Source code for wbia.dtool.depcache_control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
implicit version of dependency cache from wbia/templates/template_generator
import logging

import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from wbia.dtool import sql_control
from wbia.dtool import depcache_table
from wbia.dtool import base
from collections import defaultdict
import time
import random

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia.dtool')

# global function registry
PREPROC_REGISTER = defaultdict(list)
SUBPROP_REGISTER = defaultdict(list)

    tablename (str): name of the node (corrsponds to SQL table)
    parents (list): tables this node depends on
    colnames (list): data returned by this table
    coltypes (list): types of data returned by this table
    chunksize (int): (default = None)
    configclass (dtool.TableConfig): derivative of dtool.TableConfig.
        if None, a default class will be constructed for you. (default = None)
    docstr (str): (default = None)
    fname (str):  file name(default = None)
    asobject (bool): hacky dont use (default = False)


[docs]def check_register(args, kwargs): assert len(args) < 6, 'too many args' assert 'preproc_func' not in kwargs, 'cannot specify func in wrapper'
[docs]def make_depcache_decors(root_tablename): """ Makes global decorators to register functions for a tablename. A preproc function is meant to belong only to a single parent An algo function belongs to the root node, and may depend on a set of root nodes rather than just a single one. """ @ut.apply_docstr(REG_PREPROC_DOC) def register_preproc(*args, **kwargs): """ Global regsiter proproc function that will define a table for all dependency caches containing the parents. See See dtool.depcache_control.REG_PREPROC_DOC if docstr is not autogened """ def register_preproc_wrapper(func): check_register(args, kwargs) kwargs['preproc_func'] = func PREPROC_REGISTER[root_tablename].append((args, kwargs)) return func return register_preproc_wrapper def register_subprop(*args, **kwargs): def _wrapper(func): kwargs['preproc_func'] = func SUBPROP_REGISTER[root_tablename].append((args, kwargs)) return func return _wrapper _depcdecors = ut.odict({'preproc': register_preproc, 'subprop': register_subprop}) return _depcdecors
[docs]class DependencyCache: def __init__( self, controller, name, get_root_uuid, table_name=None, root_getters=None, use_globals=True, ): """ Args: controller (IBEISController): main controller name (str): name of this controller instance, which is used in naming the data storage table_name (str): (optional) if not the same as the 'name' get_root_uuid: ??? root_getters: ??? use_globals (bool): ??? (default: True) """ if table_name is None: table_name = name = name # Parent (ibs) controller self.controller = controller # Internal dictionary of dependant tables self.cachetable_dict = {} self.configclass_dict = {} self.requestclass_dict = {} self.resultclass_dict = {} self.root_getters = root_getters # Root of all dependencies self.root_tablename = table_name # XXX Directory all cachefiles are stored in self.cache_dpath = self.controller.get_cachedir() # Mapping of database connections by name # - names populated by _register_prop # - values populated by initialize self._db_by_name = {} # Function to map a root rowid to an object self._use_globals = use_globals # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) remove filesystem name self.default_fname = f'{table_name}_cache' self.get_root_uuid = get_root_uuid self.delete_exclude_tables = {} # BBB (25-Sept-12020) `_debug` remains around to be backwards compatible self._debug = False def __repr__(self): return f'<DependencyCache(controller={self.controller} name={})>' @profile def _register_prop( self, tablename, parents=None, colnames=None, coltypes=None, preproc_func=None, fname=None, configclass=None, requestclass=None, default_to_unpack=None, **kwargs, ): """ Registers a table with this dependency cache. Essentially passes args down to make a DependencyTable. SEE: dtool.REG_PREPROC_DOC """ logger.debug('[depc] Registering tablename=%r' % (tablename,)) logger.debug('[depc] * preproc_func=%r' % (preproc_func,)) # ---------- # Sanitize inputs if isinstance(tablename, str): tablename = str(tablename) if parents is None: parents = [self.root] if colnames is None: colnames = 'data' if coltypes is None: coltypes = np.ndarray # Check if just a single column is given if default_to_unpack is None: if ut.isiterable(colnames): default_to_unpack = False colnames = ut.lmap(str, colnames) else: colnames = [colnames] coltypes = [coltypes] default_to_unpack = True if coltypes is None: raise ValueError('must specify coltypes of %s' % (tablename,)) coltypes = [np.ndarray] * len(colnames) if fname is None: # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) Base class doesn't define this property # and thus expects the subclass to know it should be assigned. fname = self.default_fname if configclass is None: # Make a default config with no parameters configclass = {} if isinstance(configclass, dict): # Dynamically make config class default_cfgdict = configclass configclass = base.make_configclass(default_cfgdict, tablename) # ---------- # Register a new table and configuration if requestclass is not None: self.requestclass_dict[tablename] = requestclass self._db_by_name.setdefault(fname, None) if ut.get_arg_dict().get('db-uri', '').startswith('postgresql://'): # FIXME (28-Dec-12021) Hack for PostGRES databases with plug-ins tablename = tablename.lower() table = depcache_table.DependencyCacheTable.from_name( fname, tablename, self, parent_tablenames=parents, data_colnames=colnames, data_coltypes=coltypes, preproc_func=preproc_func, default_to_unpack=default_to_unpack, **kwargs, ) self.cachetable_dict[tablename] = table self.configclass_dict[tablename] = configclass return table
[docs] @ut.apply_docstr(REG_PREPROC_DOC) def register_preproc(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator for registration of cachables """ def register_preproc_wrapper(func): check_register(args, kwargs) kwargs['preproc_func'] = func self._register_prop(*args, **kwargs) return func return register_preproc_wrapper
