Source code for wbia.detecttools.pypascalmarkup

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import date
import cv2

# import numpy as np
import os

__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))

def _kwargs(kwargs, key, value):
    if key not in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs[key] = value

[docs]class PascalVOC_Markup_Annotation(object): # NOQA def __init__(an, fullpath, folder, filename, **kwargs): _kwargs(kwargs, 'database_name', 'Image Database') _kwargs(kwargs, 'database_year', str( _kwargs( kwargs, 'source', 'Unknown' ) # images source (e.g., flickr, reservation, etc.) _kwargs(kwargs, 'segmented', '0') # image has an associated semgnetation _kwargs(kwargs, 'color', True) # open the image with color _kwargs(kwargs, 'alpha', False) # open the image with alpha an.folder = folder an.filename = filename an.database_name = kwargs['database_name'] an.database_year = kwargs['database_year'] an.source = kwargs['source'] # filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): raise IOError('Image file not found') if not kwargs['color']: mode = 0 # Greyscale by default elif not kwargs['alpha']: mode = 1 # Color without alpha channel else: mode = -1 # Color with alpha channel temp = cv2.imread(fullpath, mode) an.height, an.width, an.channels = list(map(str, temp.shape)) an.segmented = kwargs['segmented'] an.objects = []
[docs] def add_object(an, name, bounding_box, **kwargs): an.objects.append(PascalVOC_Markup_Object(name, bounding_box, **kwargs))
[docs] def add_part(an, object_index, name, bounding_box): if object_index <= -len(an.objects) or len(an.objects) <= object_index: raise IndexError('Object index is invalid, adding part') an.objects[object_index].add_part(name, bounding_box)
[docs] def xml(an): return an._export()
[docs] def yml(an): return an._export(yml=True)
def _export(an, yml=False): if yml: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_annotation.yml'), 'r') else: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_annotation.xml'), 'r') template = ''.join(template.readlines()) template = template.replace('_^_FOLDER_^_', an.folder) template = template.replace('_^_FILENAME_^_', an.filename) template = template.replace('_^_DARABASE_NAME_^_', an.database_name) template = template.replace('_^_DATABASE_YEAR_^_', an.database_year) template = template.replace('_^_SOURCE_^_', an.source) template = template.replace('_^_WIDTH_^_', an.width) template = template.replace('_^_HEIGHT_^_', an.height) template = template.replace('_^_CHANNELS_^_', an.channels) template = template.replace('_^_SEGMENTED_^_', an.segmented) if yml: objects = [ob.yml() for ob in an.objects] else: objects = [ob.xml() for ob in an.objects] template = template.replace('_^_OBJECT_MULTIPLE_^_', ''.join(objects)) return template
[docs]class PascalVOC_Markup_Object(object): # NOQA # take bounding box coordinates in the same order as PASCAL-VOC def __init__(ob, name, bbox_XxYy, **kwargs): (xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin) = bbox_XxYy _kwargs(kwargs, 'pose', 'Unspecified') # Left, Right, Front, Rear _kwargs(kwargs, 'interest', 'Unspecified') # None _kwargs( kwargs, 'truncated', '0' ) # boolean flag, if there exists a partial object in the image _kwargs( kwargs, 'difficult', '0' ) # boolean flag, if difficult case from previous years = name ob.pose = kwargs['pose'] ob.interest = kwargs['interest'] ob.truncated = kwargs['truncated'] ob.difficult = kwargs['difficult'] ob.bounding_box = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) ob.xmin = str(xmin) ob.ymin = str(ymin) ob.xmax = str(xmax) ob.ymax = str(ymax) = []
[docs] def add_part(ob, name, bounding_box):, bounding_box))
[docs] def xml(ob): return ob._export()
[docs] def yml(ob): return ob._export(yml=True)
def _export(ob, yml=False): if yml: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_object.yml'), 'r') else: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_object.xml'), 'r') template = ''.join(template.readlines()) template = template.replace('_^_NAME_^_', template = template.replace('_^_POSE_^_', ob.pose) template = template.replace('_^_INTEREST_^_', ob.interest) template = template.replace('_^_TRUNCATED_^_', ob.truncated) template = template.replace('_^_DIFFICULT_^_', ob.difficult) template = template.replace('_^_XMIN_^_', ob.xmin) template = template.replace('_^_YMIN_^_', ob.ymin) template = template.replace('_^_XMAX_^_', ob.xmax) template = template.replace('_^_YMAX_^_', ob.ymax) if yml: parts = [pt.yml() for pt in] else: parts = [pt.xml() for pt in] template = template.replace('_^_PART_MULTIPLE_OPTIONAL_^_', ''.join(parts)) return template
[docs]class PascalVOC_Markup_Part(object): # NOQA def __init__(pt, name, bbox): (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = bbox = name pt.bounding_box = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) pt.xmin = str(xmin) pt.ymin = str(ymin) pt.xmax = str(xmax) pt.ymax = str(ymax)
[docs] def xml(pt): return pt._export()
[docs] def yml(pt): return pt._export(yml=True)
def _export(pt, yml=False): if yml: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_part.yml'), 'r') else: template = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'template_part.xml'), 'r') template = ''.join(template.readlines()) template = template.replace('_^_NAME_^_', template = template.replace('_^_XMIN_^_', pt.xmin) template = template.replace('_^_YMIN_^_', pt.ymin) template = template.replace('_^_XMAX_^_', pt.xmax) template = template.replace('_^_YMAX_^_', pt.ymax) return template
if __name__ == '__main__': information = {'database_name': 'IBEIS', 'source': 'olpajeta'} annotation = PascalVOC_Markup_Annotation('.', 'test.png', **information) annotation.add_object('person', (100, 100, 400, 400)) annotation.add_object('dog', (10, 200, 100, 800)) annotation.add_part(0, 'head', (10, 200, 20, 210)) annotation.add_part(0, 'foot', (1000, 2000, 200, 2100)) print(annotation.xml()) print(annotation.yml())