.random.RandomState(rowid) probchip = rng.randint(0, 255, size=(64, 64)) # probchip = np.zeros((64, 64)) size = (rowid, rowid) yield size, probchip @depc.register_preproc( 'keypoint', ['chip'], ['kpts', 'num'], [np.ndarray, int], # default_onthefly=True, configclass=DummyKptsConfig, docstr='Used to store individual chip features (ellipses)', ) def dummy_preproc_kpts(depc, chip_rowids, config=None): if config is None: config = {} print('config = %r' % (config,)) adapt_shape = config['adapt_shape'] print('[preproc] Computing kpts') ut.assert_all_not_None(chip_rowids, 'chip_rowids') # This is in here to attempt to trigger a failure of the chips dont # exist and the feature cache is called. chip_fpath_list = depc.get_native('chip', chip_rowids, 'chip', read_extern=False) print('computing featurse from chip_fpath_list = %r' % (chip_fpath_list,)) for rowid in chip_rowids: if adapt_shape: kpts = np.zeros((7 + rowid, 6)) + rowid else: kpts = np.ones((7 + rowid, 6)) + rowid num = len(kpts) yield kpts, num @depc.register_preproc('descriptor', ['keypoint'], ['vecs'], [np.ndarray]) def dummy_preproc_vecs(depc, kp_rowid, config=None): if config is None: config = {} print('[preproc] Computing vecs') for rowid in kp_rowid: yield np.ones((7 + rowid, 8), dtype=np.uint8) + rowid, @depc.register_preproc( 'fgweight', ['keypoint', 'probchip'], ['fgweight'], [np.ndarray] ) def dummy_preproc_fgweight(depc, kpts_rowid, probchip_rowid, config=None): if config is None: config = {} print('[preproc] Computing fgweight') for rowid1, rowid2 in zip(kpts_rowid, probchip_rowid): yield np.ones(7 + rowid1), @depc.register_preproc( tablename='vsmany', colnames='annotmatch', coltypes=DummyAnnotMatch, requestclass=DummyVsManyRequest, configclass=DummyVsManyConfig, ) def vsmany_matching(depc, qaids, config=None): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.base --exec-VsManySimilarityRequest """ print('RUNNING DUMMY VSMANY ALGO') daids = config.daids qaids = qaids sver_on = config.dummy_sver_cfg['sver_on'] kpts_list = depc.get_property('keypoint', list(qaids)) # NOQA # dummy_preproc_kpts for qaid in qaids: dnid_list = [1, 1, 2, 2] unique_nids = [1, 2] if sver_on: annot_score_list = [0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5] name_score_list = [0.2, 0.5] else: annot_score_list = [0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9] name_score_list = [0.1, 0.7] annot_match = DummyAnnotMatch( qaid, daids, dnid_list, annot_score_list, unique_nids, name_score_list ) yield annot_match SIMPLE = 0 if not SIMPLE: @depc.register_preproc( tablename='chipmask', parents=[dummy_root], colnames=['size', 'mask'], coltypes=[(int, int), ('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite)], ) def dummy_manual_chipmask(depc, parent_rowids, config=None): import vtool as vt from wbia.plottool import interact_impaint mask_dpath = join(depc.cache_dpath, 'ManualChipMask') ut.ensuredir(mask_dpath) if config is None: config = {} print('Requesting user defined chip mask') for rowid in parent_rowids: img = vt.imread(gpath_list[rowid]) mask = interact_impaint.impaint_mask2(img) mask_fpath = join(mask_dpath, 'mask%d.png' % (rowid,)) vt.imwrite(mask_fpath, mask) w, h = vt.get_size(mask) yield (w, h), mask_fpath @depc.register_preproc('notch', [dummy_root], ['notchdata'], [np.ndarray]) def dummy_preproc_notch(depc, parent_rowids, config=None): if config is None: config = {} print('[preproc] Computing notch') for rowid in parent_rowids: yield np.empty(5 + rowid), @depc.register_preproc( 'spam', ['fgweight', 'chip', 'keypoint'], ['spam', 'eggs', 'size', 'uuid', 'vector', 'textdata'], [str, int, (int, int), uuid.UUID, np.ndarray, ('extern', ut.readfrom)], docstr='I dont like spam', ) def dummy_preproc_spam(depc, *args, **kwargs): config = kwargs.get('config', None) if config is None: config = {} print('[preproc] Computing spam') ut.writeto('tmp.txt', ut.lorium_ipsum()) for x in zip(*args): size = (42, 21) uuid = ut.get_zero_uuid() vector = np.ones(3) yield ('spam', 3665, size, uuid, vector, 'tmp.txt') @depc.register_preproc( 'nnindexer', ['keypoint*'], ['flann'], [str], # [('extern', ut.load_data)], configclass=DummyIndexerConfig, ) def dummy_preproc_indexer(depc, parent_rowids_list, config=None): print('COMPUTING DUMMY INDEXER') # assert len(parent_rowids_list) == 1, 'handles only one indexer' for parent_rowids in parent_rowids_list: yield ( 'really cool flann