def _register_subprop(self, tablename, propname=None, preproc_func=None): """subproperties are always recomputeed on the fly""" table = self.cachetable_dict[tablename] table.subproperties[propname] = preproc_func
[docs] def get_db_by_name(self, name): """Get the database (i.e. SQLController) for the given database name""" # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) Currently handled via a mapping of 'fname' # to database controller objects. return self._db_by_name[name]
[docs] def close(self): """Close all managed SQL databases""" for db_inst in self._db_by_name.values(): db_inst.close()
[docs] @profile def initialize(self, _debug=None): """ Creates all registered tables """ if self._use_globals: reg_preproc = PREPROC_REGISTER[self.root] reg_subprop = SUBPROP_REGISTER[self.root] '[depc.init] Registering %d global preproc funcs' % len(reg_preproc) ) for args_, _kwargs in reg_preproc: self._register_prop(*args_, **_kwargs)'[depc.init] Registering %d global subprops ' % len(reg_subprop)) for args_, _kwargs in reg_subprop: self._register_subprop(*args_, **_kwargs) for name in self._db_by_name.keys(): # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) 'smk/smk_agg_rvecs' is known to have issues. # Either fix the name or find a better normalizer/slugifier. normalized_name = name.replace('/', '__') uri = self.controller.make_cache_db_uri(normalized_name) db = sql_control.SQLDatabaseController(uri, normalized_name) # ??? This seems out of place. Shouldn't this be within the depcachetable instance? depcache_table.ensure_config_table(db) self._db_by_name[name] = db for table in self.cachetable_dict.values(): table.initialize() # HACKS: # Define injected functions for autocomplete convinience class InjectedDepc(object): pass # ??? What's the significance of 'd' and 'w'? Do the mean anything? self.d = InjectedDepc() self.w = InjectedDepc() inject_patterns = [ ('get_{tablename}_rowids', self.get_rowids), ('get_{tablename}_config_history', self.get_config_history), ] for table in self.cachetable_dict.values(): wobj = InjectedDepc() # Set nested version setattr(self.w, table.tablename, wobj) for dfmtstr, func in inject_patterns: funcname = ut.get_funcname(func) attrname = dfmtstr.format(tablename=table.tablename) partial_func = ut.partial(func, table.tablename) # Set flat version setattr(self.d, attrname, partial_func) setattr(wobj, funcname, func) dfmtstr = 'get_{tablename}_{colname}' for colname in table.data_colnames: get_prop = ut.partial(self.get, table.tablename, colnames=colname) attrname = dfmtstr.format(tablename=table.tablename, colname=colname) # Set flat version setattr(self.d, attrname, get_prop) setattr(wobj, 'get_' + colname, get_prop)
# ----------------------------- # GRAPH INSPECTION
[docs] def get_dependencies(self, tablename): """ gets level dependences from root to tablename CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get_dependencies Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'fgweight' >>> result = ut.repr3(depc.get_dependencies(tablename), nl=1) >>> print(result) [ ['dummy_annot'], ['chip', 'probchip'], ['keypoint'], ['fgweight'], ] """ try: assert tablename in self.cachetable_dict, 'tablename=%r does not exist' % ( tablename, ) root = self.root_tablename children_, parents_ = list(zip(*self.get_edges())) child_to_parents = ut.group_items(children_, parents_) if ut.VERYVERBOSE:'root = %r' % (root,))'tablename = %r' % (tablename,))'child_to_parents = %s' % (ut.repr3(child_to_parents),)) to_root = {tablename: ut.paths_to_root(tablename, root, child_to_parents)} if ut.VERYVERBOSE:'to_root = %r' % (to_root,)) from_root = ut.reverse_path(to_root, root, child_to_parents) dependency_levels_ = ut.get_levels(from_root) dependency_levels = ut.longest_levels(dependency_levels_) dependency_levels = list(map(sorted, dependency_levels)) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'error getting dependencies', keys=[ 'tablename', 'root', 'children_to_parents', 'to_root', 'from_root', 'dependency_levels_', 'dependency_levels', ], ) raise return dependency_levels
def _ensure_config(self, tablekey, config, _debug=False): """ Creates a full table configuration with all defaults using config Args: tablekey (str): name of the table to grab config from config (dict): may be overspecified or underspecfied """ configclass = self.configclass_dict.get(tablekey, None) # requestclass = self.requestclass_dict.get(tablekey, None) if configclass is None: config_ = config else: # Grab the correct configclass for the current table config_ = None if config is None: config_ = configclass() elif len(getattr(config, '_subconfig_attrs', [])) > 0: # Get correct config for implicit dependencies target_name = configclass().get_config_name() if target_name in config._subconfig_names: _index = config._subconfig_names.index(target_name) subcfg_attr = config._subconfig_attrs[_index] config_ = config[subcfg_attr] if config_ is None: # Preferable way to get configs with explicit # configs logger.debug(' **config = %r' % (config,)) config_ = configclass(**config) logger.debug(' config_ = %r' % (config_,)) return config_
[docs] def get_config_trail(self, tablename, config): graph = self.make_graph(implicit=True) tablename_list = ut.nx_all_nodes_between(graph, self.root, tablename) tablename_list = ut.nx_topsort_nodes(graph, tablename_list) config_trail = [] for tablekey in tablename_list: if tablekey in self.configclass_dict: config_ = self._ensure_config(tablekey, config) config_trail.append(config_) return config_trail
[docs] def get_config_trail_str(self, tablename, config): config_trail = self.get_config_trail(tablename, config) trail_cfgstr = '_'.join([x.get_cfgstr() for x in config_trail]) return trail_cfgstr
