Source code for wbia.algo.verif.deploy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from os.path import join, exists, basename
from wbia.algo.verif import sklearn_utils
from wbia.algo.verif import verifier
import utool as ut

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class Deployer(object): """ Transforms a OneVsOne problem into a deployable model. Registers and loads published models. """ fname_parts = [ 'vsone', '{species}', '{task_key}', '{clf_key}', '{n_dims}', '{hashid}', ] fname_fmtstr = '.'.join(fname_parts) meta_suffix = '.meta.json' publish_info = { 'remote': '', 'path': '/data/public/models/pairclf', } published = { 'zebra_grevys': { # 'photobomb_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.photobomb_state.RF.131.thwzdtnkjcwjqeve.cPkl', # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.tranflbhimyzeeqi.cPkl', # OLD PRE-TRAINED 0 # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.dlncrbzlpwjyqrdx.cPkl', # OLD PRE-TRAINED 1 # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.kukigovqipdrjihg.ggr2.cPkl', # GGR2 0 # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.qysrjnzuiziikxzp.kaia.cPkl', # Kaia GZ CAs # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.djvqkmyzrjgaudok.ggr2.cPkl', # GGR2 1 # 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.wwntfcphwligxjgy.cPkl', # NAMED ANNOTS 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys.match_state.RF.131.qwmzlhlnnsgzropq.cPkl', # CA }, 'zebra_grevys+_canonical_': { 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_grevys+_canonical_.match_state.RF.107.cusnlyxbberandka.cPkl', # CA Region }, 'zebra_mountain': { 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_mountain.match_state.RF.131.lciwhwikfycthvva.cPkl', }, 'zebra_plains': { 'match_state': 'vsone.zebra_plains.match_state.RF.131.eurizlstehqjvlsu.cPkl', # OLD PRE-TRAINED }, 'giraffe_reticulated': { # 'match_state': 'vsone.giraffe_reticulated.match_state.RF.107.clvhhvwgwxpflnhu.ggr2.cPkl', # GGR2 0 'match_state': 'vsone.giraffe_reticulated.match_state.RF.131.kqbaqnrdyxpjrzjd.ggr2.cPkl', # GGR2 1 }, } def __init__(self, dpath='.', pblm=None): self.dpath = dpath self.pblm = pblm def _load_published(self, ibs, species, task_key): """ >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> self = Deployer() >>> species = 'zebra_plains' >>> task_key = 'match_state' """ base_url = 'https://{remote}/public/models/pairclf'.format(**self.publish_info) task_fnames = self.published[species] fname = task_fnames[task_key] grabkw = dict(appname='wbia', check_hash=False, verbose=0) meta_url = base_url + '/' + fname + self.meta_suffix meta_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(meta_url, **grabkw) # NOQA deploy_url = base_url + '/' + fname deploy_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(deploy_url, **grabkw) verif = self._make_verifier(ibs, deploy_fpath, task_key) return verif def _make_ensemble_verifier(self, task_key, clf_key, data_key): pblm = self.pblm ibs = pblm.infr.ibs data_info = pblm.feat_extract_info[data_key] # Hack together an ensemble verifier clf_list = pblm.eval_task_clfs[task_key][clf_key][data_key] labels = pblm.samples.subtasks[task_key] eclf = sklearn_utils.voting_ensemble(clf_list, voting='soft') deploy_info = { 'clf': eclf, 'metadata': { 'task_key': task_key, 'clf_key': 'ensemble({})'.format(data_key), 'data_key': data_key, 'class_names': labels.class_names, 'data_info': data_info, }, } verif = verifier.Verifier(ibs, deploy_info) return verif def _make_verifier(self, ibs, deploy_fpath, task_key): """ Ignore: # py3 side clf = deploy_info['clf'] a = clf.estimators_[0] b = a.tree_ ut.save_data('_tree.pkl', b) c = b.__getstate__() d = c['nodes'] ut.save_data('_nodes.pkl', d) a.estimators_[0].tree_.__getstate__()['nodes'] Ignore: # py2 side ut.load_data('_tree.pkl') ut.load_data('_nodes.pkl') >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> params = dict(sample_method='random') >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_MTEST', **params) >>> pblm.setup(with_simple=False) >>> task_key = pblm.primary_task_key >>> self = Deployer(dpath='.', pblm=pblm) >>> deploy_info = self.deploy() a = deploy_info['clf'] d = a.estimators_[0].tree_.