Source code for wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Jegou's Source Code, Data, and Publications

    To aggregate or not to aggregate: selective match kernels for image search

    Image search with selective match kernels: aggregation across single and multiple images

    Negative evidences and co-occurrences in image retrieval: the benefit of PCA and whitening

    Revisiting the VLAD image representation

    Aggregating local descriptors into a compact image representation

    Large-scale image retrieval with compressed Fisher vectors

    Improving Bag of Features

    Lost in Quantization

    A Context Dissimilarity Measure for Accurate and Efficient Image Search

    Video Google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos

    Hamming embedding and weak geometric consistency for large scale image search

    Three things everyone should know to improve object retrieval

    Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial matching

    Aggregating Local Descriptors into Compact Codes

    Local visual query expansion

    Root SIFT technique

    Fisher Kernel For Large Scale Classification

    Orientation covariant aggregation of local descriptors with embeddings
import logging
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import numpy as np

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def cast_residual_integer(rvecs): """ quantize residual vectors to 8-bits using the same trunctation hack as in SIFT. values will typically not reach the maximum, so we can multiply by a higher number for better fidelity. Args: rvecs (ndarray[float64_t]): Returns: ndarray[uint8_t]: CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs cast_residual_integer --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> rvecs = testdata_rvecs(dim=128)['rvecs'][4:] >>> rvecs_int8 = cast_residual_integer(rvecs) >>> rvecs_float = uncast_residual_integer(rvecs_int8) >>> # Casting from float to int8 will result in a max quantization error >>> measured_error = np.abs(rvecs_float - rvecs) >>> # But there are limits on what this error can be >>> cutoff = 127 # np.iinfo(np.int8).max >>> fidelity = 255.0 >>> theory_error_in = 1 / fidelity >>> theory_error_out = (fidelity - cutoff) / fidelity >>> # Determine if any component values exceed the cutoff >>> is_inside = (np.abs(rvecs * fidelity) < cutoff) >>> # Check theoretical maximum for values inside and outside cutoff >>> error_stats_in = ut.get_stats(measured_error[is_inside]) >>> error_stats_out = ut.get_stats(measured_error[~is_inside]) >>> print('inside cutoff error stats: ' + ut.repr4(error_stats_in, precision=8)) >>> print('outside cutoff error stats: ' + ut.repr4(error_stats_out, precision=8)) >>> assert rvecs_int8.dtype == np.int8 >>> assert np.all(measured_error[is_inside] < theory_error_in) >>> assert np.all(measured_error[~is_inside] < theory_error_out) """ # maybe don't round? # return np.clip(rvecs * 255.0, -127, 127).astype(np.int8) # TODO: -128, 127 return np.clip(np.round(rvecs * 255.0), -127, 127).astype(np.int8)
[docs]def uncast_residual_integer(rvecs): """ Args: rvecs (ndarray[uint8_t]): Returns: ndarray[float64_t]: """ return rvecs.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
[docs]def compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets): """ More efficient version of agg on a stacked structure Args: words (ndarray): entire vocabulary of words flat_wxs_assign (ndarray): maps a stacked index to word index flat_vecs (ndarray): stacked SIFT descriptors flat_offsets (ndarray): offset positions per annotation Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> data = testdata_rvecs(dim=2, nvecs=1000, nannots=10) >>> words = data['words'] >>> flat_offsets = data['offset_list'] >>> flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs = ut.take(data, ['idx_to_wx', 'vecs']) >>> tup = compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets) >>> all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup >>> agg_rvecs_list = [all_agg_vecs[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)] >>> agg_flags_list = [all_error_flags[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)] >>> assert len(agg_flags_list) == len(flat_offsets) - 1 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> data = testdata_rvecs(dim=2, nvecs=100, nannots=5) >>> words = data['words'] >>> flat_offsets = data['offset_list'] >>> flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs = ut.take(data, ['idx_to_wx', 'vecs']) >>> tup = compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets) >>> all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup >>> agg_rvecs_list = [all_agg_vecs[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)] >>> agg_flags_list = [all_error_flags[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)] >>> assert len(agg_flags_list) == len(flat_offsets) - 1 """ grouped_wxs = [ flat_wxs_assign[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(flat_offsets) ] # Assume single assignment, aggregate everything # across the entire database flat_offsets = np.array(flat_offsets) idx_to_dx = ( np.searchsorted(flat_offsets, np.arange(len(flat_wxs_assign)), side='right') - 1 ).astype(np.int32) if isinstance(flat_wxs_assign, wx_list = flat_wxs_assign.T[0].compressed() else: wx_list = flat_wxs_assign.T[0].ravel() unique_wx, groupxs = vt.group_indices(wx_list) dim = flat_vecs.shape[1] if isinstance(flat_wxs_assign, dx_to_wxs = [np.unique(wxs.compressed()) for wxs in grouped_wxs] else: dx_to_wxs = [np.unique(wxs.ravel()) for wxs in grouped_wxs] dx_to_nagg = [len(wxs) for wxs in dx_to_wxs] num_agg_vecs = sum(dx_to_nagg) # all_agg_wxs = np.hstack(dx_to_wxs) agg_offset_list = np.array([0] + ut.cumsum(dx_to_nagg)) # Preallocate agg residuals for all dxs all_agg_vecs = np.empty((num_agg_vecs, dim), dtype=np.float32) all_agg_vecs[:, :] = np.nan # precompute agg residual stack i_to_dxs = vt.apply_grouping(idx_to_dx, groupxs) subgroup = [vt.group_indices(dxs) for dxs in ut.ProgIter(i_to_dxs)] i_to_unique_dxs = ut.take_column(subgroup, 0) i_to_dx_groupxs = ut.take_column(subgroup, 1) num_words = len(unique_wx) # Overall this takes 5 minutes and 21 seconds # I think the other method takes about 12 minutes for i in ut.ProgIter(range(num_words), 'agg'): wx = unique_wx[i] xs = groupxs[i] dxs = i_to_unique_dxs[i] dx_groupxs = i_to_dx_groupxs[i] word = words[wx : wx + 1] offsets1 = agg_offset_list.take(dxs) offsets2 = [np.where(dx_to_wxs[dx] == wx)[0][0] for dx in dxs] offsets = np.add(offsets1, offsets2, out=offsets1) # if __debug__: # assert np.bincount(dxs).max() < 2 # offset = agg_offset_list[dxs[0]] # assert np.all(dx_to_wxs[dxs[0]] == all_agg_wxs[offset:offset + # dx_to_nagg[dxs[0]]]) # Compute residuals rvecs = flat_vecs[xs] - word vt.normalize(rvecs, axis=1, out=rvecs) rvecs[np.all(np.isnan(rvecs), axis=1)] = 0 # Aggregate across same images grouped_rvecs = vt.apply_grouping(rvecs, dx_groupxs, axis=0) agg_rvecs_ = [rvec_group.sum(axis=0) for rvec_group in grouped_rvecs] # agg_rvecs = np.vstack(agg_rvecs_) all_agg_vecs[offsets, :] = agg_rvecs_ assert not np.any(np.isnan(all_agg_vecs))'Apply normalization') vt.normalize(all_agg_vecs, axis=1, out=all_agg_vecs) all_error_flags = np.all(np.isnan(all_agg_vecs), axis=1) all_agg_vecs[all_error_flags, :] = 0 # ndocs_per_word1 = np.array(ut.lmap(len, wx_to_unique_dxs)) # ndocs_total1 = len(flat_offsets) - 1 # idf1 = smk_funcs.inv_doc_freq(ndocs_total1, ndocs_per_word1) tup = all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list return tup
[docs]def compute_rvec(vecs, word): """ Compute residual vectors phi(x_c) Subtract each vector from its quantized word to get the resiudal, then normalize residuals to unit length. CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs compute_rvec --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> vecs, words = ut.take(testdata_rvecs(), ['vecs', 'words']) >>> word = words[-1] >>> rvecs, error_flags = compute_rvec(vecs, word) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.figure() >>> # recenter residuals for visualization >>> cvecs = (rvecs + word[None, :]) >>> pt.plot(word[0], word[1], 'r*', markersize=12, label='word') >>> pt.plot(vecs.T[0], vecs.T[1], 'go', label='original vecs') >>> pt.plot(cvecs.T[0], cvecs.T[1], 'b.', label='re-centered rvec') >>> pt.draw_line_segments2(cvecs, [word] * len(cvecs), alpha=.5, color='black') >>> pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') >>> pt.legend() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ rvecs = np.subtract(vecs.astype(np.float32), word.astype(np.float32)) # If a vec is a word then the residual is 0 and it cant be L2 noramlized. error_flags = np.all(rvecs == 0, axis=1) vt.normalize(rvecs, axis=1, out=rvecs) # reset these values to zero if np.any(error_flags): rvecs[error_flags, :] = 0 return rvecs, error_flags
