Source code for wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA_CURRENT

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
AUTOGENERATED ON 10:14:54 2019/07/09
    python -m wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA --test-autogen_db_schema --force-incremental-db-update --write
    python -m wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA --test-autogen_db_schema --force-incremental-db-update --diff=1
    python -m wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA --test-autogen_db_schema --force-incremental-db-update
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# import utool as ut
# (print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# =======================
# Schema Version Current
# =======================


[docs]def update_current(db, ibs=None): db.add_table( 'annotation_lblannot_relationship', [ ('alr_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annot_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('lblannot_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('alr_confidence', 'REAL DEFAULT 0.0'), ], docstr=""" Used to store one-to-many the relationship between annotations (annots) and labels """, superkeys=[('annot_rowid', 'lblannot_rowid')], relates=('annotations', 'lblannot'), shortname='alr', ) db.add_table( 'annotations', [ ('annot_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annot_parent_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ('annot_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('image_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_xtl', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_ytl', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_width', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_height', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_theta', 'REAL DEFAULT 0.0'), ('annot_num_verts', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_verts', 'TEXT'), ('annot_yaw', 'REAL'), ('annot_viewpoint', 'TEXT'), ('annot_detect_confidence', 'REAL DEFAULT -1.0'), ('annot_toggle_reviewed', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('annot_toggle_multiple', 'INTEGER DEFAULT NULL'), ('annot_toggle_interest', 'INTEGER DEFAULT NULL'), ('annot_toggle_canonical', 'INTEGER DEFAULT NULL'), ('annot_exemplar_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('annot_note', 'TEXT'), ('annot_visual_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('annot_semantic_uuid', 'UUID'), ('name_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('species_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('annot_quality', 'INTEGER'), ('contributor_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ('annot_age_months_est_min', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('annot_age_months_est_max', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('annot_tag_text', 'TEXT'), ('annot_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ('annot_static_encounter', 'TEXT'), ('annot_viewpoint_int', 'INTEGER'), ('annot_staged_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('annot_staged_uuid', 'UUID'), ('annot_staged_user_identity', 'TEXT'), ('annot_staged_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Mainly used to store the geometry of the annotation within its parent image The one-to-many relationship between images and annotations is encoded here """, superkeys=[('annot_uuid',), ('annot_visual_uuid', 'annot_staged_uuid')], shortname='annot', extern_tables=['names', 'species', 'images'], primary_superkey=('annot_uuid',), dependsmap={ 'annot_parent_rowid': ( 'annotations', ('annot_rowid',), ('annot_visual_uuid',), ), 'contributor_rowid': ('contributors', None, None), 'image_rowid': ('images', ('image_rowid',), ('image_uuid',)), 'name_rowid': ('names', ('name_rowid',), ('name_text',)), 'species_rowid': ('species', ('species_rowid',), ('species_text',)), }, ) db.add_table( 'annotgroup_annotation_relationship', [ ('gar_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annotgroup_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ], docstr=""" Relationship between annotgroups and annots (many to many mapping) the many-to-many relationship between annots and annotgroups is encoded here annotgroup_annotation_relationship stands for annotgroup- annotation-pairs. """, superkeys=[('annotgroup_rowid', 'annot_rowid')], ) db.add_table( 'annotgroups', [ ('annotgroup_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annotgroup_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('annotgroup_text', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('annotgroup_note', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ], docstr=""" List of all annotation groups (annotgroups) """, superkeys=[('annotgroup_text',)], ) db.add_table( 'annotmatch', [ ('annotmatch_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annot_rowid1', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annot_rowid2', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('annotmatch_evidence_decision', 'INTEGER'), ('annotmatch_confidence', 'INTEGER'), ('annotmatch_tag_text', 'TEXT'), ('annotmatch_reviewer', 'TEXT'), ('annotmatch_posixtime_modified', 'INTEGER'), ('annotmatch_count', 'INTEGER'), ('annotmatch_meta_decision', 'INTEGER'), ], docstr=""" Sparsely stores explicit matching / not matching information. This serves as marking weather or not an annotation pair has been reviewed. """, superkeys=[('annot_rowid1', 'annot_rowid2')], relates=('annotations', 'annotations'), dependsmap={ 'annot_rowid1': ('annotations', ('annot_rowid',), ('annot_visual_uuid',)), 'annot_rowid2': ('annotations', ('annot_rowid',), ('annot_visual_uuid',)), }, ) db.add_table( 'contributors', [ ('contributor_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('contributor_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('contributor_tag', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_name_first', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_name_last', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_location_city', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_location_state', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_location_country', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_location_zip', 'TEXT'), ('contributor_note', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Used to store the contributors to the project """, superkeys=[('contributor_tag',)], ) db.add_table( 'image_lblimage_relationship', [ ('glr_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('image_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('lblimage_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('glr_confidence', 'REAL DEFAULT 0.0'), ], docstr=""" Used to store one-to-many the relationship between images and labels """, superkeys=[('image_rowid', 'lblimage_rowid')], relates=('images', 'lblimage'), shortname='glr', ) db.add_table( 'images', [ ('image_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('contributor_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ('image_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('image_uri', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('image_uri_original', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('image_ext', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('image_original_name', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('image_width', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('image_height', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('image_time_posix', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('image_gps_lat', 