def _get_parent_input( self, tablename, root_rowids, config, ensure=True, _debug=None, recompute=False, recompute_all=False, eager=True, nInput=None, ): # Get ancestor rowids that are descendants of root table = self[tablename] rowid_dict = self.get_all_descendant_rowids( tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=ensure, eager=eager, nInput=nInput, recompute=recompute, recompute_all=recompute_all, levels_up=1, ) parent_rowids = self._get_parent_rowids(table, rowid_dict) return parent_rowids # ----------------------------- # STATE GETTERS
[docs] def rectify_input_tuple(self, exi_inputs, input_tuple): """ Standardizes inputs allowed for convinience into the expected input for get_parent_rowids. """ input_tuple_ = input_tuple if isinstance(input_tuple_, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(exi_inputs) != 1: msg = '#expected=%d, #got=1' % (len(exi_inputs),) msg += '. Did you forget to cast multi-inputs to a tuple?' raise ValueError(msg) # Inputs should always be a tuple of lists. input_tuple_ = (input_tuple_,) if len(exi_inputs) == 1: # HACK: for simple case where we only need one parent if isinstance(input_tuple_, (tuple,)): if len(input_tuple_) == 0: input_tuple_ = [] elif len(input_tuple_) > 1: if not ut.isiterable(input_tuple_[0]): input_tuple_ = (input_tuple_,) if len(exi_inputs) != len(input_tuple_): msg = '#expected=%d, #got=%d' % (len(exi_inputs), len(input_tuple_)) print(msg) ut.embed() raise ValueError(msg) # rectify input depth rectified_input = [] for x, d in zip(input_tuple_, exi_inputs.expected_input_depth()): if d == 0: if not ut.isiterable(x): rectified_input.append([x]) else: rectified_input.append(x) else: if ut.list_depth(x) == 0: rectified_input.append([x]) else: rectified_input.append(x) return rectified_input
[docs] def get_parent_rowids(self, target_tablename, input_tuple, config=None, **kwargs): """ Returns the parent rowids needed to get / compute a property of tablename Args: input_tuple : to be explicit send in as a tuple of lists. Each list corresponds to parent information needed by expanded rmis (root most input). Each item in the tuple correponds a root most node, and should be specified as a list of inputs. For single items this is a scalar, for multi-items it is a list. For example if you have a property like a chip that depends on only one parent, then to get the chips for the first N annotations your list input tuple is: input_tuple = ([1, 2, 3, ..., N],) For a single multi inputs: If you want to get two vocabs for even and odd annots then you have: ([[0, 2, 4, ...], [1, 3, 5, ...]],) For a single comparasion version multi inputs: If you want to query the first N annotats against two vocabs then you have: ([1, 2, 3, ..., N], [[0, 2, 4, ...], [1, 3, 5, ...]],) (Note this only works if broadcasting is on) """ _kwargs = kwargs.copy() _recompute = _kwargs.pop('recompute_all', False) _hack_rootmost = _kwargs.pop('_hack_rootmost', False) if config is None: config = {} logger.debug('Enter get_parent_rowids') logger.debug(' * target_tablename = %r' % (target_tablename,)) logger.debug(' * input_tuple=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(input_tuple),)) logger.debug(' * config = %r' % (config,)) target_table = self[target_tablename] # TODO: Expand to the appropriate given inputs if _hack_rootmost: # Hack: if true, we are given inputs in rootmost form exi_inputs = target_table.rootmost_inputs else: # otherwise we are given inputs in totalroot form exi_inputs = target_table.rootmost_inputs.total_expand() logger.debug(' * exi_inputs=%s' % (exi_inputs,)) rectified_input = self.rectify_input_tuple(exi_inputs, input_tuple) rowid_dict = {} for rmi, rowids in zip(exi_inputs.rmi_list, rectified_input): rowid_dict[rmi] = rowids compute_edges = exi_inputs.flat_compute_rmi_edges() logger.debug(' * rectified_input=%s' % ut.trunc_repr(rectified_input)) logger.debug(' * compute_edges=%s' % ut.repr2(compute_edges, nl=2)) for count, (input_nodes, output_node) in enumerate(compute_edges, start=1): logger.debug( ' * COMPUTING %d/%d EDGE %r -- %r' % (count, len(compute_edges), input_nodes, output_node), ) tablekey = output_node.tablename table = self[tablekey] input_nodes_ = input_nodes logger.debug( 'table.parent_id_tablenames = %r' % (table.parent_id_tablenames,) ) logger.debug('input_nodes_ = %r' % (input_nodes_,)) input_multi_flags = [ node.ismulti and node in exi_inputs.rmi_list for node in input_nodes_ ] # Args currently go in like this: # args = [..., (pid_{i,1}, pid_{i,2}, ..., pid_{i,M}), ...] # They get converted into # argsT = [... (pid_{1,j}, ... pid_{N,j}) ...] # i = row, j = col sig_multi_flags = table.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti') parent_rowidsT = ut.take(rowid_dict, input_nodes_) parent_rowids_ = [] # TODO: will need to figure out which columns to zip and which # columns to product (ie take product over ones that have 1 # item, and zip ones that have equal amount of items) for flag1, flag2, rowidsT in zip( sig_multi_flags, input_multi_flags, parent_rowidsT ): if flag1 and flag2: parent_rowids_.append(rowidsT) elif flag1 and not flag2: parent_rowids_.append([rowidsT]) elif not flag1 and flag2: assert len(rowidsT) == 1 parent_rowids_.append(rowidsT[0]) else: parent_rowids_.append(rowidsT) # Assume that we are either given corresponding lists or single values # that must be broadcast. rowlens = list(map(len, parent_rowids_)) maxlen = max(rowlens) parent_rowids2_ = [r * maxlen if len(r) == 1 else r for r in parent_rowids_] _parent_rowids = list(zip(*parent_rowids2_)) # _parent_rowids = list(ut.product(*parent_rowids_)) logger.debug( 'parent_rowids_ = %s' % ( ut.repr4( [ut.trunc_repr(ids_) for ids_ in parent_rowids_], strvals=True, ) ) ) logger.debug( 'parent_rowids2_ = %s' % ( ut.repr4( [ut.trunc_repr(ids_) for ids_ in parent_rowids2_], strvals=True, ) ) ) logger.debug( '_parent_rowids = %s' % ( ut.truncate_str( ut.repr4( [ut.trunc_repr(ids_) for ids_ in _parent_rowids], strvals=True, ) ) ) ) if output_node.tablename != target_tablename: # Get table configuration config_ = self._ensure_config(tablekey, config) output_rowids = table.get_rowid( _parent_rowids, config=config_, recompute=_recompute, **_kwargs ) rowid_dict[output_node] = output_rowids # table.get_model_inputs(table.get_model_uuid(output_rowids)[0]) else: # We are only computing up to the parents of the table here. parent_rowids = _parent_rowids break # rowids = rowid_dict[output_node] return parent_rowids
