Source code for wbia.dbio.ingest_database

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module lists known raw databases and how to ingest them.

Specify arguments and run the following command to ingest a database

python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db seaturtles  --imgdir "~/turtles/Turtles from Jill" --ingest-type=named_folders --species=turtles
python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db PZ_OlPej2016 --imgdir /raid/raw/OlPejPZ_June_2016 --ingest-type=named_folders --species=zebra_plains

# --- GET DATA ---
rsync -avhzP <user>@<host>:<remotedir>  <path-to-raw-imgs>
python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db <new-wbia-db-name> --imgdir <path-to-raw-imgs> --ingest-type=named_folders --species=<optional> --fmtkey=<optional>

    >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP
    >>> # The scripts in this file essentiall do this:
    >>> dbdir = '<your new database directory>'
    >>> gpath_list = '<path to your images>'
    >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, allow_newdir=True)
    >>> gid_list_ = ibs.add_images(gpath_list, auto_localize=False)  # NOQA
    >>> # use whole images as annotations
    >>> aid_list = ibs.use_images_as_annotations(gid_list_, adjust_percent=0)
    >>> # Extra stuff
    >>> name_list = '<names that correspond to your annots>'
    >>> ibs.set_annot_names(aid_list, name_list)
    >>> occur_text_list = '<occurrence that images belongs to>'
    >>> ibs.set_image_imagesettext(gid_list_, occur_text_list)
    >>> ibs.append_annot_case_tags(aid_list, '<annotation tags>')
import logging
import wbia
import os
from os.path import relpath, dirname, exists, join, realpath, basename, abspath
from wbia.other import ibsfuncs
from wbia import constants as const
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import parse

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

New Lynx

python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db lynx2  --imgdir "/media/raid/raw/WildME-WWF-lynx-Sept-2016/CARPETAS CATALOGO INDIVIDUOS" --ingest-type=named_folders --species=lynx --dry


[docs]class Ingestable(object): """ Temporary structure representing how to ingest a databases """ def __init__( self, dbname, img_dir=None, ingest_type=None, fmtkey=None, adjust_percent=0.0, postingest_func=None, zipfile=None, species=None, images_as_annots=False, ): self.dbname = dbname self.img_dir = img_dir self.ingest_type = ingest_type self.fmtkey = fmtkey self.zipfile = zipfile self.adjust_percent = adjust_percent self.postingest_func = postingest_func self.species = species self.images_as_annots = images_as_annots self.ensure_feasibility() def __str__(self): return ut.repr2(self.__dict__)
[docs] def ensure_feasibility(self): rawdir = wbia.sysres.get_rawdir() if self.img_dir is None: # Try to find data either the raw or work dir self.img_dir = wbia.sysres.db_to_dbdir( self.dbname, extra_workdirs=[rawdir], allow_newdir=True ) msg = 'Cannot find img_dir for dbname=%r, img_dir=%r' % ( self.dbname, self.img_dir, ) assert self.img_dir is not None, msg # from os.path import isabs # if not isabs(self.img_dir): # self.img_dir = join(dbdir, self.img_dir) self.img_dir = ut.truepath(self.img_dir) assert exists(self.img_dir), msg
# if self.ingest_type == 'named_folders': # assert self.fmtkey == 'name'
[docs]class Ingestable2(object): def __init__( self, dbdir, imgpath_list=None, imgdir_list=None, zipfile_list=None, postingest_func=None, ingest_config={}, **kwargs, ): self.dbdir = dbdir self.zipfile_list = zipfile_list self.imgdir_list = imgdir_list self.imgpath_list = imgpath_list self.postingest_func = postingest_func from wbia import dtool # valid_species = None valid_species = ['____'] class IngestConfig(dtool.Config): _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('images_as_annots', False), ut.ParamInfo( 'ingest_type', 'unknown', valid_values=['unknown', 'named_folders', 'named_images'], ), ut.ParamInfo( 'species', '____', hideif=lambda cfg: not cfg['images_as_annots'], valid_values=valid_species, ), ut.ParamInfo( 'adjust_percent', 0.0, hideif=lambda cfg: not cfg['images_as_annots'], ), ] updatekw = kwargs.copy() updatekw.update(ingest_config) self.ingest_config = IngestConfig(**updatekw)
[docs] def execute(self, ibs=None):'[ingest_rawdata] Ingestable' + str(self)) assert ibs is not None unzipped_file_base_dir = join(ibs.get_dbdir(), 'unzipped_files') def extract_from_zipfiles(zipfile_list): ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_base_dir) gpath_list = [] for zipfile in zipfile_list: img_dir = unzipped_file_base_dir unziped_file_relpath = dirname( relpath(relpath(realpath(zipfile), realpath(img_dir))) ) unzipped_file_dir = join(unzipped_file_base_dir, unziped_file_relpath) ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_dir) ut.unzip_file(zipfile, output_dir=unzipped_file_dir, overwrite=False) gpaths = ut.list_images(unzipped_file_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True) gpath_list.extend(gpaths) return gpath_list def list_images(img_dir): """lists images that are not in an internal cache""" import utool as ut # NOQA ignore_list = [ '_hsdb', '.hs_internals', const.PATH_NAMES.cache, const.PATH_NAMES._ibsdb, ] gpath_list = ut.list_images( img_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True, ignore_list=ignore_list ) return gpath_list # FIXME ensure python3 works with this gpath_list = [] if self.imgpath_list is not None: gpath_list += self.imgpath_list if self.imgdir_list is not None: for img_dir in self.imgdir_list: gpath_list += ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(list_images(img_dir)) if self.zipfile_list is not None: gpath_list += extract_from_zipfiles(self.zipfile_list) gpath_list = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(gpath_list) # Parse structure for image names ingest_type = self.ingest_config.ingest_type if ingest_type == 'named_folders': name_list = get_name_texts_from_parent_folder(gpath_list, img_dir, None) pass elif ingest_type == 'named_images': name_list = get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, None) elif ingest_type == 'unknown': name_list = [const.UNKNOWN for _ in range(len(gpath_list))] else: raise NotImplementedError('unknwon ingest_type=%r' % (ingest_type,)) # Add Images gpath_list = [gpath.replace('\\', '/') for gpath in gpath_list] gid_list_ = ibs.add_images(gpath_list) # <DEBUG> #'added: ' + ut.indentjoin(map(str, zip(gid_list_, gpath_list)))) unique_gids = list(set(gid_list_))'[ingest] Length gid list: %d' % len(gid_list_))'[ingest] Length unique gid list: %d' % len(unique_gids)) assert len(gid_list_) == len(gpath_list) for gid in gid_list_: if gid is None:'[ingest] big fat warning') # </DEBUG> gid_list = ut.filter_Nones(gid_list_) unique_gids, unique_names, unique_notes = resolve_name_conflicts( gid_list, name_list ) # Add ANNOTATIONs with names and notes if self.ingest_config.images_as_annots: aid_list = ibs.use_images_as_annotations( unique_gids, adjust_percent=self.ingest_config.adjust_percent ) ibs.set_annot_names(aid_list, unique_names) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list, unique_notes) species_text = self.ingest_config.species if species_text is not None: ibs.set_annot_species(aid_list, [species_text] * len(aid_list)) localize = False if localize: ibs.localize_images() if self.postingest_func is not None: self.postingest_func(ibs) return gid_list