[docs]def aggregate_rvecs(rvecs, maws, error_flags): r""" Compute aggregated residual vectors Phi(X_c) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs aggregate_rvecs --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> vecs, words = ut.take(testdata_rvecs(), ['vecs', 'words']) >>> word = words[-1] >>> rvecs, error_flags = compute_rvec(vecs, word) >>> maws = [1.0] * len(rvecs) >>> agg_rvec, agg_flag = aggregate_rvecs(rvecs, maws, error_flags) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.qt4ensure() >>> pt.figure() >>> # recenter residuals for visualization >>> agg_cvec = agg_rvec + word >>> cvecs = (rvecs + word[None, :]) >>> pt.plot(word[0], word[1], 'r*', markersize=12, label='word') >>> pt.plot(agg_cvec[0], agg_cvec[1], 'ro', label='re-centered agg_rvec') >>> pt.plot(vecs.T[0], vecs.T[1], 'go', label='original vecs') >>> pt.plot(cvecs.T[0], cvecs.T[1], 'b.', label='re-centered rvec') >>> pt.draw_line_segments2([word] * len(cvecs), cvecs, alpha=.5, color='black') >>> pt.draw_line_segments2([word], [agg_cvec], alpha=.5, color='red') >>> pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') >>> pt.legend() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # Propogate errors from previous step agg_flag = np.any(error_flags, axis=0) if rvecs.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError('cannot compute without rvecs') if rvecs.shape[0] == 1: # Efficiency shortcut agg_rvec = rvecs else: # Prealloc residual vector, take the weighted sum and renormalize. agg_rvec = np.empty(rvecs.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) out = agg_rvec if False: # Take weighted average of multi-assigned vectors coeff = np.divide(maws, maws.sum())[:, None] agg_rvec = (coeff * rvecs).sum(axis=0, out=out) else: # Don't consider multiple assignment weights agg_rvec = rvecs.sum(axis=0, out=out) is_zero = np.all(agg_rvec == 0) vt.normalize(agg_rvec, axis=0, out=agg_rvec) if is_zero: agg_flag = True return agg_rvec, agg_flag
[docs]def weight_multi_assigns( _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist, massign_alpha=1.2, massign_sigma=80.0, massign_equal_weights=False, ): r""" Multi Assignment Weight Filtering from Improving Bag of Features Args: massign_equal_weights (): Turns off soft weighting. Gives all assigned vectors weight 1 Returns: tuple : (idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> _idx_to_wx = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [2, 0]]) >>> _idx_to_wdist = np.array([[.1, .11], [.2, .25], [.03, .25], [0, 1]]) >>> massign_alpha = 1.2 >>> massign_sigma = 80.0 >>> massign_equal_weights = False >>> idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = weight_multi_assigns( >>> _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, >>> massign_equal_weights) >>> result = 'idx_to_wxs = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_wxs.astype(np.float64)),) >>> result += '\nidx_to_maws = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_maws, precision=2),) >>> print(result) idx_to_wxs =[[0., 1.], [2., inf], [4., inf], [2., 0.]]) idx_to_maws =[[0.5, 0.5], [1. , inf], [1. , inf], [0.5, 0.5]]) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> _idx_to_wx = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [2, 0]]) >>> _idx_to_wdist = np.array([[.1, .11], [.2, .25], [.03, .25], [0, 1]]) >>> _idx_to_wx = _idx_to_wx.astype(np.int32) >>> _idx_to_wdist = _idx_to_wdist.astype(np.float32) >>> massign_alpha = 1.2 >>> massign_sigma = 80.0 >>> massign_equal_weights = True >>> idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = weight_multi_assigns( >>> _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, >>> massign_equal_weights) >>> result = 'idx_to_wxs = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_wxs.astype(np.float64)),) >>> result += '\nidx_to_maws = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_maws, precision=2),) >>> print(result) idx_to_wxs =[[0., 1.], [2., inf], [4., inf], [2., 0.]]) idx_to_maws =[[1., 1.], [1., inf], [1., inf], [1., 1.]]) """ if _idx_to_wx.shape[1] <= 1: idx_to_wxs = _idx_to_wx.tolist() idx_to_maws = [[1.0]] * len(idx_to_wxs) else: # Valid word assignments are beyond fraction of distance to the nearest word ma_thresh = _idx_to_wdist.T[0:1].T.copy() # If the nearest word has distance 0 then this threshold is too hard so # we should use the distance to the second nearest word. flag_too_close = np.isclose(ma_thresh, 0) ma_thresh[flag_too_close] = _idx_to_wdist.T[1:2].T[flag_too_close] # Compute a threshold based on the nearest assignment. eps = 0.001 ma_thresh = np.add(eps, ma_thresh, out=ma_thresh) ma_thresh = np.multiply(massign_alpha, ma_thresh, out=ma_thresh) # Invalidate assignments that are too far away invalid = np.greater_equal(_idx_to_wdist, ma_thresh) if ut.VERBOSE: nInvalid = (invalid.size - invalid.sum(), invalid.size)'[maw] + massign_alpha = %r' % (massign_alpha,))'[maw] + massign_sigma = %r' % (massign_sigma,))'[maw] + massign_equal_weights = %r' % (massign_equal_weights,))'[maw] * Marked %d/%d assignments as invalid' % nInvalid) if massign_equal_weights: # Performance hack from jegou paper: just give everyone equal weight idx_to_wxs =, mask=invalid, fill_value=-1) # idx_to_wxs = ut.lmap(ut.filter_Nones, masked_wxs.tolist()) idx_to_maws = idx_to_wxs.shape, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32 ) idx_to_maws.mask = idx_to_wxs.mask # idx_to_maws = [np.ones(len(wxs), dtype=np.float32) # for wxs in idx_to_wxs] else: # More natural weighting scheme # Weighting as in Lost in Quantization gauss_numer = np.negative(_idx_to_wdist) gauss_denom = 2 * (massign_sigma ** 2) gauss_exp = np.divide(gauss_numer, gauss_denom) unnorm_maw = np.exp(gauss_exp) # Mask invalid multiassignment weights masked_unorm_maw =, mask=invalid) # Normalize multiassignment weights from 0 to 1 masked_norm = masked_unorm_maw.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] masked_maw = np.divide(masked_unorm_maw, masked_norm) masked_wxs =, mask=invalid) # Just keep masked arrays as they are # (more efficient than python lists) idx_to_wxs = masked_wxs idx_to_maws = masked_maw # # Remove masked weights and word indexes # idx_to_wxs = [np.array(ut.filter_Nones(wxs), dtype=np.int32) # for wxs in masked_wxs.tolist()] # idx_to_maws = [np.array(ut.filter_Nones(maw), dtype=np.float32) # for maw in masked_maw.tolist()] return idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws
[docs]def assign_to_words( vocab, idx_to_vec, nAssign, massign_alpha=1.2, massign_sigma=80.0, massign_equal_weights=False, verbose=None, ): """ Assigns descriptor-vectors to nearest word. Notes: Maybe move out of this file? The usage of vocab is out of this file scope. Args: wordflann (FLANN): nearest neighbor index over words words (ndarray): vocabulary words idx_to_vec (ndarray): descriptors to assign nAssign (int): number of words to assign each descriptor to massign_alpha (float): multiple-assignment ratio threshold massign_sigma (float): multiple-assignment gaussian variance massign_equal_weights (bool): assign equal weight to all multiassigned words Returns: tuple: inverted index, multi-assigned weights, and forward index formated as: * wx_to_idxs - word index -> vector indexes * wx_to_maws - word index -> multi-assignment weights * idx2_wxs - vector index -> assigned word indexes Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> idx_to_vec = depc.d.get_feat_vecs(aid_list)[0][0::300] >>> idx_to_vec = np.vstack((idx_to_vec, vocab.wx_to_word[0])) >>> nAssign = 2 >>> massign_equal_weights = False >>> massign_alpha = 1.2 >>> massign_sigma = 80.0 >>> nAssign = 2 >>> idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = assign_to_words(vocab, idx_to_vec, nAssign) >>> print('idx_to_maws = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_wxs, precision=2),)) >>> print('idx_to_wxs = %s' % (ut.repr2(idx_to_maws, precision=2),)) """ if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE if verbose:'[vocab.assign] +--- Start Assign vecs to words.')'