[docs] def check_rowids(self, tablename, input_tuple, config={}): """ Returns a list of flags where True means the row has been computed and False means that it needs to be computed. """ existing_rowids = self.get_rowids( tablename, input_tuple, config=config, ensure=False ) flags = ut.flag_not_None_items(existing_rowids) return flags
[docs] def get_rowids(self, tablename, input_tuple, **rowid_kw): """ Used to get tablename rowids. Ensures rows exist unless ensure=False. rowids uniquely specify parent inputs and a configuration. CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control get_rowids --show python -m dtool.depcache_control get_rowids:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(True) >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get), globals()) >>> kwargs = {} >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3] >>> root_rowids2 = [(4, 5, 6, 7)] >>> root_rowids3 = root_rowids2 >>> tablename = 'smk_match' >>> input_tuple = (root_rowids, root_rowids2, root_rowids3) >>> target_table = depc[tablename] >>> inputs = target_table.rootmost_inputs.total_expand() >>> depc.get_rowids(tablename, input_tuple) >>> depc.print_all_tables() Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test external / ensure getters >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> config = {} >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> aids = [1,] >>> depc.delete_property('keypoint', aids, config=config) >>> chip_fpaths = depc.get('chip', aids, 'chip', config=config, read_extern=False) >>> ut.remove_file_list(chip_fpaths) >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('keypoint', aids, ensure=True, config=config) >>> print('rowids = %r' % (rowids,)) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> root_rowids = [1, 2] >>> config = {} >>> # Recompute the first few, make sure the rowids do not change >>> _ = depc.get_rowids('chip', root_rowids + [3], config=config) >>> assert _ == [1, 2, 3] >>> initial_rowids = depc.get_rowids('chip', root_rowids, config=config) >>> recomp_rowids = depc.get_rowids('chip', root_rowids, config=config, recompute=True) >>> assert recomp_rowids == initial_rowids, 'rowids should not change due to recompute' """ target_tablename = tablename _kwargs = rowid_kw.copy() config = _kwargs.pop('config', {}) _hack_rootmost = _kwargs.pop('_hack_rootmost', False) _recompute_all = _kwargs.pop('recompute_all', False) recompute = _kwargs.pop('recompute', _recompute_all) table = self[target_tablename] parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids( target_tablename, input_tuple, config=config, _hack_rootmost=_hack_rootmost, **_kwargs, ) config_ = self._ensure_config(target_tablename, config) rowids = table.get_rowid( parent_rowids, config=config_, recompute=recompute, **_kwargs ) return rowids
[docs] @ut.accepts_scalar_input2(argx_list=[1]) def get( self, tablename, root_rowids, colnames=None, config=None, ensure=True, _debug=None, recompute=False, recompute_all=False, eager=True, nInput=None, read_extern=True, onthefly=False, num_retries=3, retry_delay_min=1, retry_delay_max=3, hack_paths=False, ): r""" Access dependant properties the primary objects using primary ids. Gets the data in `colnames` of `tablename` that correspond to `root_rowids` using `config`. if colnames is None, all columns are returned. Args: tablename (str): table name containing desired property root_rowids (List[int]): ids of the root object colnames (None): desired property (default = None) config (None): (default = None) read_extern: if False then only returns extern URI hack_paths: if False then does not compute extern info just returns path that it will be located at Returns: list: prop_list CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-get Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(True) >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get), globals()) >>> aids = [1, 2, 3] >>> tablename = 'labeler' >>> root_rowids = aids >>> prop_list = depc.get( >>> tablename, root_rowids, colnames) >>> result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),)) >>> print(result) prop_list = [('labeler([root(1)]:42)',), ('labeler([root(2)]:42)',), ('labeler([root(3)]:42)',)] Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(True) >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get), globals()) >>> aids = [1, 2, 3] >>> tablename = 'smk_match' >>> tablename = 'vocab' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> root_rowids = [aids] >>> prop_list = depc.get( >>> tablename, root_rowids, colnames, config) >>> result = ('prop_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(prop_list),)) >>> print(result) prop_list = [('vocab([root(1;2;3)]:42)',)] Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(True) >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.get), globals()) >>> aids = [1, 2, 3] >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'chip' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> root_rowids = aids >>> # Ensure chips are computed >>> prop_list1 = depc.get(tablename, root_rowids) >>> # Get file paths and delete them >>> prop_list2 = depc.get(tablename, root_rowids, read_extern=False) >>> n = ut.remove_file_list(ut.take_column(prop_list2, 1)) >>> assert n == len(prop_list2), 'files were not computed' >>> prop_list3 = depc.get(tablename, root_rowids) >>> assert np.all(prop_list1[0][1] == prop_list3[0][1]), 'computed same info' """ if tablename == self.root_tablename: return self.root_getters[colnames](root_rowids) # pass assert 0 <= retry_delay_min and retry_delay_min <= 60 * 60 retry_delay_min = int(retry_delay_min) assert 0 <= retry_delay_max and retry_delay_max <= 60 * 60 retry_delay_max = int(retry_delay_max) assert retry_delay_min < retry_delay_max logger.debug(' * tablename=%s' % (tablename)) logger.debug(' * root_rowids=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(root_rowids))) logger.debug(' * colnames = %r' % (colnames,)) logger.debug(' * config = %r' % (config,)) if hack_paths and not ensure and not read_extern: # HACK: should be able to not compute rows to get certain properties from os.path import join # recompute_ = recompute or recompute_all parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids( tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=True, recompute_all=False, eager=True, nInput=None, ) config_ = self._ensure_config(tablename, config) logger.debug(' * (ensured) config_ = %r' % (config_,)) table = self[tablename] extern_dpath = table.extern_dpath ut.ensuredir(extern_dpath) fname_list = table.get_extern_fnames( parent_rowids, config=config_, extern_col_index=0 ) fpath_list = [join(extern_dpath, fname) for fname in fname_list] return fpath_list if nInput is None and ut.is_listlike(root_rowids): nInput = len(root_rowids) rowid_kw = dict( config=config, nInput=nInput, eager=eager, ensure=ensure, recompute=recompute, recompute_all=recompute_all, ) rowdata_kw = dict( read_extern=read_extern, num_retries=num_retries, eager=eager, ensure=ensure, nInput=nInput, ) input_tuple = root_rowids for trynum in range(1, num_retries + 1): try: try: table = self[tablename] # Vectorized get of properties tbl_rowids = self.get_rowids(tablename, input_tuple, **rowid_kw) logger.debug( '[depc.get] tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),) ) prop_list = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, **rowdata_kw) except KeyError: tablename_ = tablename.lower() table = self[tablename_] # Vectorized get of properties tbl_rowids = self.get_rowids(tablename_, input_tuple, **rowid_kw) logger.debug( '[depc.get] tbl_rowids = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids),) ) prop_list = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, **rowdata_kw) except Exception: logger.warn('!!* Hit Exception in depc.get()') if trynum == num_retries: raise retry_delay = random.uniform(retry_delay_min, retry_delay_max) print('\t WAITING %0.02f SECONDS THEN RETRYING' % (retry_delay,)) time.sleep(retry_delay) else: break logger.debug('* return prop_list=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(prop_list),)) return prop_list
[docs] def get_native( self, tablename, tbl_rowids, colnames=None, _debug=None, read_extern=True ): """ Gets data using internal ids, which is faster if you have them. CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control get_native:0 python -m dtool.depcache_control get_native:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Simple test of get native >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> config = {} >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> aids = [1,] >>> tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, aids, config=config) >>> data = depc.get_native(tablename, tbl_rowids) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> config = {} >>> tablename = 'chip' >>> colnames = extern_colname = 'chip' >>> aids = [1, 2] >>> depc.delete_property(tablename, aids, config=config) >>> # Ensure chip rowids exist then delete external data without >>> # notifying the depcache. This forces the depcache to recover >>> tbl_rowids = chip_rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, aids, config=config) >>> data_fpaths = depc.get(tablename, aids, extern_colname, config=config, read_extern=False) >>> ut.remove_file_list(data_fpaths) >>> chips = depc.get_native(tablename, tbl_rowids, extern_colname) >>> print('chips = %r' % (chips,)) """ tbl_rowids = list(tbl_rowids) logger.debug(' * tablename = %r' % (tablename,)) logger.debug(' * colnames = %r' % (colnames,)) logger.debug(' * tbl_rowids=%s' % (ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids))) table = self[tablename] # import utool # with utool.embed_on_exception_context: # try: prop_list = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, read_extern=read_extern) # except depcache_table.ExternalStorageException: # # This code is a bit rendant and would probably live better elsewhere # # Also need to fix issues if more than one column specified # extern_uris = table.get_row_data( # tbl_rowids, colnames, read_extern=False, # delete_on_fail=True, ensure=False) # from os.path import exists # error_flags = [exists(uri) for uri in extern_uris] # redo_rowids = ut.compress(tbl_rowids, ut.not_list(error_flags)) # parent_rowids = table.get_parent_rowids(redo_rowids) # # config_rowids = table.get_row_cfgid(redo_rowids) # configs = table.get_row_configs(redo_rowids) # assert ut.allsame(list(map(id, configs))), 'more than one config not yet supported' # config = configs[0] # table.get_rowid(parent_rowids, recompute=True, config=config) # # TRY ONE MORE TIME # prop_list = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, # read_extern=read_extern, # delete_on_fail=False) return prop_list
[docs] def get_config_history(self, tablename, root_rowids, config=None): # Vectorized get of properties tbl_rowids = self.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config=config) return self[tablename].get_config_history(tbl_rowids)
[docs] def get_root_rowids(self, tablename, native_rowids): r""" Args: tablename (str): native_rowids (list): Returns: list: CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control get_root_rowids --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> config1 = {'adapt_shape': False} >>> config2 = {'adapt_shape': True} >>> root_rowids = [2, 3, 5, 7] >>> native_rowids1 = depc.get_rowids('keypoint', root_rowids, config=config1) >>> native_rowids2 = depc.get_rowids('keypoint', root_rowids, config=config2) >>> ancestor_rowids1 = list(depc.get_root_rowids('keypoint', native_rowids1)) >>> ancestor_rowids2 = list(depc.get_root_rowids('keypoint', native_rowids2)) >>> assert native_rowids1 != native_rowids2, 'should have different native rowids' >>> assert ancestor_rowids1 == root_rowids, 'should have same root' >>> assert ancestor_rowids2 == root_rowids, 'should have same root' """ return self.get_ancestor_rowids(tablename, native_rowids, self.root)