[docs]def ingest_rawdata(ibs, ingestable, localize=False): """ Ingests rawdata into an wbia database. Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object ingestable (Ingestable): localize (bool): (default = False) Returns: list: aid_list - list of annotation rowids Notes: if ingest_type == 'named_folders': Converts folder structure where folders = name, to ibsdb if ingest_type == 'named_images': Converts imgname structure where imgnames = name_id.ext, to ibsdb CommandLine: python wbia/dbio/ --db seals_drop2 python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_rawdata python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_rawdata --db snow-leopards --imgdir /raid/raw_rsync/snow-leopards python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db wd_peter2 --imgdir /raid/raw_rsync/african-dogs --ingest-type=named_folders --species=wild_dog --fmtkey='African Wild Dog: {name}' --force-delete python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db <newdbname> --imgdir <path-to-images> --ingest-type=named_folders --species=humpback Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> # General ingest script >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> dbname = ut.get_argval('--db', str, None) # 'snow-leopards') >>> force_delete = ut.get_argflag(('--force_delete', '--force-delete')) >>> img_dir = ut.get_argval('--imgdir', type_=str, default=None) >>> ingest_type = ut.get_argval('--ingest-type', type_=str, default='unknown') >>> fmtkey = ut.get_argval('--fmtkey', type_=str, default=None) >>> species = ut.get_argval('--species', type_=str, default=None) >>> images_as_annots = ut.get_argval('--images-as-annots', type_=bool, default=None) >>> if images_as_annots is None: >>> images_as_annots = ingest_type != 'unknown' >>> assert img_dir is not None, 'specify img dir' >>> assert dbname is not None, 'specify dbname' >>> ingestable = Ingestable( >>> dbname, img_dir=img_dir, ingest_type=ingest_type, >>> fmtkey=fmtkey, species=species, images_as_annots=images_as_annots, >>> adjust_percent=0.00) >>> from wbia.control import IBEISControl >>> dbdir = wbia.sysres.db_to_dbdir(dbname, allow_newdir=True) >>> ut.ensuredir(dbdir, verbose=True) >>> if force_delete: >>> ibsfuncs.delete_wbia_database(dbdir) >>> ibs = IBEISControl.request_IBEISController(dbdir) >>> localize = False >>> gid_list = ingest_rawdata(ibs, ingestable, localize) >>> result = ('gid_list = %s' % (str(gid_list),)) >>> print(result) """'[ingest_rawdata] Ingestable' + str(ingestable)) if ingestable.zipfile is not None: zipfile_fpath = ut.truepath(join(wbia.sysres.get_workdir(), ingestable.zipfile)) ingestable.img_dir = ut.unarchive_file(zipfile_fpath) img_dir = realpath(ingestable.img_dir) ingest_type = ingestable.ingest_type fmtkey = ingestable.fmtkey adjust_percent = ingestable.adjust_percent species_text = ingestable.species postingest_func = ingestable.postingest_func '[ingest] ingesting rawdata: img_dir=%r, injest_type=%r' % (img_dir, ingest_type) ) # Get images in the image directory unzipped_file_base_dir = join(ibs.get_dbdir(), 'unzipped_files') def extract_zipfile_images(ibs, ingestable): import utool as ut # NOQA zipfile_list = ut.glob(ingestable.img_dir, '*.zip', recursive=True) gpath_list = [] if len(zipfile_list) > 0:'Found zipfile_list = %r' % (zipfile_list,)) ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_base_dir) for zipfile in zipfile_list: unziped_file_relpath = dirname( relpath(relpath(realpath(zipfile), realpath(ingestable.img_dir))) ) unzipped_file_dir = join(unzipped_file_base_dir, unziped_file_relpath) ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_dir) ut.unzip_file(zipfile, output_dir=unzipped_file_dir, overwrite=False) gpaths = ut.list_images(unzipped_file_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True) gpath_list.extend(gpaths) return gpath_list def list_images(img_dir): """lists images that are not in an internal cache""" import utool as ut # NOQA ignore_list = [ '_hsdb', '.hs_internals', const.PATH_NAMES.cache, const.PATH_NAMES._ibsdb, ] gpath_list = ut.list_images( img_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True, ignore_list=ignore_list ) return gpath_list # FIXME ensure python3 works with this gpath_list1 = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(list_images(img_dir)) gpath_list2 = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(extract_zipfile_images(ibs, ingestable)) gpath_list = gpath_list1 + gpath_list2 # Parse structure for image names if ingest_type == 'named_folders': name_list1 = get_name_texts_from_parent_folder(gpath_list1, img_dir, fmtkey) name_list2 = get_name_texts_from_parent_folder( gpath_list2, unzipped_file_base_dir, fmtkey ) name_list = name_list1 + name_list2 pass elif ingest_type == 'named_images': name_list = get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey) elif ingest_type == 'unknown': name_list = [const.UNKNOWN for _ in range(len(gpath_list))] else: raise NotImplementedError('unknwon ingest_type=%r' % (ingest_type,)) # Find names likely to be the same? RECTIFY_NAMES_HUERISTIC = True if RECTIFY_NAMES_HUERISTIC: names = sorted(list(set(name_list))) splitchars = [' ', '/'] def multisplit(str_, splitchars): import utool as ut n = [str_] for char in splitchars: n = ut.flatten([_.split(char) for _ in n]) return n groupids = [multisplit(n1, splitchars)[0] for n1 in names] grouped_names = ut.group_items(names, groupids) fixed_names = { newkey: key for key, val in grouped_names.items() if len(val) > 1 for newkey in val } name_list = [fixed_names.get(name, name) for name in name_list] # Add Images gpath_list = [gpath.replace('\\', '/') for gpath in gpath_list] if ut.get_argflag('--dry'):'Found %d names' % (len(set(name_list))))'Dry Run') return gid_list_ = ibs.add_images(gpath_list) # <DEBUG> #'added: ' + ut.indentjoin(map(str, zip(gid_list_, gpath_list)))) unique_gids = list(set(gid_list_))'[ingest] Length gid list: %d' % len(gid_list_))'[ingest] Length unique gid list: %d' % len(unique_gids)) assert len(gid_list_) == len(gpath_list) for gid in gid_list_: if gid is None:'[ingest] big fat warning') # </DEBUG> gid_list = ut.filter_Nones(gid_list_) unique_gids, unique_names, unique_notes = resolve_name_conflicts(gid_list, name_list) # Add ANNOTATIONs with names and notes if ingestable.images_as_annots: aid_list = ibs.use_images_as_annotations( unique_gids, adjust_percent=adjust_percent ) ibs.set_annot_names(aid_list, unique_names) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list, unique_notes) if species_text