[vocab.assign] * nAssign=%r' % nAssign) '[vocab.assign] assign_to_words_. len(idx_to_vec) = %r' % len(idx_to_vec) ) _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist = vocab.nn_index(idx_to_vec, nAssign) if nAssign > 1: idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = weight_multi_assigns( _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, massign_equal_weights, ) else: # idx_to_wxs = _idx_to_wx.tolist() # idx_to_maws = [[1.0]] * len(idx_to_wxs) idx_to_wxs =, fill_value=-1) idx_to_maws =, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.float32) idx_to_maws.mask = idx_to_wxs.mask return idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws
[docs]def invert_assigns_old(idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws, verbose=False): r""" Inverts assignment of vectors to words into words to vectors. Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> idx_to_wxs = [ >>> np.array([0, 4], dtype=np.int32), >>> np.array([2], dtype=np.int32), >>> np.array([2, 0], dtype=np.int32), >>> ] >>> idx_to_maws = [ >>> np.array([ 0.5, 0.5], dtype=np.float32), >>> np.array([ 1.], dtype=np.float32), >>> np.array([ 0.5, 0.5], dtype=np.float32), >>> ] >>> wx_to_idxs, wx_to_maws = invert_assigns_old(idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws) >>> result = 'wx_to_idxs = %s' % (ut.repr4(wx_to_idxs, with_dtype=True),) >>> result += '\nwx_to_maws = %s' % (ut.repr4(wx_to_maws, with_dtype=True),) >>> print(result) wx_to_idxs = { 0: np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int32), 2: np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int32), 4: np.array([0], dtype=np.int32), } wx_to_maws = { 0: np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=np.float32), 2: np.array([1. , 0.5], dtype=np.float32), 4: np.array([0.5], dtype=np.float32), } """ # Invert mapping -- Group by word indexes idx_to_nAssign = [len(wxs) for wxs in idx_to_wxs] jagged_idxs = [[idx] * num for idx, num in enumerate(idx_to_nAssign)] wx_keys, groupxs = vt.jagged_group(idx_to_wxs) idxs_list = vt.apply_jagged_grouping(jagged_idxs, groupxs) idxs_list = [np.array(idxs, dtype=np.int32) for idxs in idxs_list] wx_to_idxs = dict(zip(wx_keys, idxs_list)) maws_list = vt.apply_jagged_grouping(idx_to_maws, groupxs) maws_list = [np.array(maws, dtype=np.float32) for maws in maws_list] wx_to_maws = dict(zip(wx_keys, maws_list)) if verbose:'[vocab] L___ End Assign vecs to words.') return (wx_to_idxs, wx_to_maws)
[docs]def invert_assigns(idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws, verbose=False): r""" Inverts assignment of vectors->to->words into words->to->vectors. Invert mapping -- Group by word indexes This gives a HUGE speedup over the old invert_assigns Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> idx_to_wxs =[ >>> (0, 4), >>> (2, -1), >>> (2, 0)], dtype=np.int32) >>> idx_to_wxs[1, 1] = >>> idx_to_maws = >>> [(.5, 1.), (1., np.nan), (.5, .5)], dtype=np.float32) >>> idx_to_maws[1, 1] = >>> tup = invert_assigns(idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws) >>> wx_to_idxs, wx_to_maws = tup >>> result = 'wx_to_idxs = %s' % (ut.repr4(wx_to_idxs, with_dtype=True),) >>> result += '\nwx_to_maws = %s' % (ut.repr4(wx_to_maws, with_dtype=True),) >>> print(result) wx_to_idxs = { 0: np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.int32), 2: np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int32), 4: np.array([0], dtype=np.int32), } wx_to_maws = { 0: np.array([0.5, 0.5], dtype=np.float32), 2: np.array([1. , 0.5], dtype=np.float32), 4: np.array([1.], dtype=np.float32), } """ assert isinstance(idx_to_wxs, assert isinstance(idx_to_maws, nrows, ncols = idx_to_wxs.shape if len(idx_to_wxs.mask.shape) == 0: valid_mask = np.ones((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.bool) else: valid_mask = ~idx_to_maws.mask # idx_to_nAssign = (valid_mask).sum(axis=1) _valid_x2d = np.flatnonzero(valid_mask) flat_idxs = np.floor_divide(_valid_x2d, ncols, dtype=np.int32) flat_wxs = idx_to_wxs.compressed() flat_maws = idx_to_maws.compressed() sortx = flat_wxs.argsort() flat_wxs = flat_wxs.take(sortx) flat_idxs = flat_idxs.take(sortx) flat_maws = flat_maws.take(sortx) wx_keys, groupxs = vt.group_indices(flat_wxs) idxs_list = vt.apply_grouping(flat_idxs, groupxs) maws_list = vt.apply_grouping(flat_maws, groupxs) wx_to_idxs = dict(zip(wx_keys, idxs_list)) wx_to_maws = dict(zip(wx_keys, maws_list)) if verbose:'[vocab] L___ End Assign vecs to words.') return (wx_to_idxs, wx_to_maws)
[docs]def invert_lists(aids, wx_lists, all_wxs=None): """ takes corresponding lists of (aids, wxs) and maps wxs to aids Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> aids = [1, 2, 3] >>> wx_lists = [[0, 1], [20, 0, 1], [3]] >>> wx_to_aids = invert_lists(aids, wx_lists) >>> result = ('wx_to_aids = %s' % (ut.repr2(wx_to_aids),)) >>> print(result) wx_to_aids = {0: [1, 2], 1: [1, 2], 3: [3], 20: [2]} """ if all_wxs is None: wx_to_aids = ut.ddict(list) else: wx_to_aids = {wx: [] for wx in all_wxs} for aid, wxs in zip(aids, wx_lists): for wx in wxs: wx_to_aids[wx].append(aid) return wx_to_aids
[docs]def inv_doc_freq(ndocs_total, ndocs_per_word): """ Args: ndocs_total (int): numer of unique documents ndocs_per_word (ndarray): ndocs_per_word[i] should correspond to the number of unique documents containing word[i] Returns: ndarrary: idf_per_word Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> ndocs_total = 21 >>> ndocs_per_word = [0, 21, 20, 2, 15, 8, 12, 1, 2] >>> idf_per_word = inv_doc_freq(ndocs_total, ndocs_per_word) >>> result = '%s' % (ut.repr2(idf_per_word, precision=2),) >>> print(result) np.array([0. , 0. , 0.05, 2.35, 0.34, 0.97, 0.56, 3.04, 2.35]) """ # We add epsilon to numer and denom to ensure recep is a probability out = np.empty(len(ndocs_per_word), dtype=np.float32) out[:] = ndocs_per_word # use jegou's version out = np.divide(ndocs_total, out, out=out) idf_per_word = np.log(out, out=out) idf_per_word[np.isinf(idf_per_word)] = 0 return idf_per_word
# if not adjust: # # Typically for IDF, 1 is added to the denom to prevent divide by 0 # out[:] = ndocs_per_word # ndocs_total += 1 # else: # # We add the 1 to the denominator and 2 to the numberator # # to prevent words from receiving 0 weight # out = np.add(ndocs_per_word, 1, out=out) # ndocs_total += 2 # out = np.divide(ndocs_total, out, out=out) # idf_per_word = np.log(out, out=out) # return idf_per_word
[docs]@profile def match_scores_agg(PhisX, PhisY, flagsX, flagsY, alpha, thresh): """ Scores matches to multiple words using aggregate residual vectors Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> PhisX = np.array([[ 0. , 0. ], >>> [-1. , 0. ], >>> [ 0.85085751, 0.52539652], >>> [-0.89795083, -0.4400958 ], >>> [-0.99934547, 0.03617512]]) >>> PhisY = np.array([[ 0.88299408, -0.46938411], >>> [-0.12096522, -0.99265675], >>> [-0.99948266, -0.03216222], >>> [-0.08394916, -0.99647004], >>> [-0.96414952, -0.26535957]]) >>> flagsX = np.array([True, False, False, True, False])[:, None] >>> flagsY = np.array([False, False, False, True, False])[:, None] >>> alpha = 3.0 >>> thresh = 0.0 >>> score_list = match_scores_agg(PhisX, PhisY, flagsX, flagsY, alpha, thresh) >>> result = 'score_list = ' + ut.repr2(score_list, precision=4) >>> print(result) score_list = np.array([1. , 0.0018, 0. , 1. , 0.868 ]) """ # Can speedup aggregate with one vector per word assumption. # Take dot product between correponding VLAD vectors u = (PhisX * PhisY).sum(axis=1) # Propogate error flags flags = np.logical_or(flagsX.T[0], flagsY.T[0]) assert len(flags) == len(u), 'mismatch' u[flags] = 1 score_list = selectivity(u, alpha, thresh, out=u) return score_list
[docs]@profile def match_scores_sep(phisX_list, phisY_list, flagsX_list, flagsY_list, alpha, thresh): """ Scores matches to multiple words using lists of separeated residual vectors """ scores_list = [] _iter = zip(phisX_list, phisY_list, flagsX_list, flagsY_list) for phisX, phisY, flagsX, flagsY in _iter: u = flags = np.logical_or(flagsX.T[0], flagsY.T[0]) u[flags] = 1 scores = selectivity(u, alpha, thresh, out=u) scores_list.append(scores) return scores_list