object' + str(config.get_cfgstr()) + ' ' + str(parent_rowids), ) @depc.register_preproc( 'notchpair', ['notch', 'notch'], ['pairscore'], [int], # [('extern', ut.load_data)], # configclass=DummyIndexerConfig, ) def dummy_notchpair(depc, n1, n2, config=None): print('COMPUTING MULTITEST 1 ') # assert len(parent_rowids_list) == 1, 'handles only one indexer' for nn1, nn2 in zip(n1, n2): yield (nn1 + nn2,) @depc.register_preproc( 'multitest', [ 'keypoint', 'notch', 'notch', 'fgweight*', 'notchpair*', 'notchpair*', 'notchpair', 'nnindexer', ], ['foo'], [str], # [('extern', ut.load_data)], # configclass=DummyIndexerConfig, ) def dummy_multitest(depc, *args, **kwargs): print('COMPUTING MULTITEST 1 ') # assert len(parent_rowids_list) == 1, 'handles only one indexer' for x in zip(args): yield ('cool multi object' + str(kwargs) + ' ' + str(x),) # TEST MULTISET DEPENDENCIES @depc.register_preproc( 'multitest_score', ['multitest'], ['score'], [int], # [('extern', ut.load_data)], # configclass=DummyIndexerConfig, ) def dummy_multitest_score(depc, parent_rowids, config=None): print('COMPUTING DEPENDENCY OF MULTITEST 1 ') # assert len(parent_rowids_list) == 1, 'handles only one indexer' for parent_rowids in zip(parent_rowids): yield (parent_rowids,) # TEST MULTISET DEPENDENCIES @depc.register_preproc( 'multitest_score_x', ['multitest_score', 'multitest_score'], ['score'], [int], # [('extern', ut.load_data)], # configclass=DummyIndexerConfig, ) def multitest_score_x(depc, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('hack') # REGISTER MATCHING ALGORITHMS @depc.register_preproc( tablename='neighbs', colnames=['qx2_idx', 'qx2_dist'], coltypes=[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], parents=['keypoint', 'fgweight', 'nnindexer', 'nnindexer'], ) def neighbs(depc, *args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.base --exec-VsManySimilarityRequest """ # dummy_preproc_kpts for qaid in zip(args): yield np.array([qaid]), np.array([qaid]) @depc.register_preproc( tablename='neighbs_score', colnames=['qx2_dist'], coltypes=[np.ndarray], parents=['neighbs'], ) def neighbs_score(depc, *args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.base --exec-VsManySimilarityRequest """ raise NotImplementedError('hack') @depc.register_preproc( 'vsone', [dummy_root, dummy_root], ['score', 'match_obj', 'fm'], [float, DummyVsOneMatch, np.ndarray], requestclass=DummyVsOneRequest, configclass=DummyVsOneConfig, chunksize=2, ) def compute_vsone_matching(depc, qaids, daids, config): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.base --exec-VsOneSimilarityRequest """ print('RUNNING DUMMY VSONE ALGO') for qaid, daid in zip(qaids, daids): match = DummyVsOneMatch() match.qaid = qaid match.daid = daid = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) score = match.score = qaid + daid yield (score, match, # table = depc['spam'] # print(ut.repr2(table.get_addtable_kw(), nl=2)) depc.initialize() # table.print_schemadef() # print(table.db.get_schema_current_autogeneration_str()) return depc
[docs]def example_getter_methods(depc, tablename, root_rowids): """ example of different ways to get data """ from wbia import dtool print('\n+---') print('Running getter example') print(' * tablename=%r' % (tablename)) print(' * root_rowids=%r' % (ut.trunc_repr(tablename))) # You can get a reference to data rows using the "root" (dummy_annot) rowids # By default, if the data has not been computed, then it will be computed # for you. But if you specify ensure=False, None will be returned if the data # has not been computed yet. tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False) # NOQA print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False)') print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),)) # assert tbl_rowids[0] is None # The default is for the data to be computed though. Manaual interactions will # launch as necessary. tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True) # NOQA print('tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=True)') print('tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),)) assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None # Now the data is cached and will not need to be computed again tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, ensure=False) # NOQA assert tbl_rowids[0] is not None # Can lookup a table, which can access data directly. The rowids can be # used to lookup data values directly. By