is not None: ibs.set_annot_species(aid_list, [species_text] * len(aid_list)) if localize: ibs.localize_images() TURTLE_HURISTIC = 'turtles' in img_dir if TURTLE_HURISTIC: """ python -m wbia --tf ingest_rawdata --db seaturtles --imgdir "~/turtles/Turtles from Jill" --ingest-type=named_folders --species=turtles """ aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() parent_gids = ibs.get_annot_gids(aid_list) annot_orig_uris = ibs.get_image_uris_original(parent_gids) def parse_turtle_uri(uri): from os.path import splitext, dirname, basename info = {} uril = uri.lower() def findany(text, possible): return any([x in text for x in possible]) if findany(uril, ['right']) or splitext(uril)[0].endswith('rs'): info['view'] = 'right' if findany(uril, ['left']) or splitext(uril)[0].endswith('ls'): info['view'] = 'left' if findany(uril, ['carapace', 'whole', 'carpace']) or splitext(uril)[ 0 ].endswith('wb'): # info['view'] = 'top' info['view'] = 'up' occurrence_id = basename(dirname(uri)) info['occurrence'] = 'occurrence' + occurrence_id return info turtle_info_list = [parse_turtle_uri(uri) for uri in annot_orig_uris] view_text_list = ut.take_column(turtle_info_list, 'view') occur_text_list = ut.take_column(turtle_info_list, 'occurrence') turtle_tag_list = list(zip(occur_text_list, view_text_list)) # TODO: mark viewpoints using euler angles / quaternions ibs.set_image_imagesettext(parent_gids, occur_text_list) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(aid_list, ut.lmap(list, turtle_tag_list)) if postingest_func is not None: postingest_func(ibs) # Print to show success # ibs.print_image_table() # ibs.print_tables() # ibs.print_annotation_table() # ibs.print_alr_table() # ibs.print_lblannot_table() # ibs.print_image_table() # return aid_list return gid_list
[docs]def normalize_name(name): """Maps unknonwn names to the standard ____""" if name in const.ACCEPTED_UNKNOWN_NAMES: name = const.INDIVIDUAL_KEY return name
[docs]def get_name_texts_from_parent_folder(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey=None): """ Input: gpath_list Output: names based on the parent folder of each image """ # from os.path import commonprefix relgpath_list = [relpath(gpath, img_dir) for gpath in gpath_list] # _prefix = commonprefix(gpath_list) # relgpath_list = [relpath(gpath, _prefix) for gpath in gpath_list] _name_list = [dirname(relgpath) for relgpath in relgpath_list] if fmtkey is not None: # fmtkey = 'African Wild Dog: {name}' import parse parse_results = [parse.parse(fmtkey, name) for name in _name_list] _name_list = [ res['name'] if res is not None else name for name, res in zip(_name_list, parse_results) ] name_list = list(map(normalize_name, _name_list)) return name_list
[docs]class FMT_KEYS(object): # NOQA name_fmt = '{name:*}[id:d].{ext}' snails_fmt = '{name:*dd}{id:dd}.{ext}' giraffe1_fmt = '{name:*}_{id:d}.{ext}' seal2_fmt = '{name:Phsd*}{id:[A-Z]}.{ext}' elephant_fmt = '{prefix?}{name}_{view}_{id?}.{ext}'
[docs]def get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey='{name:*}[aid:d].{ext}'): """ Args: gpath_list (list): list of image paths img_dir (str): path to image directory fmtkey (str): pattern string to parse names from (default = '{name:*}[aid:d].{ext}') Returns: list: name_list - based on the parent folder of each image CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --test-get_name_texts_from_gnames Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> gpath_list = ['e_f0273_f.jpg', 'f0001_f.jpg', 'f0259_l_3.jpg', 'f0259_f_1.jpg', 'f0259_f (1).jpg', 'f0058_u16_f.jpg'] >>> img_dir = '' >>> fmtkey = FMT_KEYS.elephant_fmt >>> result = get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey) >>> print(result) """ # These define regexes that attempt to parse the insane and contradicting # naming schemes of the image sets that we get. INGEST_FORMATS = { FMT_KEYS.name_fmt: ut.named_field_regex( [ ('name', r'[a-zA-Z]+'), # all alpha characters ('id', r'\d*'), # first numbers (if existant) (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), FMT_KEYS.snails_fmt: ut.named_field_regex( [ ('name', r'[a-zA-Z]+\d\d'), # species and 2 numbers ('id', r'\d\d'), # 2 more numbers (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), FMT_KEYS.giraffe1_fmt: ut.named_field_regex( [ ('name', r'G\d+'), ('under', r'_'), ('id', r'\d+'), (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), FMT_KEYS.seal2_fmt: ut.named_field_regex( [ ('name', r'Phs\d+'), # Phs and then numbers ('id', r'[A-Z]+'), # 1 or more letters (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), # this one defines multiple possible regex types. yay standards FMT_KEYS.elephant_fmt: [ ut.named_field_regex( [ ('prefix', r'(e_)?'), ('name', r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), ('view', r'_[rflo]'), ('id', r'([ _][^.]+)?'), (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), ut.named_field_regex( [ ('prefix', r'(e_)?'), ('name', r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+'), ('id', r'([ _][^.]+)?'), ('view', r'_[rflo]'), (None, r'\.'), ('ext', r'\w+'), ] ), ], } regex_list = INGEST_FORMATS.get(fmtkey, fmtkey) gname_list = ut.fpaths_to_fnames(gpath_list) def parse_format(regex_list, gname): if not isinstance(regex_list, list): regex_list = [regex_list] for regex in regex_list: result = ut.regex_parse(regex, gname) if result is not None: return result return None parsed_list = [parse_format(regex_list, gname) for gname in gname_list] anyfailed = False for gpath, parsed in zip(gpath_list, parsed_list): if parsed is None:'FAILED TO PARSE: %r' % gpath) anyfailed = True if anyfailed: msg = 'FAILED REGEX: %r' % regex_list raise Exception(msg) _name_list = [parsed['name'] for parsed in parsed_list] name_list = list(map(normalize_name, _name_list)) return name_list
[docs]def resolve_name_conflicts(gid_list, name_list): """ """ # Build conflict map (values are lists of members) conflict_gid_to_names = ut.build_conflict_dict(gid_list, name_list) # Check to see which gid has more than one name unique_gids = ut.unique_ordered(gid_list) unique_names = [] unique_notes = [] for gid in unique_gids: names = ut.unique_ordered(conflict_gid_to_names[gid]) unique_name = names[0] unique_note = '' if len(names) > 1: if '____' in names: names.remove('____') if len(names) == 1: unique_name = names[0] else: unique_name = names[0] unique_note = 'aliases([' + ', '.join(map(repr, names[1:])) + '])' unique_names.append(unique_name) unique_notes.append(unique_note) return unique_gids, unique_names, unique_notes