[docs]@profile def build_matches_agg(X_fxs, Y_fxs, X_maws, Y_maws, score_list): r""" Builds explicit features matches. Break and distribute up each aggregate score amongst its contributing features. Returns: tuple: (fm, fs) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs build_matches_agg --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> map_int = ut.partial(ut.lmap, ut.partial(np.array, dtype=np.int32)) >>> map_float = ut.partial(ut.lmap, ut.partial(np.array, dtype=np.float32)) >>> X_fxs = map_int([[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]) >>> Y_fxs = map_int([[8], [0, 4], [99]]) >>> X_maws = map_float([[1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1]]) >>> Y_maws = map_float([[1], [1, 1], [1]]) >>> score_list = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32) >>> (fm, fs) = build_matches_agg(X_fxs, Y_fxs, X_maws, Y_maws, score_list) >>> print('fm = ' + ut.repr2(fm)) >>> print('fs = ' + ut.repr2(fs)) >>> assert len(fm) == len(fs) >>> assert score_list.sum() == fs.sum() """ # Build feature matches # Spread word score according to contriubtion (maw) weight unflat_contrib = [ maws1[:, None].dot(maws2[:, None].T).ravel() for maws1, maws2 in zip(X_maws, Y_maws) ] unflat_factor = [contrib / contrib.sum() for contrib in unflat_contrib] # factor_list = np.divide(score_list, factor_list, out=factor_list) for score, factor in zip(score_list, unflat_factor): np.multiply(score, factor, out=factor) unflat_fs = unflat_factor # itertools.product seems fastest for small arrays unflat_fm = (ut.product(fxs1, fxs2) for fxs1, fxs2 in zip(X_fxs, Y_fxs)) fm = np.array(ut.flatten(unflat_fm), dtype=np.int32) fs = np.array(ut.flatten(unflat_fs), dtype=np.float32) isvalid = np.greater(fs, 0) fm = fm.compress(isvalid, axis=0) fs = fs.compress(isvalid, axis=0) return fm, fs
[docs]@profile def build_matches_sep(X_fxs, Y_fxs, scores_list): r""" Just build matches. Scores have already been broken up. No need to do that. Returns: tuple: (fm, fs) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs build_matches_agg --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> map_int = ut.partial(ut.lmap, ut.partial(np.array, dtype=np.int32)) >>> map_float = ut.partial(ut.lmap, ut.partial(np.array, dtype=np.float32)) >>> X_fxs = map_int([[0, 1], [2, 3, 4], [5]]) >>> Y_fxs = map_int([[8], [0, 4], [99]]) >>> scores_list = map_float([ >>> [[.1], [.2],], >>> [[.3, .4], [.4, .6], [.5, .9],], >>> [[.4]], >>> ]) >>> (fm, fs) = build_matches_sep(X_fxs, Y_fxs, scores_list) >>> print('fm = ' + ut.repr2(fm)) >>> print('fs = ' + ut.repr2(fs)) >>> assert len(fm) == len(fs) >>> assert np.isclose(np.sum(ut.total_flatten(scores_list)), fs.sum()) """ fs = np.array(ut.total_flatten(scores_list), dtype=np.float32) unflat_fm = (ut.product(fxs1, fxs2) for fxs1, fxs2 in zip(X_fxs, Y_fxs)) fm = np.array(ut.flatten(unflat_fm), dtype=np.int32) isvalid = np.greater(fs, 0) fm = fm.compress(isvalid, axis=0) fs = fs.compress(isvalid, axis=0) return fm, fs
[docs]@profile def gamma_agg(phisX, flagsX, weight_list, alpha, thresh): r""" Computes gamma (self consistency criterion) It is a scalar which ensures K(X, X) = 1 Returns: float: sccw self-consistency-criterion weight Math: gamma(X) = (sum_{c in C} w_c M(X_c, X_c))^{-.5} Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_pipeline import * # NOQA >>> ibs, smk, qreq_= testdata_smk() >>> X = qreq_.qinva.grouped_annots[0] >>> wx_to_weight = qreq_.wx_to_weight >>> print('X.gamma = %r' % (gamma(X),)) """ scores = match_scores_agg(phisX, phisX, flagsX, flagsX, alpha, thresh) sccw = sccw_normalize(scores, weight_list) return sccw
[docs]@profile def gamma_sep(phisX_list, flagsX_list, weight_list, alpha, thresh): scores_list = match_scores_sep( phisX_list, phisX_list, flagsX_list, flagsX_list, alpha, thresh ) scores = np.array([scores.sum() for scores in scores_list]) sccw = sccw_normalize(scores) return sccw
[docs]def sccw_normalize(scores, weight_list): scores *= weight_list score = scores.sum() sccw = np.reciprocal(np.sqrt(score)) return sccw
