Source code for wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA_CURRENT

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
AUTOGENERATED ON 10:10:32 2019/05/29
    python -m wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA --test-autogen_staging_schema --force-incremental-db-update --write
    python -m wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA --test-autogen_staging_schema --force-incremental-db-update --diff=1
    python -m wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA --test-autogen_staging_schema --force-incremental-db-update
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging

# import utool as ut

# (print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# =======================
# Schema Version Current
# =======================


[docs]def update_current(db, ibs=None): db.add_table( 'metadata', [ ('metadata_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('metadata_key', 'TEXT'), ('metadata_value', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" The table that stores permanently all of the metadata about the database (tables, etc) """, superkeys=[('metadata_key',)], ) db.add_table( 'reviews', [ ('review_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('review_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('annot_1_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_2_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('review_count', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('review_evidence_decision', 'INTEGER'), ('review_server_end_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('review_user_identity', 'TEXT'), ('review_tags', 'TEXT'), ('review_user_confidence', 'INTEGER'), ('review_client_start_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('review_client_end_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('review_server_start_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('review_meta_decision', 'INTEGER'), ('review_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Used to store completed user review states of two matched annotations """, superkeys=[('annot_1_rowid', 'annot_2_rowid', 'review_count')], ) db.add_table( 'tests', [ ('test_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('test_uuid', 'UUID'), ('test_user_identity', 'TEXT'), ('test_challenge_json', 'TEXT'), ('test_response_json', 'TEXT'), ('test_result', 'INTEGER'), ( 'test_time_posix', "INTEGER DEFAULT (CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'NOW', 'UTC') AS INTEGER))", ), ], docstr=""" Used to store tests given to the user, their responses, and their results """, superkeys=[('test_uuid',)], )