# # # ## <STANDARD DATABASES> ### STANDARD_INGEST_FUNCS = {} def __standard(dbname): """Decorates a function as a standard ingestable database""" def __registerdb(func): STANDARD_INGEST_FUNCS[dbname] = func return func return __registerdb
[docs]@__standard('testdb1') def ingest_testdb1(dbname): """ ingest_testdb1 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> from wbia import demodata >>> import wbia >>> demodata.ensure_testdata() >>> # DELETE TESTDB1 >>> TESTDB1 = ut.unixjoin(wbia.sysres.get_workdir(), 'testdb1') >>> ut.delete(TESTDB1, ignore_errors=False) >>> result = ingest_testdb1(dbname) """ from wbia import demodata # TODO: remove and use utool appdir def postingest_tesdb1_func(ibs): import numpy as np from wbia import constants as const'postingest_tesdb1_func') # Adjust data as we see fit # gid_list = np.array(ibs.images()._rowids) gid_list = np.array(ibs.get_valid_gids()) # Set image unixtimes unixtimes_even = (gid_list[0::2] + 100).tolist() unixtimes_odd = (gid_list[1::2] + 9001).tolist() unixtime_list = unixtimes_even + unixtimes_odd ibs.set_image_unixtime(gid_list, unixtime_list) # Unname first aid in every name aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list) nid_list = [(nid if nid > 0 else None) for nid in nid_list] unique_flag = ut.flag_unique_items(nid_list) unique_nids = ut.compress(nid_list, unique_flag) none_nids = [nid is not None for nid in nid_list] flagged_nids = [nid for nid in unique_nids if nid_list.count(nid) > 1] plural_flag = [nid in flagged_nids for nid in nid_list] flag_list = list(map(all, zip(plural_flag, unique_flag, none_nids))) flagged_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: def print2(*args):'[post_testdb1] ' + ', '.join(args)) print2('aid_list=%r' % aid_list) print2('nid_list=%r' % nid_list) print2('unique_flag=%r' % unique_flag) print2('plural_flag=%r' % plural_flag) print2('unique_nids=%r' % unique_nids) print2('none_nids=%r' % none_nids) print2('flag_list=%r' % flag_list) print2('flagged_nids=%r' % flagged_nids) print2('flagged_aids=%r' % flagged_aids) # print2('new_nids=%r' % new_nids) # Unname, some annotations for testing unname_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list) ibs.delete_annot_nids(unname_aids) # Add all annotations with names as exemplars # from wbia.control.IBEISControl import IBEISController # assert isinstance(ibs, IBEISController) unflagged_aids = ut.get_dirty_items(aid_list, flag_list) exemplar_flags = [True] * len(unflagged_aids) ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flags(unflagged_aids, exemplar_flags) # Set some test species labels species_text_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list) for ix in range(0, 6): species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN # These are actually plains zebras. for ix in range(8, 10): species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY for ix in range(10, 12): species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.BEAR_POLAR ibs.set_annot_species(aid_list, species_text_list) ibs.set_annot_viewpoint_code(aid_list[0:6], ['left'] * 6) ibs.set_annot_viewpoint_code(aid_list[8:10], ['left'] * 2) ibs.set_annot_viewpoint_code(aid_list[10:12], ['right'] * 2) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[8:10], ['this is actually a plains zebra'] * 2) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[0:1], ['aid 1 and 2 are correct matches']) ibs.set_annot_notes( aid_list[6:7], ['very simple image to debug feature detector'] ) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[7:8], ['standard test image']) ibs.set_annot_reviewed(aid_list[::2], [True] * len(aid_list[::2])) ibs.set_annot_multiple(aid_list[::2], [False] * len(aid_list[::2])) # Set some randomish gps flags that are within nnp unixtime_list = ibs.get_image_unixtime(gid_list) valid_lat_min = -1.4446 valid_lat_max = -1.3271 valid_lon_min = 36.7619 valid_lon_max = 36.9622 valid_lat_range = valid_lat_max - valid_lat_min valid_lon_range = valid_lon_max - valid_lon_min randstate = np.random.RandomState(unixtime_list) new_gps_list = randstate.rand(len(gid_list), 2) new_gps_list[:, 0] = (new_gps_list[:, 0] * valid_lat_range) + valid_lat_min new_gps_list[:, 1] = (new_gps_list[:, 1] * valid_lon_range) + valid_lon_min new_gps_list[8, :] = [-1, -1] ibs.set_image_gps(gid_list, new_gps_list) # TODO: add a nan timestamp ibs.append_annot_case_tags([2], ['error:bbox']) ibs.append_annot_case_tags([4], ['quality:washedout']) ibs.append_annot_case_tags([4], ['lighting']) aidgroups = ibs.group_annots_by_name( ibs.filter_annots_general(min_pername=2, verbose=True) )[0] aid1_list = ut.take_column(aidgroups, 0) aid2_list = ut.take_column(aidgroups, 1) annotmatch_rowids = ibs.add_annotmatch_undirected(aid1_list, aid2_list) ibs.set_annotmatch_evidence_decision( annotmatch_rowids, [True] * len(annotmatch_rowids) ) ibs.set_annotmatch_prop( 'photobomb', annotmatch_rowids, [True] * len(annotmatch_rowids) ) for aids in aidgroups: pass'finish postingest_tesdb1_func') return None return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_images', fmtkey=FMT_KEYS.name_fmt, img_dir=demodata.get_testdata_dir(), adjust_percent=0.00, images_as_annots=True, postingest_func=postingest_tesdb1_func, )
[docs]@__standard('humpbacks') def ingest_humpbacks(dbname): # The original humpbacks data is ROI cropped images in the # named folder format return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_folders', adjust_percent=0.00, species='whale_humpback', # this zipfile is only on Zach's machine fmtkey='name', )
[docs]@__standard('polar_bears') def ingest_polar_bears(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_folders', adjust_percent=0.00, fmtkey='name' )
[docs]@__standard('wd_peter_blinston') def ingest_wilddog_peter(dbname): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-injest_main --db wd_peter_blinston """ return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='unknown', img_dir='/raid/raw_rsync/african-dogs', adjust_percent=0.01, species=const.Species.WILDDOG, )
[docs]@__standard('lynx') def ingest_lynx(dbname): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-injest_main --db lynx """ return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_folders', img_dir='/raid/raw_rsync/iberian-lynx/CARPETAS CATALOGO INDIVIDUOS/', adjust_percent=0.01, species='lynx', fmtkey='name', )
[docs]@__standard('WS_ALL') def ingest_whale_sharks(dbname): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-injest_main --db WS_ALL """ return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_folders', img_dir='named-left-sharkimages', adjust_percent=0.01, species='whale_shark', fmtkey='name', )
[docs]@__standard('snails_drop1') def ingest_snails_drop1(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_images', fmtkey=FMT_KEYS.snails_fmt, species='snail', # img_dir='/raid/raw/snails_drop1_59MB', adjust_percent=0.20, )
[docs]@__standard('seals_drop2') def ingest_seals_drop2(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, zipfile='../raw/', ingest_type='named_images', fmtkey=FMT_KEYS.seal2_fmt, # img_dir='/raid/raw/snails_drop1_59MB', adjust_percent=0.20, species='seal_saimma_ringed', )
[docs]@__standard('JAG_Kieryn') def ingest_JAG_Kieryn(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='unknown', species='jaguar', adjust_percent=0.00 )