__getstate__()['nodes'] Ignore: I'm having a similar issue when trying to use python2 to load a sklearn RandomForestClassifier that I saved in python3. I created a MWE. In python 3 import numpy as np import pickle data = np.array( [( 1, 26, 69, 5.32214928e+00, 0.69562945, 563, 908., 1), ( 2, 7, 62, 1.74883020e+00, 0.33854101, 483, 780., 1), (-1, -1, -2, -2.00000000e+00, 0.76420451, 7, 9., -2), (-1, -1, -2, -2.00000000e+00, 0. , 62, 106., -2)], dtype=[('left_child', '<i8'), ('right_child', '<i8'), ('feature', '<i8'), ('threshold', '<f8'), ('impurity', '<f8'), ('n_node_samples', '<i8'), ('weighted_n_node_samples', '<f8'), ('missing_direction', '<i8')]) # Save using pickle with open('data.pkl', 'wb') as file_: # Use protocol 2 to support python2 and 3 pickle.dump(data, file_, protocol=2) # Save with numpy directly'data.npy', data) Then in python 2 # Load with pickle import pickle with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as file_: data = pickle.load(file_) # This results in `ValueError: non-string names in Numpy dtype unpickling` # Load with numpy directly data = np.load('data.npy') # This works However this still doesn't make sklearn play nice between 2 and 3. So, how can we get pickle to load this numpy object correctly? Here is the fix suggested in the link: from lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports import MAPPING import sys import pickle # MAPPING maps Python 2 names to Python 3 names. We want this in reverse. REVERSE_MAPPING = {} for key, val in MAPPING.items(): REVERSE_MAPPING[val] = key # We can override the Unpickler and loads class Python_3_Unpickler(pickle.Unpickler): def find_class(self, module, name): if module in REVERSE_MAPPING: module = REVERSE_MAPPING[module] __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] klass = getattr(mod, name) return klass with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as file_: data = Python_3_Unpickler(file_).load() This still doesn't work """ deploy_info = ut.load_data(deploy_fpath) verif = verifier.Verifier(ibs, deploy_info=deploy_info) if task_key is not None: assert ( verif.metadata['task_key'] == task_key ), 'bad saved clf at fpath={}'.format(deploy_fpath) return verif
[docs] def load_published(self, ibs, species): task_fnames = self.published[species]'loading published: %r' % (task_fnames,)) classifiers = { task_key: self._load_published(ibs, species, task_key) for task_key in task_fnames.keys() }'loaded classifiers: %r' % (classifiers,)) return classifiers
[docs] def find_pretrained(self): import glob import parse fname_fmt = self.fname_fmtstr + '.cPkl' task_clf_candidates = ut.ddict(list) globstr = self.fname_parts[0] + '.*.cPkl' for fpath in glob.iglob(join(self.dpath, globstr)): fname = basename(fpath) result = parse.parse(fname_fmt, fname) if result: task_key = result.named['task_key'] task_clf_candidates[task_key].append(fpath) return task_clf_candidates
[docs] def find_latest_remote(self): """ Used to update the published dict CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.verif.vsone find_latest_remote Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> self = Deployer() >>> task_clf_names = self.find_latest_remote() """ base_url = 'https://{remote}/public/models/pairclf'.format(**self.publish_info) import requests import bs4 resp = requests.get(base_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser') table = soup.findAll('table')[0] def parse_bs_table(table): n_columns = 0 n_rows = 0 column_names = [] # Find number of rows and columns # we also find the column titles if we can for row in table.find_all('tr'): td_tags = row.find_all('td') if len(td_tags) > 0: n_rows += 1 if n_columns == 0: n_columns = len(td_tags) # Handle column names if we find them th_tags = row.find_all('th') if len(th_tags) > 0 and len(column_names) == 0: for th in th_tags: column_names.append(th.get_text()) # Safeguard on Column Titles if len(column_names) > 0 and len(column_names) != n_columns: raise Exception('Column titles do not match the number of columns') columns = column_names if len(column_names) > 0 else range(0, n_columns) import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=list(range(0, n_rows))) row_marker = 0 for row in table.find_all('tr'): column_marker = 0 columns = row.find_all('td') for column in columns: df.iat[row_marker, column_marker] = column.get_text().strip() column_marker += 1 if len(columns) > 0: row_marker += 1 return df df = parse_bs_table(table) # Find all available models df = df[df['Name'].map(lambda x: x.endswith('.cPkl'))] # df = df[df['Last modified'].map(len) > 0] fname_fmt = self.fname_fmtstr + '.cPkl' task_clf_candidates = ut.ddict(list) import parse for idx, row in df.iterrows(): fname = basename(row['Name']) result = parse.parse(fname_fmt, fname) if result: task_key = result.named['task_key'] species = result.named['species'] task_clf_candidates[(species, task_key)].append(idx) task_clf_fnames = ut.ddict(dict) for key, idxs in task_clf_candidates.items(): species, task_key = key # Find the classifier most recently created max_idx = ut.argmax(df.loc[idxs]['Last modified'].tolist()) fname = df.loc[idxs[max_idx]]['Name'] task_clf_fnames[species][task_key] = fname'published = ' + ut.repr2(task_clf_fnames, nl=2)) return task_clf_fnames
