Source code for wbia.detecttools.wbiadata.wbia_image

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2
import os
import math
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml

from . import common as com
from .wbia_object import IBEIS_Object

[docs]class IBEIS_Image(object): # NOQA def __init__(ibsi, filename_xml, absolute_dataset_path, **kwargs): with open(filename_xml, 'r') as _xml: _xml = xml.XML('\n', '')) ibsi.folder = com.get(_xml, 'folder') ibsi.absolute_dataset_path = absolute_dataset_path ibsi.filename = com.get(_xml, 'filename') source = com.get(_xml, 'source', text=False) ibsi.source_database = com.get(source, 'database') ibsi.source_annotation = com.get(source, 'annotation') ibsi.source_image = com.get(source, 'image') size = com.get(_xml, 'size', text=False) ibsi.width = int(com.get(size, 'width')) ibsi.height = int(com.get(size, 'height')) try: ibsi.depth = int(com.get(size, 'depth')) except TypeError: ibsi.depth = 3 ibsi.segmented = com.get(size, 'segmented') == '1' ibsi.objects = [] ibsi.objects_patches = [] ibsi.objects_invalid = [] for obj in com.get(_xml, 'object', text=False, singularize=False): temp = IBEIS_Object(obj, ibsi.width, ibsi.height) if ( temp.width > kwargs['object_min_width'] and temp.height > kwargs['object_min_height'] ): ibsi.objects.append(temp) else: ibsi.objects_invalid.append(temp) flag = True for cat in ibsi.categories(): if cat in kwargs['mine_exclude_categories']: flag = False if kwargs['mine_negatives'] and flag: negatives = 0 for i in range(kwargs['mine_max_attempts']): if negatives >= kwargs['mine_max_keep']: break width = com.randInt( kwargs['mine_width_min'], min(ibsi.width - 1, kwargs['mine_width_max']), ) height = com.randInt( kwargs['mine_height_min'], min(ibsi.height - 1, kwargs['mine_height_max']), ) x = com.randInt(0, ibsi.width - width - 1) y = com.randInt(0, ibsi.height - height - 1) obj = { 'xmax': x + width, 'xmin': x, 'ymax': y + height, 'ymin': y, } overlap_names = ibsi._overlaps( ibsi.objects, obj, kwargs['mine_overlap_margin'] ) if len(overlap_names) > 0: continue ibsi.objects.append( IBEIS_Object(obj, ibsi.width, ibsi.height, name='MINED') ) negatives += 1 if kwargs['mine_patches']: patch_width = kwargs['mine_patch_width'] patch_height = kwargs['mine_patch_height'] x_length = float(ibsi.width - patch_width - 1) y_length = float(ibsi.height - patch_height - 1) x_bins = int(x_length / kwargs['mine_patch_stride_suggested']) y_bins = int(y_length / kwargs['mine_patch_stride_suggested']) x_bins = max(1, x_bins) y_bins = max(1, y_bins) patch_stride_x = x_length / x_bins patch_stride_y = y_length / y_bins # for x in range(x_bins + 1): for y in range(y_bins + 1): x_min = int(x * patch_stride_x) y_min = int(y * patch_stride_y) x_max = x_min + patch_width y_max = y_min + patch_height assert ( 0 <= x_min and x_max < ibsi.width and 0 <= y_min and y_max < ibsi.height ) # Add patch obj = { 'xmax': x_max, 'xmin': x_min, 'ymax': y_max, 'ymin': y_min, } overlap_names = ibsi._overlaps( ibsi.objects, obj, kwargs['mine_patch_overlap_margin'] ) if len(overlap_names) > 0: for overlap_name in overlap_names: name = '%s' % overlap_name.upper() ibsi.objects_patches.append( IBEIS_Object(obj, ibsi.width, ibsi.height, name=name) ) else: ibsi.objects_patches.append( IBEIS_Object( obj, ibsi.width, ibsi.height, name='NEGATIVE' ) ) def __str__(ibsi): return '<IBEIS Image Object | %s | %d objects>' % ( ibsi.filename, len(ibsi.objects), ) def __repr__(ibsi): return '<IBEIS Image Object | %s>' % (ibsi.filename) def __len__(ibsi): return len(ibsi.objects) def __lt__(ibsi1, ibsi2): if ibsi1.filename < ibsi2.filename: return -1 if ibsi1.filename < ibsi2.filename: return 1 return 0 def _distance(pt1, pt2): (x1, y1) = pt1 (x2, y2) = pt2 return math.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) def _overlaps( ibsi, objects, obj, margin=0.50, bins=['left', 'front', 'right', 'back'] ): names = [] for _obj in objects: x_overlap = max(0, min(obj['xmax'], _obj.xmax) - max(obj['xmin'], _obj.xmin)) y_overlap = max(0, min(obj['ymax'], _obj.ymax) - max(obj['ymin'], _obj.ymin)) area_overlap = float(x_overlap * y_overlap) width = obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin'] height = obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin'] area_total = min(width * height, _obj.area) score = area_overlap / area_total # print(score) if score >= margin: names.append( + ':' + _obj.pose_str) return list(set(names))
[docs] def image_path(ibsi): return os.path.join(ibsi.absolute_dataset_path, 'JPEGImages', ibsi.filename)
[docs] def categories(ibsi, unique=True, sorted_=True, patches=False): temp = [ for _object in ibsi.objects] if patches: temp += [ for _object in ibsi.objects_patches] if unique: temp = list(set(temp)) if sorted_: temp = sorted(temp) return temp
[docs] def bounding_boxes(ibsi, **kwargs): return [_object.bounding_box(**kwargs) for _object in ibsi.objects]