[docs]@__standard('Giraffes') def ingest_Giraffes1(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, ingest_type='named_images', fmtkey=FMT_KEYS.giraffe1_fmt, species='giraffe_reticulated', adjust_percent=0.00, )
[docs]@__standard('Elephants_drop1') def ingest_Elephants_drop1(dbname): return Ingestable( dbname, zipfile='../raw_unprocessed/ID photo', # NOQA ingest_type='named_images', fmtkey=FMT_KEYS.elephant_fmt, species='elephant_savanna', adjust_percent=0.00, )
[docs]def get_standard_ingestable(dbname): if dbname in STANDARD_INGEST_FUNCS: return STANDARD_INGEST_FUNCS[dbname](dbname) else: raise AssertionError('Unknown dbname=%r' % (dbname,))
[docs]def ingest_standard_database(dbname, force_delete=False): """ ingest_standard_database Args: dbname (str): database name force_delete (bool): Ignore: >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> dbname = 'testdb1' >>> force_delete = False >>> result = ingest_standard_database(dbname, force_delete) >>> print(result) """ from wbia.control import IBEISControl'[ingest] Ingest Standard Database: dbname=%r' % (dbname,)) ingestable = get_standard_ingestable(dbname) dbdir = wbia.sysres.db_to_dbdir(ingestable.dbname, allow_newdir=True) ut.ensuredir(dbdir, verbose=True) if force_delete: ibsfuncs.delete_wbia_database(dbdir) ibs = IBEISControl.request_IBEISController(dbdir) ingest_rawdata(ibs, ingestable)
# ## </STANDARD DATABASES> ### # #
[docs]def ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir, dryrun=False): """ Ingest either oxford or paris Args: dbdir (str): CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_oxford_style_db --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Oxford' >>> dryrun = True >>> ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Oxford' >>> dbdir = '/raid/work/Paris' >>> #>>> wbia.dbio.convert_db.ingest_oxford_style_db(dbdir) """'Loading Oxford Style Images from: ' + dbdir) def _parse_oxsty_gtfname(gt_fname): """parse gtfname for: (gt_name, quality_lbl, num)""" # num is an id, not a number of annots gt_format = '{}_{:d}_{:D}.txt' name, num, quality = parse.parse(gt_format, gt_fname) return (name, num, quality) @ut.memoize def _tmpread(gt_fpath): return ut.readfrom(gt_fpath) def _read_oxsty_gtfile(gt_fpath, name, quality, img_dpath, ignore_list): oxsty_annot_info_list = [] # read the individual ground truth file line_list = _tmpread(gt_fpath).splitlines() # line_list = for line in line_list: if line == '': continue fields = line.split(' ') gname = fields[0].replace('oxc1_', '') + '.jpg' # >:( Because PARIS just cant keep paths consistent if gname.find('paris_') >= 0: paris_hack = gname[6 : gname.rfind('_')] gname = join(paris_hack, gname) if gname in ignore_list: continue if len(fields) > 1: # if has bbox # x1, y1, w, h = [int(round(float(x))) for x in fields[1:]] x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(round(float(x))) for x in fields[1:]] w = x2 - x1 h = y2 - y1 bbox = [x1, y1, w, h] else: # Get annotation width / height gpath = join(img_dpath, gname) h, w, c = vt.imread(gpath, orient='auto').shape bbox = [0, 0, w, h] oxsty_annot_info = (gname, bbox) oxsty_annot_info_list.append(oxsty_annot_info) return oxsty_annot_info_list gt_dpath = ut.existing_subpath( dbdir, ['oxford_style_gt', 'gt_files_170407', 'oxford_groundtruth'] ) img_dpath = ut.existing_subpath(dbdir, ['oxbuild_images', 'images']) corrupted_file_fpath = join(gt_dpath, 'corrupted_files.txt') ignore_list = [] # Check for corrupted files (Looking at your Paris Buildings Dataset) if ut.checkpath(corrupted_file_fpath): ignore_list = ut.read_from(corrupted_file_fpath).splitlines() gname_list = ut.list_images( img_dpath, ignore_list=ignore_list, recursive=True, full=False ) # just in case utool broke for ignore in ignore_list: assert ignore not in gname_list # Read the Oxford Style Groundtruth files'Loading Oxford Style Names and Annots') gt_fname_list = os.listdir(gt_dpath) num_gt_files = len(gt_fname_list) query_annots = [] gname2_annots_raw = ut.ddict(list) name_set = set([])' * num_gt_files = %d ' % num_gt_files) # # Iterate over each groundtruth file for gtx, gt_fname in enumerate(ut.ProgIter(gt_fname_list, 'parsed oxsty gtfile: ')): if gt_fname == 'corrupted_files.txt': continue # Get name, quality, and num from fname (name, num, quality) = _parse_oxsty_gtfname(gt_fname) gt_fpath = join(gt_dpath, gt_fname) name_set.add(name) oxsty_annot_info_sublist = _read_oxsty_gtfile( gt_fpath, name, quality, img_dpath, ignore_list ) if quality == 'query': for (gname, bbox) in oxsty_annot_info_sublist: query_annots.append((gname, bbox, name, num)) else: for (gname, bbox) in oxsty_annot_info_sublist: gname2_annots_raw[gname].append((name, bbox, quality))' * num_query images = %d ' % len(query_annots)) # # Remove duplicates img.jpg : (*1.txt, *2.txt, ...) -> (*.txt) gname2_annots = ut.ddict(list) multinamed_gname_list = [] for gname, val in gname2_annots_raw.items(): val_repr = list(map(repr, val)) unique_reprs = set(val_repr) unique_indexes = [val_repr.index(urep) for urep in unique_reprs] for ux in unique_indexes: gname2_annots[gname].append(val[ux]) if len(gname2_annots[gname]) > 1: multinamed_gname_list.append(gname) # print some statistics query_gname_list = [tup[0] for tup in query_annots] gname_with_groundtruth_list = gname2_annots.keys() gname_with_groundtruth_set = set(gname_with_groundtruth_list) gname_set = set(gname_list) query_gname_set = set(query_gname_list) gname_without_groundtruth_list = list(gname_set - gname_with_groundtruth_set)' * num_images = %d ' % len(gname_list))' * images with groundtruth = %d ' % len(gname_with_groundtruth_list)) ' * images without groundtruth = %d ' % len(gname_without_groundtruth_list) )' * images with multi-groundtruth = %d ' % len(multinamed_gname_list)) # make sure all queries have ground truth and there are no duplicate queries # assert len(query_gname_list) == len( query_gname_set.intersection(gname_with_groundtruth_list) ) assert len(query_gname_list) == len(set(query_gname_list)) # ======================================================= # Build IBEIS database if not dryrun: ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir, allow_newdir=True)'adding to table: ') # Add images to wbia gpath_list = [join(img_dpath, gname).replace('\\', '/') for gname in gname_list] gid_list = ibs.add_images(gpath_list, auto_localize=False) # 1) Add Query Annotations qgname_list, qbbox_list, qname_list, qid_list = zip(*query_annots) # get image ids of queries qgid_list = [gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] for gname in qgname_list] qnote_list = ['query'] * len(qgid_list) # 2) Add nonquery database annots dgname_list = list(gname2_annots.keys()) # NOQA dgid_list = [] dname_list = [] dbbox_list = [] dnote_list = [] for gname in gname2_annots.keys(): gid = gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] annots = gname2_annots[gname] for name, bbox, quality in annots: dgid_list.append(gid) dbbox_list.append(bbox) dname_list.append(name) dnote_list.append(quality) # 3) Add distractors: TODO: 100k ugid_list = [ gid_list[gname_list.index(gname)] for