[docs] def get_ancestor_rowids(self, tablename, native_rowids, ancestor_tablename=None): """ ancestor_tablename = depc.root; native_rowids = cid_list; tablename = const.CHIP_TABLE """ if ancestor_tablename is None: ancestor_tablename = self.root table = self[tablename] ancestor_rowids = table.get_ancestor_rowids(native_rowids, ancestor_tablename) return ancestor_rowids
[docs] def new_request(self, tablename, qaids, daids, cfgdict=None): """creates a request for data that can be executed later"""'[depc] NEW %s request' % (tablename,)) requestclass = self.requestclass_dict[tablename] request =, qaids, daids, cfgdict, tablename=tablename) return request
# ----------------------------- # STATE MODIFIERS
[docs] def delete_property(self, tablename, root_rowids, config=None, _debug=False): """ Deletes the rowids of `tablename` that correspond to `root_rowids` using `config`. FIXME: make this work for all configs """ rowid_list = self.get_rowids( tablename, root_rowids, config=config, ensure=False, ) table = self[tablename] num_deleted = table.delete_rows(rowid_list) return num_deleted
[docs] def delete_property_all(self, tablename, root_rowids, _debug=False): """ Deletes the rowids of `tablename` that correspond to `root_rowids` using `config`. FIXME: make this work for all configs """ table = self[tablename] all_rowid_list = table._get_all_rowids() if len(all_rowid_list) == 0: return 0 ancestor_rowid_list = self.get_ancestor_rowids(tablename, all_rowid_list) rowid_list = [] root_rowids_set = set(root_rowids) for rowid, ancestor_rowid in zip(all_rowid_list, ancestor_rowid_list): if ancestor_rowid in root_rowids_set: rowid_list.append(rowid) num_deleted = table.delete_rows(rowid_list) return num_deleted
[docs] def get_tablenames(self): return list(self.cachetable_dict.keys())
@property def tables(self): return list(self.cachetable_dict.values()) @property def tablenames(self): return self.get_tablenames()
[docs] def print_schemas(self): for name, db in self._db_by_name.items():'name = %r' % (name,)) db.print_schema()
# def print_table_csv(self, tablename): # self[tablename]
[docs] def print_table(self, tablename): self[tablename].print_table()
[docs] def print_all_tables(self): for tablename, table in self.cachetable_dict.items(): table.print_table()
# db = table.db # db.print_table_csv(tablename)
[docs] def print_config_tables(self): for name in self._db_by_name:'---')'db_name = %r' % (name,)) self._db_by_name[name].print_table_csv('config')
[docs] def get_edges(self, data=False): """ edges for networkx structure """ if data: def get_edgedata(tablekey, parentkey, parent_data): if parent_data['ismulti'] or parent_data['isnwise']: edge_type_parts = [] # local_input_id = '' if parent_data['ismulti']: # TODO: give different ids to multi edges # edge_type_parts.append('multi_%s_%s' % (parentkey, tablekey)) edge_type_parts.append('multi') # local_input_id += '*' if parent_data['isnwise']: args = (parent_data['nwise_idx'],) edge_type_parts.append('nwise_%s' % args) # local_input_id += str(parent_data['nwise_idx']) # edge_type_parts.append('nwise_%s_%s_%s' % ( # parentkey, tablekey, parent_data['nwise_idx'],)) edge_type_id = '_'.join(edge_type_parts) else: edge_type_id = 'normal' # local_input_id = '1' edge_data = { 'ismulti': parent_data['ismulti'], 'isnwise': parent_data.get('isnwise'), 'nwise_idx': parent_data.get('nwise_idx'), 'parent_colx': parent_data.get('parent_colx'), 'edge_type': edge_type_id, # 'local_input_id': local_input_id, 'local_input_id': parent_data.get('local_input_id'), 'taillabel': parent_data.get('local_input_id'), # 'taillabel': local_input_id, # proper graphviz attribute } return edge_data edges = [ (parentkey, tablekey, get_edgedata(tablekey, parentkey, parent_data)) for tablekey, table in self.cachetable_dict.items() for parentkey, parent_data in table.parents(data=True) ] else: edges = [ (parentkey, tablekey) for tablekey, table in self.cachetable_dict.items() for parentkey in table.parents(data=False) ] return edges
[docs] def get_implicit_edges(self, data=False): """ Edges defined by subconfigurations """ # add implicit edges implicit_edges = [] # Map config classes to tablenames _inverted_ccdict = ut.invert_dict(self.configclass_dict) for tablename2, configclass in self.configclass_dict.items(): cfg = configclass() subconfigs = cfg.get_sub_config_list() if subconfigs is not None and len(subconfigs) > 0: tablename1_list = ut.dict_take(_inverted_ccdict, subconfigs, None) for tablename1 in ut.filter_Nones(tablename1_list): implicit_edges.append((tablename1, tablename2)) if data: implicit_edges = [(e1, e2, {'implicit': True}) for e1, e2 in implicit_edges] return implicit_edges
[docs] @ut.memoize def make_graph(self, **kwargs): """ Constructs a networkx representation of the dependency graph CommandLine: python -m dtool --tf DependencyCache.make_graph --show --reduced python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl show_depc_annot_graph --show --reduced python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl show_depc_annot_graph --show --reduced --testmode python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl show_depc_annot_graph --show --testmode python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_image_graph --show --reduced python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_image_graph --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --show --testmode Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> import utool as ut >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> graph = depc.make_graph(reduced=ut.get_argflag('--reduced')) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> import networkx as nx >>> #pt.show_nx(nx.dag.transitive_closure(graph)) >>> #pt.show_nx(ut.nx_transitive_reduction(graph)) >>> pt.show_nx(graph) >>> pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph') >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> import utool as ut >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> graph = depc.make_graph(reduced=True) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> import networkx as nx >>> #pt.show_nx(nx.dag.transitive_closure(graph)) >>> #pt.show_nx(ut.nx_transitive_reduction(graph)) >>> pt.show_nx(graph) >>> pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph') >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import networkx as nx # graph = nx.DiGraph() graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() nodes = list(self.cachetable_dict.keys()) edges = self.get_edges(data=True) graph.add_nodes_from(nodes) graph.add_edges_from(edges) if kwargs.get('implicit', True): implicit_edges = self.get_implicit_edges(data=True) graph.add_edges_from(implicit_edges) shape_dict = { # 'node': 'circle', # 'node': 'rect', 'node': 'ellipse', # 'root': 'rhombus', # 'root': 'circle', # 'root': 'circle', 'root': 'ellipse', # 'root': 'rect', } # import wbia.plottool as pt NEUTRAL_BLUE = np.array((159, 159, 241, 255)) / 255.0 RED = np.array((255, 0, 0, 255)) / 255.0 color_dict = { # 'algo': pt.DARK_GREEN, # 'g', 'node': NEUTRAL_BLUE, 'root': RED, # 'r', } def _node_attrs(dict_): props = {k: dict_['node'] for k, v in self.cachetable_dict.items()} props[self.root] = dict_['root'] return props nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='color', values=_node_attrs(color_dict)) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='shape', values=_node_attrs(shape_dict)) if kwargs.get('reduced', False): # FIXME; There is a bug in the reduction of the image depc graph # Reduce only the non-multi part of the graph nonmulti_graph = graph.copy() multi_data_edges = [ (u, v, d) for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True) if d.get('ismulti') ] multi_edges = [(u, v) for u, v, d in multi_data_edges] nonmulti_graph.remove_edges_from(multi_edges) # Hack to recognize that implicit edges on multi-input edges # PROBABLY means that the implicit edge is also a multi edge This # needs to be fixed by indicating which parent edge the implicit # edge actually corresponds to. multi_data_edges_ = [] for edge in multi_data_edges: node = edge[1] in_edges = list(nonmulti_graph.in_edges(node, data=True)) if len(in_edges) == 1: u, v, d = in_edges[0] # If there is only one implicit edge on a multi-edge, it very # likely means that the implicit edge should have the same # input-id as the multi-edge if d.get('implicit'): nonmulti_graph.remove_edge(u, v) # hack the multi-edge to reduce to the implicit version new_edge = (u, edge[1], edge[2]) multi_data_edges_.append(new_edge) else: multi_data_edges_.append(edge) multi_data_edges = multi_data_edges_ # <ATTEMPT> # The transitive reduction should respect impolicit edges, # but the end result should not contain any implicit edges # Transitive reduction wrt implicit edges # For every node... implicit_aware = 1 if implicit_aware: removed_in_edges = {} for node in graph.nodes(): in_edges = list(graph.in_edges(node, data=True)) # if there is an implicit incoming edge implicit_flags = [edge[2].get('implicit') for edge in in_edges] explicit_flags = ut.not_list(implicit_flags) implicit_edges = ut.compress(in_edges, implicit_flags) flag = True for edge in implicit_edges: # Ignore this edge if there is a common descendant if ut.nx_common_descendants(graph, node, edge[0]): pass # removed_in_edges[node] = implicit_edges # flag = False if flag and any(implicit_edges): # then remove all non-implicit incoming edges remove_non_implicit = ut.compress(in_edges, explicit_flags) # remember this nodes removed in edges removed_in_edges[node] = remove_non_implicit to_remove2 = ut.take_column(ut.flatten(removed_in_edges.values()), [0, 1]) nonmulti_graph.remove_edges_from(to_remove2) graph_tr = ut.nx_transitive_reduction(nonmulti_graph) if implicit_aware: # Place old non-implicit structure on top of reduced implicit edges for node in removed_in_edges.keys(): old_edges = removed_in_edges[node] for edge in graph_tr.in_edges(node, data=True): data = edge[2] for old_edge in old_edges: # TODO: handle multiple old edges data.update(old_edge[2]) data['implicit'] = False # HACK IN STRUCTURE # Multi Edges # (doesn't quite work) if False: for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True): if data.get('ismulti'): new_parent = nx.shortest_path(graph_tr, u, v)[-2] # graph_tr[new_parent][v][0]['is_multi'] = True'NEW MULTI'), v)) nx.set_edge_attributes( graph_tr, name='ismulti', values={(new_parent, v, 0): True} ) # else: pass graph_tr.add_edges_from(multi_data_edges) parents = ut.ddict(list) for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True): parents[v].append(u) for node, ps in parents.items(): num_connect = ut.dict_hist(ps) nwise_parents = [(k, v) for k, v in num_connect.items() if v > 1] for p, n in nwise_parents: new_parent = nx.shortest_path(graph_tr, p, node)[-2] for x in range(n - 1): # import utool # utool.embed() graph_tr.add_edge(new_parent, node) # G_tr[new_parent][v][0]['is_multi'] = True nx.set_node_attributes(graph_tr, name='color', values=_node_attrs(color_dict)) nx.set_node_attributes(graph_tr, name='shape', values=_node_attrs(shape_dict)) graph = graph_tr if kwargs.get('remove_local_input_id', False): ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(graph, 'local_input_id') return graph
@property def graph(self): return self.make_graph() @property def explicit_graph(self): return self.make_graph(implicit=False) @property def reduced_graph(self): return self.make_graph(reduced=True)
[docs] def show_graph(self, reduced=False, **kwargs): """Helper "fluff" function""" import wbia.plottool as pt graph = self.make_graph(reduced=reduced) if ut.is_developer(): ut.ensureqt() kwargs['layout'] = 'agraph' pt.show_nx(graph, **kwargs)
def __nice__(self): infostr_ = 'nTables=%d' % len(self.cachetable_dict) return '(%s) %s' % (self.root_tablename, infostr_) def __getitem__(self, tablekey): return self.cachetable_dict[tablekey] @property def root(self): return self.root_tablename