default all data in a row is # returned. table = depc[tablename] datas = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids) # NOQA # But you can also ask for a specific column col1 = table.columns[0] col1_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, col1) # NOQA # In the case of external columns: if len(table.extern_columns) > 0: excol = table.extern_columns[0] # you can lookup the value of the external data very simply extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol,)) # NOQA print('extern_data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol,))') print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_data, 'extern_data')) # you can lookup the hidden paths as follows extern_paths = table.get_row_data( tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX,) ) # NOQA print( 'extern_paths = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, (excol + dtool.depcache_table.EXTERN_SUFFIX,))' ) print(ut.varinfo_str(extern_paths, 'extern_paths')) # But you can also just the root rowids directly. This is the simplest way # to access data and really "all you need to know" if len(table.columns) > 1: col1, col2 = table.columns[0:2] datas = depc.get_property(tablename, root_rowids, (col1, col2)) # NOQA print('L__')
[docs]def test_getters(depc): # One input = one output chip = depc.get_property('chip', 1, 'chip') # NOQA print('[test] chip.sum() = %r' % (chip.sum(),)) col_tup_list = depc.get_property('chip', [1], ('size',)) print('[test] col_tup_list = %r' % (col_tup_list,)) col_list = depc.get_property('chip', [1], 'size') print('[test] col_list = %r' % (col_list,)) col = depc.get_property('chip', 1, 'size') print('[test] col = %r' % (col,)) cols = depc.get_property('chip', 1, 'size') print('[test] cols = %r' % (cols,)) if False: chip_dict = depc.get_obj('chip', 1) print('chip_dict = %r' % (chip_dict,)) for key in chip_dict.keys(): print(ut.varinfo_str(chip_dict[key], 'chip_dict["%s"]' % (key,))) # print('chip_dict["chip"] = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(chip_dict['chip']),)) print('chip_dict = %r' % (chip_dict,))
[docs]def dummy_example_depcacahe(): r""" CommandLine: python -m dtool.example_depcache --exec-dummy_example_depcacahe Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = dummy_example_depcacahe() """ fname = None # fname = 'dummy_default_depcache' fname = ':memory:' depc = testdata_depc(fname) tablename = 'fgweight' # print('[test] fgweight_path =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies(tablename), nl=1),)) # print('[test] keypoint =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('keypoint'), nl=1),)) # print('[test] descriptor =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('descriptor'), nl=1),)) # print('[test] spam =\n%s' % (ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies('spam'), nl=1),)) root_rowids = [5, 3] desc_rowids = depc.get_rowids('descriptor', root_rowids) # NOQA table = depc[tablename] # NOQA # example_getter_methods(depc, 'vsmany', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'chipmask', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'keypoint', root_rowids) # example_getter_methods(depc, 'chip', root_rowids) test_getters(depc) # import wbia.plottool as pt # pt.ensureqt() graph = depc.make_graph() # NOQA # pt.show_nx(graph) print('---------- 111 -----------') # Try testing the algorithm req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, {}) print('req = %r' % (req,)) req.execute() print('---------- 222 -----------') cfgdict = {'sver_on': False} req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, [root_rowids], cfgdict) req.execute() print('---------- 333 -----------') cfgdict = {'sver_on': False, 'adapt_shape': False} req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, cfgdict) req.execute() print('---------- 444 -----------') req = depc.new_request('vsmany', root_rowids, root_rowids, {}) req.execute() # ut.InstanceList( db = list(depc._db_by_name.values())[0] # db_list = ut.InstanceList(depc._db_by_name.values()) # db_list.print_table_csv('config', exclude_columns='config_strid') print('config table') tablename = 'config' column_list, column_names = db.get_table_column_data( tablename, exclude_columns=['config_strid'] ) print( '\n'.join( [ ut.hz_str(*list(ut.interleave((r, [', '] * (len(r) - 1))))) for r in list( zip(*[[ut.repr3(r, nl=2) for r in col] for col in column_list]) ) ] ) ) return depc