gname in gname_without_groundtruth_list ] ubbox_list = [[0, 0, w, h] for (w, h) in ibs.get_image_sizes(ugid_list)] unote_list = ['distractor'] * len(ugid_list) # TODO Annotation consistency in terms of duplicate bounding boxes qaid_list = ibs.add_annots( qgid_list, bbox_list=qbbox_list, name_list=qname_list, notes_list=qnote_list ) daid_list = ibs.add_annots( dgid_list, bbox_list=dbbox_list, name_list=dname_list, notes_list=dnote_list ) uaid_list = ibs.add_annots(ugid_list, bbox_list=ubbox_list, notes_list=unote_list)'Added %d query annototations' % len(qaid_list))'Added %d database annototations' % len(daid_list))'Added %d distractor annototations' % len(uaid_list)) update = False if update: # TODO: integrate this into normal ingest pipeline 'Oxford' ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir) aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() notes_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) _dict = { 'ok': ibs.const.QUAL_OK, 'good': ibs.const.QUAL_GOOD, 'junk': ibs.const.QUAL_JUNK, # 'distractor': ibs.const.QUAL_JUNK } qual_text_list = [_dict.get(note, ibs.const.QUAL_UNKNOWN) for note in notes_list] ibs.set_annot_quality_texts(aid_list, qual_text_list) ibs._overwrite_all_annot_species_to('building') tags_list = [ [note] if note in ['query', 'distractor'] else [] for note in notes_list ] from wbia import tag_funcs tag_funcs.append_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tags_list) # ibs._set # tags_ = ibs.get_annot_case_tags(aid_list) # pass """ python -m wbia --tf filter_annots_general --db Oxford --has_any=[query] """ if False: """ dbname = 'Oxford' """ import pandas as pd columns = ['gt_fname', 'name', 'num', 'quality'] rows = [ (gt_fname,) + _parse_oxsty_gtfname(gt_fname) for gt_fname in gt_fname_list ] df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns) query_df = df[df['quality'] == 'query'] # query_df = query_df.assign(bbox=None) query_annot_rows = [] for row in query_df.iterrows(): gt_fname, name, num, quality = row[1]._values if gt_fname == 'corrupted_files.txt': continue # Get name, quality, and num from fname gt_fpath = join(gt_dpath, gt_fname) oxsty_annot_info_sublist = _read_oxsty_gtfile( gt_fpath, name, quality, img_dpath, ignore_list ) for (gname, bbox) in oxsty_annot_info_sublist: query_annot_rows.append((gname, bbox, name, num)) query_df2 = pd.DataFrame( query_annot_rows, columns=['gname', 'bbox', 'name', 'num'] ) # Fix query bounding boxes ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir) qaids = ibs.filter_annots_general(has_any='query') qannots = ibs.annots(qaids) # Ensure query_df2 are aligned with database qannots import numpy as np qannot_basename = [basename(p) for p in ibs.get_image_uris_original(qannots.gids)] imgname_to_idx = ut.make_index_lookup(qannot_basename) sortx1 = ut.take(imgname_to_idx, query_df2['gname'].values) query_df3 = query_df2.take(np.argsort(sortx1)) assert np.all(qannots.names == query_df3['name'].values) # Sort by name unique_names, groupxs = ut.group_indices(qannots.names) sortx2 = ut.flatten(groupxs) qannots4 = qannots.take(sortx2) query_df4 = query_df3.take(sortx2) old_bboxes = np.array(qannots4.bboxes, dtype=np.float) new_bboxes = np.array(query_df4['bbox'].values.tolist(), dtype=np.float) new_ar = new_bboxes.T[2] / new_bboxes.T[3] old_ar = old_bboxes.T[2] / old_bboxes.T[3] == old_ar) ibs.set_annot_bboxes(qannots4.aids, new_bboxes) ibs.images(qannots4.gids).append_to_imageset('Queries')
# def ingest_pascal_voc_style_db(dbdir, dryrun=False): # pass
[docs]def ingest_coco_style_db(dbdir, dryrun=False): """ Ingest a PASCAL VOC formatted datbase Args: dbdir (str): CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_coco_style_db --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> dbdir = '/Datasets/coco' >>> dryrun = True >>> ingest_coco_style_db(dbdir) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import simplejson as json import datetime'Loading PASCAL VOC Style Images from: ' + dbdir) annot_path = join(dbdir, 'annotations') assert exists(annot_path) dataset_name_list = [ 'test2014', # THIS SHOULD BE FIRST 'test2015', 'train2014', 'val2014', ] test2014_seen_set = set([]) cat_dict = {} lic_dict = {} image_dict = {} for dataset_name in dataset_name_list:'Processing Dataset %r' % (dataset_name,))'\tLoading Instances JSON...') inst_filepath = join(annot_path, 'instances_%s.json' % (dataset_name,)) if exists(inst_filepath): with open(inst_filepath) as inst_file: inst_dict = json.load(inst_file) else: inst_dict = {}'\tLoading Captions JSON...') capt_filepath = join(annot_path, 'captions_%s.json' % (dataset_name,)) if exists(capt_filepath): with open(capt_filepath) as capt_file: capt_dict = json.load(capt_file) else: capt_dict = {}'\tLoading Info JSON...') info_filepath = join(annot_path, 'image_info_%s.json' % (dataset_name,)) if exists(info_filepath): with open(info_filepath) as info_file: info_dict = json.load(info_file) else: info_dict = {} if dataset_name == 'test2014':'\tAssociate Test 2014') image_list = ( inst_dict.get('images', []) + capt_dict.get('images', []) + info_dict.get('images', []) ) id_dict = {} for image in image_list: image_id = image['id'] test2014_seen_set.add(image_id) # Skip remaining processing to prevent duplicates continue'\tLoading Licenses JSON...') lic_list = ( inst_dict.get('licenses', []) + capt_dict.get('licenses', []) + info_dict.get('licenses', []) ) for lic in lic_list: lic_name = lic['name'] lic_url = lic['url'] lic_id = lic['id'] lic_dict_ = { 'name': lic_name, 'url': lic_url, } if lic_id in lic_dict: assert lic_dict[lic_id] == lic_dict_ else: lic_dict[lic_id] = lic_dict_'\tLoading Categories JSON...') cat_list = ( inst_dict.get('categories', []) + capt_dict.get('categories', []) + info_dict.get('categories', []) ) for cat in cat_list: cat_name = cat['name'] cat_super = cat['supercategory'] cat_id = cat['id'] cat_dict_ = { 'name': cat_name, 'super': cat_super, } if cat_id in cat_dict: assert cat_dict[cat_id] == cat_dict_ else: cat_dict[cat_id] = cat_dict_'\tLoading Images...') image_path = join(dbdir, dataset_name) assert exists(image_path) image_filepath_list = ut.list_images(image_path, recursive=True, full=False) for image_filepath in image_filepath_list: if image_filepath not in image_dict: image_dict[image_filepath] = {}'\tAssociate Images') image_list = ( inst_dict.get('images', []) + capt_dict.get('images', []) + info_dict.get('images', []) ) id_dict = {} for image in image_list: # Get file name image_filename = image['file_name'] assert image_filename in image_dict # Get file ID image_id = image['id'] if image_id in id_dict: assert id_dict[image_id] == image_filename else: id_dict[image_id] = image_filename # Add dataset name if 'datasets' not in image_dict[image_filename]: image_dict[image_filename]['datasets'] = set([]) image_dict[image_filename]['datasets'].add(dataset_name) # Add test2014, if needed if dataset_name == 'test2015' and image_id in test2014_seen_set: image_dict[image_filename]['datasets'].add('test2014') # Get image's filepath image_filepath = abspath(join(image_path, image_filename)) if 'filepath' in image_dict[image_filename]: assert image_dict[image_filename]['filepath'] == image_filepath else: image_dict[image_filename]['filepath'] = image_filepath # Get keys key_list = [ 'date_captured', 'id', 'coco_url', 'license', ] for key in key_list: if key in image_dict[image_filename]: assert image_dict[image_filename][key] == image[key] else: image_dict[image_filename][key] = image[key]'\tAssociate Captions') for caption in capt_dict.get('annotations', []): capt_id = caption['id'] capt_str = caption['caption'] image_id = caption['image_id'] assert image_id in id_dict image_filename = id_dict[image_id] assert image_filename in image_dict if 'caption' not in image_dict[image_filename]: image_dict[image_filename]['captions'] = [] image_dict[image_filename]['captions'].append( {'id': capt_id, 'str': capt_str} )'\tAssociate Annotations') for annotation in inst_dict.get('annotations', []): annot_id = annotation['id'] annot_bbox = annotation['bbox'] annot_seg_list = annotation['segmentation'] annot_verts_list = [] for index, annot_seg in enumerate(annot_seg_list): annot_vert_list = [] for index in range(len(annot_seg) // 2): annot_vert_list.append( (annot_seg[index * 2], annot_seg[index * 2 + 1]) ) annot_verts_list.append(annot_vert_list) annot_cat = annotation['category_id'] image_id = annotation['image_id'] annot_iscrowd = annotation['iscrowd'] == 1 assert image_id in id_dict image_filename = id_dict[image_id] assert image_filename in image_dict if 'annotations' not in image_dict[image_filename]: image_dict[image_filename]['annotations'] = [] image_dict[image_filename]['annotations'].append( { 'id': annot_id, 'bbox': annot_bbox, 'segmentations': annot_verts_list, 'category': annot_cat, 'crowd': annot_iscrowd, } ) image_filename_list = sorted(image_dict.keys()) image_filepath_list = [] image_original_url_list = [] image_unixtime_list = [] image_metadata_list = [] image_imagesets_list = [] image_annot_bbox_list_list = [] image_annot_species_list_list = [] image_annot_metadata_list_list = [] for image_filename in image_filename_list:'Processing: %r' % (image_filename,)) image = image_dict[image_filename] image_filepath_list.append(image['filepath']) image_original_url_list.append(image['coco_url']) image_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime( image['date_captured'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) image_unixtime = int(image_datetime.strftime('%s')) image_unixtime_list.append(image_unixtime) image_dataset_list = sorted(list(image['datasets'])) image_metadata_dict = { 'coco': { 'dates': {'captured': image['date_captured']}, 'datasets': image_dataset_list, 'license': lic_dict[image['license']], 'captions': image.get('captions', None), 'flickr': {'url': image.get('flickr_url', None)}, 'url': image['coco_url'], 'id': image['id'], }, } image_metadata_list.append(image_metadata_dict) # Get the Imagesets for the datasets image_imageset_list = [ 'DATASET: %s' % (image_dataset,) for image_dataset in image_dataset_list ] if len(image_imageset_list) == 0: image_imageset_list.append('DATASET: UNSPECIFIED') # Get the Imagesets for the annotations image_category_set = set([]) image_super_category_set = set([]) image_annot_bbox_list = [] image_annot_species_list = [] image_annot_metadata_list = [] for annotation in image.get('annotations', []): cat = cat_dict[annotation['category']] image_annot_bbox_list.append(annotation['bbox']) image_annot_species_list.append(cat['name']) image_annot_metadata_dict = { 'coco': { 'id': annotation['id'], 'segmentations': annotation['segmentations'], }, } image_annot_metadata_list.append(image_annot_metadata_dict) # Get categories image_category_set.add(cat['name']) if annotation['crowd']: image_category_set.add('crowd') image_super_category_set.add(cat['super']) assert len(image_annot_bbox_list) == len(image_annot_species_list) assert len(image_annot_species_list) == len(image_annot_metadata_list) image_annot_bbox_list_list.append(image_annot_bbox_list) image_annot_species_list_list.append(image_annot_species_list) image_annot_metadata_list_list.append(image_annot_metadata_list) # Add categories image_imageset_list += [ 'CATEGORY: %s' % (image_category,) for image_category in sorted(list(image_category_set)) ] image_imageset_list += [ 'SUPER CATEGORY: %s' % (image_super_category,) for image_super_category in sorted(list(image_super_category_set)) ] image_imagesets_list.append(image_imageset_list) if not dryrun: ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir, allow_newdir=True) # Add images to the database gid_list = ibs.add_images(image_filepath_list) seen_set = set([]) flag_list = [] for gid in gid_list: flag_list.append(gid not in seen_set) seen_set.add(gid)'Duplicates: %d' % (flag_list.count(False),)) gid_list = ut.filter_items(gid_list, flag_list) # Filter image_filepath_list = ut.filter_items(image_filepath_list, flag_list) image_original_url_list = ut.filter_items(image_original_url_list, flag_list) image_unixtime_list = ut.filter_items(image_unixtime_list, flag_list) image_metadata_list = ut.filter_items(image_metadata_list, flag_list) image_imagesets_list = ut.filter_items(image_imagesets_list, flag_list) image_annot_bbox_list_list = ut.filter_items( image_annot_bbox_list_list, flag_list ) image_annot_species_list_list = ut.filter_items( image_annot_species_list_list, flag_list ) image_annot_metadata_list_list = ut.filter_items( image_annot_metadata_list_list, flag_list )'Adding Metadata') # Set image metadata ibs.set_image_uris_original(gid_list, image_original_url_list, overwrite=True) ibs.set_image_unixtime(gid_list, image_unixtime_list) ibs.set_image_metadata(gid_list, image_metadata_list) # Add images to imagesets'Adding Imagesets') len_list = map(len, image_imagesets_list) gids_list = [[gid] * len_ for gid, len_ in zip(gid_list, len_list)] gid_list_ = ut.flatten(gids_list) image_imageset_list = ut.flatten(image_imagesets_list) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(gid_list_, image_imageset_list)'Adding Annotations') len_list = map(len, image_annot_bbox_list_list) gids_list = [[gid] * len_ for gid, len_ in zip(gid_list, len_list)] gid_list_ = ut.flatten(gids_list) image_annot_bbox_list = ut.flatten(image_annot_bbox_list_list) image_annot_species_list = ut.flatten(image_annot_species_list_list) aid_list = ibs.add_annots( gid_list_, image_annot_bbox_list, species_list=image_annot_species_list ) seen_set = set([]) flag_list = [] for aid in aid_list: flag_list.append(aid not in seen_set) seen_set.add(aid)'Duplicates: %d' % (flag_list.count(False),)) aid_list = ut.filter_items(aid_list, flag_list)'Adding Metadata') image_annot_metadata_list = ut.flatten(image_annot_metadata_list_list) image_annot_metadata_list = ut.filter_items(image_annot_metadata_list, flag_list) ibs.set_annot_metadata(aid_list, image_annot_metadata_list)