[docs]@profile def selective_match_score(phisX, phisY, flagsX, flagsY, alpha, thresh): """ computes the score of each feature match """ u = # Give error flags full scores. These are typically distinctive and # important cases without enough info to get residual data. flags = np.logical_or(flagsX[:, None], flagsY) u[flags] = 1 score = selectivity(u, alpha, thresh, out=u) return score
[docs]@profile def selectivity(u, alpha=3.0, thresh=0.0, out=None): r""" The selectivity function thresholds and applies a power law. This downweights weak matches. The following is the exact definition from SMK paper. sigma_alpha(u) = (sign(u) * (u ** alpha) if u > thresh else 0) Args: u (ndarray): input score between (-1, +1) alpha (float): power law (default = 3.0) thresh (float): number between 0 and 1 (default = 0.0) out (None): inplace output (default = None) Returns: float: score CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool plot_func --show --range=-1,1 \ --setup="import wbia" \ --func wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs.selectivity \ "lambda u: sign(u) * abs(u)**3.0 * greater_equal(u, 0)" python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs selectivity --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> u = np.array([-1.0, -.5, -.1, 0, .1, .5, 1.0]) >>> alpha = 3.0 >>> thresh = 0 >>> score = selectivity(u, alpha, thresh) >>> result = ut.repr2(score.tolist(), precision=4) >>> print(result) [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0010, 0.1250, 1.0000] """ score = u flags = np.less(score, thresh) isign = np.sign(score) score = np.abs(score, out=out) score = np.power(score, alpha, out=out) score = np.multiply(isign, score, out=out) score[flags] = 0 # # score = np.sign(u) * np.power(np.abs(u), alpha) # score *= flags return score
[docs]def testdata_rvecs(dim=2, nvecs=13, nwords=5, nannots=4): """ two dimensional test data CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs testdata_rvecs --show Ignore: dim = 2 nvecs = 13 nwords = 5 nannots = 5 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import * # NOQA >>> data = testdata_rvecs() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> exec(ut.execstr_dict(data)) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d >>> pt.qt4ensure() >>> fig = pt.figure() >>> vor = Voronoi(words) >>> pt.plot(words.T[0], words.T[1], 'r*', label='words') >>> pt.plot(vecs.T[0], vecs.T[1], 'b.', label='vecs') >>> # lines showing assignments (and residuals) >>> pts1 = vecs >>> pts2 = words[idx_to_wx.T[0]] >>> pt.draw_line_segments2(pts1, pts2) >>> pt.plot(vecs.T[0], vecs.T[1], 'g.', label='vecs') >>> voronoi_plot_2d(vor, show_vertices=False, ax=pt.gca()) >>> extents = vt.get_pointset_extents(np.vstack((vecs, words))) >>> extents = vt.scale_extents(extents, 1.1) >>> ax = pt.gca() >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') >>> ax.set_xlim(*extents[0:2]) >>> ax.set_ylim(*extents[2:4]) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # dim = dim # nvecs = 13 # nwords = 5 words = rng.rand(nwords, dim) vecs = rng.rand(nvecs, dim) # Create vector = word special case words[0, :] = 0.0 vecs[0, :] = 0.0 # Create aggregate canceling special case # TODO: ensure no other words are closer words[1, :] = 2.0 vecs[1:3, :] = 2.0 vecs[1, 0] = 1.2 vecs[2, 0] = 2.2 # vt.normalize(words, axis=1, inplace=True) # vt.normalize(vecs, axis=1, inplace=True) dist_mat = euclidean_distances(vecs, words) nAssign = 1 sortx2d = dist_mat.argsort(axis=1) row_offset = np.arange(sortx2d.shape[0])[:, None] sortx1d = (row_offset * sortx2d.shape[1] + sortx2d).ravel() idx_to_dist = dist_mat.take(sortx1d).reshape(sortx2d.shape)[:, :nAssign] idx_to_wx = sortx2d[:, :nAssign] rvecs, flags = compute_rvec(vecs, words[idx_to_wx.T[0]]) if nannots is None: nannots = rng.randint(nvecs) offset_list = [0] + sorted(rng.choice(nvecs, nannots - 1)) + [nvecs] # nfeat_list = np.diff(offset_list) data = { 'idx_to_dist': idx_to_dist, 'idx_to_wx': idx_to_wx, 'rvecs': rvecs, 'vecs': vecs, 'words': words, 'flags': flags, 'offset_list': offset_list, } return data