def _accuracy_match(ibsi, prediction, object_list): # For this non-supressed prediction, compute and assign to the closest bndbox centerx, centery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, confidence, supressed = prediction index_best = None score_best = -1.0 for index, _object in enumerate(object_list): width = maxx - minx height = maxy - miny x_overlap = max(0, min(maxx, _object.xmax) - max(minx, _object.xmin)) y_overlap = max(0, min(maxy, _object.ymax) - max(miny, _object.ymin)) area_overlap = float(x_overlap * y_overlap) area_total = (width * height) + _object.area score = area_overlap / (area_total - area_overlap) if score >= score_best: # Wooo! Found a (probably) better candidate, but... if score == score_best: # Well, this is awkward? assert index_best is not None # Just to be sure _object_best = object_list[index_best] a = ibsi._distance( (centerx, centery), (_object_best.xcenter, _object_best.ycenter) ) b = ibsi._distance( (centerx, centery), (_object.xcenter, _object.ycenter) ) if a < b: # Not a better candidate based on distance continue elif a == b: # First come, first serve continue # Save new best score_best = score index_best = index return index_best, score_best
[docs] def accuracy(ibsi, prediction_list, category, alpha=0.5): # PASCAL ACCURACY MEASUREMENT object_list = [] for _object in ibsi.objects + ibsi.objects_invalid: if == category: object_list.append(_object) # Trivial case if len(object_list) == 0 and len(prediction_list) == 0: return 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 true_positive = 0 false_positive = 0 counters = [0] * len(object_list) for prediction in prediction_list: centerx, centery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, confidence, supressed = prediction if supressed == 0.0: index_best, score_best = ibsi._accuracy_match(prediction, object_list) if score_best >= alpha: counters[index_best] += 1 true_positive += 1 else: false_positive += 1 false_negative = counters.count(0) precision = float(true_positive) recall = true_positive + false_positive + false_negative assert recall != 0 return precision / recall, true_positive, false_positive, false_negative
[docs] def show( ibsi, objects=True, parts=True, display=True, prediction_list=None, category=None, alpha=0.5, label=True, ): def _draw_box( img, annotation, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, color, stroke=2, position='top' ): font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX scale = 0.5 width, height = cv2.getTextSize(annotation, font, scale, -1)[0] cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), color, stroke) if label: if position in ['top']: cv2.rectangle( img, (xmin, ymin), (xmin + width, ymin + height), color, -1 ) cv2.putText( img, annotation, (xmin + 5, ymin + height), font, 0.4, (255, 255, 255), ) elif position in ['bottom']: cv2.rectangle( img, (xmin, ymax - height), (xmin + width, ymax), color, -1 ) cv2.putText( img, annotation, (xmin + 5, ymax), font, 0.4, (255, 255, 255) ) original = com.openImage(ibsi.image_path(), color=True) color_dict = {} for _object in ibsi.objects: color = com.randColor() color_dict[_object] = color _draw_box( original,, _object.xmin, _object.ymin, _object.xmax, _object.ymax, color, ) if parts: for part in _draw_box( original,, part.xmin, part.ymin, part.xmax, part.ymax, color, ) for _object in ibsi.objects_invalid: color = [0, 0, 0] color_dict[_object] = color _draw_box( original,, _object.xmin, _object.ymin, _object.xmax, _object.ymax, color, ) if parts: for part in _draw_box( original,, part.xmin, part.ymin, part.xmax, part.ymax, color, ) for _object in ibsi.objects_patches: if == 'NEGATIVE': continue color = [255, 0, 0] else: color = [0, 0, 255] color_dict[_object] = color _draw_box( original,, _object.xmin, _object.ymin, _object.xmax, _object.ymax, color, ) if parts: for part in _draw_box( original,, part.xmin, part.ymin, part.xmax, part.ymax, color, ) if prediction_list is not None: assert category is not None object_list = [] for _object in ibsi.objects + ibsi.objects_invalid: if == category: object_list.append(_object) for prediction in prediction_list: ( centerx, centery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, confidence, supressed, ) = prediction if supressed == 0.0: if len(object_list) > 0: index_best, score_best = ibsi._accuracy_match( prediction, object_list ) _object_best = object_list[index_best] color = color_dict[_object_best] if score_best >= alpha: annotation = 'DETECT [TRUE POS %.2f]' % score_best else: annotation = 'DETECT [FALSE POS %.2f]' % score_best cv2.line( original, (int(minx), int(miny)), (_object_best.xmin, _object_best.ymin), color, 1, ) cv2.line( original, (int(minx), int(maxy)), (_object_best.xmin, _object_best.ymax), color, 1, ) cv2.line( original, (int(maxx), int(miny)), (_object_best.xmax, _object_best.ymin), color, 1, ) cv2.line( original, (int(maxx), int(maxy)), (_object_best.xmax, _object_best.ymax), color, 1, ) else: annotation = 'DETECT [FALSE POS]' color = [0, 0, 255] _draw_box( original, annotation, int(minx), int(miny), int(maxx), int(maxy), color, stroke=1, position=False, ) if display: cv2.imshow(ibsi.filename + ' with Bounding Boxes', original) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() else: return original