[docs] def find_latest_local(self): """ >>> self = Deployer() >>> self.find_pretrained() >>> self.find_latest_local() """ from os.path import getctime task_clf_candidates = self.find_pretrained() task_clf_fpaths = {} for task_key, fpaths in task_clf_candidates.items(): # Find the classifier most recently created fpath = fpaths[ut.argmax(map(getctime, fpaths))] task_clf_fpaths[task_key] = fpath return task_clf_fpaths
def _make_deploy_metadata(self, task_key=None): pblm = self.pblm if pblm.samples is None: pblm.setup() if task_key is None: task_key = pblm.primary_task_key # task_keys = list(pblm.samples.supported_tasks()) clf_key = pblm.default_clf_key data_key = pblm.default_data_key # Save the classifie data_info = pblm.feat_extract_info[data_key] feat_extract_config, feat_dims = data_info samples = pblm.samples labels = samples.subtasks[task_key] edge_hashid = samples.edge_set_hashid() label_hashid = samples.task_label_hashid(task_key) tasksamp_hashid = samples.task_sample_hashid(task_key) annot_hashid = ut.hashid_arr(samples._unique_annots.visual_uuids, 'annots') # species = pblm.infr.ibs.get_primary_database_species( # samples._unique_annots.aid) species = '+'.join(sorted(set(samples._unique_annots.species))) metadata = { 'tasksamp_hashid': tasksamp_hashid, 'edge_hashid': edge_hashid, 'label_hashid': label_hashid, 'annot_hashid': annot_hashid, 'class_hist': labels.make_histogram(), 'class_names': labels.class_names, 'data_info': data_info, 'task_key': task_key, 'species': species, 'data_key': data_key, 'clf_key': clf_key, 'n_dims': len(feat_dims), # 'aid_pairs': samples.aid_pairs, } meta_cfgstr = ut.repr2(metadata, kvsep=':', itemsep='', si=True) hashid = ut.hash_data(meta_cfgstr)[0:16] deploy_fname = self.fname_fmtstr.format(hashid=hashid, **metadata) + '.cPkl' deploy_metadata = metadata.copy() deploy_metadata['hashid'] = hashid deploy_metadata['fname'] = deploy_fname return deploy_metadata, deploy_fname def _make_deploy_info(self, task_key=None): pblm = self.pblm if pblm.samples is None: pblm.setup() if task_key is None: task_key = pblm.primary_task_key deploy_metadata, deploy_fname = self._make_deploy_metadata(task_key) clf_key = deploy_metadata['clf_key'] data_key = deploy_metadata['data_key'] clf = None if pblm.deploy_task_clfs: clf = pblm.deploy_task_clfs[task_key][clf_key][data_key] if not clf: pblm.learn_deploy_classifiers([task_key], clf_key, data_key) clf = pblm.deploy_task_clfs[task_key][clf_key][data_key] deploy_info = { 'clf': clf, 'metadata': deploy_metadata, } return deploy_info
[docs] def ensure(self, task_key): _, fname = self._make_deploy_metadata(task_key=task_key) fpath = join(self.dpath, fname) if exists(fpath): deploy_info = ut.load_data(fpath) assert bool(deploy_info['clf']), 'must have clf' else: deploy_info = self.deploy(task_key=task_key) assert exists(fpath), 'must now exist' verif = verifier.Verifier(self.pblm.infr.ibs, deploy_info=deploy_info) assert verif.metadata['task_key'] == task_key, 'bad saved clf at fpath={}'.format( fpath ) return verif
[docs] def deploy(self, task_key=None, publish=False): """ Trains and saves a classifier for deployment Notes: A deployment consists of the following information * The classifier itself * Information needed to construct the input to the classifier - TODO: can this be encoded as an sklearn pipeline? * Metadata concerning what data the classifier was trained with * PUBLISH TO /media/hdd/PUBLIC/models/pairclf Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn, --slow) >>> from wbia.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> params = dict(sample_method='random') >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_MTEST', **params) >>> pblm.setup(with_simple=False) >>> task_key = pblm.primary_task_key >>> self = Deployer(dpath='.', pblm=pblm) >>> deploy_info = self.deploy() Ignore: pblm.evaluate_classifiers(with_simple=False) res = pblm.task_combo_res[pblm.primary_task_key]['RF']['learn(sum,glob)'] """ deploy_info = self._make_deploy_info(task_key=task_key) deploy_fname = deploy_info['metadata']['fname'] meta_fname = deploy_fname + self.meta_suffix deploy_fpath = join(self.dpath, deploy_fname) meta_fpath = join(self.dpath, meta_fname) ut.save_json(meta_fpath, deploy_info['metadata']) ut.save_data(deploy_fpath, deploy_info) if publish: user = ut.get_user_name() remote_uri = '{user}@{remote}:{path}'.format(user=user, **self.publish_info) ut.rsync(meta_fpath, remote_uri + '/' + meta_fname) ut.rsync(deploy_fpath, remote_uri + '/' + deploy_fname) return deploy_info