'REAL DEFAULT -1.0'), ('image_gps_lon', 'REAL DEFAULT -1.0'), ('image_orientation', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('image_toggle_enabled', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('image_toggle_reviewed', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('image_toggle_cameratrap', 'INTEGER DEFAULT NULL'), ('image_note', 'TEXT'), ('image_timedelta_posix', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('image_original_path', 'TEXT'), ('image_location_code', 'TEXT'), ('party_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ('image_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" First class table used to store image locations and meta-data """, superkeys=[('image_uuid',)], shortname='image', extern_tables=['party', 'contributors'], dependsmap={ 'contributor_rowid': ( 'contributors', ('contributor_rowid',), ('contributor_tag',), ), 'party_rowid': ('party', ('party_rowid',), ('party_tag',)), }, ) db.add_table( 'imageset_image_relationship', [ ('gsgr_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('image_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('imageset_rowid', 'INTEGER'), ], docstr=""" Relationship between imagesets and images (many to many mapping) the many-to-many relationship between images and imagesets is encoded here imageset_image_relationship stands for imageset-image-pairs. """, superkeys=[('image_rowid', 'imageset_rowid')], relates=('images', 'imagesets'), shortname='gsgr', dependsmap={ 'image_rowid': ('images', ('image_rowid',), ('image_uuid',)), 'imageset_rowid': ('imagesets', ('imageset_rowid',), ('imageset_text',)), }, ) db.add_table( 'imagesets', [ ('imageset_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('imageset_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('imageset_text', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('imageset_occurrence_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('imageset_note', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('imageset_start_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('imageset_end_time_posix', 'INTEGER'), ('imageset_gps_lat', 'INTEGER'), ('imageset_gps_lon', 'INTEGER'), ('imageset_processed_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('imageset_shipped_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('imageset_smart_xml_fname', 'TEXT'), ('imageset_smart_waypoint_id', 'INTEGER'), ('imageset_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" List of all imagesets. This used to be called the encounter table. It represents a group of potentially many individuals seen in a specific place at a specific time. """, superkeys=[('imageset_text',)], dependsmap={}, ) db.add_table( 'keys', [ ('lbltype_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('lbltype_text', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('lbltype_default', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ], docstr=""" List of keys used to define the categories of annotation lables, text is for human-readability. The lbltype_default specifies the lblannot_value of annotations with a relationship of some lbltype_rowid """, superkeys=[('lbltype_text',)], ) db.add_table( 'lblannot', [ ('lblannot_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('lblannot_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('lbltype_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('lblannot_value', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('lblannot_note', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Used to store the labels / attributes of annotations. E.G name, species """, superkeys=[('lbltype_rowid', 'lblannot_value')], ) db.add_table( 'lblimage', [ ('lblimage_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('lblimage_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('lbltype_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('lblimage_value', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('lblimage_note', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Used to store the labels (attributes) of images """, superkeys=[('lbltype_rowid', 'lblimage_value')], ) db.add_table( 'metadata', [ ('metadata_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('metadata_key', 'TEXT'), ('metadata_value', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" The table that stores permanently all of the metadata about the database (tables, etc) """, superkeys=[('metadata_key',)], ) db.add_table( 'names', [ ('name_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('name_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('name_text', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('name_note', 'TEXT'), ('name_temp_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('name_alias_text', 'TEXT'), ('name_sex', 'INTEGER DEFAULT -1'), ('name_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Stores the individual animal names """, superkeys=[('name_text',)], ) db.add_table( 'parts', [ ('part_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('part_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('annot_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_xtl', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_ytl', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_width', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_height', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_theta', 'REAL DEFAULT 0.0'), ('part_num_verts', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('part_verts', 'TEXT'), ('part_viewpoint', 'TEXT'), ('part_detect_confidence', 'REAL DEFAULT -1.0'), ('part_toggle_reviewed', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('part_quality', 'INTEGER'), ('part_type', 'TEXT'), ('part_note', 'TEXT'), ('part_tag_text', 'TEXT'), ('part_staged_flag', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('part_staged_uuid', 'UUID'), ('part_staged_user_identity', 'TEXT'), ('part_staged_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ('part_metadata_json', 'TEXT'), ('part_contour_json', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=""" Mainly used to store the geometry of the annotation parts within its parent annotation. The one-to-many relationship between annotations and parts is encoded here """, superkeys=[('part_uuid',)], shortname='part', extern_tables=['annotations'], dependsmap={'annot_rowid': ('annotations', ('annot_rowid',), ('annot_uuid',))}, ) db.add_table( 'party', [('party_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('party_tag', 'TEXT NOT NULL')], docstr=""" Serves as a group for contributors """, superkeys=[('party_tag',)], ) db.add_table( 'species', [ ('species_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('species_uuid', 'UUID NOT NULL'), ('species_text', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('species_nice', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('species_code', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), ('species_note', 'TEXT'), ('species_toggle_enabled', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 1'), ], docstr=""" Stores the different animal species """, superkeys=[('species_text',)], )