[docs]def ingest_serengeti_mamal_cameratrap(species): """ Downloads data from Serengeti dryad server References: Swanson AB, Kosmala M, Lintott CJ, Simpson RJ, Smith A, Packer C (2015) Snapshot Serengeti, high-frequency annotated camera trap images of 40 mammalian species in an African savanna. Scientific Data 2: 150026. Swanson AB, Kosmala M, Lintott CJ, Simpson RJ, Smith A, Packer C (2015) Data from: Snapshot Serengeti, high-frequency annotated camera trap images of 40 mammalian species in an African savanna. Dryad Digital Repository. Args: species (?): CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --test-ingest_serengeti_mamal_cameratrap --species zebra_plains python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --test-ingest_serengeti_mamal_cameratrap --species cheetah Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> species = ut.get_argval('--species', type_=str, default=wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> # species = ut.get_argval('--species', type_=str, default='cheetah') >>> result = ingest_serengeti_mamal_cameratrap(species) >>> print(result) """ '' import wbia if species is None: code = 'ALL' elif species == 'zebra_plains': code = 'PZ' elif species == 'cheetah': code = 'CHTH' else: raise NotImplementedError() if species == 'zebra_plains': serengeti_sepcies = 'zebra' else: serengeti_sepcies = species'species = %r' % (species,))'serengeti_sepcies = %r' % (serengeti_sepcies,)) dbname = code + '_Serengeti''dbname = %r' % (dbname,)) dbdir = ut.ensuredir(join(wbia.sysres.get_workdir(), dbname))'dbdir = %r' % (dbdir,)) image_dir = ut.ensuredir(join(dbdir, 'images')) base_url = '' all_images_url = base_url + '/dryad.86392/all_images.csv' consensus_metadata_url = base_url + '/dryad.86348/consensus_data.csv' search_effort_url = base_url + '/dryad.86347/search_effort.csv' gold_standard_url = base_url + '/dryad.76010/gold_standard_data.csv' all_images_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(all_images_url, download_dir=dbdir) consensus_metadata_fpath = ut.grab_file_url( consensus_metadata_url, download_dir=dbdir ) search_effort_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(search_effort_url, download_dir=dbdir) gold_standard_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(gold_standard_url, download_dir=dbdir)'all_images_fpath = %r' % (all_images_fpath,))'consensus_metadata_fpath = %r' % (consensus_metadata_fpath,))'search_effort_fpath = %r' % (search_effort_fpath,))'gold_standard_fpath = %r' % (gold_standard_fpath,)) def read_csv(csv_fpath): import utool as ut csv_text = ut.read_from(csv_fpath) csv_lines = csv_text.split('\n')[0:2])) csv_data = [ [field.strip('"').strip('\r') for field in line.split(',')] for line in csv_lines if len(line) > 0 ] csv_header = csv_data[0] csv_data = csv_data[1:] return csv_data, csv_header def download_image_urls(image_url_info_list): # Find ones that we already have'Requested %d downloaded images' % (len(image_url_info_list))) full_gpath_list = [ join(image_dir, basename(gpath)) for gpath in image_url_info_list ] exists_list = [ut.checkpath(gpath) for gpath in full_gpath_list] image_url_info_list_ = ut.compress(image_url_info_list, ut.not_list(exists_list)) 'Already have %d/%d downloaded images' % ( len(image_url_info_list) - len(image_url_info_list_), len(image_url_info_list), ) )'Need to download %d images' % (len(image_url_info_list_))) # import sys # sys.exit(0) # Download the rest imgurl_prefix = '' image_url_list = [imgurl_prefix + suffix for suffix in image_url_info_list_] for img_url in ut.ProgressIter(image_url_list, lbl='Downloading image'): ut.grab_file_url(img_url, download_dir=image_dir) return full_gpath_list # Data contains information about which events have which animals if False: species_class_csv_data, species_class_header = read_csv(gold_standard_fpath) species_class_eventid_list = ut.get_list_column(species_class_csv_data, 0) # gold_num_species_annots_list = ut.get_list_column(gold_standard_csv_data, 2) species_class_species_list = ut.get_list_column(species_class_csv_data, 2) # gold_count_list = ut.get_list_column(gold_standard_csv_data, 3) else: species_class_csv_data, species_class_header = read_csv(consensus_metadata_fpath) species_class_eventid_list = ut.get_list_column(species_class_csv_data, 0) species_class_species_list = ut.get_list_column(species_class_csv_data, 7) # Find the zebra events serengeti_sepcies_set = sorted(list(set(species_class_species_list))) 'serengeti_sepcies_hist = %s' % ut.repr2(ut.dict_hist(species_class_species_list), key_order_metric='val') ) #'serengeti_sepcies_set = %s' % (ut.repr2(serengeti_sepcies_set),)) assert serengeti_sepcies in serengeti_sepcies_set, 'not a known seregeti species' species_class_chosen_idx_list = ut.list_where( [serengeti_sepcies == species_ for species_ in species_class_species_list] ) chosen_eventid_list = ut.take( species_class_eventid_list, species_class_chosen_idx_list )'Number of chosen species:') ' * len(species_class_chosen_idx_list) = %r' % (len(species_class_chosen_idx_list),) )' * len(chosen_eventid_list) = %r' % (len(chosen_eventid_list),)) # Read info about which events have which images images_csv_data, image_csv_header = read_csv(all_images_fpath) capture_event_id_list = ut.get_list_column(images_csv_data, 0) image_url_info_list = ut.get_list_column(images_csv_data, 1) # Group photos by eventid eventid_to_photos = ut.group_items(image_url_info_list, capture_event_id_list) # Filter to only chosens unflat_chosen_url_infos = ut.dict_take(eventid_to_photos, chosen_eventid_list) chosen_url_infos = ut.flatten(unflat_chosen_url_infos) image_url_info_list = chosen_url_infos chosen_path_list = download_image_urls(chosen_url_infos) ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, allow_newdir=True) gid_list_ = ibs.add_images(chosen_path_list, auto_localize=False) # NOQA # if False: # # remove non-zebra photos # from os.path import basename # base_gname_list = list(map(basename, zebra_url_infos)) # all_gname_list = ut.list_images(image_dir) # nonzebra_gname_list = ut.setdiff_ordered(all_gname_list, base_gname_list) # nonzebra_gpath_list = ut.fnames_to_fpaths(nonzebra_gname_list, image_dir) # ut.remove_fpaths(nonzebra_gpath_list) return ibs
[docs]def injest_main(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --test-injest_main python -m wbia.dbio.ingest_database --test-injest_main --db snow-leopards Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> injest_main() """'__main__ =') ut.unindent( """ usage: python wbia/ingest/ --db [dbname] Valid dbnames:""" ) + ut.indentjoin(STANDARD_INGEST_FUNCS.keys(), '\n * ') ) dbname = ut.get_argval('--db', str, None) force_delete = ut.get_argflag(('--force_delete', '--force-delete')) ibs = ingest_standard_database(dbname, force_delete) # NOQA'finished db injest')
# img_dir = join(wbia.sysres.get_workdir(), 'polar_bears') # main_locals = wbia.main(dbdir=img_dir, gui=False) # ibs = main_locals['ibs'] # ingest_rawdata(ibs, img_dir)