[docs] def delete_root( self, root_rowids, delete_extern=None, _debug=False, table_config_filter=None, prop=None, ): r""" Deletes all properties of a root object regardless of config Args: root_rowids (list): CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control delete_root --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(depc.delete_root), globals()) >>> root_rowids = [1] >>> depc.delete_root(root_rowids) >>> depc.get('fgweight', [1]) >>> depc.delete_root(root_rowids) """ # graph = self.make_graph(implicit=False) # hack # check to make sure child does not have another parent rowid_dict = self.get_allconfig_descendant_rowids( root_rowids, table_config_filter ) # children = [child for child in graph.succ[self.root_tablename] # if sum([len(e) for e in graph.pred[child].values()]) == 1] # self.delete_property(tablename, root_rowids) num_deleted = 0 for tablename, table_rowids in rowid_dict.items(): if tablename == self.root: continue # Specific prop exclusion delete_exclude_table_set_prop = self.delete_exclude_tables.get(prop, []) delete_exclude_table_set_all = self.delete_exclude_tables.get(None, []) if ( tablename in delete_exclude_table_set_prop or tablename in delete_exclude_table_set_all ): continue table = self[tablename] num_deleted += table.delete_rows(table_rowids, delete_extern=delete_extern) return num_deleted
[docs] def register_delete_table_exclusion(self, tablename, prop): if prop not in self.delete_exclude_tables: self.delete_exclude_tables[prop] = set([]) self.delete_exclude_tables[prop].add(tablename) args = (ut.repr3(self.delete_exclude_tables),)'[depc] Updated delete tables: %s' % args)
[docs] def get_allconfig_descendant_rowids(self, root_rowids, table_config_filter=None): import networkx as nx # list(nx.topological_sort(nx.bfs_tree(graph, self.root))) # decendants = nx.descendants(graph, self.root) # raise NotImplementedError() graph = self.make_graph(implicit=True) root = self.root rowid_dict = {} rowid_dict[root] = root_rowids # Find all rowids that inherit from the specific root rowids sinks = list(ut.nx_sink_nodes(nx.bfs_tree(graph, self.root))) for target_tablename in sinks: path = nx.shortest_path(graph, root, target_tablename) for parent, child in ut.itertwo(path): child_table = self[child] relevant_col_attrs = [ attrs for attrs in child_table.parent_col_attrs if attrs['parent_table'] == parent ] parent_colnames = [ attrs['intern_colname'] for attrs in relevant_col_attrs ] params_iter = list(zip(rowid_dict[parent])) for parent_colname in parent_colnames: child_rowids = child_table.db.get_where_eq_set( child_table.tablename, (child_table.rowid_colname,), params_iter, unpack_scalars=False, where_colnames=[parent_colname], op='AND', ) # child_rowids = ut.flatten(child_rowids) if table_config_filter is not None: config_filter = table_config_filter.get( child_table.tablename, None ) if config_filter is not None: # If a config filter is specified only grab rows that # meed the filter tbl_cfgids = child_table.get_row_cfgid(child_rowids) cfgid2_rowids = ut.group_items(child_rowids, tbl_cfgids) unique_cfgids = cfgid2_rowids.keys() unique_cfgids = ut.filter_Nones(unique_cfgids) unique_configs = child_table.get_config_from_rowid( unique_cfgids ) passed_rowids = [] for config, cfgid in zip(unique_configs, tbl_cfgids): if all( [ config[key] == val for key, val in config_filter.items() ] ): passed_rowids.extend(cfgid2_rowids[cfgid]) child_rowids = passed_rowids rowid_dict[child] = ut.unique( child_rowids + rowid_dict.get(child, []) ) return rowid_dict
[docs] def notify_root_changed(self, root_rowids, prop, force_delete=False): """ this is where we are notified that a "registered" root property has changed. """ '[depc] notified that columns (%s) for (%d) row(s) were modified' % (prop, len(root_rowids)) ) # for key in tables_depending_on(prop) # self.delete_property(key, root_rowids) # TODO: check which properties were invalidated by this prop # TODO; remove invalidated properties if force_delete: self.delete_root(root_rowids, prop=prop)
[docs] def clear_all(self):'Clearning all cached data in %r' % (self,)) for table in self.cachetable_dict.values(): table.clear_table()
[docs] def make_root_info_uuid(self, root_rowids, info_props): """ Creates a uuid that depends on certain properties of the root object. This is used for implicit cache invalidation because, if those properties change then this uuid also changes. The depcache needs to know about stateful properties of dynamic root objects in order to correctly compute their hashes. >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> root_rowids = ibs._get_all_aids() >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> info_props = ['image_uuid', 'verts', 'theta'] >>> info_props = ['image_uuid', 'verts', 'theta', 'name', 'species', 'yaw'] """ getters = ut.dict_take(self.root_getters, info_props) infotup_list = zip(*[getter(root_rowids) for getter in getters]) info_uuid_list = [ut.augment_uuid(*tup) for tup in infotup_list] return info_uuid_list
[docs] def get_uuids(self, tablename, root_rowids, config=None): """ # TODO: Make uuids for dependant object based on root uuid and path of # construction. """ if tablename == self.root: uuid_list = self.get_root_uuid(root_rowids) return uuid_list
get_native_property = get_native get_property = get
[docs] def stacked_config(self, source, dest, config): r""" CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_control stacked_config --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> source = depc.root >>> dest = 'fgweight' >>> config = {} >>> stacked_config = depc.stacked_config(source, dest, config) >>> cfgstr = stacked_config.get_cfgstr() >>> result = ('cfgstr = %s' % (ut.repr2(cfgstr),)) >>> print(result) """ if config is None: config = {} if source is None: source = self.root graph = self.make_graph(implicit=True) requires_tables = ut.setdiff( ut.nx_all_nodes_between(graph, source, dest), [source] ) # requires_tables = ut.setdiff(ut.nx_all_nodes_between(self.graph, 'annotations', 'featweight'), ['annotations']) requires_tables = ut.nx_topsort_nodes(self.graph, requires_tables) requires_configs = [ self.configclass_dict[tblname](**config) for tblname in requires_tables ] # cfgstr_list = [cfg.get_cfgstr() for cfg in requires_configs] stacked_config = base.StackedConfig(requires_configs) return stacked_config
# cfgstr = stacked_config.get_cfgstr() # cfgstr = '_'.join(cfgstr_list) # return cfgstr